"Jiang Lin's cultivation base can be said to be like a ceiling in Middle Earth, and even ranks among the best in the monastic circle of the entire world. The thousand-year-old zombie king Xuankui who escaped to Xugang, originally based on my cultivation base, It is impossible to deal with, but with all kinds of means and foreign objects, I was able to hunt him down for so many years, but Jiang Lin was able to use many methods to kill a Fei Zong, and Fei Zong was second only to the zombies. The existence of the ancestors. He once traveled to Japan to the east, and with his own strength, the entire Oriental monastic world could not lift his head. Let alone himself, just his family, I am afraid that there are people as capable as me now. In five or six. So, with his shot, Sakai will definitely be eliminated."

Mao Xiaofang has now regarded Yang Feiyun as a good friend, so he did not hide some things about Jiang Lin.

I drop a day.

Hearing what Mao Xiaofang said, Yang Feiyun couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he didn't contact Jiang Lin, otherwise Jiang Lin had such ability, and once he found out that he had other plans, he would be tragic.

However, after being fortunate, Yang Feiyun became anxious again. The magic knife in Sakai's hand was a rare evil weapon. If he wanted to change his life against the sky, he had to get it.

It's just that if Jiang Lin was present, it would be difficult for him to hold the magic knife in his hand.

"Master, Sakai is here, let's hide first, and after it enters the Internet, we will start the battle directly."

At this time, Axiu, who was watching the wind in the distance, returned to the ambush and told Mao Xiaofang that Sakai had already flown here.

The three found a bunker for camouflage. In the ambush circle, Bishop, Inspector Ke, and a group of police officers all pretended to be citizens, and burned the military flags and portrait statues there.

"Sir, if that Sakai really comes later and Mr. Jiang fights with him, if the citizens find out, we can't explain it."

Inspector Ke had a headache. Bishop used the police radio to broadcast that the "thugs" were the scourge of the Japanese remnants using biochemical drugs. Now that the scourge has been eliminated, they are going to burn the things left by the Japanese army on the mountain to celebrate. In response, paraded through the various streets, ready to come and visit.

But if so many people came, if Jiang Lin was found fighting with the zombie head Sakai, it would be a big mess.

"Are you doubting your commander's ability to do things? We are here for Sakai to see. We will lead him over. When Sakai arrives, we will go to the other side of the mountain, and then we can show it to the citizens."

Bishop rolled his eyes, what a little detective like you can think of, can I, an inspector, not think of it?

"The Emperor! The Emperor!"

Before Inspector Ke could flatter Bishop, he heard angry screams in the air.

Sakai has arrived.

It separated from the magic knife and flew in the air, screaming.

Seeing the Emperor's portrait being burned, it felt like it was being scorched by a cannon.


When Bishop saw Sakai rushing down, he immediately let Inspector Ke and the police scattered.

After Sakai landed, he ignored Bishop and the others and rushed towards the fire.

"Start formation!"

Seeing this, Mao Xiaofang rushed out immediately, the seals in his hands changed again and again, and Axiu and Yang Feiyun also rushed to the rest of Sancai.

The three moved quickly, and the array flags buried in the soil came out one by one, gradually becoming larger, forming an encircling area with a radius of [*] meters. A lightning arc and lightning appeared, which eventually evolved into an upside-down giant lightning shield.

"Is it you?"

When Sakai saw Mao Xiaofang and Yang Feiyun, he suddenly realized that he had been tricked. He had no idea what he heard on the road. It turned out to be a trap designed for him.

"You dare to burn our lofty national flag and the emperor's portrait, and you will all die!"

"Take care of your own life first!"

At this time, Jiang Lin flew down from the air with his sword and rushed into the formation.

This ambush formation was specially arranged to prevent the slippery Sakai from escaping again.

Since Sakai has entered the formation, there can only be one fate, that is, he will be wiped out.

"Cunning! Cunning!"

Sakai turned his head to see Jiang Lin, and realized that the real reason Jiang Lin had been blocking his way before was to drive him here.

So crafty!

"It's wise to use this trick on your donkeys."

Jiang Lin snorted, raised his sword and rushed towards Sakai.

Sakai once again united with the magic knife and flew towards Jiang Lin.

I have to say that Sakai's method is indeed extraordinary. The attack trajectory and angle of the flying knife are very tricky. One moment he was attacking from the front, and the next moment he flew to the back and attacked Jiang Lin's empty door.

No wonder Mao Xiaofang was able to chase after the thousand-year-old zombie king, but he fell into Sakai's hands.

Only then did Jiang Lin understand how Mao Xiaofang was fighting, not to mention Mao Xiaofang, even the ninth uncle would have to suffer a big loss in the face of Sakai at this time.

But Jiang Lin is not Mao Xiaofang, no matter how tricky Sakai's methods are, to him, they are all flashy tricks.

"Fancy, what's the use?"

Jiang Lin sneered, and then opened it up.

Mysterious light shines in all directions, and Yang Yan burns the six together.

Large-scale AOE, full-screen no dead-end attack.

Aren't you weird and cunning in skill judgment?I open the full screen spike.

Play Gorgeous Stream with me, you show your mother!

The spiritual power in Jiang Lin's body circulated, and the Xuanguang and Yangyan released from the outside directly surrounded Sakai.

"My grandfather, the old ancestor of Mai!"

Yang Feiyun was stabbed by Jiang Lin's profound light, one eye was closed, and the other eye was squinted. Jiang Lin's method was completely out of his understanding.

Magic knife, my magic knife, don't burn it!

Yang Feiyun was extremely worried. He was still a long way from the flames, but the raging heat made his whole body hurt. The flames released by Jiang Lin were definitely not ordinary fires.


Sakai was illuminated by Xuan Guang and then grilled by Yang Yan, and he screamed again and again.

It burst out with ghost energy, wrapped the magic knife, rushed out of the sea of ​​​​fire, and shot at the lightning shield above.


Jiang Lin gathered his arms together, and blasted out a pillar of spiritual fire, hitting the magic knife.

This pillar of fire directly killed Sakai, who was hidden in the magic knife, but the lightning shield above was also blasted out a big hole, and Sakai's magic knife was blasted out and fell directly into the mountain below. cliff.

Chapter [*] This kid, something is wrong!

"Crack, kill alien zombies and get [*] points of anger."

The sound of the system sounded in Jiang Lin's mind, which also indicated that Sakai had been completely eliminated.

Nearly [*] points of anger points, this time the harvest is really not small.

Jiang Lin was quite satisfied. This time, he eliminated thousands of zombies, and with the addition of Sakai, the zombie king, the amount of anger he received was almost [*] to [*].

Off the cliff, off the cliff!

When Jiang Lin was satisfied with his harvest, Yang Feiyun saw the magic knife fall into the cliff, and his heart was full of ups and downs, praying that Jiang Lin would not go down to find it.

"Fellow Daoist, your cultivation has improved a lot."

Mao Xiaofang was really dissatisfied with Jiang Lin. Over the years, his strength has improved a lot, but compared with Jiang Lin, the gap has not narrowed, but has grown even bigger.

Aura bloomed, flames were released, and there was another bombardment, and Sakai was killed by Jiang Lin like this.

"There has been some progress."

Jiang Lin smiled, and then said: "Some of the finishing work here, I will trouble fellow Daoists to take care of it, and I have to go back to the top of the mountain."

If it wasn't for the Japanese zombies in Hong Kong, Jiang Lin would have gone home early in the morning. He was eager to know where the Tianlei Shuangjian, which was destroyed by the Emei faction in the past, was left.

As for the magic knife that was blasted off the cliff, he didn't plan to deal with it himself, he just left it to Mao Xiaofang to refine it and destroy it.

"Brother Jiang, you are really powerful. It only took three or four hours before and after. The zombie disaster that made our police such a headache was solved by you."

Bishop came to the side of the magic circle, gave Jiang Lin a thumbs up with both hands, and couldn't close his mouth happily.

During this period of time, although he was very troubled, but now that all the troubles have been eliminated, can he be extremely peaceful.

A salary increase is a must.

"Come to my place when you have time, and dispose of my old coins. Axiu, let's go back to Shu's house and go home with Aning and Xiaochuan."

Jiang Lin didn't stay any longer and went back to Shu's house with Axiu.

Great, God help me too!

Yang Feiyun was very excited when he saw Jiang Lin and Axiu leave together.

"Feiyun, let's go to the bottom of the cliff to find the magic knife. That evil weapon gathers strong evil power. If it is not refined and destroyed, once it is obtained by evil spirits, it will cause a bloody storm."

"Master Mao, you are recovering from your injuries now. Anyway, Sakai and the zombie disaster have already been hoeed. Why don't you use the yang energy at that time to temper the magic knife at noon tomorrow, and you can save some effort. Wait for your vitality to recover. Well, sharpening a knife doesn’t make a mistake in chopping wood. Also, I don’t know if it’s because of my spirituality that I have improved my potential, and now I feel unwell, and the spiritual power in my body is extremely disturbed.”

Of course, Yang Feiyun would not let Mao Xiaofang destroy the magic knife, so he made up a bunch of lies, and also lied that there was something abnormal in his body.

Now Mao Xiaofang has regarded him as a friend, as long as he says so, Mao Xiaofang will definitely pay attention to him.

Sure enough, just as Yang Feiyun expected, when Mao Xiaofang heard that he was unwell, he stopped paying attention to the magic knife and wanted to send him home.

That night, Yang Feiyun let his wife go to the bottom of the cliff and replaced the magic sword with a samurai sword that was very similar to the magic sword.

As early as when Yang Feiyun saw the magic sword in Sakai's hand, he had the idea of ​​the magic sword, so during this time, he had already found someone to build an almost identical samurai sword according to the shape of the magic sword .

Even the evil power contained in the knife, he also used some methods to simulate it.

If you want to deceive Jiang Lin with this fake, it is impossible, but if you deceive Mao Xiaofang, it is quite simple.

The next day, Mao Xiaofang, Ma Fan, and Yang Feiyun set up a forging circle near the cliff and refined the fake magic knife.

Although he felt that the evil power on the magic knife had disappeared a lot, Mao Xiaofang had no doubts at all, and he still used the whole body's spiritual power there to refine and burn a fake magic knife.

Jiang Lin didn't know about this matter. How could he have thought that Mao Xiaofang couldn't even tell the true and false of the magic knife, and he was so vigorous in refining a fake product.

He has already planned to wait for the busy work to finish, and go back to the mainland. On the one hand, he will see Jiu Shu and Zhang Han, and on the other hand, he is going to inquire about the whereabouts of the Shushan faction.

According to the three sisters Bai Min'er, their master didn't mention much information about the battle a thousand years ago, and he didn't tell them much about the exact location of the Tianlei Shuangjian, only that it was destroyed in the war. He fell into the Funan River in Chengdu and did not know where to go.

However, the three sisters said that the Shushan faction, which arose after the fall of the Emei faction, might know the whereabouts of the Tianlei Shuangjian.

This is also the main reason why Jiang Lin wants to return to the mainland.

A few days later, Jiang Lin received another invitation from Yu Dahai's daughter Yu Bixin and a group of students.

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