Zhong Bang asked Jiang Lin to wait for a while, then he and Ma Fan went to pack up the equipment for the formation.

It seems that Yang Feiyun has become Mao Xiaofang's heart knot this time.

Thinking of Mao Xiaofang, Jiang Lin shook his head slightly. Mao Xiaofang was hit hard this time, and it was even bigger than the one caused by mistrusting Lei Gang.

Although Lei Gang had a bad mind back then, he was not a murderous guy. Mao Xiaofang mistrusted him, and the result was nothing but toil for the people and waste for money. The townspeople of Gantian Town suffered some hardships and several police officers died. staff.

But Yang Feiyun was different. In addition to harming Xiao Zun, this guy only released a large number of evil spirits and caused a corpse disaster, and he killed hundreds of people.

Although the deaths of those people were not directly related to Mao Xiaofang, Mao Xiaofang was considered to have indirectly harmed them.

If he hadn't taught Yang Feiyun Taoism, none of these things would have happened.

"What are you doing here? To see what happens to me?"

In the prison, Yang Feiyun was taken to the visiting office by the prison guards. When he saw that it was Mao Xiaofang, he gritted his teeth.

"You've killed so many people and done so many bad things, don't you have any guilt? You deserved what you're doing now."

"The winner is the king, and the loser is the bandit. You can say anything now, why should I feel guilty? I don't understand why there is a nemesis like you in my life. And that Jiang Lin! If it weren't for you, I would The wind is the wind, and the rain is the rain.”

Yang Feiyun's eyes seemed to be swallowing Mao Xiaofang alive. Although he didn't completely succeed in changing his life against the sky, he also had an effect. He was able to be rich and prosperous for a lifetime, but he was destroyed by Jiang Lin and Mao Xiaofang.

"My fellow Daoists and I are not your nemesis at all. It's just that the evil cannot defeat the righteous. You are a treacher and commit crimes all day long, but anyone with justice in their hearts is your nemesis! You should reflect on yourself in prison!"

Mao Xiaofang flicked his sleeves and walked out of the prison.

He originally planned to ask Yang Feiyun to hand over the alternative arrangement of the flying dragon seven-star array if Yang Feiyun felt remorse. On the one hand, it was a favor for Jiang Lin, and on the other hand, it could also predict future disasters and inform the people who should be robbed.

But now Yang Feiyun's attitude is impossible to cooperate with him.

"Mao Xiaofang, I'm going to kill you!"

Yang Feiyun rushed over and wrapped Mao Xiaofang with shackles and chains.

Mao Xiaofang was his nemesis. Before, he changed Mao Xiaofang's destiny, which changed his own destiny. So now, he can't wait to hang Mao Xiaofang to change his destiny again.

Unfortunately, Yang Feiyun is delusional.

Several prison guards rushed up and smashed with sticks, smashing his head with blood.

Mao Xiaofang shook his head and left the prison directly.

"Why? Why are my palm prints gone?"

After being escorted back to the cell, when Yang Feiyun wiped the blood on his face, he suddenly found that the palm lines on his palm had completely disappeared.

"Rich life, my rich life! Give my life back to me!"

Yang Feiyun seems to be going crazy. Palm lines are the embodiment of fate. Now that his palm lines have completely disappeared, it means that his life is completely over.

No, I have to change my fate again, my fate is to be created by me, even the sky can't control it!

With a gloomy face, Yang Feiyun began to calculate that he could not change his life in life, but he could create his life after death.

"The stems and the branches collide, and the stems and branches collide! Mao Xiaofang, Jiang Lin, in two years, I, Yang Feiyun, will definitely seek revenge for you!!!"

After some calculations, Yang Feiyun finally counted an extremely rare day, an extremely important day for him.

He is going to be a devil.

Only by becoming a demon can he not be afraid of Jiang Lin and Mao Xiaofang, otherwise, even if he comes back to life, Mao Xiaofang and the others will not let him go.

Yang Feiyun once owned Sakai's magic sword, and Sakai is a phantom Rakshasa, which is a kind of Rakshasa ghost. Therefore, in addition to the evil spirit, there is also Sakai's Rakshasa ghost in the magic sword. At the beginning, Yang Feiyun wanted to control Crus, who has absorbed the magic and ghost energy in the magic sword to increase his own strength.

Now, as long as he dies and turns into a corpse at the moment when the stems and branches clash, he can become a rare demon in the world - the phantom man.

It's just that once he becomes a phantom man, it is a monster at the level of a demon king. After all, he has a whole body of Taoism.

Heartbroken, Yang Feiyun tore off his prison uniform, bit his finger, drew a magic talisman on it, and swallowed it into his belly.

He then tore the prison uniform into strips and wrapped it around the cell window, strangling himself to death.

His grievances against Jiang Lin and against Mao Xiaofang were smothered in his body.

Although there are still two years until the day when the stems and branches meet, Yang Feiyun will not be stupid enough to die near that day.

Now that he gave his life, no matter who it was, there would be no doubt that he would kill himself because he couldn't stand the blow of nothing.

Even Jiang Lin would never have imagined that he would give up his life in order to become a demon.

In fact, this is indeed the case. Jiang Lin knew for a long time that Yang Feiyun would not have a good end. Even if he did not commit suicide, Yang Feiyun would not be able to live long in prison and would be ordered to death by the above.

Therefore, after learning about Yang Feiyun's death, he didn't care at all.

The first thousand three hundred and seventy-seventh chapters, you have to have a wife

"It's true that God has eyes, and if you do too much injustice, you will kill yourself."

Inspector Ke made a special trip to Xiangdao Taoist Temple and informed Zhong Bang and the others that Yang Feiyun had committed suicide. Zhong Bang and Fang Tu clapped their hands in succession.

"That's what he deserves."

Mao Xiaofang sighed, Yang Feiyun wouldn't have died so early if he hadn't had a bad heart.

After arranging his mood, Mao Xiaofang said to Jiang Lin: "Daoist friend, according to what you said, that Crus's escape technique is very clever, and now I don't know where to hide, why don't we solve those corpses first? Poison, the corpse evil that has turned into a corpse, may be able to know the whereabouts of Cruz from their mouths. If we work separately, we can also reduce the scale of the corpse first."

"There's some truth to it."

Jiang Lin nodded. Now that the King's Capture Plan has not had any effect, he can take care of some of the minions first.

So Jiang Lin took Mao Xiaofang and Zhong Bang to the Yau Ma Tei Police Station, and now Bishop, who was in charge of the matter, has returned to Hong Kong.

The reason Jiang Lin brought Mao Xiaofang and his apprentice there was because dealing with Western zombies was a lot more troublesome than dealing with local zombies. Vampires like Western zombies, if they didn't show their fangs, would be no different from ordinary people in the eyes of others. .

If you have one or two, you can just hoe, but if there are too many, you have to get privileges from the police.

Otherwise, in the eyes of outsiders, cleaning up Western zombies is almost the same as killing people in the street.

After obtaining special permission, Jiang Lin negotiated the price with Bishop, and then split up with Mao Xiaofang and his disciples.

In fact, Mao Xiaofang proposed to deal with the shrimp soldiers and crab generals first because he no longer had the copper sword in his hand. If he really wanted to deal with Cruss, his ability would be greatly reduced, and he had to be retrieved first.

And if Jiang Lin found out about his throwing the copper sword, then Jiang Lin would have to watch his jokes again.

After two days of work, Jiang Lin, Mao Xiaofang and the others had almost finished disposing of the zombie fish hidden in Xugang.

It's just that they still haven't found the clue of Earl Crus, this guy doesn't know where to hide.

In the end, Jiang Lin had no choice but to call the mouse and Xiaobai to Shu's house and let them find the whereabouts of the Western Zombie King.

It is impossible for him and Mao Xiaofang to be busy looking for Crus all the time and do nothing.

"Husband, Li Xihe's invitation."

After Jiang Lin returned to Shu's house, Axiu handed him an invitation. Because Li Xihe had taken back the family property and Yang Feiyun had already been executed, he planned to hold a celebration party.

"Husband, you're only taking someone there this time."

Axiu shook Jiang Lin's arm. Although she and Jiang Lin are temporarily staying at Shu's house, Jiang Lin has been busy these days and has no time to accompany her.

"Precise play."

Jiang Lin kissed Axiu on the lips and took her to Shennong Company.

Since returning to Xugang, he hadn't had time to visit Dengshen's place.

Dengshen, a tool man, is now very capable in business. Now, in terms of revenue alone, Shennong Company can rank among the top ten companies in Hong Kong.

After listening to Deng Shen's report on the company's situation in the past two years in the afternoon, Jiang Lin and Axiu went to Li Xihe's house that night.

"Husband, my master and Abang are over there, go take a look."

Arriving at the Li family hall, Axiu found that Mao Xiaofang, Zhong Bang and Inspector Ke were also invited. On the other side, he dragged Jiang Lin over.

"Abang, why are you so happy?"

"Third senior sister, uncle, I have already broken through, and Lao Fang has been reinstated, and he was directly promoted because he solved Chen Guixiang's case."

Zhong Bang had a smile on his face. After knowing that Yang Feiyun was the murderer, he did not slack off. He has been practicing all the time, and now he has become a Taoist.

And his good friend Fang Tu was also reinstated and promoted, so he was in a very good mood.

Mao Xiaofang also had a look of joy. If it wasn't for Zhong Bang telling him today, he would never have imagined that his youngest apprentice would become a Taoist so quickly.

It's much faster than when Axiu started his apprenticeship.

"Master Zhong, don't drink so much if you can't drink it."

Seeing Zhong Jun drinking beside him, his face flushed, Mao Xiaofang went up to persuade him.

"It's none of your business? I'm happy that my brother has succeeded in his studies. What do you care about me, who are you, my husband?"

Zhong Jun burped his wine and rolled his eyes at Mao Xiaofang.

"Sister, don't talk nonsense, stop drinking, you're drinking too much."

"It was originally, he is not my husband, what does he care about me?"

Mao Xiaofang shook his head and said, "Even if I'm not, I can still care about you."

As soon as Zhong Jun heard Mao Xiaofang's words, he pointed at Mao Xiaofang and said, "You finally admit it, you admit that you care about me, then you can ask for marriage. What do you mean when you're not good or bad? Well. I'm so old, and you asked for my first kiss. I cook and deliver meals to you every day. When you're alone, don't I chat with you to chase away your loneliness? You want me to take you to get a marriage certificate. what?"

"Wow! Master Mao, it turns out that you and Master Zhong have already made up their minds. You don't tell us this, it's not kind."

"That's right, Master Mao, Mr. Jiang is also a Taoist priest and has a wife. This is a happy event for you, so what's there to hide?"

Fang Tu and Inspector Ke were like two loudspeakers, and at once, many people present could hear what they said.

"Have Master Mao and Master Zhong received their certificates?"

"Isn't it, even saving wedding wine?"

"Maybe they even have children, we just don't know."

Other people you say every word I say, spread more and more outrageous.

Mao Xiaofang was directly petrified into a sculpture. If he had a long beard, he could impersonate Guan Erye.

"Don't stop talking, when will you propose to me?"

Zhong Jun was really drunk, and pulled Mao Xiaofang there to ask when Mao Xiaofang would buy a wedding ring.

"Husband, my mind is a little blank, doesn't Master even know what love is?"

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