In addition to being Yu Dahai's daughter, Yu Bixin is also a teacher. She used the family's funds to set up a Yu's Free School to provide education opportunities for children who cannot afford to study.

Yu Bixin was very respected by the students in the school. The students knew that Yu Bixin was rescued by Jiang Lin, so they wanted to express their gratitude to Jiang Lin.

It just so happened that the school's original free school sports meeting was delayed by the zombie disaster. Yu Bixin also wanted to thank Jiang Lin in person, so she sent an invitation to Jiang Lin to invite him to the school to watch the ceremony and give awards to the students. After that, her students would give him flowers to thank him.

Although Jiang Lin is very disgusted with Yu Dahai, he has no opinion on Yu Bixin, this girl is quite self-restrained.

Seeing Mao Xiaofang's name on the invitation, Jiang Lin decided to go there.

He also wanted to ask Mao Xiaofang whether he had heard about the Shushan faction during the years of war.

When they got to the school, Jiang Lin sat down with Mao Xiaofang and chatted.

The so-called sports meeting in this school is similar to the students playing around. The participating students put themselves in sacks and jump with the sacks.

In addition, the long jump and hurdles are similar.

Coincidentally, Zhong Bang's neighbor, the boy named Xiao Zun, also went to Yu's Yixue, and he also participated in the sports meeting.

This boy was often bullied in the school. Even this sports meeting was watched by so many people, and several classmates next to him ran on him and knocked him down.


Being bullied under the eyes of so many people, Xiao Zun was so angry that he didn't know where the strength came from. His pupils flashed green light, and he jumped directly to the finish line with the force of his feet.

Jump seven or eight meters away.

Jiang Lin and Mao Xiaofang, who were talking, stopped communicating involuntarily, and the two looked at each other.

This kid, something is wrong!

"Daoist, what do you think?"

Mao Xiaofang asked Jiang Lin's opinion. His own eyesight was limited, and he couldn't compare to Jiang Lin's, so he couldn't see what was wrong with Xiao Zun.

Jiang Lin squinted his eyes slightly, swept over Xiao Zun's body, and said, "It should be corpse poison, but it's not a normal corpse poison. He is now in the process of corpse transformation."

Chapter [*] I hope it has nothing to do with the generals

"Is it really corpse poison? No wonder I heard from Zhong Bang that Xiao Zun's resurrection from the dead was caused by corpse poison, but if it was really because of corpse poison, it would have been more than half a month now."

Mao Xiaofang frowned. If Xiao Zun was really infected with corpse poison, he would only come back to life. During this time, no one had dealt with him, and now he found out that it was too late.

"Eight percent is the reason for the corpse poison, but the corpse poison in him is a little different from the general ones. The corpse poison that can bring him back to life will definitely not be a little bit, and after so long, he still only stays in the preliminary corpse poison. At the stage of transformation, this is indeed a bit weird.”

Jiang Lin has never seen such a situation before. To say that ordinary people are stuck with a small amount of corpse poison, the process of corpse transformation will be relatively slow. His brother-in-law and Nianying's brother-in-law belonged to such a situation.

But that dose of corpse poison can't bring people back to life at all.

But if the corpse poison in the place is too much, Xiao Zun should be biting people everywhere by now.

This is where Jiang Lin has doubts. For the specific situation, he still needs to check Xiao Zun's body.

In the next few games, Xiao Zun won the championship. Because of his anger, he stimulated the activity of corpse poison in his body, resulting in his physical fitness being different from ordinary people, even better than that of professionally trained athletes.

After the games, Jiang Lin and Mao Xiaofang gave awards to Xiaozun and other children. Yu Bixin and other students also expressed their sincere thanks to Jiang Lin.

After that, Jiang Lin and Mao Xiaofang followed Xiaozun, going to his house to ask Zhong Bang and Fang Tu about the details of Xiaozun.

On the way out of the school, Xiao Zun was surrounded by several classmates. This time Xiao Zun won several championships, which made them very upset and gathered to bully Xiao Zun.

But Xiao Zun, who usually let them combine their fists and feet together, became like a macho today, throwing them all down.

"Fellow Daoist, it seems that you really read it right, it is indeed corpse poison."

Not far away, Mao Xiaofang looked at Xiao Zun, who had grown fangs and retracted automatically, before confirming what Jiang Lin said.

That's the corpse tooth.

"Fellow Daoist, what are you thinking?"

Mao Xiaofang saw Jiang Lin frowning, not knowing what Jiang Lin was thinking.

"Fellow Daoist, have you ever seen someone's fangs be taken back after they have been turned into a corpse?"

"If you say that, there really isn't any."

Mao Xiaofang was stunned, but he ignored this detail.

He has been in Middle-earth all these years, and although he has seen many zombies, they are all local, and as long as he is infected with the corpse of those zombies, his fangs can only be sawed off or ground with a saw or a file. , he has never seen one that can retract on its own.

"As far as I know, there are only two kinds of people who can hide their corpse teeth on their own. One is the Western zombies, which are vampires, and the other is the descendants of generals."

Jiang Lin glanced at Mao Xiaofang and continued: "If it's a vampire, you and I may still be able to save him. If it was the blood of a general that caused his corpse to change, even I can only shake my head. Corpse poison has nothing to do with generals, whether it is direct or indirect."

If the corpse poison in Xiao Zun's body is really a general or a descendant of a general, Jiang Lin will have to give up directly.

He really doesn't have the ability to handle it.


Jiang Lin has already said so, and Mao Xiaofang can only hope that the corpse poison in Xiao Zun is not something they can't solve at all.

After that, the two followed Xiao Zun all the way. On the way, they happened to pass the Seven Sisters Hall. Jiang Lin found out that Zhong Jun had reopened the Taoist Hall, and asked Mao Xiaofang if he knew what was going on.

Jiang Lin was fine if he didn't ask. As soon as he asked, Mao Xiaofang gasped, saying that he had been deceived by Zhong Jun.

It turns out that this happened a few days ago.

Yu Dahai was slaughtered by Jiang Lin for [*] yuan, and he was mourning every day. It happened that Zhong Jun, who was eating and drinking for free at his house, made him angry, so he kicked Zhong Jun out.

Zhong Jun ran out of room and board, so she put her idea on Mao Xiaofang. She went to the Taoist Temple in Xiangdao, and in the name of apology, invited Mao Xiaofang's master and apprentice to the cafe for dinner.

Mao Xiaofang didn't even think that Zhong Jun would play tricks on him, so he went to the coffee shop with his apprentice. As a result, Zhong Jun and his apprentice got an English contract, falsely claiming it was a certificate from the coffee shop, and let Mao Xiaofang sign it.

In fact, the content of the English contract was that Mao Xiaofang was willing to be the honorary president of the Seven Sisters Church. After he signed it, many reporters from Zhong Jun took pictures of him and Zhong Jun on the spot.

Mao Xiaofang couldn't help it even if he wanted to.

Zhong Jun and the others took the contract and reopened the Seven Sisters Hall in an open and aboveboard manner.

Mao Xiaofang, the dignified head of the Maoshan Tiandao Sect, was deceived and confused.

"Fellow Daoist, although you have other places that I admire, but this one is what I admire the most. If you are deceived, if you are ranked second in the world of monasticism, no one dares to be ranked first."

Jiang Lin smiled unkindly, Mao Xiaofang, the dignified head of the Taoist sect, has been deceived a lot over the years, by his peers, by lamas, by Yu Dahai, and even a magician can be deceived these days. he.

Mao Xiaofang: "..."

I shouldn't have mentioned it!

It didn't take long for the two to arrive at Xiao Zun's residence. When Xiao Zun entered, Mao Xiaofang knocked on the door, and Zhong Bang, who had just killed chickens in the kitchen, came out.

"Master Mao, Mr. Jiang, why are you here?"

"You're slaughtering poultry?"

Jiang Lin saw the still-dry chicken blood on Zhong Bang's hand, and rushed in following the smell of blood.

Mao Xiaofang also realized that something was wrong and rushed over quickly. Although Zhong Bang didn't understand what was going on between the two, he also followed behind them.

In the kitchen, Xiao Zun's fangs were exposed, and he pounced on the undead rooster on the ground.

Jiang Lin grabbed Xiao Zun's neck and tapped his forehead, causing him to faint.

"This... what's the matter? Xiao Zun, what happened to him?"

As soon as Zhong Bang saw Xiaozui's corpse teeth, he didn't know what happened.

"Xiao Zun has been infected with corpse poison, and now he has transformed into a zombie. He was resurrected from the dead before, which may be the reason for the corpse poison. Tell me about his situation. During this time, has he been exposed to blood? Have loose bowels."

Although Jiang Lin said that the fee was very expensive, but now that an innocent child has been poisoned by corpse, it is impossible for him to die.

It's just that he still needs to understand Xiao Zun's diet during this time. If this child has been stained with blood like today, it will not be able to be saved if he wants to.In other words, Xiao Zun eats normal food and has frequent stomach upsets, so he can't do anything about it.

Eating human food will cause stomach upset, which is a characteristic of the descendants of the generals.

Chapter [*] Whether it can be saved depends on his good fortune

Xiao Zun has been poisoned by corpse poison, and will he turn into a zombie?

Zhong Bang's brain is almost not enough, because Xiao Zun has no parents, so he usually lives with Xiao Zun, but he really doesn't know when Xiao Zun has come into contact with zombies.

After calming down, Zhong Bang informed Jiang Lin and Mao Xiaofang of Xiao Zun's situation, and also said that Xiao Zun liked to eat pig blood porridge and chopped pepper chicken blood during this time, and there was no stomach upset.

He had wondered why Xiao Zun suddenly liked eating this kind of food, it turned out to be because Xiao Zun was transforming into a zombie.

"Fortunately, he just eats cooked pig blood and chicken blood. If he gets blood, he can't be saved."

"Mr. Jiang, Master Mao, Xiao Zun is a poor kid. You must save him. He can't become a zombie."

Zhong Bang begged Jiang Lin and Mao Xiaofang. After experiencing ghosts and zombies, he already knew that Jiang Lin and Mao Xiaofang were both experts in the world. In this situation of Xiao Zun, there are only professionals like Jiang Lin and Mao Xiaofang. to be processed.

"I know he's pitiful, but it's still unclear how far his corpse poison has spread before he can think of a way to rescue him."

Hearing Zhong Bang talking about Xiao Zun, Jiang Lin also felt that Xiao Zun was a poor child. He was sold by his parents several times. Later, it was Zhong Bang who came forward to save Xiao Zun from being sold.

Xiaozun's parents couldn't sell it, so they took him around to find the supplies left by the Japanese army, and used him as a labor force. In the end, the child had the same fate as his parents and was killed by Sakai.

It's just that it's pitiful, and if you want to save it, you have to investigate it thoroughly.

Although Jiang Lin is superb in Taoism, he cannot guarantee to turn a zombie back into a human, unless Xiao Zun has not reached the point where he cannot be saved, or if the three treasures of Emei are restored to what they were hundreds of years ago, and they contain sufficient ternary power.

How can there be no cavities or wounds?

Jiang Lin gathered spiritual power in his palm, and checked Xiao Zun's neck and body surface, but he did not find the entrance of the corpse poison.

Even if Xiao Zun is bitten by a zombie or scratched, the wound can heal, but there will still be some scars and the like. Even if there is no scar, the original wound location can be revealed with spiritual power.

Xiao Zun's current situation should be that the corpse poison is still lurking. If the poison stove can be found and removed, it can also create opportunities for subsequent detoxification.

"Fellow Daoist, can't find the wound? Could it be that he was fed corpse blood by zombies? But that's not right. Zombie blood is more poisonous than corpse poison. How can it be so good?"

"The corpse poison shouldn't have come in through the mouth. In that case, it would have spread to his body long ago."

Jiang Lin shook his head, and after that, he stopped looking for the way the corpse poison entered Xiao Zun's body, and directly put some blood on Xiao Zun.

If you can know what kind of corpse poison is in Xiao Zun, you can also deal with it as soon as possible.

Putting a drop of Xiaozun's blood in the palm of his hand, Jiang Lin used the Yang Yan in his body to refine it. He once extracted the corpse blood of the descendants of the generals. If the corpse poison of the descendants of the generals was in Xiaozun, then he could easily see it. come out.

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