Now there is only one zombie leader left. The thief will be captured first, and the king will be captured first. As long as the leader is destroyed and the remaining scattered corpses are cleaned, you can relax.

Therefore, Bishop went directly to Yu Hai's house.

"Fellow Daoist, why are you back? Sakai was wiped out?"

Mao Xiaofang was a little puzzled when he saw Jiang Lin again. Even if Jiang Lin was stronger than him, the slippery Sakai would not be so easy to kill.

Could it be that Jiang Lin's cultivation has risen to a new level after not seeing him in these years?

"No, I slipped around, and the shrimp soldiers and crab generals killed a lot, but I didn't see Sakai's shadow at all. I don't know where this guy is hiding. Fellow Daoist, although your injury hasn't recovered, there should be no problem with the formation. ?"

Jiang Lin informed Mao Xiaofang of his thoughts, and ordered him to set up an ambush for Sakai. At the same time, he also asked Mao Xiaofang to provide several places where Sakai might hide.

"I have no problem with the formation, and with Feiyun's helper, I should be able to complete it soon. It's just that we have used this method last time, so Sakai may not be able to succeed."

Mao Xiaofang frowned. If he killed Sakai for the first time, he would have a high success rate, but now that Sakai has already stumbled once, if he finds that Jiang Lin is pushing himself in a certain direction, it will be difficult to do.

"Don't worry about this, isn't Sakai going to serve the emperor when he dies? Then we'll have a conspiracy. It hasn't been too long since the end of the war. There must be Japanese flags and portraits of the emperor in some places where the Japanese army was once stationed. Let Bishop and the others spread some remarks outside and burn those things, as long as Sakai knows, it is impossible not to go."

Jiang Lin was not at all worried that Sakai would not take the bait. Back then, in the abandoned house, those heroic souls had to protect the military flag when they died. As the Japanese army with the most intense national emotions, Sakai couldn't just watch it. Will be obediently hooked.

As for what Mao Xiaofang said about Yang Feiyun's helper, Jiang Lin didn't ask any more questions even though he was puzzled.

During the period of haunted shadows and zombies, Mao Xiaofang had already taught Yang Feiyun the essence of Taoism he had learned. Not only that, but after Yang Feiyun used the excuse of destroying zombies and saving the people at all costs, Mao Xiaofang also used psychic skills. He developed the potential for Yang Feiyun, so that Yang Feiyun now has a Taoist level of cultivation.

Today, Yang Feiyun, who has excellent aptitude for Taoism, has far surpassed Ma Fan in formation, which is why Mao Xiaofang said that with his help, there is no problem.

It didn't take long for Bishop to bring Yu Bixin's hair over. After Jiang Lin arranged a search for the source tracing array, he told Bishop about the situation for Sakai.

Bishop did not hesitate at all, and immediately agreed to Jiang Lin's request.

Now that the situation is serious, Bishop, as a regional inspector, has a lot of power, and he can still make decisions in such matters.

Now that everything about the ambush has been explained, Jiang Lin didn't stay on the mountain, and went straight to the several directions he searched.

After looking for a few places, Jiang Lin got something.

It turned out that Sakai and a group of his cronies hid in the basement where the Japanese army used to conduct poison gas experiments, and Yu Bixin was also under house arrest by them.

"Good guy, if you hadn't used the means, I really wouldn't have found the mouse hole you're hiding."

Jiang Lin kicked open the door of the basement and looked at Sakai and the zombies with a sneer.

The gold, silver and the like collected by these zombies are all stored in this basement.

"Middle-earth Celestial Master? You are the one who made the cultivating world of our Yamato nation languish for a decade or two!"

After Sakai discovered Jiang Lin, instead of being surprised, he was a little excited. If it was still human, of course, he would not dare to take revenge on Jiang Lin.

Even if it turned into a corpse evil, it didn't dare to confront Jiang Lin head-on when he learned of Jiang Lin's massacre outside.

But now, it has a lot of subordinates, the space here is small, and there are a lot of poison gas equipment, it is not afraid of Jiang Lin at all.

Not only is it not afraid, but it also wants to kill Jiang Lin here, and destroy the Heavenly Master of the Middle Earth who made their great and national spirits depressed.

It wants to prove to its emperor that, even in death, it can shine and serve their lofty emperor.

"Since you have found this place, I will bring your head back to our country and pay tribute to the Emperor!"

Sakai laughed, he thought that as long as Jiang Lin was distracted by the poisonous gas from his zombies, he could unite with the magic knife and give Jiang Lin a knife through his heart.

Even Taoist priests like Mao Xiaofang were easily suppressed by it, and the Zombie King in Middle-earth was also injured by it with a powerful corpse. Therefore, Sakai was very confident in the current situation.

"Yoyoyo, when I went to your Japanese country, those scumbags wanted to kill me at most. You're crazy, and you want to pay tribute to my head. Tsk tsk tsk, but I don't know, I see the Japanese donkey crazy. Ru, now the grass on the tomb is five feet tall."

Jiang Lin was really amused by this Sakai. Whether it was a Japanese martial artist, a different ninja, or an officer, if he was able to kill him, he was already celebrating. This Sakai didn't know where the confidence came from, not only to kill him, but also to kill him. Take it back to your hometown and dedicate it to the Emperor.

Beer Beer Beer Beer.


As soon as Sakai heard Jiang Lin say the word "Japanese donkey", his face flushed with anger.

At that time, Jiang Lin wrote a big feature in the newspapers and distributed the word "Japanese donkeys are poor" and distributed them on their land. I don't know how many people died of anger.

This word is more shameful to them than "devil", "cub" and "radish head".

The first thousand three hundred and forty-six chapters escape?I see where you are going!

"Baga, you Amu! Your group of Japanese donkeys, who wanted to kill me, now the grass on the grave is a few feet high, and even you, a reborn salty donkey, dares to speak out in front of me. I really thought you group When the Japanese donkey comes back to life, it can turn over? The salted donkey turns over, isn't it still the salted donkey?"

While Jiang Lin spoke, his hands were not idle. He slashed with his sword, and two huge crescent-shaped sword qi crossed each other and pushed forward. Rushing down the prison door that closed Yu Bixin.

After that, Jiang Lin instantly moved into the cell. When Yu Bixin was screaming in fright when the sword qi destroyed the cell door, he grabbed the latter's arm, teleported back, and blocked the door.

Since he had agreed with Yu Dahai to save Yu Bixin, he would not let Yu Bixin be wrong.

And he also discovered the poison gas facility here early in the morning. In order to prevent these zombies from poisoning, poisoning Yu Bixin to death, or taking Yu Bixin as a hostage, it is more convenient for him to keep Yu Bixin by his side.

"Thank you for saving me."

Yu Bixin recovered from the shock, and nodded to Jiang Lin to thank him.

"I also think you are pitiful. You have a father like that, but you don't have to be grateful. I can't stand your father. I killed him for [*] yuan."

Jiang Lin smiled, and then took a magic talisman and stuck it on Yu Bixin's forehead. Next, he wanted to kill and not have much energy to protect the girl.

"Kill them!"

The magic knife in Sakai's hand pointed at Jiang Lin and Yu Bixin, and the zombie sergeant under it rushed towards Jiang Lin and the others, and some of them ran directly to the switch of the poison gas storage machine to release the poison gas.

These zombies don't need to breathe, and the body's metabolic function has stopped, and the poison gas has little effect on them.

But Jiang Lin was a living person. Even if he held his breath, the pores of his skin would absorb the poisonous gas into his body.

As long as the poisonous gas enters the body, even if he can't make him stand upright, he can still take care of himself.

But the fact disappointed Sakai and the other zombies. Yang flames emanated from Jiang Lin's body, and the poisonous gas that permeated the laboratory couldn't penetrate three inches around him, and was burned into nothingness.

Jiang Lin's arms turned into two eight-meter-long Yang Finger Swords, and then the two arms were cut. The two Yang Finger Swords were like the cutting blades of giant scissors. The rushing zombie team was divided into two by the waist. part.

After taking care of these obstacles, Jiang Lin teleported again and went directly to Sakai's side. There was not much space in this laboratory, which was just enough to limit Sakai's dodging and evasion.

As soon as he appeared behind Sakai, Jiang Lin held the bone sword in both hands and slashed at Sakai's head.

This blow from him can be regarded as a full force. Even a thousand-year-old zombie king like Xuan Kui has to be split in half.

Even if Sakai is transformed into a Rakshasa ghost, the spiritual power on the bone sword can still separate its ghost body and kill it instantly.

But what Jiang Lin didn't expect was that he was actually empty.

Sakai doesn't have the same teleportation ability as Jiang Lin, it's still in place, but it's all flat.

This Sakai actually merged with the magic knife at a very critical moment. It was as thin as a blade, and Jiang Lin's slashing trajectory passed directly parallel to it.


Sakai, who was in the same place with the magic knife, shot directly at the ceiling of the laboratory, destroyed the entire ceiling, and escaped.

Originally, it planned to kill Jiang Lin, but the zombie soldiers didn't play any role at all, and the poison gas didn't work on Jiang Lin at all, making its plan aborted.

At this moment, it was almost cut in half by Jiang Lin, so it didn't even think about it, and rushed out of the laboratory to avoid being wiped out by Jiang Lin.

As for the wealth that it has finally collected, it can only find a way. Anyway, the people who died in their troops back then were not only in the Loyalty Pagoda. The big deal is that it will spend some more effort, and then summon a large number of subordinates to plan again.

There is a lot of poisonous gas here, and it can't be dissipated in a short time. The gold and silver jewelry stacked inside can't be moved away for a while. As long as there is another zombie army, it can send these treasures to the ship and bring them with them. go to Japan.

Really slippery.

Jiang Lin's face sank. He took the shot himself, and even used the teleportation ability, and even let Sakai escape under his nose.

With five fingers, Jiang Lin shot out dozens of yang fingers, destroying all the remaining zombies.

After that, a yin fire whip sprang out of his palm and wrapped around Yu Bixin's waist. With a vertical leap, Jiang Lin brought Yu Bixin to the ground where the underground laboratory was located.

"You have an amulet on your forehead, and it's also effective when you wear it on your body. I still have things to do, you can go back by yourself. Tell Detective Ke or other detectives about the situation here, and let them handle it."

Jiang Lin explained to Yu Bixin and went after Sakai himself.

Although it is a wilderness here, Yu Bixin is also born with a beautiful water spirit, but she has an amulet on her body, so she can't do anything to her when she encounters any danger, or encounters someone with bad thoughts.

"Escape? I'll see where you're going!"

Jiang Lin sneered as he looked at Sakai who had already flown far away. He didn't have to rush with his legs, he just extended his limbs, grabbed the branches of two big trees, made rubber bands with his arms, and used himself as a slingshot. Launched the same.

After the speed drops, he repeats the cycle, followed by the escaped Sakai.

Sakai was flying in the sky, and Jiang Lin was chasing him at a low altitude. As long as Sakai was fleeing in the wrong direction, Jiang Lin would not hesitate to teleport one after another, suspended up, stopped Sakai, and forced him to flee in the direction of the ambush set up by Mao Xiaofang and the others.

Even if Sakai can be combined with the magic sword, such a method requires a lot of ghost energy. Therefore, every time Sakai is flying, he has to stop, fall to the ground, and continue to escape.

"Baga! Baga Road!"

It didn't take long for Sakai to go completely crazy.

Not because of being chased by Jiang Lin all the time, but because of something else.

Bishop's movements were quick. After Jiang Lin told him the matter, not long after, there were many people on the street, shouting that they would burn all the things left by the Japanese.

Burn the flag of the army, burn the portrait of the emperor, and burn the statue of Amaterasu.

Hearing the slogans shouted by those people, Sakai fell into an unprecedented rage, once again united with the magic sword, and flew towards the mountain top where the ambush circle was located.

After a while, Jiang Lin chased the place where Sakai had been before. Looking at the direction that Sakai was flying in the air, Jiang Lin snorted coldly.

This Sakai is as slippery as a loach, and no matter how he escapes, he will not be able to escape his Wuzhishan.

The first thousand three hundred and forty-seven chapters are bells and whistles, what's the use?

"Master Mao, is Mr. Jiang really that powerful? He actually wiped out almost all the zombies in Hong Kong in just a few hours."

After setting up the ambush formation, Yang Feiyun asked Mao Xiaofang about Jianglin when Axiu went to a place with a good view to look at the wind.

Although he had inquired about Jiang Lin before, he did not inquire too much for the sake of insurance, and after the relationship with Mao Xiaofang improved, in order not to make Mao Xiaofang suspicious, he seldom probed into Mao Xiaofang's words.

Therefore, Yang Feiyun didn't know much about Jiang Lin.

Now that he was found by Mao Xiaofang, he felt unbelievable when he heard Mao Xiaofang talk about Jianglin cooking zombies.

He had always believed that Jiang Lin's ability would never be lower than Mao Xiaofang's, but he did not expect Jiang Lin's ability to be so high.

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