"Fortunately, it has nothing to do with the general."

After a while, Jiang Lin burned the black-green corpse gas in his palm clean. The corpse poison in Xiao Zun's body did not belong to the generals or their descendants.

"That should be fine."

Mao Xiaofang breathed a sigh of relief. If Xiaozun was really helpless, he would also be very sad.

When he cooperated with Zhong Bang before, he also met Xiao Zun several times. This child is very well-behaved and sensible.

"Not necessarily, the corpse poison in Xiaozun is the original corpse poison. The one who can separate the original corpse poison, at least started with the zombie king. This Xiaozun is probably related to Xuankui."

There were spider web-like bloodshots in Jiang Lin's eyes, looking through Xiao Zun's heart veins, he discovered where his poisonous spot was, and it was actually in his index finger.

Moreover, this source corpse poison did not enter through the wound, but directly penetrated into Xiao Zun's skin, accumulated on his fingers, and slowly invaded his body.

Now that it is almost invading the heart, if Xiao Zun was smeared with chicken blood just now, it can directly make those corpse poisons become very active and enter his heart.

"Original corpse poison?"

Mao Xiaofang was also taken aback, even if the zombie king bites, he will not inject the original corpse poison into the person, which will cause him a lot of damage.

There should be only Xuankui zombie king in Xugang now. If Xiaozun becomes like this, it basically has nothing to do with Xuankui.

But why did Xuankui send the original corpse poison to Xiao Zun?

Mao Xiaofang couldn't figure out the mystery for a while.

"Mr. Jiang, is there any help for Xiao Zun?"

Zhong Bang hurriedly asked Jiang Lin, as for Xuankui and the source of corpse poison, he didn't care at all, he only cared about whether Xiao Zun could become a normal person.

"Whether it can be saved depends on his good fortune."

Jiang Lin is also not sure, if Xiao Zun is a common corpse poison, even after so long, but he has not touched blood, it is not too difficult.

But the original corpse poison of a zombie king is not easy to clean up if you want to clean it up.

The most effective method now is to chop off Xiao Zun's entire arm and remove the remaining corpse poison.

But this method is simply impossible to carry out.

Zhong Bang said excitedly: "Mr. Jiang, what method do you have, just say it, and I will do it. Xiaozun is like my younger brother, and I will do exactly what you told me to do."

"Okay, let me tell you, for a while, don't let him get emotional or let him exercise vigorously. Now the corpse poison in his fingers has begun to invade the heart, once he has mood swings or blood flow Speeding up will be very troublesome. That's why we can't tell him that he has been poisoned with corpse poison, otherwise he will always be in fear, which is not good for removing the poison."

Jiang Lin told Zhong Bang a lot of things that required ideas. In the future, Xiao Zun not only can't eat food such as pig blood and chicken blood, but also often eat glutinous rice.

In addition, Xiao Zun also needs to bleed every day, soak his fingers with snake medicine, and take pills containing yang inflammation, in conjunction with removing the poison.

After that, Jiang Lin went to Xiaozun's room again, where he arranged a gathering sun formation, and drew a huge magic talisman on the bed. After Xiaozun fell asleep, these magic formations and talismans would work, and the inside and outside would work together. , to eliminate the corpse toxin in the body.

"Fellow Daoist, leave this to me, I will come here often to take care of Xiao Zun."

Mao Xiaofang offered to help Zhong Bang to take care of Xiao Zun. On the one hand, it was because the process of detoxifying Xiao Zun could not be finished in three or five days. On the other hand, he also wanted to get along with Zhong Bang more and investigate Zhong Bang's character.

He still hasn't given up the idea of ​​accepting Zhong Bang as his disciple.

Chapter [*] The disappointed Yang Feiyun

"That's fine too."

Jiang Lin nodded. He knew that Mao Xiaofang had always wanted to accept Zhong Bang as his apprentice and take care of Xiao Zun, and he probably also had plans in this regard.

With Mao Xiaofang taking care of him, it shouldn't be a big problem to help Xiaozun get rid of the corpse poison in his body smoothly.

"Tomorrow I will bring some anti-toxic medicines, you can just let Xiaozun take it regularly."

Since Mao Xiaofang was here, Jiang Lin didn't say any more. Some things to pay attention to, such as not letting Xiao Zun jump around, Mao Xiaofang would let Zhong Bang avoid it.

After leaving Zhong Bang's residence, Jiang Lin went to Emperor Wang's place.

After the zombie outbreak last time, the wealthy businessmen who had taken refuge in Li Xihe's house, Emperor Wang and the others, all came to visit Li Yangju in a group, and asked him to quickly set up a protective barrier for their house.

When there was a corpse disaster, they almost suffered. If they hadn't hid with Li Xihe as soon as possible, it is estimated that the whole family would have suffered a lot of casualties.

Therefore, they can't wait to let Jiang Lin fix the enchantment of the house for them immediately. If such a situation occurs again, they don't have to worry about it.

Jiang Lin also knew that Emperor Wang and the others were almost the same as the birds of the bow, so he promised them that they would arrange them as quickly as possible.

Yesterday, he had already dealt with Li Xi and the protective barrier at home.

After Jiang Lin left, Mao Xiaofang discussed with Zhong Bang, and when Xiao Zun woke up, he told him that he was ill. As for what happened at the sports meeting, the two agreed to coax Xiao Zun that it was his dream.

After Xiao Zun woke up, he didn't know what he was going to throw at the poultry, plus Zhong Bang and Mao Xiaofang agreed on the lines, and let him eat glutinous rice, it really made him feel that he was dreaming before.

Zhong Bang went to Yu's school while he was at work, and asked Xiao Zun to take half a month's leave. He also took a few days off.

It's just that he still has a job after all. Later, Mao Xiaofang asked Ma Fan and Zeng Cheng to take turns with him to Zhong Bang's residence to accompany Xiao Zun.

Because the matter of Xiao Zun's corpse poison is inseparable from Xuan Kui, so Mao Xiaofang will also teach Yang Feiyun the Taoism of Tiandao School when he is free at night.

Anyway, he can't walk away for the time being, and the matter of dealing with Xuan Kui has to be put on hold for the time being. He will use this time to let Yang Feiyun improve some of his strength. Yang Feiyun assisted, hoping to eliminate Xuan Kui in one fell swoop.

"Feiyun, it's so late, what do you have to do with me?"

"Master Mao, I have a Bafang Asking Heaven Array in my hand, which can predict what will happen in the future. I didn't have the foundation of the formation before, but now I have mastered your guidance, and I also understand some of the principles of how the formation works, so I want to use this method. Array fortune-telling about the country's fortunes in Middle-earth."

Half a month later, Yang Feiyun felt that the time was ripe to ask Mao Xiaofang about the flying dragon seven-star formation, so he set up a Bafang Asking Heaven formation in the wilderness and asked Mao Xiaofang to come over to help him test the formation.

This is to throw a brick to attract jade.

Yang Feiyun knew that Mao Xiaofang was a person who cared about the common people and cared for his compatriots, so he thought of such a statement.

Sure enough, when Mao Xiaofang heard what he said, he admired his mind and felt ashamed.

Whether it is a Taoist priest or a physiognomist, if you want to predict the fate of the country, you will have to pay a price, ranging from short lifespan to quick death.

"You have a problem with this array."

Mao Xiaofang looked at the array arranged by Yang Feiyun, and went up to change the orientation of the array flag and the Eight Trigrams Mirror, and activated the Bafang Wentian array.

After the formation of the formation, a strong wind gradually appeared in the wilderness, and the last thunderbolt came down, tearing down all the flags of the Wentian formation.

Yang Feiyun took the destroyed flagpole in his hand and asked: "Master Mao, you really are superb in Taoism, otherwise this formation can't really be pushed, but the formation flag was broken, what does this mean?"

"This represents our Middle Earth, and there will be a catastrophe in the future."

Mao Xiaofang looked solemn, and the predicted result was beyond his expectations.

"When is it? Where is it? If we can know the exact time and place, we can inform the compatriots there in time. In that case, innocent people will not be harmed."

"The power of this Bafang Tiantian Formation is too limited. It can only predict what will happen in thirty-five years, and cannot detect a more specific time and place."

Mao Xiaofang shook his head, even if he could activate this questioning formation, he would not be able to know more specific content.

The divination ability of the Bafang Wentian Formation is too limited.

"Alas! If only I knew about the flying dragon seven-star formation."

Yang Feiyun sighed, and then followed the trend to fly the dragon seven-star array, and made so many foreshadowing, he just wanted to find this powerful array from Mao Xiaofang's mouth.

Any divination about the fortunes of the country and informing the compatriots are all fake.

"You mean the flying dragon seven-star array?"

"Yes, Master Mao, do you know this formation?"

"This formation is the crown of all formations, and it is the treasure of the Shenxiao faction in the past. It not only has a strong offensive power, but also predicts natural and man-made disasters. If it exerts its greatest power, it can move the stars and change the sky. "

Mao Xiaofang really thought that Yang Feiyun was thinking of the compatriots in China, so he didn't hide it. He originally planned to say that Jiang Lin had used the seven-star array of flying dragons to "kill the immortals", but he thought about it, if he owned Jiang Lin with this. The news of the magic circle was revealed, and it was not mentioned that it would bring trouble to Jiang Lin.

"It's this formation! So, Master Mao, you know this big formation, so some of our compatriots in Middle Earth have been saved!"

Yang Feiyun was extremely excited. He had confirmed it at Yu's house before, and now Mao Xiaofang talked about this magic array again, and he knew that it had a strong attacking power, which meant that Mao Xiaofang knew about the Feilong Seven Stars Array.

Mao Xiaofang shook his head and said, "I do know this great formation, but with my ability, I still can't penetrate it, and even if I penetrate it, I can't arrange it, the materials needed for this level of formation. Not easy to find."

"Even you can't figure it out?"

Hearing what Mao Xiaofang said, Yang Feiyun's excited mood was like a basin of cold water, and he was suddenly disappointed.

He didn't worry much about the formation materials, because he had previously obtained a forbidden book of physiognomy, which contained the method of replacing the formation materials with seven spiritual objects, but there was no method for setting up the formation and starting the formation.

Now Mao Xiaofang has a flying dragon seven-star array, but he can't set up and start it, which is useless.

Yang Feiyun threw all the flagpoles in his hands.

He was really disappointed. He had seen many capable Taoist priests in the Middle Earth before, but almost none of them could compare with Mao Xiaofang.

That is to say, if Mao Xiaofang can't penetrate the Flying Dragon Seven Star Array, then he doesn't know that he can comprehend it only after obtaining the Year of the Monkey and Horse Moon.

Mao Xiaofang is such a deceiver that he will reveal to his "friends" that he owns the seven-star array of flying dragons.

Chapter [*] Can't even watch a child!

As for the other Jiang Lin who may know about the Feilong Seven Stars Array, although Daoxing is higher than Mao Xiaofang, how dare Yang Feiyun let Mao Xiaofang find it.

Even if he went to Jianglin's place, Mao Xiaofang would be able to comprehend the Flying Dragon Seven Star Array as soon as possible, he would not have such an idea.

One wrong step, and the whole game is lost.

"Now, there may be natural disasters in Middle-earth in the future. It seems that we still need to ask fellow Taoists for advice."

Mao Xiaofang rubbed his forehead. When Jiang Lin handed him the Flying Dragon Seven Star Array, he had never asked Jiang Lin for advice in this regard.

After all, Jiang Lin had already handed such a precious treasure to him, and it would be outrageous to ask Jiang Lin about the content of the magic circle.

But now that the safety of millions of people is at stake, he doesn't care about his own face.

"Master Mao, you don't want it anymore."

Yang Feiyun immediately spoke up. He dared to let Jiang Lin know that he was plotting the seven-star array of flying dragons. How could Mao Xiaofang go to Jiang Lin to discuss it.

"Master Mao, although I don't have much contact with Mr. Jiang, I also know his character. You and I are willing to contribute to our compatriots. This is our voluntary choice. Once we leak this matter out, it will reveal the secret. If you can stay out of it, how can you bear to involve others."

Yang Feiyun clarified the stakes to Mao Xiaofang. Using the Flying Dragon Seven-Star Array to spy on the Heaven's Secret has already disturbed the heaven. Jiang Lin must have a share in the calamity.

After listening to Yang Feiyun's analysis, Mao Xiaofang completely dismissed the idea of ​​Jiang Lin being involved.

Yang Feiyun was right, if he went to Jiang Lin and facilitated the use of the flying dragon seven-star array to spy on the heavenly secret and leaked it in the future, then Jiang Lin would definitely be a participant.

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