After that, Mao Xiaofang quickly took Zhang Lingfu from the eight-treasure bag, pierced it with a sword, stabbed it on Ghost Shadow, and nailed it to the wall.

But the ghost figure indented into the crack on the cave wall and escaped.

"Chase! Rakshasa ghosts are basically formed because of unrighteous minds during their lifetime, their own conspiracies were unsuccessful, and they died without resting their eyes. This Rakshasa ghost doesn't know there is any hidden conspiracy, and it must be eliminated."

Mao Xiaofang carried the red copper sword upside down, rushed out of the air-raid shelter, and chased after the escaping ghost.

Chapter [*]: The war just ended, and the zombies rose again

"Master Mao, it turns out that there really is such a thing as ghosts in the world. If I hadn't experienced it myself, I would have really had a hard time believing it."

Zhong Bang caught up with Mao Xiaofang, and until now, he still has lingering fears.

Although he knew that Mao Xiaofang really knew magic, he had never seen the supernatural thing with his own eyes, so before that, he had been skeptical, but he had seen it just now, and he was almost beaten by a ghost. Fractures are broken, and it is impossible not to believe in evil.

"This is also a normal reaction of you. The port of Xu is relatively developed, and science is widely popularized. There are still many people who don't believe it. By the way, Zhong Bang, in fact, you have the qualifications to learn Taoism. Do you want to consider practicing Taoism with me and subdue demons? Demon, keep one side safe."

Mao Xiaofang chased after him, and persuaded Zhong Bang to practice Taoism with him.

This Rakshasa ghost is not easy to deal with, but it is not easy to eliminate it by himself, and his apprentices Ma Fan and Zeng Cheng can hardly help, so he wants to find a helper.

Zhong Bang has the physique of a man of five generations. When he learns Taoism, he can use it like flying on an airplane.

"I have no interest in Daoism, I just want to be a good police detective who can eliminate violence and be well."

Zhong Bang shook his head. His ideal since childhood was to be an excellent police detective, but he never thought of practicing Taoism.

Mao Xiaofang persuaded several times, but Zhong Bang still did not agree.

For the next few days, Mao Xiaofang and Zhong Bang were chasing and killing Rakshasa ghosts, and even once, Mao Xiaofang made the ghosts appear completely, but in the end they escaped because of lack of helpers.

On this day, Mao Xiaofang was invited to Yu's house again, and Yu Dahai bbwed endlessly, saying that Mao Xiaofang had been around for several days, and he did not eliminate the ghost.

Mao Xiaofang was very angry and left immediately.

"Master Mao, don't be so angry, Boss Yu is just worried about himself. You don't know, when the fall of Xugang, many rich people were ransacked by those devils, and this time there is a conspiracy. That's why Boss Yu was worried that he would be found too."

Yang Feiyun chased after him and explained to Mao Xiaofang that now the identity of Ghost Shadow has been investigated. He is a former Japanese officer surnamed Sakai, who was specially in charge of the Japanese army's supplies and military salaries. Yu Dahai stole the gold that Sakai had collected. Just became a nouveau riche.

Now Yang Feiyun still has to rely on Yu Dahai's financial resources to find the materials for the Feilong Seven Star Array, so he can't let Yu Dahai have an accident.

"I'm just worried that there is no one around to help, otherwise, that Sakai would have been eliminated long ago."

Mao Xiaofang sighed, if Sakai was confrontational with him, he would be sure to destroy it, but this ghost was very slippery, and his apprentice was not strong.

He wanted to ask Axiu to help, but Jiang Lin had something to do in Thailand two days ago, and he took Axiu with him. As for Jianglin's other wives, he was too embarrassed to ask.

While the two were walking, Mao Xiaofang suddenly found Zhong Jun who was studying Taoism in the yard.

Zhong Jun hasn't been anywhere since the Taoist temple closed. It didn't take long for her to be taken over by Yu Bixin, who had some personal acquaintances with her.

Mao Xiaofang was surprised when he heard Zhong Jun reciting the magic formula. The magic formula that the former read was actually the Wulei Zhengfa of the Shenxiao School, but the formula was a bit wrong.

Therefore, Mao Xiaofang stepped forward to inquire. Although Zhong Jun's words were ugly, he still revealed to him that his ancestors used to be disciples of the Shenxiao School, and she had a secret book that was passed down from the family.

At the beginning, her apprentice Ah Jin controlled Ma Fan's Fascinating Charm from that secret book.

Knowing this, Mao Xiaofang was not so disgusted with Zhong Jun anymore.

He had practiced the Thunder Technique of the Shenxiao Sect. Although Jiang Lin gave it to him, he had something to do with the Shenxiao Sect after all.

It is also for this reason that Mao Xiaofang kindly reminded Zhong Jun, but Zhong Jun didn't appreciate it at all, thinking that Mao Xiaofang was deliberately trying to find fault with her, so he sent Mao Xiaofang away.

"Master Mao, you seem to be more worried about Master Zhong."

"She practiced so chaotically, it was easy for her to get carried away, ranging from insanity at light, to evil spirits entering her body and losing her life."

Mao Xiaofang shook his head slightly, although he didn't like Zhong Jun very much, he still couldn't bear to see that Zhong Jun might die violently.

"Master Mao, since Master Zhong refuses to let you help, why don't you teach Taoism to the person around her first, and then let that person transfer the teaching. If you don't dislike it, leave it to me."

Having been with Mao Xiaofangtao for so long, Yang Feiyun has only now found the opportunity to carry out his own plans.

"Actually, I am abrupt. After all, Taoism cannot be passed on to outsiders casually."

Seeing Mao Xiaofang pondering, Yang Feiyun hurriedly retreated to advance.

Mao Xiaofang said: "You misunderstood, and I didn't take you as an outsider. What I was thinking about just now reminded me that Ah Fan is clumsy and can't help me. Although you are studying physiognomy, you also understand. Feng Shui, with your help, it is estimated that things may be smoother."

On the same day, Mao Xiaofang took Yang Feiyun to Xiangdao Taoist Church and taught Yang Feiyun some basic Taoism.

Yang Feiyun also learned very quickly. After two or three days, he mastered some auxiliary Dao techniques.

On the last day of the deadline, Mao Xiaofang and Yang Feiyun joined forces to trap the ghost in an extremely yin place.

But what Mao Xiaofang didn't expect was that Sakai was not destroyed at all. This ghost was responsible for the important work of the Japanese army's logistical supply. It had an amulet given by Dongyang Yaodao, but it was not carried on him when he died. .

After becoming a ghost, it went to the original station and found the amulet, which is why it saved its life at a critical moment.

The next night, Sakai recovered some energy and went to the Zhongling Pagoda where the Japanese soldiers were buried before.

This Zhongling Pagoda was built by the Japanese army before, and the soldiers who died in battle were buried in it.

For a time, the entire Hong Kong was in chaos again, many times more chaotic than when the wolves were in trouble.

At that time, there were only more than a hundred werewolves, but now the number of zombies is dozens of times the number of werewolves at the beginning.

And there is also the leader of the zombie king, Sakai.

"My brother Jiang, why did you leave the port of Xu, what should I do, what should I do!"

After Bishop learned that the zombies were a disaster, he held his head and wailed. He felt that he must have been unfavorable in his fleeting years. He had encountered a big case as soon as he came back, and just after the celebration was over, the city was full of zombies.

What made him most desperate was that Jiang Lin was not in Xugang, he left for Thailand, and he didn't know when he would be back.

Jiang Lin did not expect that as soon as he left, Xugang would be in trouble. Now he is going to Bangkok with Axiu Shuning and Zhang Xiaochuan.

Chapter [*] is free this time, no money

"Husband, can we really find the clues to Xianzijue this time? If we can find Xianzijue soon, Sister Yingqi will be able to wake up."

Sitting on the back of the elephant, Axiu turned to ask Jiang Lin who was behind him. Since he knew Jiang Lin, he knew that Jiang Lin was looking for the immortal burial coffin. It is to make Li Yingqi wake up.

So she also sincerely hoped that Li Yingqi, who was lying in the burial coffin, would wake up.

Some time ago, many wealthy businessmen held a party and cocktail party. As Jiang Lin's wives, they all went there in turn, and even a few ghost sisters went there, but Li Yingqi was sleeping in the immortal coffin and could not go.

"Hopefully, it's better to find clues."

Although he said so, Jiang Lin was still a little uneasy.

Because he promised Li Xihe to avoid robbery, Li Xihe was very attentive to his affairs, and invested a lot of financial resources and manpower to help him find Xianzi Jue.

It happened that there was progress a few days ago. Li Xi and his business partner in Thailand said that they had seen a mural about the fairy character at a friend's house.

Li Xihe informed Jiang Lin of the news, and Jiang Lin did not delay, and left Xugang directly and came to Thailand.

Even the translator and guide, Li Xihe, helped prepare.

Jiang Lin and the others rode on elephants and were guided by a local guide. Two days later, they arrived at the boundary of Bangkok.

At noon, the group arrived in front of a luxurious mansion in the center of Bangkok.

After being informed by the servant, a middle-aged Thai man came out and said to Jiang Lin, "Hello, Mr. Jiang, I'm Ba Song, Mr. Li's business partner for many years."

After being relayed by the translator, Jiang Lin said hello to Basong.

Basong warmly entertained Jiang Lin and the others, and then took them to his friend's house.

On the way, Ba Song also introduced his friend to Jiang Lin, who is a follower of the Ou religion. Ou means snake in Thai. This religion is based on the Thai goddess of water, the snake goddess Naga. And the fresco that is suspected to record the immortal character Jue seems to be related to the goddess Naga.

Half an hour later, Jiang Lin and the others went to Basong's friend's house and saw the mural.

It is indeed the fairy character Jue!

Jiang Lin looked at the contents of the mural on the wall and couldn't help but feel a lot of excitement.

On the mural is a picture of a battle situation. On a large river, a monk is standing in the sky with golden light all over his body.

Because the lower body of the giant snake was in the water, Jiang Lin was not sure whether it was two snakes or a double-headed snake.

Above the heads of the two snakes, each has a sharp sword suspended.

Between the two snakes and the monk, there is a round jade jue with a strong light, that is, the immortal character jue.

"Hey, husband, look at those two swords, don't they look like the Sky Fencing Sword and Lei Yan Sword of Sister Min'er's school?"

Shu Ning pointed to the long sword on the head of the double snake on the mural, and told Jiang Lin what he had found.In the past, before she entered Jiang's house in Gantian Town, in order to get closer to Jiang Lin's wives, she did an exclusive interview with them. At that time, she had seen the patterns of Tianjingjian and Leiyanjian.


Jiang Lin focused his attention on the two long swords in the painting, and only then did he realize that the two swords were very similar to the Tianlei Double Swords of the Emei School.

After Shu Ning's reminder, Jiang Lin suddenly realized that the elements in the mural were not from Thailand, but more like the Chinese-earth style.

He then asked Basson's friends about the fresco.

According to him, this mural records a real event that happened more than [*] years ago, when a demon monk fought the snake god Naga in the Mekong River.

And that demon monk is a person from China, full of Amitabha.

Seven hundred years ago?Southern Song Dynasty?

With this information, Jiang Lin was even more certain that the two snakes fighting against the monk should not be some Naga goddess, but most likely a snake demon from Middle Earth, but he didn't know why he came to Thailand.

The reason is that more than [*] years ago, the world has changed, and even if there were still monks at that time, they would not run around the world.

A middle-earth demon monk, when he has nothing to do, he will go to Thailand to fight against some Naga goddess.

It seemed that we had to find out where the damaged Tianlei Shuangjian of the Emei faction had gone.

Jiang Lin felt that his trip to Thailand this time was quite rewarding, at least he had some clues about the clues of Xianzijue.

Even if the two long swords in the painting are not Emei's Tianlei Double Swords, they must have something to do with them.

As long as the whereabouts of these two spirit swords are found, it is estimated that it is possible to know the whereabouts of Xianzi Jue.

With such a clue, Jiang Lin didn't stop in Thailand. He had to go back and ask Bai Min'er and Ayan, their three senior sisters, if they had heard from Master about the whereabouts of Tianlei Shuangjian.

Saying goodbye to Basong, Jiang Lin took Axiu and the others back to Xugang on the same day.

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