Mao Xiaofang frowned slightly, it was not an easy task to release the curse for others.

"So you have to think about it too, that means your kung fu is not good enough?"

"Master Zhong, do you have any good ideas?"

Mao Xiaofang looked at Zhong Jun, I'm not good at kung fu, where is your kung fu?

Zhong Jun spread his hands and said, "You all say I'm a magician. Even if I can do something, others won't take it seriously."

"Don't argue anymore. In my opinion, the Xiangdao Taoist Church and the Seven Sisters Church will have a battle. In a ten-day period, whoever cures Zeng Cheng will be the winner, and the loser will automatically close his Taoist temple."

At this time, Jiang Lin spoke up. In the current situation, Mao Xiaofang was basically unable to refuse everyone's request. With Mao Xiaofang's ability, it was not a big problem to relieve Zeng Cheng from the curse.

Therefore, he proposed such a contest, whoever loses will close the door.

He also gave Mao Xiaofang a chance to vent his anger, making Zhong Jun completely unable to get along in Xugang.

"You don't have to play so seriously, do you?"

When Zhong Jun heard what Jiang Lin said, he immediately felt guilty.

"Okay, I agree, Boss Yu, please be a witness with you all."

Mao Xiaofang just wanted to make all the gods and gangsters in Xugang lose their jobs, so he nodded in agreement.

Yu Dahai waved his hand and said, "No problem, reporters, you can put this matter in the newspapers. The Xiangdao Taoist Church and the Seven Sisters Church, which I funded, will have a life-and-death battle."

The first thousand three hundred and thirty-five chapters of the god stick's brother is actually a police detective

"This will definitely be big news, Boss Yu, our newspaper will definitely report this in the headlines."

"Yeah, it's a snake or a dragon, this time, you'll know after a comparison."

After Yu Dahai coaxed together like this, all the reporters crowded up, interviewed Mao Xiaofang and Zhong Jun, and asked them to speak harshly to each other.

Zhong Jun knew how many pounds and taels she had, and how dared to be photographed by these reporters. After she shied away, she asked two apprentices to help A Jin, who had fainted, and quickly left the Xiangdao Taoist Church.

Jiang Lin didn't stay too long. The colleagues who came here had heard his name, and they all came to say hello.

Even if you haven't heard of it, looking at the flower-like Taoist companion standing behind him, you know that he must have real skills, and he also stepped forward to greet him.

Jiang Lin didn't tire of the trouble, anyway, the opening of the hall was over, and staying here would be a bit overwhelming.

Axiu reprimanded Ma Fanyi in a low voice, and then left with Jiang Lin and the others.

When all the guests left, it was already evening, Mao Xiaofang put on a cold face, picked up the pointer, and tried his best to teach his unpromising apprentice.

This bastard, over and over again, blocked him.

Moreover, when they went to Jiang Lin's place before, Jiang Lin and Axiu had both trained Ma Fan, and just like that, this incompetent boy still associates with people from the Seven Sisters Hall.

Today, he almost lost his face.

He was embarrassed, and it was only his own business, but Jiang Lin sent a plaque to the master, and if he was disgraced, Jiang Lin would have to be implicated.

Ma Fan was beaten again and again and shouted that he knew he was wrong, and also assured Mao Xiaofang that he would beat Ajin when he was caught, and make her kowtow to admit her mistake.

It's like saying that teeth can break steel bars. It didn't take long before someone came to notify Ah Jin that he was looking for him. After Ma Fan saw Ah Jin, he asked her if she had any troubles to hurt him, and if she had someone to meet her. Forced to do so.

Ah Jin staged a bitter scene, saying that Zhong Jun forced her, and lied that if she didn't want to, she would be sold to a prostitute.

In the end, the unpromising Ma Fan forgave Ah Jin and said that even if she was sold to Jiaozi, she still liked her.

It is hopeless!

Mao Xiaofang saw this scene clearly in the room. At this time, he decided to accept a few more apprentices.

It would be better to look for a pig to expect Ma Fan to inherit his moral conduct.

It is precisely because of this that Mao Xiaofang ran into trouble not long after, and passed on what he had learned to Yang Feiyun, thus causing the root of the disaster to be completely planted.

The next day, Mao Xiaofang did not let Ma Fan follow him, and went to Yang Feiyun himself, asking him to help find Zeng Cheng's problem.

Yang Feiyun readily agreed, he was worried about how to further close his relationship with Mao Xiaofang.

The two went to Zeng Cheng's house and the ancestral house to search for the source of the poison curse, but after a few days of searching, there were still no clues.

Yang Feiyun persuaded Mao Xiaofang to ask Jiang Lin to help him in order to get a chance to get in touch with Jiang Lin.

However, Mao Xiaofang did not agree. This was a contest between his newly opened Taoist temple and others. He was really unwilling to ask him for help.

For the next seven or eight days, the streets and alleys of Xugang were all talking about the life-and-death contest between Xiangdao Taoist Church and Seven Sisters Church. With the media’s uproar, this incident became more and more intense, and several newspapers vacated their newspapers. page, to count down this matter.

"Husband, I don't know how Master and the others are going. Now that things are going on, even if he and Zhong Jun don't cure Zeng Cheng, their reputation will be greatly damaged."

Axiu couldn't help worrying about Mao Xiaofang. It was not easy to help people detoxify the curse. Besides, Zeng Cheng was still cursed by his ancestors and continued on him. It is not so easy to trace the root cause.

"Don't worry, your master has made a lot of progress in Dao Xing over the years. This should be no problem for him."

Jiang Lin asked Axiu to relax and went out of the Shu family gate.

During this time, he was arranging the enchantment for Li Xihe's house.

"Fellow Daoist, it's such a coincidence that when I just left Shu's house, Axiu wanted to know the progress on your side. How's it going?"

Halfway through, Jiang Lin happened to meet Mao Xiaofang and Yang Feiyun.

"The root cause has been found. The person who cast the curse did not directly cast the curse on the Zeng family, but cursed the Zeng family with their own lives. This poisonous curse was found in someone else's coffin."

Mao Xiaofang took out a scarecrow with a talisman attached, and told Jiang Lin how he found it.

At that time, Zeng Cheng's grandfather was a big landowner. In order to force people to repay their debts, he robbed many farmers of their land. As a result, some people did not hesitate to go into the coffin alive and curse their Zeng family with their lives.

"Next, as long as you go to the Seven Sisters Hall to find Zeng Cheng, you will be able to get rid of his poisonous curse."

"I'll go take a look too."

Anyway, time was not in a hurry, Jiang Lin followed Mao Xiaofang and the others to the Seven Sisters Hall.

When the neighbors heard that Mao Xiaofang had found a way to cure Zeng Cheng, they called friends and friends, and followed them together. Hurry up and go by car, for fear of missing the opportunity to borrow Mao Xiaofang to make himself famous.

Before they got to the Seven Sisters Hall, Jiang Lin and the others met Zhong Bang who was supporting Zeng Cheng.

Zeng Cheng was taken to the Seven Sisters Church by Zhong Jun and the others, and he was blinded, he was injected with needles, he was fed with water, and he was given electrotherapy. He had only half life left.

When Zhong Bang heard about this, he hurried to the Seven Sisters Hall and snatched people out.

"Master, Zeng Cheng."

"What do you want to do? Are you still looking for Zeng Cheng? He is already pitiful enough. What is the difference between you and my sister who deceives gods and deceives ghosts? The door is right. This is a life, do you have to torture him to death?"

As soon as Zhong Bang saw Mao Xiaofang, he didn't get angry.

"Your sister? Your name is Zhong Bang, and your sister is Zhong Jun?"

Mao Xiaofang was stunned for a moment, Zhong Jun pretended to be a ghost and fooled the people, but he had a younger brother who had a sense of justice and was a police detective.

Not to mention Mao Xiaofang, even Jiang Lin never thought that Zhong Bang and Zhong Jun were siblings.

Although he didn't have much contact with this Zhong Bang, he also knew some things. A few days ago, Zhong Bang also reported to him for being a pioneer in arresting a group of criminal gangs.

He was rated as the Chinese police detective with the most sense of justice by newspapers.

Shen stick's younger brother is actually a police detective, and he is also a role model among police detectives.

Jiang Lin felt that this pair of sisters and brothers was really strange.

The first thousand three hundred and thirty-six chapters are not bad money, all are not bad money

Mao Xiaofang shook his head and said, "We just want to help him, don't compare us to your sister who pretends to be a ghost."

"If you do this again, I have the right to arrest you. I'll tell you, and I'll send you in for dinner."

Zhong Bang took out the handcuffs he was carrying. If Mao Xiaofang took another step forward, he would torture people.

Seeing that Mao Xiaofang didn't know how to convince Zhong Bang, Jiang Lin said, "Well, there are so many witnesses here, and there are reporters next to him. If Master Mao can't cure Zeng Cheng, if you arrest him, everyone will have no problem."

"Okay, that's what you said."

The people around were clamoring for Mao Xiaofang to release Zeng Cheng's spell, Zhong Bang thought about it, and put Zeng Cheng on the stool at the side of the tea stand.

He also knew that his sister's gambling fight with Mao Xiaofang was known almost all over the city. Now that there are so many people present, as long as Mao Xiaofang failed to cure Zeng Cheng, he would arrest people on the street.

Mao Xiaofang walked to Zeng Cheng's side, first reached out and pressed his hand on Zeng Cheng's spirit, injected spiritual power into him to recuperate his body a little, and then he bit his finger a little between Zeng Cheng's eyebrows.

Then he grabbed Zeng Cheng's hand and pulled out the silver needle stuck in the poisonous straw man.

As soon as the silver needle was pulled, Zeng Cheng's face glowed red, and at the same time, his body flew forward involuntarily.

Mao Xiaofang rushed forward a few steps, held Zeng Cheng down, and acted again.

When all three silver needles were pulled out, Zeng Cheng had already jumped dozens of meters away, his face was flushed, and he finally spat out a mouthful of blood.

And the grass figurine who cast the curse instantly exploded into powder.

After Zeng Cheng got up, he no longer looked like the dementia he used to be.

"Okay, look, he's really good."

"Yeah, looking at his expression, he's not as stupid as before."

"Master Mao is really capable."

The people around them were amazed when they saw Zeng Cheng, who was completely different from the previous one.

Is it really good?

Zhong Bang froze in place, even if Zeng Cheng's face was red and his body was running around again, he didn't take it seriously. He had a sister who was pretending to be a ghost, and of course he had seen some tricks.

But now Zeng Cheng's eyes are no longer foolish, and he no longer shouts indiscriminately, which makes him a little suspicious.

"Zeng Cheng, how do you feel?"

Zhong Bang hurried up to ask, Zeng Cheng touched his head and asked, "Do you call me? Zeng Cheng, this name is very familiar."


Not even speaking.

Until now, Zhong Bang is sure that Zeng Cheng's dementia has really been cured.

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