As for his other entanglements with the Japanese army, he didn't say anything, that's absolutely impossible to say.

Inspector Ke and Mao Xiaofang were all surprised that Yu Dahai was brave enough to pluck the hair on the tiger's head and steal the supplies and gold from the Japanese air-raid shelter.

Jiang Lin laughed and said, "I said that you, Yu Dahai, a stinky tofu seller, suddenly became a nouveau riche. You stole gold from the Japanese army and turned into a rice merchant. So, listen to the Devil's Mountain Air Raid Shelter. If there is a murder case, it may be done by a devil, so you panic, go to Master Mao, and say that it may be a ghost, using him as a gunman, and wanting to kill the devil that appeared in the air-raid shelter as soon as possible. Just like Master Mao It's so coaxing that you are used as the barrel of a gun. Now you come to me, and you use the righteousness of the nation to make me a gun. Do you think I am easy to fool?"

Hearing Jiang Lin's words, Mao Xiaofang twitched the corners of his mouth. He had been busy for so long before, and it really means that he was coaxed by Yu Dahai to be a gunman.

Seeing Yu Dahai's uneasy look, Jiang Lin said again: "I think you have also inquired about some of my things. You asked me to save your daughter and prepare the money, [-] yuan."

In fact, even if Yu Dahai didn't come looking for him, Yu Bixin would be safe in the end. Since Jiang Lin had promised Bishop to shoot for free, he would definitely not stay, and Yu Bixin would not be in danger.

The reason why he slaughtered Yu Dahai, on the one hand, was because this guy was shaking his wit in front of him, tied him with great justice, and wanted to use him as a gunman, and on the other hand, Yu Dahai begged him to do things, and he had that disgusting face , to send his daughter to warm the bed for him.

This kind of person who treats their children as a tool for making money and regards money and power as more important than their own flesh and blood is really rare in the world.

Even if there are bullies whose conscience is eaten by dogs, there are few who are less human than Yu Dahai.

Besides, whether it is being blackmailed by someone or a ghost, your daughter is in the hands of the other party. It has been several days, and he still refuses to pay the ransom, and there is no other way.

Therefore, Yu Dahai was very disgusting to him. If it wasn't for Yu Dahai who stole things from the Japanese army and made him laugh, he would have asked for it higher.

Bishop on the side looked at Yu Dahai with a foolish look. Originally, Jiang Lin had shot it for free, but as a result, Jiang Lin had to get tired of this product, and he was slaughtered for [-] yuan in vain.

He also doesn't like Yu Dahai very much. This guy said before that his daughter is flesh and blood and money is the lifeblood.

Such people deserve to starve to death when they are old and unable to move.

In fact, everyone, including Jiang Lin, didn't think much about the things in the Japanese air-raid shelter.

If you really want to steal it, there is only one possibility: you are a thief.

They never thought that Yu Dahai used to be a traitor. Later, when Yu Dahai realized that the situation was not right, he gave Sakai and the others a hard blow, stole supplies and gold, and changed his name to a rice merchant.

"[-]? Mr. Jiang, you are very knowledgeable, and it is not difficult to save my daughter. You are killing me."

Yu Dahai wailed suddenly. Don't look at what he usually does for charity, it's just a small amount of money, and [-] is enough for him.

Jiang Lin snorted and said, "What's wrong with my proficiency? Don't say it's you, it's the Governor of Hong Kong. If you ask me to take action, you will have to pay a lot of money. Do you think you have more face than the Governor?"

"Mr. Jiang used to help the police station in Hong Kong to handle similar cases. There are tens of thousands of small cases and hundreds of thousands of large cases. These are the old coins of that time. The hundreds of thousands at that time are now in the tens of millions. You need special approval from the governor. Now, if you want Mr. Jiang to rescue your daughter, you don’t want to give it [-] yuan, and you want Mr. Jiang to do things just by your mouth? You have more face than the governor?”

Bishop also made fun of him. If his own daughter was kidnapped by zombies, he would have to pay the ransom, and he would have to pay the ransom to redeem his daughter to keep her safe.

But Yu Dahai had to pay [-] to save his daughter, as if he had killed him.

After frowning for a long time, finally Yu Dahai was willing to exchange [-] yuan for his daughter.

The first thousand three hundred and forty-four chapters, cutting vegetables, is completely cutting vegetables!

Yu Dahai was too distressed, but no matter how distressed he was, he would have to hold his nose and endure it. According to what he knew about Jiang Lin, Jiang Lin was really a man who spoke loudly. Even Li Xi and the richest man like that were regarded as the same. Pig slaughtered, bleeding profusely.

"Bishop, you ask your subordinates to clear the streets first, hurry up, I have to slaughter the dogs."

Jiang Lin asked Bishop to send his men to evacuate the few people left on the street, otherwise he would start killing people on the street in a while, the scene of his head flying around and his limbs scattered, it was a big man, and he had to leave a serious place. psychological shadow.

"no problem."

Bishop wanted Jiang Lin to act immediately, so he asked Inspector Ke to act quickly and arranged for his people to clean up.

"Fellow Daoist, you must be careful, Sakai can combine with the magic sword, and the method is more powerful than the swordsmanship."

Mao Xiaofang reminded Jiang Lin that although Jiang Lin was much stronger than him, the Sakai he met this time was really extraordinary.

"Don't worry, no matter what kind of zombie or ghost it is, I will kill it like a dog."

After letting Axiu wait here, Jiang Lin went down the mountain and went directly to the area where the zombies gathered as Bishop said.

On the way, if he encounters scattered zombies, he will use a sword, just like cutting vegetables.

As for dealing with the zombies and the corpses killed by them, it has nothing to do with him, just leave it to the people under Bishop to take care of them.

Zombies have much less corpse energy than zombies, and those who are bitten to death by zombies are rarely transformed into corpses, so he only needs to be responsible for killing them.

It didn't take long for Jiang Lin to arrive at Queen's Road, where many police detectives and police officers gathered, shooting pistols, rifles and even machine guns at the rioting zombies.

Although it can't kill them, it can slow down their movement speed.

In addition to Zhong Bang and Fang Tu and other police detectives and police officers, Ma Fan was also there, but only with Zhong Jun and A Jin.

They use the crossbow arrows invented by Ma Fan to deal with zombies, but the efficiency is extremely low, and they are not as good as muskets.

"Everyone back away!"

Jiang Lin snorted, and then rushed towards the zombies with the bone sword upside down.

With a casual swing of the bone sword in his hand, none of those zombies could stand it, either their heads were chopped off, or their waists were cut lazily.

Coupled with the vertical and horizontal sword qi, Jiang Lin can get at least five consecutive kills with one blow.

"Uncle Shi, it's Uncle Shi!"

When Ma Fan saw Jiang Lin who was killing Jiang Lin on the street, he called out excitedly. In just a moment, there were hundreds of zombies on the street, all of them were headless corpses and unloaded in half. of meat.

Zhong Jun and A Jin both had goosebumps all over their bodies. Head stumps flying in the sky, blood splashing on the ground, Jiang Lin killing zombies was like cutting wheat. No, it was easier than cutting wheat. vegetable.

Especially Ah Jin, who was so scared that he didn't dare to speak, and still wanted to feel sick to his stomach.

She had a great psychological shadow on Jiang Lin. When the Xiangdao Taoist Temple was newly opened, Jiang Lin waved at her, and she hit the wall and fainted.

Seeing Jiang Lin's great power now, the shadow area in her heart is even bigger.

"Ma Fan, it turns out that he is your uncle. Why do I think he is much stronger than your master."

Zhong Jun never dared to provoke Jiang Lin, because she knew that Jiang Lin had the identity of the yin secretary of the yangjian, and only those living people who were mentally ill could not get along with the yin secretary.

But she never knew how high Jiang Lin's Daoist attainments were. Now that she saw Jiang Lin's killing methods, she was stunned.

She has also seen Mao Xiaofang kill zombies, but compared with Jiang Lin's style, the little witch is better than the big witch.

Killing zombies can kill such a person, can he be a kind person?

Zhong Jun was really glad that he put his anger on Mao Xiaofang's head instead of targeting Jiang Lin.

"Jiang Shishu is indeed much stronger than my master. Even a zombie king like Xuan Kui can raise his hand and kill him. But he is not from us, he is from the northern faction, we are from the southern faction, but Master Jiang He has a very good relationship with my master, so I call him Uncle Shi, and his wife is my third senior sister."

Ma Fan didn't care about what Zhong Jun said. If Zhong Jun said that others were better than his master, he would of course not want to, but if he was talking about Jiang Lin, then there would be no problem at all.

"This man is really scary."

"Although my uncle is not as kind as master, but as long as he doesn't provoke him, he generally doesn't care about others. Uncle Jiang doesn't like to meddle in his own business. The last time you made trouble in the Taoist hall was because he gave him a plaque, master. Shame on him too."

That's fine.

Zhong Jun breathed a sigh of relief, since Mao Xiaofang and Jiang Lin are not from the same family, and Jiang Lin is not the kind of nosy, then there should be no problem with her idea of ​​hitting Mao Xiaofang in the future.

On the other side, when a group of police officers saw Jiang Lin crossing the street with light speed and killing the corpse in seconds, they all became sculptures.

The visual impact is too great.

"My god, isn't this Mr. Jiang? He... is he killing zombies or chopping vegetables?"

Fang Tu screamed strangely, and even dropped the police gun in his hand because he was too shocked.

A large group of police officers used pistols, rifles, and even machine guns. They couldn't do anything about this group of zombies. As a result, Jiang Lin shouted and ran across the street.

Where they passed by, none of those zombies were complete, and there were only corpses left on the whole street.

The zombies who couldn't even handle bullets were cut up by Jiang Lin as vegetables.

Cutting vegetables is exactly cutting vegetables.

In just a short while, Jiang Lin cleaned up a street of zombies.

"What are you still doing here? Don't you clean up the scene soon? If you are seen by the public, won't this cause panic?"

At this time, Detective Ke and a group of police officers rushed over, and Detective Ke yelled at Zhong Bang and the others.

He was exhausted. They were responsible for evacuating the people, and they were still driving police cars, but the speed was not as fast as Jiang Lin's.

Fortunately, they have informed other colleagues and evacuate in other places, otherwise, when the matter is over, the police station in Xugang will have to be surrounded by reporters.

So, Inspector Ke and Zhong Bangfangtu chased after Jiang Lin while cleaning up the remains of the zombies.

Two hours later, Jiang Lin walked around the entire Xugang, and he killed [-]% of the zombies like cutting vegetables.

It's just that he didn't find the zombie leader Sakai, and he didn't know where they were hiding.

"Brother Jiang, slow down when chopping vegetables!"

Bishop caught up with Jiang Lin out of breath. Before, he wished Jiang Lin would solve the zombie disaster immediately, but now, he had to beg Jiang Lin to take it easy.

Too fast, really fast!

As a result, all their police forces went to clean up the bodies, and that's not enough manpower.

Once there is no corpse disaster, the citizens will come out. The streets and alleys are full of corpses, which can scare the citizens into groups to vomit and faint.

The first thousand three hundred and forty-five chapters I see that the Japanese donkey is crazy like you, and now the grave is five feet tall

"You go to Yu Dahai and ask for a piece of his daughter's hair to send to Master Mao. Now these devils and zombies have been almost killed by me, and Sakai has not been found, and I have not seen Yu Bixin. Sakai is together."

Jiang Lin explained to Bishop and went to Mao Xiaofang again.

When Mao Xiaofang and the others were chasing Sakai, who was still a Rakshasa ghost, they were all walked around by this guy for several times.

It is better to use Yu Bixin directly to locate and narrow the search scope.

Besides, when he came, he didn't expect Sakai to hide, and he forgot to ask Mao Xiaofang where Sakai was hiding.

And since Sakai was able to run so well, he also planned to let Mao Xiaofang do his best to set up an ambush formation.

If he encounters Sakai and can't kill it in seconds, Sakai will most likely escape, and then he will throw the goods into the ambush.

According to Mao Xiaofang, Sakai can merge with the magic knife and become a flying knife. In this case, he is not sure that Sakai will be solved quickly.

Although his teleport ability is very useful, there must be a place for borrowing, that is to say, Sakai can only be hunted down on the ground.

If Sakai's corpse knife is one, he will fly in the sky, he has the strength to destroy Sakai, and he has no output environment.

"Okay, I'll do it right away."

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