After the reception, Emperor Wang invited Jiang Lin and the others to the garden, and discussed with Jiang Lin about the auction of the exotic fruit. In addition, he also suggested that Jiang Lin and him jointly open a HNA company. Word Jue things can also be more efficient.

Jiang Lin rejected this proposal. If it had been twenty years earlier, he might have considered it. After all, his wife Shu Ning's family used to run a shipping company, and he could ask Shu Ning's father to help manage the company.

But now Shu Ning's parents are old, and no one in his family has experience in this area.

What's more, to open a food and medicinal material company, even if there is a lamp god, he still needs to worry about it, and another shipping company will definitely not work.

Just spend the money on it.

When he left the Wang family, Emperor Wang also shouted for Jiang Lin to reconsider whether to accept him as a disciple.

Although he is not worried about money, he is still far from Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin's family fortune did not lose to him, and there were still many treasures in the family, so there was no need to worry about any illness or disaster. Even his wife was such a beautiful beauty with a peerless temperament, and there were more than ten.

He could find a lot of these beautiful women, but they were all for his money, and their temperament was very different from the beautiful women around Jiang Lin.

Therefore, Emperor Wang also wanted to learn from Jiang Lin and become a real master.

Jiang Lin farted as the emperor directly, and the crowd who wanted to worship him as a teacher was gone, where would he get this fat guy with big ears.

The next day, Jiang Lin and Axiu went to Mao Xiaofang's Xiangdao Taoist Church. Today is the day when Mao Xiaofang officially accepted his former apprenticeship. As Mao Xiaofang's proud disciple, Axiu still has to be there, and Jiang Lin will go with him. .

Mao Xiaofang also wanted to ask him to sit down.

After the apprentice acceptance ceremony, Mao Xiaofang and Jiang Lin sat in the backyard drinking tea, told Jiang Lin about his troubles, and poured bitter water to Jiang Lin madly.

The first one is about horse sails.

As soon as he said it, Mao Xiaofang kept sighing and sighing. Since the Seven Sisters Hall closed, Zhong Jun didn't know where he went. Ma Fan was coaxed by Zhong Jun's apprentice Ajin and took him directly to Xiangdao Taoist Church. , let him accept him as a disciple.

"You don't even know how to piss me off. How could I have raised such a scumbag? A teacher for one day, a father for life, that Ah Jin, seeing Lord Zhong in trouble, he would turn to someone else as a teacher, this kind of unworthy Disciple, if I hadn't seen her as a woman, I would have scolded her like a jerk. Ah Fan is so fascinated by such a woman that he doesn't know the east, west, north, south and south. What the hell did I do, Mao Xiaofang?"

"I, Mao Xiaofang, killed demons and demons all my life. I have been successful in self-learning. In times of peace, I kept the people safe. In times of war, I killed many evil sects and demons. My master of Mao Xiaofang's generation has sacrificed himself for others and thought of the common people. It's fifty or sixty. , and also perform the duty of a Taoist priest, but I want to find an apprentice to inherit the mantle, why is it so difficult, so difficult!"

Mao Xiaofang complained to Jiang Lin, and Xiaofang felt bitter.

The eldest apprentice, the second apprentice, was not half as good as when he was young, the third apprentice Axiu was the water that was poured out, and the fourth apprentice, A Fan, was the same as the estrus pig.

Jiang Lin: "..."

I'm so speechless. If you complain, just complain. What do you mean by a toast?

Old Tie, you are drinking tea, not wine!

At this moment, Mao Xiaofang was completely like a long-tongued woman, his mouth was like being slapped by the sole of a broken shoe, boo boo boo.

Could it be menopause?

Thief like!

Jiang Lin felt that Mao Xiaofang was still an old man at this age, and his yin and yang aspects were a little out of balance. In addition, compared with himself, he had a mental illness.

Mao Xiaofang took another sip of tea, pulled Jiang Lin's sleeve, and said, "Fellow Daoist, why don't you let Axiu move here, anyway, she can give me a face."

I'm going, the girl who got married is still pouring out the water, your apprentice is married and married, you also let her come back to live?

Menopause, it's definitely menopause!

Now, in Jiang Lin's eyes, Mao Xiaofang is like a mother-in-law who misses her married daughter.

Jiang Lin pulled his arm away, rolled his eyes at Mao Xiaofang, and said, "It's like you're talking in a dream, Axiu can't sleep without me holding her, how can she come back here to live."

Mao Xiaofang: "..."

Looking at Mao Xiaofang, who was sighing and sighing, Jiang Lin tapped his finger on the stone platform and said, "It seems that relying on Ah Fan and Zeng Cheng is not as good as relying on a sow to climb the tree. This time Zeng Cheng has no qualifications. Bird-like. Forget it, anyway, I took Axiu home, if you want to accept an apprentice, I have a person here, a man of five generations."

"Five...cough...five generations of strange people??"

Mao Xiaofang was choked by the tea. In the age of the end of the law, there are still people with the physique of the fifth generation?

"Who? Who? Fellow Daoist, tell me who it is. Does he have a teacher? Or you have given birth to a child long ago, and you didn't tell me."

Mao Xiaofang shot Shitai excitedly, if he could accept a fifth-generation strange man as his apprentice, then their Heavenly Dao School might be able to rejuvenate.

"If I had a son, would I need you to be your apprentice? You also know the man of the fifth generation I'm talking about, who is Zhong Jun's younger brother, the upright police detective Zhong Bang."

"It's him? No wonder he is upright and has a sense of justice."

Mao Xiaofang was a little surprised. He and Zhong Bang had met several times, but he didn't realize that the other party had the physique of the fifth generation.

"By the way, I just happened to be investigating the murder case in the bomb shelter with him. When the time comes, I will ask him if he is willing to learn Taoism with me."

Mao Xiaofang also said that in the next period of time, he needs to help the police station to investigate the case, which is also the second troublesome thing for him.

"I don't know if Zhong Bang is willing to cultivate the Dao or not. If not, I, Mao Xiaofang, will slay demons and slay demons all my life.

Mao Xiaofang started again.

Hearing that Mao Xiaofang was chanting scriptures like a monk again, Jiang Lin quickly stopped, and he decided that in the next time, even if there was something wrong, he would not come to this Xiangdao Taoist Church if he could not come.

Menopause Mao Xiaofang is really scary.

Chapter [*] Rakshasa Ghost Shadow

"Fellow Daoist, you said you want to help the police investigate the case? Are you sure that the murderer is not an ordinary person, is it really Yi Ren?"

"I'm not sure, in fact, it's not the police station looking for me, it's Yu Dahai, I don't know what's crazy, I'm particularly concerned about this case, and he said that he dared to rush into the police station to kill the police officer, it must be a ghost, early in the morning. Detective Ke and I were called over and asked me to help investigate the case. He also allocated a sum of money to help the police station decorate, and Detective Ke ordered Zhong Bang and Fang Tu to cooperate with me fully."

The more Mao Xiaofang thought about it, the more he resisted, but Yu Dahai paid for the cost of whoever asked him to open a Taoist hall. Even if he resisted, he would have to hold his nose.

It's just that Jiang Lin said that Zhong Bang was a man of the fifth generation, which made him feel better.

Why is Yu Dahai so concerned about this case?

Jiang Lin felt a little strange. There was a murder case in the air-raid shelter, and it was not someone related to the Yu family who died. What's wrong with Yu Hai?

However, Yu Dahai's brain was originally abnormal, and Jiang Lin didn't care.

In fact, Yu Dahai is not only concerned, he can't eat in a panic now.The reason why his Yu family became rich was because he stole the gold that the Japanese army put in the Devil's Mountain air raid shelter. Now there is a murder case in the air raid shelter, and it is suspected that the Japanese did it. He doesn't panic.

After that, Mao Xiaofang asked Jiang Lin about his experience in dealing with Yiren. Although he had experienced a lot of battles in Middle-earth over the years, he had mostly dealt with magicians. He had not encountered many Yiren who had invaded Middle-earth.

He had already learned from Inspector Ke that the murderer might be a ninja, so he planned to make some preparations.

Jiang Lin told Mao Xiaofang about the strange abilities he had against the alien ninjas he had dealt with when he was in Japan.

Although the ability of Yi Ren is generally single, it is very strange.

It is the most effective method to blow up and press down on the king.

After telling Mao Xiaofang this, Jiang Lin took Axiu and left, otherwise Mao Xiaofang would have to complain to him.

On the way, Jiang Lin talked to Axiu about Mao Xiaofang's nagging and made her laugh hard.

However, she felt that it was no wonder that her master would complain. Over the years, she had not stopped cultivating, and had already entered the alchemist level. All her brothers and sisters had been left far behind by her.

However, she married into the Jiang family, and will not plan to accept apprentices in the future, inheriting the Heavenly Dao School, which basically has nothing to do with her.

Therefore, Axiu can understand Mao Xiaofang's mood, but she hopes that her master can accept another disciple with good qualifications.

After Jiang Lin and the others left, Mao Xiaofang packed up some magical talismans and the like, and took Ma Fan to the Yau Ma Tei Police Station.

Bishop, who was there to supervise the investigation, didn't say anything after he knew about it. He had already heard about Xiangdao Daotang and Mao Xiaofang, and he also knew that Mao Xiaofang had a relationship with Jiang Lin.

Since they are all capable Taoist priests, it would be better to help investigate the case.

Now that the finances of Xugang ZF have not been completely restored, even if the perpetrators are not ordinary people, it is estimated that Jiang Lin will not be able to take action.

If there is really some ninja or something else, it's best for Mao Xiaofang to solve it.

"Zhong Bang, what are the characteristics of the murderer described by the witnesses?"

On the way to Devil's Mountain, Mao Xiaofang asked Zhong Bang, if the murderer is Yi Ren, he must guard against strange magic techniques, so he wanted to know more information and figure out how to deal with it.

"The clues provided by the witnesses are only a black shadow with a silhouette like a Japanese soldier, and nothing else. That witness is my neighbor, a child named Xiaozun. He was sold by his parents. This time, his parents wanted to find the supplies left by the Japanese army, so he took him to the air raid shelter. He didn't expect to suffer like this. It was also the child who had a great life. After coming down, the doctors said that he was back from the dead. If you want to know some more information, Master Mao, we can go to the hospital first."

Because he saw Mao Xiaofang heal Zeng Cheng with his own eyes, Zhong Bang's impression of Mao Xiaofang was greatly changed, and this time he also cooperated with Mao Xiaofang very well.

"After being fatally injured, can you still survive? That's really a blessing."

When Mao Xiaofang heard what Zhong Bang said, he really thought it was the child named Xiaozun who had a good life.

But that's not the case. On the night of the crime, all three of Xiaozun's family were killed, but the air-raid shelter was full of yin, and Xuankui went there.

Back then, Xuankui witnessed his son being killed, and he died after being assassinated. In the end, his grievances gathered and turned him into a zombie king, and Xiaozun was very similar to his dead son, so he used his own corpse poison. Save Xiao Zun.

This is the reason why Xiao Zun was resurrected from the dead.

"You don't need to go to the hospital. Let's go to the crime scene first."

Since the witness was a child, Mao Xiaofang didn't want him to recall the terrible things, so he went directly to Devil's Mountain.

The three entered the air-raid shelter, and Mao Xiaofang realized that something was wrong, and the yin in the cave was particularly dignified.

"Don't say it's not a different kind, but a Rakshasa ghost."

Mao Xiaofang frowned, feeling that things might not be that simple.

He contacted what Zhong Bang said just now, only to realize that he might have entered a misunderstanding of thinking.

In addition to the ninjas in night clothes, there are ghosts who can turn into black shadows to kill.

"Master, what is a Rakshasa ghost?"

Seeing that his master's face was very solemn, Ma Fan asked.

"Rakshasa ghost shadow, also known as Phantom Rakshasa, belongs to a kind of Rakshasa ghost, the male is the shadow, the female is the charm. The wife of your uncle Jiang, everyone has a ghost in the shadow. It is a ghost that has become a ghost to protect their safety. It is possible that the perpetrator here is the shadow of the shadow - the ghost of the Rakshasa."

After a pause, Mao Xiaofang said again: "Phantom Rakshasa is more difficult to deal with than ordinary Rakshasa ghosts. As long as there is a shadow, they can hide. If they don't move, or they reveal their ghost bodies, they are considered to be open for the teacher. It's not easy to find it with the eye of the eye."

As soon as Mao Xiaofang finished speaking, a cold wind suddenly blew in the air-raid shelter.


Suddenly, a shallow phantom appeared in front of him, and Mao Xiaofang hurriedly pushed Zhong Bang and Ma Fan aside, parrying the phantom himself.

However, due to the lack of preparation, he didn't even open his eyes, so he was kicked all the way by the ghost.

When Zhong Bang and Ma Fan saw this, they didn't think much about it, and rushed towards the ghost shadow. Unfortunately, they were not opponents, and they flew backwards and hit the wall one by one.

Seeing that Ghost Shadow used the ghost energy to condense into the shape of a samurai sword and wanted to end Zhong Bang and Ma Fan, Mao Xiaofang quickly opened his eyes, pulled out the copper sword on his back, and slashed at Ghost Shadow.

This red copper sword of Mao Xiaofang is a spirit sword that even the Zombie King can chase and chop, and the ghost samurai sword that cuts off the ghost in an instant.

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