Back then, when Jiang Lin gave him the Flying Dragon Seven-Star Formation, it was nothing. After all, it was up to him to decide how to use this big formation.

That is to say, there is no direct causal relationship between Jiang Lin's gift of the magic array and the fact that he wants to explore the secrets of the sky, but if he asks Jiang Lin for advice and comprehends the seven-star array of flying dragons, the situation will be different.

"Master Mao, if you despise me, I, Yang Feiyun, would like to do my little bit to participate in the Flying Dragon Seven-Star Array with you, Master Mao, to save my compatriots who may be killed in the future. Although my formation skills are still shallow, I am in divination and harmony. In terms of support, asking yourself that you have two more brushes should give you some ideas."

Yang Feiyun finally stated his purpose. Although he was still a little disappointed, since Mao Xiaofang has the seven-star array of flying dragons, this is already a good result. In the next time, as long as you study hard, there will always be a day when you will fully understand it.

Yang Feiyun has waited for many years to change his life against the sky, and he doesn't mind waiting a little longer.

"Feiyun, what are you talking about, I have long regarded you as a friend of life and death."

Mao Xiaofang asked Yang Feiyun not to see outsiders with him, and immediately asked Yang Feiyun to return to the Fragrant Island Taoist Temple with him, and went through the diagram of the Feilong Seven Star Array with him.

In the past half a month, the corpse poison in Xiao Zun's body has almost been cleaned up. Even Mao Xiaofang said that as long as he persisted for another five or six days, Xiao Zun would be able to completely recover.

Zhong Bang thought that Xiao Zun had not been to school all this time, and Xiao Zun was also shouting that he missed his classmates and teachers, and the weather was gloomy, so he took him to the school.

As a result, shortly after arriving at the school, the sky cleared up. Xiao Zun fainted after being directly hit by the sun because of the residual poison in his body. Zhong Bang had to ask him for leave again.

As a teacher, Yu Bi felt that she had to go to Zhong Bang's residence to ask Xiao Zun what was wrong, and kept asking for leave.

And she was also tired of the arrangement at home and didn't want to see Li Siwei, so after returning home, she went directly to Zhong Bang.

Yu Dahai, a guy with only Qian Quan's eyesight, after knowing that he couldn't use his daughter to catch Jianglin, he took up Li Siwei's idea again, which caused Yu Bixin to be disturbed by Li Siwei every day. She went to visit Xiaozun and avoided the richest young master. the meaning of.

When Yu Bixin arrived at Zhong Bang's residence, Mao Xiaofang and his three disciples were there, and they happened to be eating. Yu Bixin found that all the dishes on the table were mixed with glutinous rice, and asked Zhong Bang what was going on.

After Yu Bixin said this, Xiao Zun was reluctant to eat it. He really wanted to vomit after eating glutinous rice.

Zhong Bang and Fang Tu were pressed by Yu Bixin, so they could only lie that Xiao Zun was ill, it was a difficult disease, and he needed to supplement with glutinous rice and pills.

Yu Bixin saw Zhong Bang and the others faltering, so he asked Xiao Zun to change his clothes and take him to the hospital to see a doctor.

Zhong Bang and the others had no choice but to tell Yu Bi the truth, saying that Xiao Zun was about to become a zombie.

It's just that Xiao Zun, who was changing clothes in the room, heard this. He had already initially turned into a corpse, and his five senses were much sharper than before.

In extreme panic, Xiao Zun ran out from the back door. It was a full moon that night. When Xiao Zun was illuminated by the moonlight, he let out a corpse roar, which attracted Xuan Kui.

Xuan Kui used his ability to let Xiao Zun see the scene where he was rescued by him before he died.

It is for this reason that Xiao Zun is no longer afraid of Xuan Kui, but regards him as a savior.

Xuan Kui noticed that the corpse poison in Xiao Zun's body had dissipated a lot, and filled him with some original corpse poison.

Mao Xiaofang, a group of adults, couldn't look down on Xiao Zun as a child. As soon as the source of corpse poison in Xiao Zun's body was replenished, Jiang Lin's busy work during this time was completely in vain.

A group of them searched all night and couldn't find Xiao Zun. At dawn, Xiao Zun went back by himself, but he concealed what he already knew and lied to Mao Xiaofang and others, saying that he went to play at his classmate's house. .

For the next few days, Xiao Zun sneaked out every night while Ma Fan or Zeng Cheng were dozing off to meet Xuan Kui.

It wasn't until one night that Zhong Bang found out about the meeting between Xiao Zun and Xuan Kui.

That night, Mao Xiaofang and Yang Feiyun had a war with Xuan Kui, but they were blocked by Xiao Zun, causing Xuan Kui to escape again.

The original corpse poison in Xiao Zun's body had eroded his brain, making him think that Xuan Kui was his relative, so he broke free from Zhong Bang and the others, bit off the copper coin string that bound Xuan Kui to Mao Xiaofang, and finally held Mao Xiaofang in his arms. The legs don't let him go after his zombie uncle.

"Master Mao, what should I do?"

Xiao Zun kept shouting in the room, asking Mao Xiaofang to let go of his zombie uncle. Zhong Bang almost pulled his hair off himself when he heard such shouting.

For Shan Jiuren, the success fell short!

Now Xiao Zun's situation is much more serious than when Jiang Lin and the others first discovered that he was abnormal.

"I...I can't help it, please ask Master Jiang."

Mao Xiaofang shook his head again and again, to say that Xiao Zun's situation was not worse than before, he still had some confidence, but now, he has no way out.

He could only ask Jiang Lin for help.

Zhong Bang didn't think about anything, and went to Huixing Mountain overnight to look for Jianglin.

Jiang Lin was sleeping peacefully when Uncle Ping woke him up.

"All of you, what are you eating! Master Mao! You! Fang Tu! Ah Fan! Zeng Cheng! Five adults, day and night, even a child can't watch!"

After hearing Zhong Bang explain the whole story, Jiang Lin was immediately furious.

There are five big men, one is a Taoist priest who is not shallow, and two are elite police detectives. He is not even a ten-year-old child.

Is this food?Food to eat!

But those who eat human food are not so outrageous.

Chapter [*] Do you think you still have a choice?

"Mr. Jiang, this is our mistake, we didn't do it well."

Zhong Bang was scolded by Jiang Lin for not having any temper at all. What Jiang Lin said was not wrong at all. Together, there were five adults. Even if he and Fang Tu went to work during the day, Mao Xiaofang and his apprentices were there, and even more so at night. There are at least three or four people, and this can make Xiao Zun slip away at night.

It's outrageous too.

"Mr. Jiang, there's no point in blaming us now. Please come to my place quickly and see how Xiao Zun is doing."

Zhong Bang's face is full of self-blame, but it is useless to be angry now. Only by dealing with Xiao Zun's corpse poison as soon as possible can he prevent him from turning into a zombie completely.

"Can you drive?"

"This meeting."


Jiang Lin didn't say much. He took Zhong Bang to the garage and asked him to drive him there.

"Are you two eating fodder! Take turns to watch the night, you can't even watch a child!"

Ten minutes later, Jiang Lin and Zhong Bang arrived at the latter's residence, where Mao Xiaofang was teaching Ma Fan and Zeng Cheng a lesson.

If you want to let them stay up late, that's fine, but Mao Xiaofang, considering that no mistakes can be made, deliberately let Ma Fan and Zengcheng rest during the day and rest at night, just to stay vigilant here.

He also specially provided more money for the incense of the Taoist temple, and improved the meals for the apprentices in the vigil to ensure that they are not drowsy.

As a result, his two idiot apprentices didn't even notice that Xiao Zun sneaked out at night, and they all took a nap.

If it wasn't for Zhong Bang to find out by accident, maybe Xiao Zun has completely turned into a zombie.

However, although he taught his two apprentices a lesson, Mao Xiaofang secretly regretted it, and he was negligent. Some time ago, Xiaozun had been in a better state, and Yang Feiyun had found him, so he went to see the seven stars of Feilong with Yang Feiyun at night. array.

If it weren't for this, it wouldn't have caused Xiao Zun to sneak out for several days and no one would know.

"Fellow Daoist, Xiao Zun he..."

Seeing Jiang Lin coming, Mao Xiaofang's face was also very embarrassed. At the beginning, he offered to take care of Xiaozun, but the accident was still in his hands.

During this time, Jiang Lin used a lot of expensive medicinal materials in order to completely detoxify Xiao Zun.

On the way here, Zhong Bang didn't say that Ma Fan and Zeng Cheng were not. After all, they came to help, and he couldn't blame him if they didn't help.However, when Jiang Lin saw that Mao Xiaofang had trained the two apprentices into dogs, he probably knew that the problem lay with these two people.

"You two, don't eat for the next two days."

Jiang Lin glared at Ma Fan and Zeng Cheng. He didn't make much progress in learning Taoism, and he couldn't even do small things well.

What else to eat, let's eat pig glutinous rice.

The two brothers didn't say a word, Ma Fan was afraid of Jiang Lin, and even Zeng Cheng, who brought the new door, was not afraid of Jiang Lin.

Although Jiang Lin is their uncle from the outer sect, but if they are related, they are still their third brother-in-law.

After that, Jiang Lin went to check on the situation of Xiao Zun who had passed out, but the truth was more serious than he expected.

"Mr. Jiang, how is the situation?"

"What else can I do? You ask Master Mao, what is the result of dealing with corpse poison, and the result is not a normal corpse poison. It has been eliminated in more than half a month, and it has not been replenished."

Zhong Bang didn't ask, but when he asked, Jiang Lin got angry again.

Not only is there more corpse poison in Xiao Zun's body now than before, he also discovered that Xuan Kui's original corpse poison when he used his spiritual power to investigate, which had developed resistance to his spiritual power and Yang Yan.

Of course, if it was purely corpse poison, the resistance generated by it would naturally not be seen by Jiang Lin.

The problem is that the corpse poison is hidden in Xiao Zun's body, and Xiao Zun is still a child whose physique has not yet grown.

If Jiang Lin still chooses to detoxify Xiao Zun in the same way as before, it will have no effect. If he uses arrogant means to refine the corpse poison in Xiao Zun's body, it will cause great harm to Xiao Zun. Reversed damage can even disable it for life.

"Go and prepare glutinous rice and a lot of old glutinous rice and snake medicine, prepare a large wooden barrel, and put him in the barrel to steam."

Up to now, even if Xiao Zun's arm was cut off, it would have no effect, so Jiang Lin couldn't care whether Xiao Zun could withstand the next method of detoxification.

Compared to making him crippled for life, or turning him into a zombie and being wiped out, making him suffer a bit is much lighter.

"But Mr. Jiang, put him in a bucket to cook, then even if he doesn't die, he won't have half his life."

"Now, do you think you still have a choice?"

Jiang Lin frowned and looked at Zhong Bang. If there was no accident before, the corpse poison in Xiao Zun's body could be completely eliminated.

Didn't wake up?

Zhong Bang was so choked by Jiang Lin that he knew that he was talking too much. After that, he didn't delay at all. He immediately went to the carpenter's shop in the city, woke up the boss, and bought a large wooden barrel.

As for Mao Xiaofang and his apprentices, they went to Taotang to get a lot of old glutinous rice and snake medicine.

"Brother Bang, it's so hot, so hot."

Half an hour later, Xiao Zun was stuffed into a wooden barrel full of aged glutinous rice and cooked with glutinous rice mixed with snake medicine.

His entire body, except for his head, was submerged in glutinous rice, and the wooden barrel was sealed with wooden boards, leaving only a hole for his neck.

The fire used for cooking is not an ordinary flame, but the Yang Yan of Jianglin.

Today, a single Yang Yan, even with glutinous rice taken orally, cannot effectively detoxify. Jiang Lin can only infiltrate together with glutinous rice and snake medicine in this way, without seriously damaging Xiao Zun's body. Yang Yan's detoxification ability.

This is not to mention, Jiang Lin must also control the yang flame that enters Xiao Zun's body, so as to prevent it from producing explosive force of Yin and Yang repulsion in the process of fighting with the corpse poison, and destroying Xiao Zun's organs.

In addition, he also had to devote energy to protect Xiao Zun's heart.

Only Jiang Lin can do this method. Others, even if their cultivation base is one or two levels higher than him, may be helpless.

Under the premise of throwing a rat, only the true sun fire and a small amount of one or two kinds of sun flames can truly exert their power in Xiao Zun's body.

This is also the reason why Jiang Lin is still willing to try to rescue Xiao Zun.

Jiang Lin was busy with his work, while Mao Xiaofang presided over the isolation circle arranged on the wooden barrel, allowing the heat and rice steam inside to circulate continuously.

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