Li Xihe nodded again and again and said, "Okay, I won't ask. I will do everything according to what you say, Brother Jiang."

After that, Jiang Lin corpse, took out the copper coin thread from his arms, weaved it into a seven-star treasure robe, and cast spells on it, and then he drew another talisman and gave it to Li Xihe, saying: "From today From now on, don't take off this treasured robe for a day, keep the magic talisman on your body, also don't leave your body, and don't let anyone know about it. I will send some elixir to you later. A magic circle is arranged in the bedroom."

In order to hide from the sky, Jiang Lin felt that it would be best to use corpses to do these things.

"Brother Jiang, this... is this enough?"

"You try it."

Jiang Lin turned out the bone sword, and the sword struck Li Xihe's heart one time, but the tip of the sword couldn't pierce it at all.

Li Xihe was taken aback by Jiang Lin, but when he found out that he was not injured at all, the shock on his face turned into a smile.

"This piece of clothing can't even be shot by bullets, but it, the magic talisman and the magic medicine will all work when protecting your corpse in the future."

"A corpse... a corpse?"

"Brother Li, you have been in the shopping mall for so many years. You should have read the thirty-six strategies. What is the first strategy, I don't need to tell you?"

"The first plan..."

Seeing Jiang Lin's gesture of silence, Li Xihe quickly stopped.

He already knew why Jiang Lin said that the red-lined clothes were to protect his corpse.

Later, Jiang Lin told Li Xihe a lot of things, and Li Xihe kept them all in mind.

In fact, Jiang Lin didn't say much about letting Li Xihe avoid the robbery, he just made full preparations for his death and later life.

During the period from now to Li Xihe Jieqi, he did not let Li Xihe guard against anyone, what to do and what to do, and it would be no problem to act exactly as before.


After Jiang Lin left, Li Xihe called the housekeeper over.

"What's the matter, sir?"

"You get a lawyer, and I'm going to make a will now."

"Make a will?"

The housekeeper was a little stunned. His master bought life-extending medicinal fruits from Jiang Lin, and he is still in good health, at least he can live for a few more years.


Li Xihe roared, this was what Jiang Lin told him, and he could not wait to do it right away.

The housekeeper did not dare to ask any more, and immediately went to a private lawyer.

As a result, what made the lawyer bewildered was that Li Xihe made a will, but he didn't mention anything about property. There was only one requirement, that after Li Xihe died, let someone protect his body as soon as possible. , make sure his body is intact and put it in the freezer.

Is this a will? ? ?

But the lawyer didn't ask much. Since Li Xihe spent a lot of money on him, he just did it.

After dealing with these matters, Li Xihe went to the police station by car, and his son Li Siwei was temporarily detained in the police station for attempted murder.

"This bastard, really pissed me off, pissed me off!"

Although Jiang Lin said that the secret cannot be leaked, he did not tell Li Xihe how his doom happened, but through Jiang Lin's suggestion and his own guesses, he could also guess that his life and Li family should be destroyed. In the hands of his son Li Siwei.

Thinking of this, and knowing what Li Siwei had done during this time, he simply exploded with anger.

Brat, I don't even want my old face anymore, you give me a good reflection in the cell!

Chapter [*] I am a Taoist priest, do you think I am Bao Qingtian?

Li Xihe went to the police station, met Li Siwei, and scolded the unworthy son.

As a result, after Li Siwei knew that he had to go to jail, not only did he have no intention of repenting, but he also called him a useless old guy.

"You bastard, there are laws in this world, people won't change their confessions, and the evidence is all there, even if the Governor comes forward! You almost killed someone, do you know that you thought about it for me in prison!"

"Old guy, you're so confused! How can our Li family go to jail! I'm going to jail here, see where you put your old face outside, get out of here!"

Li Siwei pointed outside and told his father to get out.

Li Xihe was so mad that he became more and more convinced that the catastrophe of himself and the Li family should be on Li Siwei.

After leaving the police station, Li Xihe went to the hospital again. His son almost killed him, and he had to apologize in person.

Zhong Bang is still in the hospital for observation, but fortunately this time Zhong Bang suffered only some scratches.

Although Li Xihe exploded his lungs with anger, he still had to go to Zhong Bang to fight for it. If it wasn't for the face of the Li family, he would have put his unworthy son in jail for two or three years this time.

It was because of the face of the Li family that he couldn't let his son stay in prison for too long. Of course, when his son was released from prison, he would be better off.

In the end, after Li Xihe's struggle and the attempted murder of Li Siwei this time, it did little harm to Zhong Bang, and Li Siwei was only sentenced to half a year in prison.

"Abang, this time, you should believe that you are a man of the fifth generation. This time you were hit by Li Siwei's car, but you only suffered some scratches, because your physique played a role in the critical moment."

On the day Zhong Bang was discharged from the hospital, Mao Xiaofang found him and told him about accepting disciples.

"Master Mao, in fact, when people's lives are at stake, they can unleash their potential. There have been some reports abroad. When a mother sees her child being crushed, she can lift the car. I don't think this is the case. What does it have to do with my physique?"

Zhong Bang shook his head and rejected Mao Xiaofang again. He never believed that he was a man of five generations.

He believed that Mao Xiaofang had real skills, but Mao Xiaofang said that as long as he learned Taoism, he could deal with ghosts and zombies who couldn't even handle a pistol without learning any basic skills, which made him skeptical.

That's why he didn't think about quitting his job and practicing Taoism with Mao Xiaofang. Even if Mao Xiaofang told him that a priest could keep one side safe, he didn't even think about it.

With the job of a police detective, he can punish evil and eliminate evil, so why did he spend years to cultivate Taoism and learn Taoism to keep the righteousness and ward off evil spirits?

After saying goodbye to Mao Xiaofang, Zhong Bang went to the police station and happened to meet Fang Tu who was arguing with an old lady.

He only found out after inquiring that this aunt was called Chen Guixiang, and she came to the police station to sue Yu Dahai, saying that Yu Dahai used to be a traitor.

The other police officers ignored Chen Guixiang because they didn't believe it. Fang Tu wanted to ask Chen Guixiang what was going on, but after asking a few questions, Chen Guixiang said that he had received black money from rich people.

"Aunt Chen, don't worry, the two of us have never collected a penny of black money. We will help you investigate your case."

Zhong Bang knew that Yu Dahai had stolen the Japanese's supplies and gold. For a long time, he didn't think much about it. Now that Chen Guixiang said that Yu Dahai was a traitor, he realized that when Sakai found Yu Dahai, it may not be as simple as it seems on the surface. .

Therefore, he was willing to help Chen Guixiang investigate Yu Dahai.

"You look upright, so I believe you. My husband was killed by that dog traitor in Yu Dahai. As soon as you have any news, let me know. I'm staying at Biyun Hotel for the time being."

Chen Guixiang told Zhong Bang their own address and went back.

Coincidentally, Chen Guixiang met Yu Dahai and his two wives on the road. She grabbed Yu Dahai and scolded the traitor on the street, causing many people to watch, and also attracted reporters.

That night, Yu Dahai let Yang Feiyun do it, killed Chen Guixiang, and threw his body into the river.

When Yu Dahai was a traitor back then, it was basically Yang Feiyun's advice. If Yu Dahai's affairs were revealed, he would also be implicated.

Therefore, in order to avoid the long night dream, Yang Feiyun personally shot and murdered Chen Guixiang.

When Zhong Bang and Fang Tu learned of Chen Guixiang's death, they went to identify the time of Chen Guixiang's death together, and they immediately suspected Yu Dahai's body.

Chen Guixiang only reported the case a few days ago, but she died the day after she reported the case. Is it such a coincidence that she died?

Even other police officers knew that Yu Dahai was the most suspect, but Yu Dahai also had two small coins in Xugang, so no one went to check him.

Zhong Bang and Fang Tu Tou Tie, plus Zhong Bang heard from his sister Zhong Jun that there was a secret room in Yu Hai's house with some documents in it, so the two of them took people to Yu Hai's house to search.

However, Yu Dahai had already listened to Yang Feiyun's words and cleaned up the contents of the secret room, and the two of them found nothing.

Not only that, Yu Dahai knew that they had been investigating himself, so he bribed the people of the Integrity Department, framed the two and took bribes, causing them to lose their jobs as police detectives.

Inspector Ke couldn't protect them either. Inspector Ke was in charge of law and order, and Yu Dahai was bribed by the Secretary for Integrity.

Zhong Bang and Fang Tu had no choice. When they were desperate, Zhong Bang thought of Jiang Lin. To be precise, he thought of Bishop. Bishop is now Inspector Ke's immediate boss, and his power is not small. If there is Bishop Come forward, then the things they were framed can have a turnaround.

But he and Fang Tu had no way to find Bishop, and even if they did, Bishop might not be able to help them.

So Zhong Bang planned to ask Jiang Lin for help.

"I said, is your brain out of watts? I'm a Taoist priest, do you think I'm Bao Qingtian?"

When Zhong Bang found Jiang Lin and told Jiang Lin about the matter, Jiang Lin did not give Zhong Bang a good face.

He gave Xiao Zun free removal of the corpse poison, and that was because Xiao Zun was killed by zombies, which was within the scope of his Taoist priest's responsibility.

This Zhong Bang is good, but now he has come here to file a grievance, asking him to help solve the case of being framed.

"Do you think that I didn't charge you for treating Xiaozun, do you think you have a good face?"

Jiang Lin folded his arms and looked at Zhong Bang. Since his cultivation, this commission was the most outrageous he had ever encountered.

Over the years, there have been people who have asked him to deal with sneaky demons and corpses, people who have looked at Feng Shui and fixed tombs, and people who have asked him to deal with crooked demons.

Zuo did not ask him to plead guilty.

The first thousand three hundred and fifty-ninth chapters Mao Xiaofang accepts apprentices again

"But Fang Tu and I were really wronged. We only wanted to find out if Yu Dahai was a traitor..."

"You still haven't figured out, whether you have wronged you or not has nothing to do with me. I am a Taoist priest, not an investigator, nor a judge. I am a Taoist priest, understand? Come to me, and I will judge your grievances. You two police detectives, come to me, a Taoist priest, to make grievances, don't you think it is outrageous?"

Jiang Lin really didn't know how Zhong Bang's brain circuit was constructed.

The detective yelled at the Taoist priest, so I went.

Zhong Bang: "..."

"Or, tell me, is Yu Dahai a traitor? If so, I'll consider helping you out. What I hate the most are Japanese brats and dog traitors."

"We found no evidence."

Zhong Bang shook his head.

"Then there's no way."

If Zhong Bang determines that Yu Dahai is a traitor, then Jiang Lin can mention it to Bishop and help Zhong Bang and the others.

And there are no fees.

But now that Zhong Bang has no evidence in his hands, he doesn't plan to care about it.

"Mr. Jiang, even if you are willing to help me reinstate, can you let me be a police detective for another half a month? I can't let Chen Guixiang die in vain."

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