Yang Feiyun walked up, pointed to Mao Xiaofang and said to Zeng Cheng: "Zeng Cheng, three generations of your great ancestors, including you, have been cursed. It was Master Mao who saved you, so thank him quickly."

"Zeng Family? Curse?"

Although Zeng Cheng didn't know what was going on, he still thanked Mao Xiaofang. After that, he asked where his home was. Neighbors said that he still had a home. It was like a dog kennel. , worship Mao Xiaofang as a teacher.

Because Ma Fan was extremely unsatisfactory, Mao Xiaofang had planned to accept him again, but now he sees Zeng Cheng as pitiful, and is willing to accept him as a disciple.

"Mao... Master Mao, I'm really sorry, I used to think that you and my sister are the same, pretending to be a ghost. Now I see it with my own eyes, and I know that Master Mao, you have a real talent. That said, a while ago, the newspaper Is it true that you sent away the heroic soul in the abandoned house?"

After witnessing Mao Xiaofang's treatment of Zeng Cheng, Zhong Bang was no longer stubborn, and sincerely apologized to Mao Xiaofang on the spot.

At the same time, he also apologized to Jiang Lin. Since Jiang Lin walked with Mao Xiaofang, they were both Taoist priests. Mao Xiaofang had real materials, and it is estimated that Jiang Lin probably did.

Mao Xiaofang looked at Zhong Bang with a little more admiration. He said, "You haven't learned about Xuanmen Taoism, and you have an elder sister who deceives gods and ghosts. It's no wonder you."

At this time, Yu Dahai and Zhong Jun's master and apprentice also arrived. Yu Dahai knew that Mao Xiaofang had cured Zeng Cheng, so he boasted about Mao Xiaofang's ability and said that Mao Xiaofang's Taoist temple was funded by him.

After that, he yelled at the crowd and reporters to go to the Seven Sisters Church to remove the signboard.

Since he missed the scene just now and he couldn't get the reporter to take a photo, he went to the Seven Sisters Hall to take a photo.

In front of so many people, Zhong Jun is not willing to close the door any more. He winked at his younger brother Zhong Bang and asked him for help, but Zhong Bang just pretended not to see.

Usually, he pretended to be a Taoist priest to cheat food and drink.

So, under the witness of a group of citizens and reporters, and Yu Dahai's great enthusiasm, Zhong Jun could only go back to the Seven Sisters Hall, tore down the signboard and closed the door.

Jiang Lin didn't go to see such a big show. Since Mao Xiaofang had cured Zeng Cheng, he didn't need to stay any longer, so he went straight to Li Xihe's house.

When he arrived at the Li family mansion, he realized that Emperor Wang and several other wealthy businessmen had all returned to Hong Kong.

These people are all waiting for him at Li's house.

Emperor Wang and the others were the same as Li Xihe. As soon as they returned to Xugang, they formed a group to go to Huixing Mountain. They were told that Jiang Lin had gone to Shu's house. When they went to Shu's house, they heard that Jiang Lin had come to Li Xihe. Here, so, they rushed to Li's house again.

"Jiang Xiansen, my family also wants to set up this shrimp Tianlong barrier! Although I can't compare to Li Xi and Hao, I am not bad for money."

As soon as Emperor Wang saw Jiang Lin, he shouted that he would also set up a Heavenly Dragon Barrier for his home.

Jiang Lin had been arranging the arrangement at Li's house for a few days, and there were still materials in the courtyard, so Li Xihe couldn't hide it if he wanted to.

As soon as Emperor Wang heard that Jiang Lin could set up a barrier that even grenades and artillery could not do, he immediately made up his mind that Jiang Lin would also set it up for him.

If the arrangement is continued, he will not feel that he has been crushed by Li Xihe, not to mention the protective effect of his family.

Not only that, he also wanted Jiang Lin to arrange for him more expensive than Li Xihe.

We are not bad for money.

"Mr. Jiang, you can see that we have been working together for a long time before the fall of Xugang. If you have this ability, don't tell us about it, or we won't have to flee."

"That's right, Mr. Jiang, we also pay for it. We don't want to be better than Li Weng's, just like his, and I'm not bad for the money."

"We're not short on money."

A group of wealthy businessmen put on Jiang Lin in front of Jiang Lin and staged the sketch "Not Bad for Money". Not bad for money, not bad for all of them.

One by one, they were scrambling to ask Jiang Lin to set up a barrier for their house to keep their home safe.

Jiang Lin: "..."

One or two of you, say in front of me that you are not bad for money?

However, although he was speechless, Jiang Lin did not mean to reject them. These are all business partners who had worked with him quite happily before. Since the other party is willing to pay, he has a lot of money to make, so why not do it? Woolen cloth.

These are serious businessmen, not like Yu Dahai at all. If he is willing to bleed, he has no reason not to do their business.

Chapter [*] Shadow Murder

Now, the transactions between Jiang Lin's company and his former business partners have been temporarily suspended, and he still needs to wait until he is fully back on track before thinking about going to another world to make a breakthrough.

Moreover, he hadn't seen Uncle Ninth and the others for several years, and it was estimated that it would take a year and a half before he could leave. Taking advantage of this time, he could earn a lot of money to invest in the search for the fairy.

As for the matter of asking him to search for the scattered primordial spirits, he has no plans to do it for the time being. Who knows if the generals will take revenge after being severely injured and go to kill them all. If that is the case, then he will invest financial resources and manpower. , is also in vain, and may also be found by the officials.

"Okay, you can report the order first. After I have arranged for Brother Li, I will arrange it for you one by one."

Jiang Lin asked Emperor Wang and the others to negotiate an order. He arranged the Heavenly Dragon Barrier, which needs to be designed according to the feng shui of the house and the pattern. This kind of complicated formation requires the formation and the barrier to be nested in each other. The method is to arrange several different places at the same time.

Emperor Wang mentioned it first, and his financial resources were second only to Li Xihe. Of course, he was the first in line, and the rest were all quarreling.

Jiang Lin listened to it for a while, and stopped them from arguing, and decided the order based on their birthdays.

Emperor Wang and the others will spend a lot of money, but they are still smiling.

It's worth the money!

Before leaving, Emperor Wang sent an invitation to Jiang Lin again. He already knew that Li Xihe had a party when he just came back. Therefore, with his not weaker character, he would also have a reception, and the ostentation would also be Bigger than Li Xihe.

By the way, when Jiang Lin passed by, he and Jiang Lin agreed to continue their cooperation.

Other wealthy businessmen also said that they would hold parties separately for the same reasons that Li Xihe considered.

Two days later, Jiang Lin asked Bai Miner and Axiu to change their clothes and go to Emperor Wang's reception.

As for Chen Yu, Ren Tingting and Anna, they had already gone home a few days ago.

Shu Ning and Zhang Xiaochuan also clamored to go, Jiang Lin didn't take them there, Guang Bai Min'er and the others only had five beauties, and if they brought two more, they would go to show their wives.

That night, when Jiang Lin brought his five wives to Emperor Wang's house, he stunned both Emperor Wang and Li Xihe.

Especially Li Xihe, who met Jiang Lin's family last time, but the people Jiang Lin brought this time was completely different from the last time.

Another five beautiful beauties.

Skill, this is the skill!

Huh?Bishop is back?

Jiang Lin saw Bishop's figure in the crowd, so he let Bai Min'er and the others walk over by themselves.

"I said Lao Bi, when did you come back and why did you frown?"

"Oh, Brother Jiang! I only returned to Hong Kong at noon today. Emperor Wang also sent an invitation letter to the Yau Ma Tei Police Station, and the people under his command gave me the invitation letter, and I didn't have time to visit you, Brother Jiang. "

Bishop hurriedly handed a glass of wine to Jiang Lin and poured bitter water to him: "I just came back, and I haven't rested. Just after I finished reporting, I encountered a big case. When my boss saw me coming back, he threw him directly to me. , you say why I am so unlucky."

With a sigh, Bishop told Jiang Lin that a murder case had occurred in an air-raid shelter in Devil Mountain under his jurisdiction, and a family of three residents was killed there. Most likely a Japanese saber.

Later, the slain child, Xiao Zun, miraculously resurrected. Ke Rong and Zhong Bang under his command asked him to find out that the perpetrator was like a Japanese soldier.

Therefore, the above attaches great importance to this case, and suspects that there are still remnants of the Japanese army in Hong Kong, which has alerted the Governor.

The Governor personally ordered to put pressure on the police and limit them to solve the case within half a month.

This case fell on Bishop's head, no matter what, he had to solve the case on time, or he would be demoted.

As soon as he returned to Hong Kong, he was faced with the possibility of being demoted. It was no wonder that Bishop didn't frown.

"It seems that you Brits are all startled."

Jiang Lin smiled. If a Japanese devil committed a murder, he could speculate that there might be remnants of the Japanese army in the port of Yue. He also alerted the Governor and asked the Governor to personally order to put pressure on the police.

It's all about the devil's discoloration.

"That's not it, but it's human nature. You don't know how many British people were shot and killed at the beginning of the fall. I also heard that those white women were even noble ladies. , they were all brutalized in the street by the devils. Those beasts..."

As soon as this matter was mentioned, Bishop was glad that when he felt that something was wrong, he took his family back to his hometown first.

Otherwise, he may be cuckolded by many people, or Japanese color.

"So, our police have to face not only the pressure from the boss, but also from the citizens. I'm having a headache right now. That kid was an eyewitness, but he kept saying that it wasn't a human being who killed him, it was a shadow, a shadow killed. . There is no clue whatsoever, it's giving me a headache."

"Shadow kills?"

Jiang Lin frowned upon hearing this. Even if there were Japanese soldiers left behind, if the murder was committed, it would be impossible for him to have anything to do with the shadow.

"Brother Jiang, what's wrong?"

"It's nothing. If you encounter Japanese soldiers, it's okay to say, if you encounter Japanese ninjas, then you probably have a headache."

Jiang Lin didn't think about the case on Xie Xun. He guessed that the child who witnessed it probably saw the murderer in night clothes and mistook him for a shadow.

In general, the Japanese who wear night clothes are mostly ninjas.


Bishop's mouth twitched. If the ninja committed the crime, it would be difficult to solve the crime within a time limit.

However, what surprised him was that the case was more serious than he thought. Just when he came to the reception, the Yau Ma Tei police station under his jurisdiction had already been invaded.

Really a dark shadow.

Several police officers on duty were killed, and the police station's data room was thrown into chaos.

If it wasn't for Zhong Bang and Fang Tu, who were also on duty, they would not have escaped the catastrophe.

"I still have some old Hong Kong dollars at home. Bishop, when you're done with your work, let me deal with it."

Now that he saw Bishop, Jiang Lin told him what he was going to do.

Bishop nodded and said: "This is no problem, it's not difficult, but it is estimated that I will have to wait. I am now one big and two big."

As soon as Bishop finished speaking, Zhong Bang and Fang Tu came here, found him, and told him the situation.

It's a shadow murder.

Chapter [*] This is definitely menopause!

What the hell is this!

Bishop almost couldn't even hold the wine glass, even if there was a murder in the air-raid shelter, the police station that was still involved in this case was killed.

When he thought that he would be scolded by his boss, Bishop was so angry that he wanted to become the Roaring Emperor.

But this is Emperor Wang's home, and he can't scold anyone yet.

After saying hello to Jiang Lin, Bishop and his two subordinates returned directly to the police station.

Because Jiang Lin said before that the perpetrator might be a ninja, he also didn't think about ghosts and spirits in the case.

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