"Brother Jiang, Brother Jiang! You are finally back!"

Because Bishop left a message to the Shu family, saying that when Jiang Lin arrived, he would call the police station to notify the police station, so Bishop arrived not long after Jiang Lin and the others arrived at Shu's house.

When he saw Jiang Lin, he was more kissable than his own father.

"Zombies in Xugang again? Or is it a zombie turned from a Japanese devil? Even Master Mao was injured?"

After listening to Bishop talking about what happened in Xugang during this time, Jiang Lin realized why there were almost no people on the street. It turned out that there were zombies.

And it is directly related to the previous bomb shelter murder case. The perpetrator was not a ninja, but the Phantom Rakshasa.

What surprised him even more was that Mao Xiaofang had a red copper sword, which even the Thousand Year Zombie King could chase and chop, but he was injured in the head by the zombies and couldn't even lift the sword.

"Brother Jiang, this time it's up to you. As for the reward, this... I will try my best to fight for it, but now that the finances of Hong Kong have not been fully recovered, it may not be able to give much."

Bishop looked embarrassed. Although Jiang Lin's shot was extremely efficient, his shot was too expensive.

It used to be hundreds of thousands or hundreds of thousands, but now the Hong Kong dollar is newly issued, and it is almost tens of millions.

"No, this time it's free, no money."

Jiang Lin waved his hand, as long as it was a Japanese devil, whether it was alive or dead or alive and dead, he would kill him for free, without charging any money.

It is everyone's responsibility to clean up the waste and livestock in the Japanese country.

Forget about the time of war, that's the general trend, and now that it's all peaceful, if you still come to make trouble, then no matter if the devil is a zombie or a living devil, the killing will be done, and the service fee will be waived.

"Free? No money?"

Bishop couldn't believe his ears, the sun was really coming out of the west.

"Let's go, go to the place where Master Mao recuperates and see his condition."

Jiang Lin asked his servants to call Axiu, and went with him to see Mao Xiaofang's injury, and by the way asked what kind of zombie it was, which actually made Mao Xiaofang fall into a big trouble.

Chapter [*] The thief's heart is immortal!

"Brother Jiang, are you really not collecting money this time?"

Bishop drove Jiang Lin and Axiu to Mao Xiaofang in a police car. On the way, he asked again.

This time, the zombie disaster was even more serious than the werewolf disaster last time.

And because of the war, the orthodox practitioners who came to Xugang in the early years have all left for refuge. Although there are many Taoist Taoist temples in Xugang now, most of them are magic sticks.

In other words, this time Jiang Lin had to take care of things by himself, and he didn't even have a helper.

That's why Bishop wondered if Jiang Lin was joking with him.

"Why, is it weird? In the past, zombies or vampires, or werewolves, all had meaning and value in existence. What meaning did those Japanese beasts have in existence? What's the value? Eliminate vampires and werewolves. , I collect money, because they are at least worth some money, what are the devils and livestock worth? They are not even worth a dip in shit, and they deserve to be paid for?"

Jiang Lin smiled and continued: "If you don't feel paid and feel uneasy in your heart, then, when I take care of those zombies and you bury those dead bodies and stumps, hold a party at their graves and put them aside. It's better to find some reporters and make news, I'll be useful in the future."

Since Bishop never believed in the fact that he didn't charge, he let Bishop spend some money.

Anyway, it has been more than ten years since the last time he went to Japan to distribute newspapers. Maybe when he goes again, he can put this matter on the board.

It's not a matter of being a sorcerer or a ninja monk, even if he kills these living people to the point of being terrified, even the souls of the zombie army are wiped out by him.

When he takes a chance to send a report to Japan, it is estimated that he can kill a lot of popularity, and he can also blow up his lungs if it is light.

Shuang Wai Wai.

"Bounce on their graves? No problem, it's a trivial matter."

After confirming that Jiang Lin really shot for free this time, Bishop patted his chest continuously, not to mention dancing in front of those animal graves. This time, if the matter can be solved smoothly, he will pay for it himself, and in these zombies Have a karaoke session on the cemetery.

After that, Bishop told Jiang Lin about the current situation in Xugang.

The current governors are all learned, and when they encounter such things, they blame them on Frankenstein and thugs.

Now ZF has notified the public through the broadcast, saying that a large number of thugs have appeared, and told the citizens not to go out even if there is something wrong, lock the doors and windows at home, and wait for the police to deal with those "thugs", and then live a normal life.

Citizens are also very cooperative, and they can’t do it if they don’t cooperate. In addition to harming people indiscriminately, these zombies will also break into residents’ homes and loot valuables, especially gold, silver, jewelry and antiques. As long as they are seen, they are basically Did not run.

Therefore, most of the residents in Xugang now keep the gates tightly closed.

Even in the daytime, they don't open the door, and the zombies under the Zhongling Pagoda are not even afraid of sunlight.

This is true of ordinary residents, not to mention those with some wealth at home.

Rich people like Emperor Wang and the others, when they received the news, took their family with them and moved all their gold and silver property to Li Xihe.

Although the protective barrier of Li Xihe's house has not been completely completed, it has been able to block the invasion of some evil spirits.

"These devils are really fucking thieves."

Jiang Lin squinted his eyes. Before the war, there were a large number of magicians who robbed tombs for treasures in China.

Now that the war is over, these Japanese soldiers have been resurrected from the dead, and they are still making money, preparing to send a large amount of gold and silver back to the Japanese country.

A group of beasts, even robbers are not as good as they do.

Ten minutes later, Jiang Lin and the others arrived on a high mountain. Mao Xiaofang was injured by Sakai and needed to rely on the land of extreme sun to heal his injuries. This was the most suitable place.

"Fellow Daoist, are you hurt so badly?"

Jiang Lin looked at Mao Xiaofang, who was sitting cross-legged in the formation, and was taken aback. Now Mao Xiaofang was sallow, extremely haggard, and he didn't have much energy left.

"Tell me the specifics."

Yang flames appeared in Jiang Lin's palm, and pressed on the wound on Mao Xiaofang's shoulder to remove the yin and evil energy from the wound. At the same time, he also asked Mao Xiaofang for information about the Zombie King.

Generally speaking, zombies are far less powerful than zombies. Zombies can advance because the corpse qi will gather in the throat and have the foundation of cultivation, but zombies do not. Therefore, such corpse evils are rarely able to grow.

Jiang Lin has been fighting demons for so many years, but he has never seen a zombie that is more difficult to deal with than a zombie.

"I went to see the Zhongling Pagoda where the Japanese army was buried. It has long been set up as a place of great murder. I am afraid that when the Japanese army realized that they would be defeated, the Zhongling Pagoda was set up as a place to raise corpses. Rakshasa Ghost Shadow Sakai, whose body was washed away by the evil spirit under the Zhongling Pagoda, and after reuniting with his own soul, his strength increased greatly, and he could switch back and forth between ghosts and zombies. The magic knife is obtained by it, let alone me, even Xuankui is not its opponent."

Mao Xiaofang told Jiang Lin about the previous battle, and when he was injured and retreated, he happened to meet Xuan Kui.

Yang Feiyun provoked Xuankui and Sakai, and let them fight ghosts. Sakai and the magic sword became one, and even Xuankui couldn't match it and could only be defeated.

However, it was the Chinese and Japanese ghouls that beat the ghosts, and Mao Xiaofang and the others were able to escape.

"The ghosts of Rakshasa are usually people with bad intentions who have attempted conspiracy and are unwilling to die. I suspect that the Zhongling Pagoda may have been planned by Sakai before his death. Now I don't know how many people have been ransacked by zombies. This group of thieves Immortal garbage!"

The more Mao Xiaofang spoke, the more excited he became.

"Are Rakshasa ghosts and zombies combined? No wonder you are planted by fellow Daoists."

Jiang Lin did not expect that the group of devils could have such a show, first raising and refining corpses fiercely, and then putting back the souls that fit with them.

According to Mao Xiaofang, that Sakai can almost be compared with the strongest thousand-year-old zombie king.

Except for special zombies, the bodies of ordinary zombies will become stiff compared with zombies, and the use of zombie bodies to accommodate Rakshasa ghosts can maximize the ability of ghosts.

In addition, Sakai was an officer who advocated Bushido before his death, and with a magic knife, I am afraid that ordinary Mao Zong may not be able to suppress it.

Chapter [*] You have more face than the Governor?

"Mr. Jiang, you are finally here, please help save my daughter."

At this time, Yu Dahai, Yang Feiyun, and Inspector Ke also came here to visit Mao Xiaofang's injury. As soon as Yu Dahai saw Jiang Lin, he shouted.

Because he stole Sakai's gold before, Yu Dahai was found by Sakai. Yu Dahai himself and his two wives fled to the secret room of Yu's house, but Yu Bixin was caught by Sakai before he could escape in time.

Sakai threatened Yu Bixin's life and asked Yu Dahai to return the stolen gold.

Now Mao Xiaofang is not Sakai's opponent. After Yu Dahai saw Jiang Lin, he regarded it as a life-saving straw.

It's just that he stole the gold from the Japanese army, and he will not show it no matter what.

During this period of time, Jiang Lin frequently appeared at the rich party's parties and receptions. People including Yu Dahai had already inquired about him and knew that Jiang Lin was a Maoshan Taoist who was much more powerful than Mao Xiaofang.

Now that Mao Xiaofang was seriously injured, Jiang Lin was the only one who could deal with Sakai and a bunch of zombies.

"Mr. Jiang, those Japanese bastards burn, kill and loot alive, and they will make trouble here and harm our compatriots when they are dead. Please take action to destroy them. As long as you help me save my daughter, she will be your concubine. I would too."

"I miss your daughter. I don't even know how much I hate being born in your Yu family."

Jiang Lin didn't give Yu Dahai a good face. If Yu Dahai didn't ask his daughter to be his concubine, he might even ask about the situation. Now he is a nouveau riche who doesn't want to pay any attention to him.

After saving your daughter, you made her my concubine, talking about how much you paid.

The daughter does not know whether she is dead or alive, and she is used to curry favor with others.

Such a father is not as good as a dog.

"Mr. Jiang, no matter what, Boss Yu's daughter is a citizen of Xugang. Mr. Bishop should have discussed it with you. See if you can help us rescue the hostages."

Inspector Ke received the benefits of Yu Dahai some time ago, so now he also speaks for Yu Dahai, and at the same time he also tells Jiang Lin that Yu Bixin was captured by Sakai himself, in order to blackmail Yu Dahai.

"Hey, I'm just wondering, those Japanese zombies are right to loot and loot, but they don't seem to have extorted others. Jigang is richer than you, Yu Dahai, and there are a lot of them. Why is Sakai only blackmailing you?"

Jiang Lin suddenly felt that something was wrong. Although many rich people took refuge in Li Xihe's place, there were more than those rich people in Xugang. It was impossible for Li Xihe to let all of them enter the Li family mansion.

In other words, there are still many rich people out there. The intelligence of zombies is not very high, and they have brains if they can snatch gold and silver antiques.

If they can't find it, or if they can't get in the door, they will find a home, and almost no one will break in hard.

Otherwise, even if the citizens close the doors and windows, it will be of no use.

This set of blackmail is also aimed at the Yu Dahai family.

Why not find other rich people, but have to find this upstart?

After contacting Mao Xiaofang before that Yu Dahai was very concerned about the bomb shelter murder case, Jiang Lin felt that there was something tricky in it.

Yu Dahai hesitated and refused to answer Jiang Lin's words.

"You are a physiognomist, and I think you should know the rules for ordinary people to find Taoist priests to do things?"

Jiang Lin looked at Yang Feiyun, Yang Feiyun laughed dryly, and could only say to Yu Dahai, ask the Taoist priest for help, and you must not hide anything, this is an unwritten rule.

"I took the supplies and gold that Sakai and the others put in the air-raid shelter."

In the end, Yu Dahai had to tell the story. His daughter was used by him to catch the golden turtle son-in-law, and there must be no danger. Otherwise, he would have been raised in vain for so many years.

Therefore, in order for Jiang Lin to rescue him, Yu Dahai had to confess.

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