Zhong Bang is still reluctant to give up, even if he can't be a police detective in the future, he still wants to find the murderer of Chen Guixiang.

"Although you came to me, this is outrageous, but as a police detective, you can still score high. However, even if you are given half a month, can you guarantee to find the murderer? Since you I suspect that it is Yu Dahai, and they have gone to his secret room to investigate, but there are no clues there. If you want to find out the murderer, do you think there will be any clues left? Or do you think you are Sherlock Holmes?"

Jiang Lin smiled. He looked at Zhong Bang, who was speechless, and continued: "You don't have the reasoning and case-solving skills of Sherlock Holmes, but well, the dead can speak. In Maoshan Taoism, there is the method of summoning the soul. It is impossible for me to teach you, you can go to Master Mao. However, this kind of Taoism will not be easily taught to others. Even if you don't learn spiritualism, your physique can still freely travel to and from the world of yin and yang, but only It's just a foundation of Taoism."

Mao Xiaofang always wanted to take Zhong Bang as his apprentice, but now Zhong Bang's job was lost, so Jiang Lin showed Zhong Bang a way.

"Can you really make the dead speak? If you can recruit Chen Guixiang's soul, then you can know who the murderer is."

Zhong Bang pondered for a moment, and then said goodbye to Jiang Lin. Even if Jiang Lin didn't want to help him, he actually had nothing to complain about. He asked anyone on the street to ask questions. The police detective, who came to the Taoist priest to ask for reinstatement, was indeed unbelievable.

After Zhong Bang left Huixing Mountain, he was intercepted by his sister Zhong Jun halfway through. Zhong Jun had already heard that his younger brother had the physique of a five-generation strange man. As for who said that, except for Ma Fan, there was no one else. .

Zhong Jun took Zhong Bang to experiment on Zhong Bang on the grounds that he missed his deceased mother. As a result, Zhong Bang could let his dead mother kiss the upper body without using foreign objects at all to achieve the effect of asking rice.

After confirming that his younger brother is really a man of the fifth generation, Zhong Jun shouted to ask Zhong Bang to pass on the spells on the secret book to her, and help to fill the facade of the Seven Sisters Hall.

But Zhong Bang ignored her at all.

Even if he really wanted to learn magic, he had to find someone with real skills like Jiang Lin and Mao Xiaofang, and it was impossible for him to learn from a magician.

Not even my sister.

After that, Zhong Bang went to Xiangdao Taoist Church and told Mao Xiaofang that he was willing to be his teacher, but the premise was that he must first learn the Taoist technique of summoning the soul and traveling back and forth between the Yin and Yang realms, so as to find the murderer for Chen Guixiang.

Mao Xiaofang readily agreed, and happily quickly counted the auspicious days for Zhong Bang's apprenticeship.

"Husband, this time my master has fulfilled a wish."

Axiu put her face on Jiang Lin's shoulder. Yesterday, she received a notice from Zeng Cheng, saying that today was the day when the new junior brother Zhong Bang handed over the tea, and she and Jiang Lin were driving to Xiangdao Taoist Church.

"This is mainly because of me. If I hadn't kidnapped your master's most proud disciple, I wouldn't have told him that Zhong Bang has the physique of a five-generation strange man."

"Didn't you just kidnap me? At that time, people didn't understand anything."

Axiu pursed her lips. Back then, she didn't know anything about men and women, so she became the de facto mistress of the Jiang family.

Jiang Lin pinched Axiu's nose and said, "If you say I won't kidnap you, you won't enter Jiang's house."

It didn't take long for Jiang Lin and Axiu to arrive at the Fragrant Island Taoist Church. Mao Xiaofang was dressed very solemnly today, wearing a brand-new Taoist uniform. Even when the Taoist temple was newly opened, he didn't dress like this.

It can be seen that Mao Xiaofang attaches great importance to Zhong Bang, a disciple who is about to enter the school.

When Axiu entered the Taoist hall, she stood on one side with Ma Fan and Zeng Cheng, while Jiang Lin and Fang Tu watched the ceremony on the other side.

"First, please ask Yuanshi Tianzun."

"Once again, please ask Taishang Laojun."

After getting Mao Xiaofang's consent, Axiu cleared her throat and asked Zhong Bang, who was kneeling in the hall, to bow to the portrait of Sanqing.

"The head of the Tiandao Sect presides over the ceremony of accepting disciples."

After Axiu announced the official start of the ceremony, Mao Xiaofang took the unique talisman of the Tiandao School and burned it with a candle, and drew a Tai Chi on Zhong Bang's head.

"Abang, this is the token of our Tiandao sect, the Tiandao Bagua Mirror, you accept it, from now on, you are a disciple of the Tiandao sect, and also my apprentice. From today, you must follow the rules of the Tiandao sect, Respect for teachers."

Mao Xiaofang took off a gossip mirror on the altar and handed it to Zhong Bang.

Originally, as long as Zhong Bang received the gossip mirror, everything would be a matter of course, but at this moment, Zhong Jun and his three apprentices broke in and prevented Zhong Bang from worshipping Mao Xiaofang as his teacher.

In order to prevent this, she also brought her parents' tablets in her arms.

He also kidnapped Zhong Bang with his parents' last words.

In the end, Zhong Bang had no choice but to tell the truth to his sister, saying that before his parents died, he asked his younger brother to take care of his sister, not to let him listen to her sister.

Zhong Bang has made up his mind to be a teacher, and he will not change his mind no matter what Zhong Jun says.

"Abang, your sister won't sever your sibling relationship with you?"

Although Mao Xiaofang really wanted to take Zhong Bang as his apprentice, he didn't want to make Zhong Bang and his sister become enemies because of this.

Fang Tu said, "Master Mao, don't worry, Abang's sister has such a personality, and they will be reconciled in a few days."

That's good.

Mao Xiaofang nodded, then sat on the chair beside him and drank the apprentice tea delivered by Zhong Bang.

"Little Junior Brother, I will give you the task of carrying forward the Tiandao School in the future. Third Senior Sister, I have already married someone, so I will give you a gift this time."

After Zhong Bang's official entry, Axiu showed his affection to Jiang Lin, and Jiang Lin handed over the sword box in his hand.

Inside is a bone sword, the texture and power are even better than the copper sword in Mao Xiaofang's hand.

"It's still your little Axiu with a conscience."

Mao Xiaofang glanced at the bone sword and nodded with satisfaction. Axiu couldn't count on him, but now he has accepted Zhong Bang as his disciple, and with this spirit sword, if Zhong Bang succeeds in his cultivation in the future, then Even more powerful.

Their Tiandao faction can also be carried forward in Zhong Bang's hands.

Chapter [-] Yang Feiyun with a guilty conscience

"Thank you Third Senior Sister, thank you Jiang Xian...Jiang Shishu."

Zhong Bang respectfully took the sword box. Although he didn't know the meaning of the long sword, he saw the expression on Mao Xiaofang's face. .

"Look at the eyes of the two of you, your heart is still unbalanced? Before the junior junior brother entered the school, he could be a police detective in the newspaper. Can you compare? If you can also have the same attitude as the junior junior brother, it will be useful. Are you jealous here?"

Seeing that Ma Fan and Zeng Cheng didn't look good, Axiu didn't give them a good face.

When these two idiots were taking care of Xiao Zun before, they couldn't even look at individuals, they had nothing to do but eat and drink.

Seeing Zhong Bang entering the door at this moment, he received a gift, and he even put his dissatisfaction on his face.

Have a face?one by one.

Ma Fan and Zeng Cheng were scolded by Axiu, and immediately lowered their faces, but they were still jealous.

The apprentice acceptance ceremony was over, and Jiang Lin and Axiu didn't stay at the Fragrant Island Taoist.

"Master Mao, you have a new apprentice today, and I didn't catch up. Boss Yu has something in his business, and I really can't go away."

In the afternoon, Yang Feiyun came to Xiangdao Taoist Temple and apologized to Mao Xiaofang.

In fact, as long as Jiang Lin appeared, he was basically not there.

Especially after he changed his life against the sky, he didn't dare to meet Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin's ability is much higher than Mao Xiaofang's. Once they meet at close range, Jiang Lin may find that his fate has changed.

And once that happens, his true face cannot be disguised.

"Feiyun, you are quite busy. What's the matter? This time I have a new apprentice, and I feel very happy."

Mao Xiaofang told Yang Feiyun that Zhong Bang was a strange man of the fifth generation, and he also told Yang Feiyun about the purpose of Zhong Bang's apprenticeship.

It turned out that Zhong Bang wanted to check Chen Guixiang!

Yang Feiyun was very surprised that Zhong Bang actually wanted to use Taoism to enter the underworld and ask Chen Guixiang who the murderer was.

If I knew it earlier, the soul of Chen Guixiang would be dissipated.

Yang Feiyun very regretted that when he killed Chen Guixiang, he did not do the best.

Once Zhong Bang succeeds in his studies, he will be able to find Chen Guixiang's soul and find out who the murderer is.

For a while, Yang Feiyun was a little panicked. When he killed Chen Guixiang, he didn't expect these things to happen, so he was showing his true face at that time.

No, Zhong Bang must not be allowed to learn the magic of traveling between Yin and Yang from Mao Xiaofang.

Yang Feiyun secretly made up his mind that he wanted to turn Mao Xiaofang and Zhong Bang against each other.

Just when Yang Feiyun didn't know how to deploy the plan, he found an opportunity to take advantage of the conflict.

Mao Xiaofang didn't treat Yang Feiyun as an outsider, so he even talked about Jiang Lin and Axiu's gift of Zhong Bang's spirit sword.

On the other hand, Yang Feiyun noticed that Ma Fan and Zeng Cheng on the side showed jealous expressions.

Therefore, Yang Feiyun complimented Zhong Bang, stepped on two to hold one, and scolded Ma Fan and Zeng Cheng.

Ma Fan and Zeng Cheng were even more jealous.

In addition, Zhong Jun didn't give up, and also didn't want her younger brother to learn Taoism from Mao Xiaofang, her apprentice Ajin came up with an idea to let Mao Xiaofang drive Zhong Bang away.

Yang Feiyun and Zhong Jun both exerted their strength at the same time, and it didn't take long for them to have an effect.

Ajin's idea for Zhong Jun was to start with Ma Fan and provoke the relationship between Mao Xiaofang's disciples. She deliberately let Ma Fan know that she regarded Zhong Bang, who has the physique of the fifth generation, as her dream lover.

After Ma Fan knew about this, he immediately exploded.

In addition, since Zhong Bang became a disciple of the Tiandao School, he didn't need to do any chores, and he was still making rapid progress in Taoism, so he was completely unbalanced.

In the end, he made it clear to Mao Xiaofang that Mao Xiaofang would either choose Zhong Bang or him.

Someone has to go.

Mao Xiaofang was so angry with Ma Fan that he let Ma Fan roll.

During this time, he either taught Zhong Bang Taoism, or went to check on Xiao Zun's condition to detoxify him. Ma Fan ran to the Seven Sisters Hall every day when he had nothing to do. He had seen it for a long time, but it never happened.

Now Ma Fan actually took the wrong medicine and forced him to choose an apprentice.

Roll, just roll.

Bad thing!

Yang Feiyun, who was present, felt a headache. These days he was deliberately provoking the conflict between Ma Fan Zengcheng and Zhong Bang.

But he never imagined that Ma Fan was raised by Mao Xiaofang from childhood to adulthood, and Mao Xiaofang did not let Mao Xiaofang abandon Zhong Bang after more than ten years of mentoring.

There are also Zhong Jun and A Jin who are also big heads. The two of them have been peeking out of the window. The things that Ma Fan pointed out to Mao Xiaofang were planned by the two of them.

They did not expect Mao Xiaofang to drive Ma Fan away.

"Master, in fact, I'm studying Taoism, and I also have other purposes. If the fourth senior brother and the master are in conflict, I'd better go."

"Let him go, the Seven Sisters Church is his home."

Mao Xiaofang waved his hand, he didn't look at Ma Fan again, and then said to Zhong Bang: "You should have almost practiced the secret technique of Yin-Yang parade, try to find Chen Guixiang below."

"Master Mao, there are still some things in Boss Yu's shop. I have to go back first."

When Yang Feiyun heard what Mao Xiaofang said, his heart suddenly felt empty. If he didn't do something to stop Zhong Bang, his killing of Chen Guixiang would definitely be exposed.

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