The first thousand three hundred and fifty-four chapters

"Xiao Zun, you have to be patient, if you don't, you will become a zombie completely."

Although Zhong Bang couldn't bear to see Xiao Zun suffer, he couldn't help it.

"Afan, plan the waste rice from the bottom, Zeng Cheng, continue to add rice and put more snake medicine."

Jiang Lin ordered his helpers, Ma Fan and Zeng Cheng, to plan rice from the two drawers of the wooden barrel.

The old glutinous rice that Ma Fan had scraped out had turned completely black and had a stench.

Mao Xiaofang, Zhong Bang and the others were relieved when they saw that the waste rice was like this.

The glutinous rice has become like this, which shows that Jianglin's method of detoxification is very effective.

After Zeng Cheng added rice to Xiao Zun, Jiang Lin increased the output fire again, and Xiao Zun in the wooden barrel suddenly shouted.

Zhong Bang couldn't bear to watch any longer, so he went outside.

The pain that Jiang Lin used to remove the poison was much more severe than when he removed the corpse poison from Jingjing.

However, this is something that can't be helped. Unless you give up directly, or you want to deal with the corpse poison for Xiao Zun, that's all.

In the end, Xiao Zun passed out a few times.

After working all night, Jiang Lin could only stop work. He didn't completely remove the corpse poison from Xiao Zun's body. Xiao Zun's physique is no better than that of an adult. If he continued to pull it out, he could not guarantee that Xiao Zun's internal organs would not be damaged. .

"Next, just use this method to detoxify him every day. If there are any more baskets, don't look for me, go directly to the coffin maker to order a coffin for him."

Jiang Lin warned Zhong Bang that this time Xiao Zun was steamed and almost lost most of his life. If there is another accident, even if Xiao Zun is cooked, it will be useless.

"Mr. Jiang, there will never be another mistake."

Zhong Bang repeatedly assured Jiang Lin that there would be no more accidents.

After Jiang Lin left, Yang Feiyun came to Zhong Bang again. When Zhong Bang went to find Jiang Lin yesterday, he had already left in order not to meet Jiang Lin.

"Master Mao, although Xiao Zun's corpse poison is now under control, as long as Xuan Kui doesn't get rid of it for a day, I'm afraid it won't be a good solution to the root cause. You once said that the Seven Star Array has a strong killing power, can we remove it? To deal with Xuan Kui?"

"Indeed, but we can't get together the layout materials of the seven-star array in a short time. If there are the main array materials, and the rest are filled with alternative materials, it may be activated, but only on the lunar day can the array be used. Power, only then can I destroy Xuan Kui in one fell swoop. Just with my ability, I can't figure out when the lunar day will appear once in the sixty-sixth year."

Mao Xiaofang shook his head. If the flying dragon seven-star array is completely arranged, there is no requirement for the timing, but if the materials are incomplete, even if it can be arranged, it can only be set up on the lunar day to exert the power of the formation.

A few days ago, in order to let Mao Xiaofang comprehend the Seven Stars Array, Yang Feiyun specially went to Zhong Jun. It happened that the secret book in Zhongjun's hand recorded a kind of ghost fire Seven Star Formation, which is a weakened version of the Flying Dragon Seven Star Formation. Yang Feiyun paid for the ghost fire. Seven Star Array bought it.

Therefore, with the Netherfire Seven Star Array as a reference, Mao Xiaofang has already thoroughly understood the Flying Dragon Seven Star Array.

But Yang Feiyun was afraid of what would happen, so he often continued to talk from Mao Xiaofang.

"Feiyun, you are good at this. The last lunar day seems to be almost a year away. If we calculate when the lunar day is, we can collect materials and arrange the incomplete version of the seven-star array. After Xuan Kui enters the battle and kills him, he will predict the specific time and place of future disasters."

"I'm not sure if I can figure it out."

Yang Feiyun didn't tell Mao Xiaofang that he could calculate the lunar day, and now he is still short of a spiritual item, and he can arrange the flying dragon seven-star array for the purpose of changing the fate of the sky with the formation materials.

After staying at Zhong Bang's residence for a while, Yang Feiyun returned to his home, and it didn't take long for him to arrive at the lunar day in a few days.

So, Yang Feiyun began to embark on a plan to change his life against the sky.

He lied to his wife that there was still one last piece of material - Tianshou Yuanzhu, which was Li Xihe's family heirloom.

In fact, what he really needs is the heart of someone who has the fate of Tiansha Guxing, and his wife has such a fate.

Since the beginning of the fight with his wife, Yang Feiyun was ready to kill her at the right time.

But Yang Feiyun's wife didn't know about this. Seeing Yang Feiyun's frown, she went to contact Li Siwei and got the Tianshou Yuanzhu at the expense of her own name.

When she handed the pearl to Yang Feiyun, Yang Feiyun told her the truth.

He wanted to kill his wife and pretended to commit suicide, on the premise that everyone knew that his wife was a feisty woman.

Because his wife "suicided with shame and anger", Yang Feiyun had the opportunity to ask Yu Dahai for leave and thank him behind closed doors.

After Mao Xiaofang knew about this, he didn't bother Yang Feiyun again.

On the lunar day, Yang Feiyun brought Long Huangshi and other array materials alone, found an uninhabited wilderness, and arranged the seven-star array.

He used the method in the forbidden book of physiognomy, cooperated with the magic knife, and activated the seven-star formation.

For a time, the wind was blowing, and the stars in the starry sky shifted.

"Dou Zhuan Xing Mo? Who is using the Flying Dragon Seven Star Array, is it Mao Xiaofang?"

When Jiang Lin was thinking of a protective barrier in the yard, he suddenly discovered a vision in the air.

He once killed Zuo Ci with the Flying Dragon Seven-Star Formation, so he could see at a glance that this vision was caused by the Flying Dragon Seven-Star Formation.

Damn it, let alone Mao Xiaofang used the Flying Dragon Seven Star Array to deal with Xuan Kui.

Waste, waste!

Jiang Lin scolded Mao Xiaofang as a prodigal in his heart.

The Flying Dragon Seven Star Array is more than enough to deal with Fei Zong, but Mao Xiaofang actually used it to deal with Xuan Kui.

No wonder Jiang Lin thought so, he didn't know anything about the relationship between Mao Xiaofang and Yang Feiyun, and until now, he thought that the only people who knew about the Flying Dragon Seven Star Array in Xugang were him and Mao Xiaofang.

If Mao Xiaofang used the flying dragon seven-star formation, it would basically be used to deal with Xuan Kui.

"I, Yang Feiyun, want to have ambitions, and want the city to have a city, but today, you have left me mediocre for life, it's just a bastard! Today, I will change my life against the sky, change my life against the sky!"

Yang Feiyun sat cross-legged in the seven-star formation, pointing at the sky and cursing.

Tonight, he is going to reverse his fate, become rich and noble in his life, want money and money, and want to be powerful.

Chapter [*]: Success is also Mao Xiaofang, and defeat is also Mao Xiaofang

Yang Feiyun swallowed the medicinal pill made from the seven spiritual objects while delivering spiritual power to maintain the seven-star formation.

After the medicine pill entered his stomach, an illusory villain flew out of his heavenly spirit and flew to the sky. At the same time, a villain phantom also appeared in the sky and slowly fell.

"Is this a Daoist friend?"

In the Xiangdao Taoist Church, Mao Xiaofang walked out of the door with a wine jar. Today is his birthday. Ma Fan and Zeng Chengcheng celebrated his birthday for him. Zhong Bang and Fang Tu were also there, after a treatment and care of Xiao Zun. , The two have already felt quite kind to Mao Xiaofang.

Although someone celebrated his birthday, Mao Xiaofang still felt a little regret that Yang Feiyun was not there.

So, when he discovered a vision in the sky, he planned to go out for a walk.

See if Jiang Lin is using a big formation.

It didn't take long for Mao Xiaofang to arrive in the wilderness where Yang Feiyun was. He found that there was a thunderbolt in the sky, and he struck beside Yang Feiyun. He quickly took out a gossip mirror and threw it out, covering the top of Yang Feiyun's head.

The gossip mirror was blocked on the top, and the phantom of the villain that fell down was bounced back.

Yang Feiyun was completely stunned. At this most critical juncture, his plan was actually ruined!

"Feiyun, are you alright? Those lightning bolts just now almost hit you. Ouch!"

Mao Xiaofang went to ask about Yang Feiyun's situation, but he drank some wine and was a little dizzy, and knocked over the seven-star lights around Yang Feiyun.

"No... it doesn't matter."

Yang Feiyun is also a very forgiving person, he forcibly suppressed his inner anger and supported Mao Xiaofang.

"This is a seven-star formation? It turns out that Feiyun, you are making a fortune-telling, and I don't know if today is the best time."

" is a lunar day that only occurs every sixty years. Unfortunately, it failed."

"It's all my fault, and I don't know if someone who was born in Hai Shi is always easy to make mistakes."

Mao Xiaofang looked annoyed. He had never used the Flying Dragon Seven-Star Array, so he didn't see that the vision just now was not because the attack and divination ability of the Seven-Star Array was activated. He thought that Yang Feiyun was really predicting the future. The exact time and place of the robbery.

"You were born at Hai Shi? Born at Hai Shi, the [*]rd day of the eighth month of the Renchen year of the lunar calendar?"

Yang Feiyun opened his eyes wide and looked at Mao Xiaofang.This birth date of Mao Xiaofang belongs to the fate of Shuiwang, which is incompatible with his fate.

Nodding his head, Mao Xiaofang said, "Yes, today is my birthday. I originally planned to celebrate with you, but I didn't call you because you lost your widow a few days ago."

"Master Mao, I really don't know that today is your birthday. During this time, I was calculating when the lunar day was, and I didn't calculate it until tonight, and at this hour, the seven-star formation can fully exert its power. I It's too late to call you. Right now, I can only go back and figure out if there is a more suitable time."

Yang Feiyun was really in a hurry to go back, he needed to use iron-plate magic to calculate whether Mao Xiaofang was his nemesis.

Mao Xiaofang knew that he had broken Yang Feiyun's matter, so he didn't keep it any longer, and returned to Xiangdao Taoist Church.

He had no doubts about Yang Feiyun's words, and he was still guilty of drinking and making a mistake.

When Yang Feiyun returned to his residence, he deduced the birth date of Mao Xiaofang, and the final calculation made him extremely mad.

Mao Xiaofang is not only the nemesis of his fate, but also the nemesis of his fate.

The biggest nemesis.

"Mao Xiaofang! It turns out that you are my biggest nemesis! No wonder I will be destroyed by you if I change my life against the sky."

"Haha... Success is also Mao Xiaofang, and defeat is also Mao Xiaofang! You make me unable to change my fate, and I will not make you feel better!"

Yang Feiyun laughed hysterically. He obtained the Flying Dragon Seven-Star Array through Mao Xiaofang, but in the end, he failed because of Mao Xiaofang.

After that, he opened an altar in the secret room of the room, pasted Mao Xiaofang's birth date on a straw man, and fixed it with a silver needle.

Mao Xiaofang is his nemesis, he must kill this nemesis, but because Mao Xiaofang's life is against him, so he can only use Mao Shanshu to make Mao Xiaofang's life palace commit evil.

But Yang Feiyun brought the magic knife to the Taoist Temple in Xiangdao, but was hit by a thunder in the dry sky.

When Mao Xiaofang heard the thunder, he went out with Ma Fan to check, but Yang Feiyun was gone.

"When the sky is against me, I will be against the sky!"

In the hills a few miles away, Yang Feiyun slashed randomly with a magic knife. He took the knife to kill Mao Xiaofang, but he was struck by lightning, and God would not let him deal with Mao Xiaofang.

"You bastard, don't let me kill Mao Xiaofang, I want to kill him!"

Yang Feiyun was like a lunatic, raising his sword and scolding the sky.

After venting, he went to find Xuan Kui, Mao Xiaofang wanted to deal with Xuan Kui, he planned to use Xuan Kui to destroy Mao Xiaofang.

For the next period of time, Yang Feiyun pretended to maintain a friendship with Mao Xiaofang while cultivating wildly to increase his strength.

Now that he has completely failed to change his life against the sky, his only belief is to kill Mao Xiaofang.

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