Ten minutes later, Jiang Lin and the others arrived at a church that seemed to be newly built.


Just as Qian Dazhong was about to report the letter, Jiang Lin slashed his head with a sword.

"Fellow Daoist, you set up some traps around, I'll go in and drag him."

After entering the church gate, Jiang Lin did not let Mao Xiaofang enter the main building with him. This Crus can run and hide so much, this time, he must not let him slip away again.

"no problem."

Mao Xiaofang had no opinion. Jiang Lin's strength no longer needed him to assist in attacking. As long as he arranged a trapped formation to limit Crus's ability to escape, the rest could be handed over to Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin didn't rush in directly. He hid his figure and placed a lot of gossip mirrors around the main building. These gossip mirrors were prepared by him for the purpose of confession. If you want to escape, you have to be beaten by him like a bird.

"I represent God, and in God's name, let you pass on your love to others. Love him, and pass this happiness on to him."

Cruz's voice came from the main building, and Jiang Lin used his see-through ability to check the situation inside the main building.

As a result, what he saw really surprised him.

He knew that Cruz was a talent, but he didn't expect such a talented person to reach this level.

Cruz is now in the main building, dressed in missionary clothing, standing in front of a crowd of believers.

And what he said about spreading love was biting people.

Beside him, a young woman was being bitten by him as a demonstration.

And those believers are all dead.

Vampires dressed in missionary clothes acted as missionaries to a group of zombies in the church, in front of the statue of Jesus.

Spread the love - bite him!

Demonstrated by myself.

Don't zombies bite?Still need to teach?

You are fucking talented.

I served you.

Really talented in the zombie world.

Jiang Lin has seen so many zombies, Middle Earth, foreign, flying, running, and jumping, all of which are not as good as this Crus.

What's even better is that after Crus asked a group of zombie fish to bite the demo, he also asked them to sincerely worship Jesus and pray that God loves the world, Emmanuel and Hallelujah.

Then, Jesus on the cross shone and sprinkled on the zombies of the faithful prayers.

It is these rays of light that cover up their corpse aura.

Jiang Lin was really dumbfounded. He guessed that Crus used some Christian methods to cover up the corpse of the zombie fish.

But never imagined it would be done in this way.

Explode Jesus with rage, and then use the brilliance of the statue of Jesus to cover up those trash fish to achieve the effect that he and Mao Xiaofang are hard to detect.

At this time, Jiang Lin felt that Dracula, who used science and technology as the primary productive force, was simply too low to be low compared to this Crus.

This Cruss is like a zombie in Middle-earth. In the important place of the Taoist temple, he puts it in front of the Sanqing Patriarch to act like a demon, and he also uses the magic power that the Sanqing Patriarch exudes from his anger to his own. The younger brother does a disguise.

All the evil things Jiang Lin had seen, they didn't play like this.

"Okay, you've already felt the joy of spreading love, and it's God's will for you to pass this joy on to others. Thank you, Amen."

Cruz painted a cross on his chest, and he really regarded himself as a clergyman recognized by God.

Chapter [*] Don't run away, I am your ideal stepping stone

Jiang Lin quickly affixed powerful magic symbols on the windows and vents of the main church building in a stealthy state.

As for the young woman in the main building, he could only say sorry in his heart. If he didn't make enough arrangements, once Crus escaped again, many people would be robbed.

Therefore, Jiang Lin now has to give up less and protect more.

After a simple arrangement, Jiang Lin waited for a while. After Mao Xiaofang's progress was almost the same, he kicked open the door of the main building. fell to the ground.

After that, Jiang Lin released the Yang Yan from his body without saying a word, and a group of zombie believers were surrounded by a sea of ​​fire.

"Stinky Taoist priest, it's you again!"

After seeing Jiang Lin, Cruz's face became extremely ugly. He changed his body, and the missionary uniform on his body was gone, replaced by his own cloak.

"You guy, you really know how to hide, but it's so hard for me to find it."

Jiang Lin looked at Cruz with a sneer. When he chased Dracula, it didn't take so long.

"Stinky Taoist priest, this earl has completely recovered from his injuries now, I warn you, don't meddle in your own business, otherwise, you will be turned into powder in an instant!"

"Yo, the tone is not small, and it made me turn into powder."

Jiang Lin smiled and looked at Cruz with a mocking look. He didn't choose to do it directly. He could drag it out for a while, but now Mao Xiaofang outside will need a little more time.

"The tone is not small, and you will know in a while. I am the Count of Cruz with great ideals, and the great Atlantic zombie king who can turn the whole world into a zombie world."

Jiang Lin was dragging the time, and Cruz did not immediately fight Jiang Lin, and he also needed some time to use his means.

"Sprinkle the zombie urine to look like yourself, and turn the whole world into a zombie world. It's not a big skill, but its ideal is not small."

Jiang Lin was amused by Russ. He had seen a lot of zombies or vampires brewing conspiracies, but even Dracula, who was destroyed by him, just wanted to use his army and children to conquer the world.

This Cruz is no better than Dracula. At best, he is at the level of the thousand-year-old zombie king, but he is not afraid of sunlight, and he actually wants to transform the entire world.

"Haha, idiot, do you think this earl is really talking about ideals and life with you?"

Cruz unfolded his cloak, and a dozen blood bats came out, turning into weaker clones one after another, standing in front of Cruz.

He looked up to the sky and laughed, and the idiot Taoist priest in front of him actually gave him time to use his means without launching an attack immediately.

"Today, this earl will use your death as the first step in my achievement of great ideals!"

Cruz was full of confidence and ordered the blood bat clone to kill Jiang Lin.

I don't know who is stupid.

Jiang Lin shook his head. Now he doesn't need to talk to Cruz anymore. Mao Xiaofang's place is basically completed. As long as he fights Crus for a little more time in the main building, Cruz will intervene this time. Wings can't escape.

"It's just these few scumbags that make you so embarrassed?"

Jiang Lin sneered all his life, his two arms extended out, like threading a needle through a thread, directly piercing Cruz's clone.

Cruz opened his eyes suddenly. Although he was chased and killed by Jiang Lin, he had never seen Jiang Lin use many methods.

Not long after he was resurrected, he was injured, so he escaped after a few rounds with Jiang Lin.

In the process of chasing and killing him, Jiang Lin only showed several means of displacement, and now Jiang Lin destroyed his combat clone in an instant, which made his heart beat.

"Do you really think that when you regain your peak strength, you can go crazy in front of me?"

Jiang Lin didn't pause, he directly hid his figure, and used his teleportation ability to rush towards Crus.

Cruz's heart jumped, he didn't delay at all, he differentiated into a shadow bat and fled around.

"Don't run away, I'm your ideal stepping stone. Come on, continue to talk about ideals with me. I admire people with ideals very much, and so do zombies."

Jiang Lin laughed, and then radiated his thoughts to the surroundings, launching a mental shock to those shadow bats. At the same time, he also took advantage of this gap to return to the Taoist body, emitting a strong light all over his body.

These shadow bats differentiated by Cruz are immune to physical attacks. Last time, he let Cruz slip away because he was careless, so this time, he directly used the super kill.

More than a dozen shadow bats were corroded by the profound light, and immediately made a sharp whistle.

Jiang Lin's offensive was fierce, and in a bright light, more than ten small three-legged golden crows rushed towards the shadow bats and imprisoned them.

However, Crus's ability to escape is extremely strong, and two shadow bats escaped the three-legged Golden Crow's hunt.

What!This ideal stepping stone is too high to step on!

Crus, who turned into a shadow bat, scolded his mother in his heart. He originally thought that he would be able to step on Jiang Lin to ascend to the top when he returned to his heyday. Feet were smashed.


A pair of shadow bats rushed out of the window of the main building and fled to the outside, but they caught the thunder and lightning runes and the fire runes left by Jiang Lin.

The green light on the two shadow bats suddenly dimmed a lot, and they joined together again, becoming Count Crus.

"Stinky Taoist priest, you smack me!"

"Yin, what's the matter with you? Come and bite me if you have the ability, but you don't have much ability, and you can slip faster than anyone else. What about your ideal, am I not a stepping stone? Come on, step on it."

Jiang Lin sneered while chasing him out. He opened his hands, and the yang fingers shot into the sky, gathered in the air, and then poured down.

"Stinky Taoist priest, now the space is wide, the sky is high for me to fly, the sea is wide for me to leap, your method is no longer valid for me! After this earl re-trains and fights hard, I will realize my great ideal!"

Crus escaped from the main building and became an idealist again. After seeing Jiang Lin's methods, he was ready to grow in a vulgar way and expand his power. Then, he would use Jiang Lin as a stepping stone to achieve his ideals. .

But before he could finish speaking, those Yang Zhiqi that he had avoided were reflected back by the special gossip mirror around the main building, plus what Jiang Lin fired later, directly beat him into a sieve.

Jiang Lin, whom he regarded as an ideal stepping stone, smashed him again this time.

He didn't know how painful it was.

The first thousand three hundred and eighty-one chapters prepare for the shuttle

Cruz screamed again and again, and he no longer dared to have the slightest chance of luck, let the blood in his body evaporate, and he turned into a blood mist and fled outside the church.

Now that he has been seriously injured by Jiang Lin's hand yin, if he does not use the means of pressing the bottom of the box, I am afraid that he will be completely explained here.

Crus knew from Jiang Lin's words before that Jiang Lin had been looking for him all this time. This time, Jiang Lin would definitely not let him escape easily, so he didn't hesitate at all. get away.

"Waiting for you for a long time!"

At this time, Mao Xiaofang suddenly appeared, he stepped on the gang, waving the red copper sword, and activated the trapped formation arranged in the church.

A huge gossip phantom formed in mid-air, and quickly pressed down towards the blood mist that Crus turned into.

At the same time, the surrounding ground also burst into formation flags, colluding with each other, forming a five-element light wall.

"Palm Thunder!"

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