Mao Xiaofang still did not know that Yang Feiyun, whom he regarded as a life-and-death friend, was determined to put him to death.

On weekdays, in order to prevent Xiao Zun from contacting Xuan Kui again, he walked around the outskirts of Xugang, looking for Xuan Kui's whereabouts.

But Xuankui has Yang Feiyun reporting secretly, where can he find it.

In addition to looking for Xuankui, Mao Xiaofang also often went to Zhong Bang, instructing Ma Fan, Zeng Cheng, and Zhong Bang to clean up Xiao Zun's corpse poison step by step according to Jiang Lin's instructions.

Apart from Zhong Bang and others, Yu Bixin also often visited Xiao Zun and went back very late.

During this period of time, her parents became more and more excessive. They asked her to go to Li Siwei's invitation all day long, which made her tireless. She could only reject the arrangement of her parents on the grounds of visiting students.

In the end, Yu Hai made up his mind and asked his daughter to go to the hotel with Li Siwei for dinner.

That night, Li Siwei packed the entire hotel, ready to take care of Yu Bixin.

When Yu Bixin arrived at the hotel, she realized that something was wrong, so she called Zhong Bang and asked him for help.

Zhong Bang had long heard that many poor girls had been deceived and spoiled by the rich young master Li Siwei, so he rushed over.

The two knocked Li Siwei unconscious in the hotel, and Yu Bixin thought of a way to hang Li Siwei in the hotel lobby, and hung a sign saying "I am a silver stick" for him.

"Jiang Xiansen, do you know that Old Man Li has been embarrassed this time."

The next day, Emperor Wang invited Jiang Lin to eat at the restaurant, and he mentioned Li Xi and his family.

Yesterday, Li Siwei was picked up and hung shirtless in the hotel, which has already been published in the newspaper.

Jiang Lin took a sip of tea, shook his head, and said, "Although Li Xihe's family is rich, most of this property will be destroyed by his son."

Chapter [-] You really have a good son

Originally, Jiang Lin thought that Li Siwei was just a dude who didn't do his job properly, but after hearing what Emperor Wang said, he realized that this guy was a fighter for death.

It seemed that when Li Xihe retired or died, he would not be able to count on the Li family.

Jiang Lin felt a little pity, but as long as Li Siwei has a personality, the cooperation between him and Yellow River Industry can continue in the future.

But for now, it is impossible to count on the future.

However, Li Xihe's body is still healthy. If he can survive the catastrophe of his fate, he should be able to work for at least ten years.

Therefore, even if he knew that Li Siwei was like this bird, he still decided to help Li Xihe.

At least, as long as Li Xihe is still in charge of the company for one day, the cooperation with him will not be suspended.

In fact, if he had known that Li Xihe had such a son, Jiang Lin might have made other plans.

Compared with Emperor Wang and the others, he is closer to Li Xihe, but it would be a pity if this cooperative relationship could only last for ten or twenty years.

However, it's not too late to make another plan now.

Although this guy, Emperor Wang, is a big guy, he is not bad in terms of morality, and he is much stronger than Li Xihe in educating children.

"That is, I tell you, although I can't compare to Li Xihe, but I really started from scratch, I am much better than him. You see that stinky boy Li Siwei let him educate, within ten years, I The Wang family has to be stronger than his Li family."

Emperor Wang was unconvinced, and felt that if he ran with Li Xihe on the same line, he could get rid of Li Xihe by a large margin. Even if his Wang family was inferior to the Li family now, he could push Li Xihe to the ground and rub it against the ground even if he fought his son.

After that, Emperor Wang talked to Jiang Lin about business affairs. He invited Jiang Lin to dinner this time in order to agree with Jiang Lin to develop a market in the Omi area.

He intends to obtain the exclusive agency of Shennong Company in Jianglin, and to represent Huixingshan's fruits and vegetables in foreign regions.

Of course, this agent is not a white agent. He will also open a department to search for immortal characters abroad, and invest part of the revenue to search for immortal characters.

Emperor Wang knew that money could not impress Jiang Lin at all. Only by promising to invest in human and material resources to help in the search could Jiang Lin consider the cooperation matters he proposed.

"no problem."

The conditions mentioned by Emperor Wang did not allow Jiang Lin to find fault, and he was also ready to cooperate with Emperor Wang for a long time, so he agreed directly.

According to Emperor Wang, it is difficult to do business now. After the war, there will be some retaliatory consumption, especially those rich and famous, and few do not want to be excited.

The Royal Club he opened has been harassed several times, asking them to open and provide special services, the kind that men understand.

Although Emperor Wang made money by doing business, he had never engaged in such a service project before, otherwise he would not have been able to contact Jiang Lin, but when the business involved huangdudu, Jiang Lin would not take it seriously, let alone let them be with him. contacted.

Therefore, Emperor Wang is ready to transform and shift the focus of business to other areas. This is the most important reason why he approached Jiang Lin to discuss cooperation.

Jiang Lin agreed to give the exclusive agency rights to Emperor Wang, and there are reasons why Emperor Wang would rather make a transition than make dirty money.

Moreover, if Li Xihe inherits the shares to Li Siwei in the future, it will be incomparable to Emperor Wang. At that time, if Li Siwei is expected to be distracted in the search for the immortal character, it is better to expect the sow to climb the tree.

Whether this guy can get into the seat of Li Xihe's successor, maybe.

It was just as Jiang Lin had guessed, that Li Xihe's son was in trouble soon after.

Because Zhong Bang and Yu Bixin made Li Siwei humiliated in the hotel, this guy found thugs to deal with them everywhere. After a few unsuccessful attempts, he drove on the street and met Zhong who was watching Feng Shui with Mao Xiaofang's master and apprentice at the four-way intersection. Bang, just accelerated and rushed past.

At the critical moment, Zhong Bang burst out with superhuman strength, relying on the explosive strength of the physique of the Fifth World, he just resisted Li Siwei's car with both hands.

As a result, this matter became a big one.

Zhong Bang was originally an excellent police detective who had been in the newspapers. He was hit by Li Siwei with a car in the street, and Zhong Bang was the kind of stubborn stubborn who was not afraid of the rich and not afraid of things, so he sued Li Siwei directly.

"Brother Jiang, it's really unfortunate for the family, the family is unfortunate!"

The day after his son's accident, Li Xihe took a break from his busy schedule and invited Jiang Lin to his house.

He didn't ask Jiang Lin to help him deal with his son's affairs, but when this happened, he felt that he and the Li family were in disaster.

I wanted to ask Jiang Lin how to avoid the robbery.

Jiang Lin smiled and said, "I said Brother Li, you really have a good son. Your son is very famous outside."

He harmed a woman of a good family, and seduced his wife to commit suicide. At this moment, he was committing murder on the street, trying to kill an elite police detective.

Is it really impossible to be wealthy?

"Don't mention it, I'm all mad at this stinky brat. During this time, I've been busy with business matters. You know that everything is going to be done at this stage. I really didn't expect that bastard to do it behind my back. These things."

Li Xihe sighed again and again, and continued: "Last night, my wife asked me for a dream, and scolded me like a dog, saying that the Li family's voice would be ruined by me, and scolded me for being too indulgent to my son. I have also reflected on it, because I indulged him too much and made him have too much money to spend. In the future, I will not give him a penny. "

Although Jiang Lin didn't show it, he still laughed in his heart. Li Siwei has already developed such a temper, can he change it back?

He didn't think that if Li Xihe didn't give Li Siwei pocket money, he would be able to restrain that guy.

"Brother Jiang, I don't know if you have made any progress in divination. My wife warned me when he asked for a dream. I think it may be related to what you said about our Li family's disaster."

Li Xihe poured a cup of tea for Jiang Lin and talked about the information he wanted to know.

"There's not much progress yet, let me do the math for you."

Jiang Lin only did the calculation a few days ago, but he still couldn't figure it out, but he also knew that Li Xihe invited him over just for this reason, so he took the pen and paper on the table and figured it out.


Jiang Lin frowned. He could actually calculate it. Although the calculation was still vague, he did know what kind of disaster Li Xihe had.

"You really have a good son."

Jiang Lin shook his head with a smile. The result he calculated was that Li Xihe's calamity had a great relationship with his son Li Siwei.

In the future, Li Xihe will be killed by his own son, and the huge Li family will be left behind.

It's just that he really can't figure out the more detailed things.

The reason why Jiang Lin was able to figure out more detailed things this time was actually because Yang Feiyun had changed his life against the sky. Although the change of life was not completely successful, he also changed his fate, but this type of fate could not be directly brought to him. To become rich, you need to indirectly change the fate of others in order to gain wealth.

Although the secrets are chaotic now, it has finally been finalized for the time being, and Jiang Lin can calculate Li Xihe's disaster.

However, Jiang Lin still couldn't figure out that the culprit that caused Li Xihe's robbery was Yang Feiyun.

He really can't be counted as a person who has changed his fate.

Chapter [-] The secret cannot be leaked

"What's wrong? Brother Jiang, have you figured it out?"

Hearing Jiang Lin's words, Li Xihe felt a little stunned. He was also an old Jianghu. He saw Jiang Lin's expression just now, and it was obviously something.

"It's roughly calculated, Brother Li, your catastrophe is not ordinary. You don't even have a chance to survive."

Jiang Lin frowned, Li Xihe's doom was only half the chance, it was more serious than life after death, and this chance was not something ordinary people could help him win.

Even if you try to fight for it, you can't be open and aboveboard, you can only hide from the sky and cross the sea.

Otherwise, the consequences are quite serious.

"Brother Jiang, quickly tell me what's going on, I'm so prepared, you are so talented, you must save me. If this doom is really avoided, our cooperation can be intensified. ."

Li Xihe was completely panicked. He might not believe what others said, but he absolutely had to believe Jiang Lin's words.

Let’s not talk about the news that I’ve heard, and let’s not mention the distant ones. The protective barrier that Jiang Lin set up for his house some time ago, even if it is not completely completed, can block the hordes of zombies and the zombie leader Sakai. out.

How could he question such a skill.

Now Jiang Lin said that his catastrophe did not even have a chance of survival, and he panicked to his grandmother's house.

"Brother Li, don't panic, I said there is no chance of life, but there is still a half line."

Jiang Lin told Li Xihe not to mess around. Since he had promised Li Xihe to help him survive the calamity, even if Li Xihe had less than a chance to survive this time, he was sure to help him avoid this. Taijisheng is not robbed.

"Okay, okay. Brother Jiang, tell me what's going on."

"Brother Li, the secrets of the heavens must not be revealed. All I can tell you is the story of the Three Kingdoms. The princes are led by the emperor.

Of course, Jiang Lin would not leak the matter to Li Xihe. Now he can no longer use the power of divine punishment to deal with powerful enemies. If the secret is leaked and he is targeted, it will be a big trouble.

This... this is someone trying to steal the property of my Li family!

Li Xihe understood the meaning of Jiang Lin's words, and other people seeking his Li family's property may still use his son to make a ghost.

After contacting his grandfather Tuo Meng again, Li Xihe felt that he had guessed [-]%, not [-]%.

"Brother Jiang, can this really not be revealed anymore?"

"Brother Li, ordinary physicists tell people their fortunes, and what they say can't be revealed, but it's different from mine. What they say is basically a pretext, because if they talk about it in detail, it will bring bad luck to themselves. , if I told you, your half-life will be gone."

Jiang Lin didn't scare Li Xihe either. Li Xihe's doom must be avoided. Only by hiding from the sky and crossing the sea can he survive the catastrophe.

If he told Li Xihe, where would he go?

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