Axiu's mind is dazed. In her cognition, her master has always been pure-hearted, just like the old monk.

Now he is actually in an underground romance with Zhong Jun.

So surprising.

Jiang Lin didn't expect Zhong Jun and Mao Xiaofang to perform like this. He looked at Zhong Jun, then at Mao Xiaofang, and said to Ah Xiu, "It seems that you have a teacher."

Before, Jiang Lin really hadn't noticed it, but now he looked at Mao Xiaofang and Zhong Jun who were standing together, only to realize that the two were really married.

From his professional point of view, Mao Xiaofang and Zhong Jun are indeed married.

The first thousand three hundred and seventy-eighth chapters can really hide

Axiu: "..."

How old is the master?

It was almost forty more than twenty years ago.

Now for a... twilight love?

"Help me and send my sister back."

Zhong Bang beckoned to Fangtu, if he didn't send his sister away, he would be embarrassed here.

He never knew when his sister was interested in Mao Xiaofang. Now that he thinks about it, it's no wonder that his old sister, Tian Tiantian, is the big brother Mao.

"Master Mao, congratulations."

A group of people watched the fun and did not think it was a big deal, and congratulated Mao Xiaofang one after another.

Now that part of the truth about Xiao Zun's murder has been made public, those who once regarded Mao Xiaofang as a murderer also know that the real culprit is Yang Feiyun, so they have no prejudice against Mao Xiaofang.

"Don't talk nonsense, Master Zhong and I are just ordinary friends."

Mao Xiaofang waved his hands again and again, but helplessly, the more and more these people said, the more outrageous they were, and they all asked him when the wedding reception was going, so he could only make excuses to say that there was still something in the hall, and hurried away.

"I found that your master is still somewhat charming. I used to be obsessed with a black rose, and now I am obsessed with a Zhongjun."

Jiang Lin smiled unkindly. If the black rose in Gantian Town hadn't been because of Mao Xiaofang's death at the time, he probably would have been entangled with Mao Xiaofang.

Now he is being entangled by Zhong Jun again.

"Actually, it's good to have someone to take care of. In the past, Master was still young, and now he's not too young."

Axiu thought about it and thought that it would be good for Mao Xiaofang to find a "wife". In the future, Mao Xiaofang would be fine if he stayed in Xiangdao Taoist Church. If he returned to Gantian Town, no one would take care of him.

If Ma Fan and Zhong Bang left, even if they stayed in Gantian Town, they would have to go out frequently, so they would not be able to support Mao Xiaofang.

"Mr. Jiang, thank you very much. If it weren't for you, I'm afraid Yang Feiyun would still cover the sky with only one hand."

At this time, Yu Bixin saw Jiang Lin and hurriedly stepped forward to thank him. This time Yang Feiyun was completely planted. The most important reason was that Jiang Lin had returned to Hong Kong.

If it wasn't for Jiang Lin, she might have been forced by Yang Feiyun to agree to her marriage with the villain.

Jiang Lin waved his hand and said, "It's because he doesn't have eyesight that he hits my client with his idea, so there's nothing to be thankful for."

"Anyway, Bi Xin can escape the clutches of the devil, but I still have to thank Mr. By the way, now my dad has changed his mind and donated all his property. He was embarrassed to come to see Mr., and he asked me to replace him. I apologise to Mr.

Yu Bixin pointed behind him, Jiang Lin followed the direction and looked, Yu Dahai was bowing to him with his fists clasped.

Yu Dahai was sent to prison by Yang Feiyun before, but his sentence was commuted because he was a tainted witness who identified Yang Feiyun.

Jiang Lin nodded and didn't talk to Yu Bixin any more. Although Yu Dahai had changed his mind, after all, he used to be a puppet traitor before, and he didn't want to have more contact with such people.

Yu Bi felt that Jiang Lin didn't want to have more contact with her, and sighed in her heart. Jiang Lin had already saved her twice, and this time he had saved their Yu family indirectly. In addition, Jiang Lin had rescued her students for free before. Zun, so, in her heart, she still wanted to be friends with Jiang Lin, and even expressed her sincerity, but Jiang Lin seemed to be unwilling to associate with her because of her father's previous actions.

"Brother Li, seeing that you have invited a lot of reporters, it should be more than just celebrating today."

Seeing Li Xihe saying hello here, Jiang Lin and Axiu walked over.

"Brother Jiang is still as expected, as always, I do have something to announce."

Li Xihe told Jiang Lin that he planned to publicly announce that his son Li Siwei was expelled from the Li family.

In the past few days, Li Xihe went to the girl who was abused by Li Siwei and found his two grandsons.

His Li family has a big business, and some girls are deceived by Li Siwei, and they will give birth to children, so that they can share the Li family's property in the future.

Li Xihe doesn't care what the purpose of those people is, as long as they are descendants of his Li family, he will take them back.

When the grandson grows up, when he is old, he will directly adopt the family property to the grandson.

As for the son of Li Siwei, he will never give birth in the future.

At the same time, he will also announce in public that the Li family will continue to cooperate with Jiang Lin in the future. No matter who inherits the assets of the Li family, this will not change.

After going through this incident, Li Xihe also understands that if Jiang Lin is befriended, unless the Li family is in decline in the future, Jiang Lin will be able to find help to solve all kinds of unexpected situations.

Jiang Lin also knew Li Xihe's intentions, but whether he would do anything in the future would depend on the degree of cooperation between the Li family and him.

The next day, the whole Hong Kong was fried. Li Xihe actually expelled his son from the house in front of reporters. In addition to this incident, the matter of Mao Xiaofang and Zhong Jun was also published in the newspapers.

For a long time that followed, Mao Xiaofang didn't dare to go to the street at all. As soon as he went out on the street, someone asked him when he would have a wedding party.

He didn't dare to stay in Xiangdao Daotang, so he handed it over to Zhong Bang and Ma Fan, and went out all day to find Crus.

After Jiang Lin returned to Huixing Mountain, he also went to the city every once in a while to search for Gurus.

What made him strange was that Crus, the Western Zombie King, had disappeared just like Dracula back then.

In the end, Jiang Lin still extracted the corpse poison from the dead corpses of the zombie fish, and only determined that Crus did not leave the port of Xu by tracing the source.

It's just the specific hiding place of Crus, but the method of tracing the source has failed.

"You can really hide it."

Half a year later, Jiang Lin and Mao Xiaofang searched on the outskirts of Xugang again. He accepted the commission from Bishop. Now that Cruz is not eliminated, he will definitely become a demon in the future. Therefore, even if other things have been taken care of, Jiang Lin still hadn't left Xugang.

"Hey, do we have to do a carpet search?"

Mao Xiaofang also caught fire. He and Jiang Lin, the two Maoshan masters, can't even find a shadow, let alone dealing with Crus.

"Believe in Jesus to save, and believe in Jesus to atone."

The two were walking in a rural town when they suddenly found a man and a woman handing out flyers in front of them.

"Isn't that Qian Dazhong and Ah Jin? Why are they two here?"

Jiang Lin frowned, Qian Dazhong knew Maoshan magic, and Ah Jin used to play tricks with Zhong Jun, but now he is actually distributing leaflets for Jesus.

Is this a change of religion?


At this moment, Jiang Lin suddenly narrowed his eyes. After a while, he said to Mao Xiaofang, "It seems that this time, we should have found some clues."

The first thousand three hundred and seventy-ninth chapter talents in the zombie world

"Clue? You mean on Qian Dazhong and Ah Jin?"

Mao Xiaofang quickly took out the compass from the eight-treasure bag, but the compass didn't respond to Qian Dazhong and Ajin in front of him.

"Just look at it and see."

Jiang Lin smiled. If he hadn't thought that Qian Dazhong and Ah Jin's belief in Jesus was a bit outrageous, maybe he really didn't take them seriously.

"Believe in Jesus and be saved? I believe in it too. Take me to see the miracles of Jesus."

Jiang Lin walked up to Qian Dazhong and A Jin, grabbed the flyers in their hands and glanced at them, and then he became more and more sure that there was something wrong with the two of them.


When Qian Dazhong saw Jiang Lin, his throat was shrill, and Ajin was shivering all over.

"I... After I was released from prison, I have reformed myself, and now I believe in Jesus."

Qian Dazhong was afraid that Jiang Lin would be incoherent. Jiang Lin asked him to lead the way to believe in Jesus, but he put it there and said that he believed in Jesus.

"It's your business that you believe in Jesus. Aren't you here to hand out flyers, I'll believe it too."

"You are Maoshan...that Taoist priest, you believe in Sanqing."

"Haha, didn't you know how many hands of Mao Shanshu before? And Ah Jin, who is beside you, is also from the Seven Sisters Church. It is related to the Shenxiao faction. Why, you can all believe it, but I can't?"

Jiang Lin held his arms and looked at Qian Dazhong and A Jin with a light smile.

After that, his expression changed and he shouted, "Where is Crus? You two zombie fish, do you really think you can hide from my eyes?"

Qian Dazhong and A Jin were so frightened that they suddenly showed their fangs and turned around and fled.

Jiang Lin stretched out two fingers and shot out two yang fingers, killing A Jin on the spot. As for Qian Dazhong, one leg was pierced and he fell to the ground.

"Fellow Daoist, why don't they have corpse aura, and the compass doesn't respond."

Mao Xiaofang was still puzzled when he saw that the two had corpses. With his cultivation, he shouldn't be able to see their zombie identities.

"It should have something to do with it."

Jiang Lin raised the flyer in his hand and continued: "I don't know what method Crus used to cover up their corpse qi with Christian methods, just like we can cover up the corpse qi of zombies with magic."

"There is evil spirit on this flyer!"

Mao Xiaofang took the flyer in Jiang Lin's hand, glanced at it, the text on the flyer glowed purple, and then he gathered his spiritual power and burned the flyer.

"If I'm not mistaken, Cruz should be hiding in a nearby church. The second uncle's. He is really talented and can really hide."

Jiang Lin was quite speechless. Cruz, a Western zombie, ended up hiding in the church.

This is equivalent to hiding in the dojos and dojos of sneaky demons, and criminals hiding in police stations.

That's not all, even putting on a Taoist robe and wearing a police uniform so that outsiders can't find it.

"Are you leading the way yourself, or let me teach you to cooperate?"

After that, Jiang Lin walked up to Qian Dazhong and burned Yang Yan directly on his body.

"I lead the way, I lead the way!"

Qian Dazhong screamed again and again, got up and jumped on one foot, leading the way for Jiang Lin and Mao Xiaofang.

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