"Then Feiyun, you go first."

Mao Xiaofang didn't leave Yang Feiyun here either. What Ma Fan did this time was equivalent to his family shame, so it would be better if Yang Feiyun left.

After Yang Feiyun left Xiangdao Taoist Church, he did not go to Yu Dahai, but went straight home. He set up an altar in the secret room at home, and with the weapon he used to murder Chen Guixiang, sent a few paper figurines down with Maoshan techniques. .

Zhong Bang's soul went to the underworld and found Chen Guixiang. At the juncture of asking, the paper figurine killer arranged by Yang Feiyun's spell suddenly appeared and injured him.

In order to prevent Mao Xiaofang and Zhong Bang from suspecting him, Yang Feiyun took the magic knife and went to several cemeteries in Xugang overnight, summoning hundreds of evil ghosts and ghosts.

With these evil ghosts, the paper figurine killer he casts will be mistaken for these restless ghosts.

Chapter [*] Your family's money is all from the wind!

In fact, with Yang Feiyun's ability, it is not realistic to summon so many evil spirits at once, but that magic knife can increase his ability.

Moreover, the strong evil energy on the magic sword can increase the resentment of ghosts by geometric multiples. Some ghosts are not even ferocious, but the resentment in their hearts is attracted by the evil energy of the magic sword, and they almost go crazy.

Hundreds and thousands of ferocious ghosts and ghosts flew towards the city as if going mad.

In just one night, nearly a hundred citizens were frightened to death by ghosts and ghosts, and even more were killed by ghosts.

Mao Xiaofang could never have imagined that Yang Feiyun's Taoism was taught by him, and this Yang Feiyun, whom he regarded as a friend of life and death, was using the Taoism he taught to do evil.

"Master Mao, help, help!"

Early the next morning, many people went to Xiangdao Taoist Church, looking for Mao Xiaofang.

Among them are Yu Dahai and many rich people, but this kind of richness is also incomparable to Li Xihe and Emperor Wang.

Originally, it was the first choice for Jiang Lin to deal with such a thing as haunted, but since Yu Dahai was slaughtered for [*] yuan, almost everyone in the wealthy circle knew that Jiang Lin's fees were expensive.

They were reluctant to spend so much money, so they had to settle for the next best thing and come to Mao Xiaofang for help.

Now in Xugang, Mao Xiaofang's reputation is not small, even bigger than Jiang Lin's.

Therefore, in addition to Yu Dahai and the others, many citizens also came to Xiangdao Taoist Temple, begging Mao Xiaofang to help collect ghosts.

"What's the situation?"

Mao Xiaofang was a little puzzled. Why did such a large group of people come here this early in the morning?

After asking Yang Feiyun, who came with everyone, he learned that there were ghosts everywhere in Xugang last night, and many people died.

"Master, what's going on, okay, why are there so many evil ghosts and ghosts?"

Zhong Bang was very surprised. During this time, he had also mastered a lot of knowledge of Taoism, and he knew that there were usually hundreds of ghosts walking around at night and groups of ghosts running around on special days, such as the Sanpo Day and the Yu Lan Festival.

But now is not that kind of day at all.

"I don't know what's wrong with the underworld. Didn't you say yesterday that when you asked Chen Guixiang, there was a killer like a person, maybe it's some ghosts who made trouble."

Mao Xiaofang couldn't think of what happened to this large-scale haunting incident. He could only guess that there might be a problem below, and the situation that Zhong Bang encountered when he was wandering in the underworld, he also related it to this haunting incident. linked together.

A smile appeared on Yang Feiyun's mouth, which was exactly what he wanted.

Now that a Taoist temple has been opened in Xugang, there is a haunted incident here, and Mao Xiaofang will not ignore it. He asked Zhong Bang and Zeng Cheng to prepare a guy, and immediately go to find out what is going on, and deal with these evil ghosts.

At the same time, the same situation also appeared in Li Yangju in Jianglin, but only Bishop was there.

In order to convince Mao Xiaofang and the others that the ghosts that appeared were daring, Yang Feiyun let them go to some powerful families to make trouble.

This is also the reason why Bishop came to Jiang Lin.

Many officials or their family members have fallen victim to evil.

Even the governor's residence was harassed by ghosts, and the governor's little grandson was directly frightened.

Many of their police stations have been turned upside down by ghosts, and they left the matter to Bishop, who has experience in dealing with this aspect, and Bishop was so stressed that he could only come to Jiang Lin.

"How is this going?"

Jiang Lin also didn't understand why there were so many sneaks overnight, but things had already happened, so he no longer bothered about the reasons.

That's it for cooking.

"I didn't ask you for money last time, but this time I'll be rude. Two million will be settled in one day. Those who are evil and lost will be dealt with before dark. Deal with people, one million, and deal with ghosts. ,one million."

Jiang Lin directly set the price. Since Bishop came to him, he must have made a budget.

"Two million? I have to ask this, Brother Jiang, lend me your phone."

Jiang Lin opened his mouth to ask for [*] million, and Bishop also had a headache. He had no choice but to apply to his boss.

"Okay, just two million."

Moments later, Bishop got a reply, which agreed to the funding.

Now that the price was negotiated, Jiang Lin and Bishop went to the Governor's residence first.

When he arrived at the Governor's house, Jiang Lin only used three strokes, five divisions and two to fix the little grandson who was scared out of his mind by the Governor.

After that, Bishop took Jiang Lin to another place, the house of the director, minister, and director, to take care of those who were tricked or hurt by ghosts.

Jiang Lin didn't finish his work until night fell.

After the two got out of the hospital, Jiang Lin looked at the sky and asked Bishop to fill up the police car and take him for a stroll around the port.

"Brother Jiang, didn't you say that unless it was a ghost who wanted to kill someone, he would be beaten to pieces? There is still a lot to collect, and you don't bring any equipment?"

Bishop has seen a lot of ghosts and zombies, so he also has some understanding of these things.

Jiang Lin kills zombies, that's no problem, but a considerable part of the ghosts that are haunting now need to be collected and cannot be killed directly.

Therefore, he reminded Jiang Lin.

"I collect ghosts and don't need equipment."

Jiang Lin just asked Bishop to be the driver.

Bishop just drove a police car with Jiang Lin on the street. Now that there are ghosts everywhere, there is no need for a curfew at all. He is a normal person who hides at home and dares not come out.

Jiang Lin took out his commander Yin, and whenever he saw a ghost, he would make a move there, and then let Bishop continue to drive.

"Brother Jiang, don't tell me, I'll take you for a walk, and the ghosts will be finished?"

Because Bishop's eyes were opened by Jiang Lin, he could see that there were still ghosts and ghosts hidden on the street but taken by Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin looked at Bishop and said, "Why not?"

"My God, Brother Jiang, all the money from your family comes from the strong winds! During the day, you deal with those people, a few minutes of work, a few words, there are less than [*] people in total, you just One million. But now, you let me be the driver and take you around, this is another one million???”

Bishop was really speechless. During the day, he felt that it was too easy for Jiang Lin to make money.

But at night, he felt that his thoughts during the day were still too ignorant.

This evening, take a car, stroll, raise your hand, and go around.

One million in.

The wind is not blowing so fast!

Chapter [*] Letter from Uncle Nine

"If you think I want more, why don't you go for a walk with someone else?"

Jiang Lin rolled his eyes. It was his ability to handle things so casually. If it was a different person, he would walk around for hundreds of laps.

"No, no, we're willing to be a big wind to send money to Brother Jiang."

Bishop shook his head again and again, no one in Xugang has the ability.

Even not long ago, they met Mao Xiaofang's master and apprentice who were also collecting ghosts, but the latter couldn't do it casually.

After that, things were simple, Bishop drove the car, and Jiang Lin collected the ghost at the speed of light.

However, in the area near Xiangdao Daotang, Jiang Lin did not pass. Since Mao Xiaofang also accepted the entrustment, there is no need for him to grab business.

Even if he took Mao Xiaofang's share, he couldn't charge more.

Compared with Jiang Lin's efficiency, Mao Xiaofang was much worse. It took him three nights to collect all the ghosts and ghosts around Xiangdao Daotang.

Really pissed me off!

At midnight on the third day, Yang Feiyun looked at the many ghost-sealing bags placed on the altar in Xiangdao Taoist Temple, and his heart was full of anger.

This time, he has created so many evil ghosts. On the one hand, he wants Mao Xiaofang and the others not to suspect him about the paper man killer. On the other hand, he also wants to use these ghosts to exhaust Mao Xiaofang, so as to create for himself Chance to kill Mao Xiaofang.

But this plan was ruined by Jiang Lin.

But no matter how angry he was in his heart, he didn't dare to express his anger on Jiang Lin.

While Mao Xiaofang and the others were dealing with the collected evil spirits, Yang Feiyun said goodbye to Mao Xiaofang. He went to Zhong Bang's residence, took the sleeping Xiaozun away, and sent it to Xuankui's hiding place.

Since the release of the ghost failed to achieve his goal, and he was still unsure of how to deal with Mao Xiaofang, he asked Xuan Kui to do it for him.

"Master, Xiaozun is gone!"

Not long after, Zeng Chengcheng ran over in a panic and told Mao Xiaofang and Zhong Bang about Xiaozun's disappearance.

Previously, when the work of collecting ghosts was almost in progress, Mao Xiaofang did not let Zeng Cheng follow him, but let him take care of Xiao Zun to avoid any further accidents.

But Zeng Cheng still let Xiao Zun have an accident again.

In fact, it's not his fault, Yang Feiyun wanted him to take a nap, it couldn't be easier.

Mao Xiaofang and Zhong Bang didn't even have the time to scold Zeng Cheng, so they immediately went out to look for Xiao Zun, but they met Xuan Kui halfway.

During this time, Yang Feiyun was sending blood to Xuan Kui, plus Mao Xiaofang didn't rest for a few nights, and was seriously injured by Xuan Kui.

Mao Xiaofang fled into a temple, spat out his blood on the statue of Judge Zhong Kui in the temple, invited Zhong Kui to get on his body, and then repelled Xuan Kui.

After that, he and Zhong Bang found the sleeping Xiaozun in the Yizhuang where Xuankui was hiding.

The two checked the corpse poison in Xiao Zun's body, and then heaved a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Xiao Zun's corpse poison did not increase.

Otherwise, they don't know what to do.

If Xiao Zun had another accident, Mao Xiaofang really felt ashamed to trouble Jiang Lin to deal with this child.

"Trash, this trash!"

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