Mao Xiaofang himself also started the Five Lightning Dharma, and the spiritual power in his palm turned into a lightning arc, which shot towards Gurus.

During this time, he and Jiang Lin were both struggling to find this Western Zombie King. No matter how good-tempered he was, he was still quite angry. Therefore, after starting the trapping formation, he launched his strongest attack, blasting towards him. Cruz.

"Yo, fellow Daoist, it seems that you have made a lot of progress in your Taoism. In this case, the sky is thundering and the earth is on fire!"

"Compared to your Heavenly Master, that's still a long way off."

Mao Xiaofang smiled, and the spiritual power spurted out from both palms, forming two lightning whips, which were connected with the spiritual fire column discharged by Jiang Lin.

I go!

The power of this thunder and fire mix is ​​so strong?

Jiang Lin raised his brows as he watched the violent force produced by the mixing of the Thunder Whip and the Fire Pillar.

"A count with great ideals, let you taste the power of thunder and fire."

Jiang Lin's body was surging with spiritual energy, and a three-legged golden crow appeared behind him, flying towards Gurus, who had turned into a blood mist.

The blood mist was wrapped by the Golden Crow's wings to form a fireball, and then Jiang Lin threw his arms and expelled the mixed power of thunder and fire.

With a sound of "Boom", a large explosion occurred in the open space of the church, shattering all the glass of the main building in the distance.

And Crus, the Western Zombie King, was completely wiped out under such violent explosions.

"Crack! Kill the vampires and get [*] Violent Qi."

The sound of the system sounded in his mind, but Jiang Lin didn't care. He focused on the power generated by his Yang Yan and Mao Xiaofang's thunder whip.

This kind of power is not as powerful as the explosion of his three-legged Golden Crow, but the spiritual power consumed by his Golden Crow Yang Yang is not small, far more than the fire column he discharges and the lightning whip formed under the hair. many.

In other words, on the basis of consuming the same spiritual power, the power formed by the combination of thunder and fire should be much greater than that of Jinwu Yangyang.

It seems that other methods can be studied and studied.

Jiang Lin pinched his chin. In the past, he subdued demons and subdued demons basically one-on-one, so when calculating the use of spiritual power, he basically did not plan carefully.

But now that Crus has been destroyed, he can really put the matter of shuttle to another world on the agenda, and if he goes to another world, he will not be allowed to squander his spiritual power at will.

Daluo Immortal Realm may be a place where there are as many ghost emperors as dogs and demon emperors walk all over the place.

"Finally I can relax."

Mao Xiaofang breathed a sigh of relief. The Western Zombie King Crus was created by Yang Feiyun, and Yang Feiyun's troubles had something to do with him, so even if Jiang Lin didn't look for him at the beginning, he would take the initiative to ask Jiang Lin for it. Help deal with Cruz.

Jiang Lin smiled and said: "Although I have to filter it to see if there are any other zombie fish, it can be regarded as a free time. However, Master Mao, I can be free, you can't, when will you be free? Have a wedding wine."

Mao Xiaofang: "..."

Jiang Lin's words made Mao Xiaofang's heart tighten again.


Now Ma Fan, Zhong Bang, and even Fang Tu, they all want to match him with Zhong Jun, making him one of the top two.

"Cough, fellow Daoist, leave the matter of finding the fish that slipped through the net to me. After changing the corpse compass, you should be able to find those zombies with disguise."

Mao Xiaofang took the initiative to clean up those zombie fish, and instead of going back and being urged to marry, he might as well keep busy.

"That's fine, I'll leave it to you, fellow Daoist."

Jiang Lin nodded. In the next time, he needed to prepare for the shuttle to another world.

When he returned to Huixing Mountain, Jiang Lin went down to the underworld. When he went out with his family, some of the instruments he traded were nourished by him in the cold marrow pool in the stone castle. The materials such as Qingming Iron and other materials obtained by the judge were also put into it.

For the next half a year, Jiang Lin was reviewing what he had learned in the past, and at the same time, he was also making and forging various magic talismans and instruments.

He asked some information about Daluo Immortal Realm from the system, and the situation there was similar to that of the monks in Middle Earth.

When he gets there, he is not like he is now, he just needs to subdue demons and subdue demons.

He is an outsider with a corpse body, which in itself is a resource that makes monks jealous.

If he didn't take precautions to protect himself, he might be caught by some high-level monks and used to refine the corpse poison essence.

Even if he hides well, Da Luo Xianjie is also a place where the strong are respected, and strength represents everything. In such a world, the truth is sometimes unreasonable, and it is possible that other capable people just don’t like him. Will find his bad luck.

His methods and cultivation base can almost walk sideways in China and abroad, but once he goes to another world, he has to take every step.

When he got there, some of his equipment, such as the Japanese Golden Wheel, the Immortal Staff, and the Promise Magnetic Mountain, could not be easily revealed or used. Otherwise, he was a little Celestial Master, equivalent to a monk in the Foundation Establishment period, holding such a treasure in his hand, It's weird not to be watched.

"Seven-Star Treasure Clothes, Flood Dragon Battle Armor, Reverse Chaos Yin-Yang Mirror... Explosive Flame Talisman, Lightning Magic Talisman, Immobilization Spell... Cold Marrow, Blood Orchid, Corpse Quicksilver..."

Jiang Lin counted the equipment and materials needed for the trip to another world, and put them into the ancient mirror piece by piece.

But even with these, he still felt that it was not enough. After thinking about it for a long time, he planned to bring Baoyi there.

Although Baoyi's strength still hasn't recovered to its peak, his vision and some experience are what he doesn't have.

With Baoyi accompanying him, he can also relax a lot.

When it's really dangerous, I can let Baoyi take care of it.

It's just that if Baoyi left Huixing Mountain with himself, he would be a little uneasy.

By the way, let Miaoshan come over and help guard the mountain for a while.

Chapter [*] What is missing?

In fact, it wasn't that Jiang Lin was too careful. In Gantian Town, after he set up the Heavenly Dragon Barrier for Li Yangju, he left the Demon King to guard him, so there was basically nothing to worry about.

But now it is different. This time, Huilong Xizhao Bureau of Huixingshan has been completely developed by him. Even if he has arranged a super-large hidden magic circle, the news of the abnormal fruit in Huixing Mountain is spread outside.

If a powerful evildoer Wen Feng came to check, as long as he was brave, he would go back to Xingshan's idea.

During this long trip, he would not be able to come back most of the time, so he carefully sailed the Wannian Ship and asked Miao Shan to come over to guard the mountain, and he could also relieve his worries.

Anyway, Miaoshan owes him favor.

"It always feels like something is missing."

Jiang Lin checked the items in the ancient mirror again, but still felt that it was not enough.

Forget it, let's go ask Xiaoyu for any advice.

Although he planned to go to another world to break through it, Jiang Lin hadn't told his wives yet, for fear that they would be worried.

"Husband, you want to leave this world and go to Daluo Immortal Realm? It's probably not a good place there."

Chi Xiaoyu knew that Jiang Lin was going to Da Luo Xianjie, and a worried expression appeared on her face.

"What? Do you know anything about it? Do you know where it came from?"

Jiang Lin asked Chi Xiaoyu for information about Da Luo Xianjie. Although he asked the system, he did not ask any questions.

He consulted the system, but he had to consume the suffocation value, so he didn't know much about the origin of the Daluo Immortal Realm.

"I have heard Master mentioned that the Daluo Immortal Realm originally belonged to the Upper Realm. It seems that it was because the gods and the immortals fought a war a long time ago and shattered a corner of the Upper Realm, causing that realm to disappear into the gap of time and space. After the drastic changes in the world, there are also monks who want to find that world. Even if they are separated from the upper realm, it is still somewhere between immortals and mortals. The environment is at least more suitable for cultivation than ours. However, no one has ever found it. How can you go there? ?"

Chi Xiaoyu frowned, Da Luo Xianjie should be a place where there is no legal control, plus the environment is good, I don't know what it has become now. Although the cultivation environment is good, the survival laws there are not so good.

How could she not worry about her man going to such a place.

Jiang Lin took Chi Xiaoyu in his arms and said softly, "Xiaoyu, my cultivation has reached a bottleneck now, and I need to break through, but you also know that I am a corpse, and if I break through in this world, I will be unable to resist. The calamity is imminent. Therefore, I have to go to the Daluo Immortal Realm and wait for the calamity there before I can make a breakthrough. You don’t have to say anything about being content with the status quo. You, Chili and Tingting will grow old sooner or later. One day, only when my cultivation base grows can I keep you by my side forever."

Jiang Lin didn't hide Chi Xiaoyu about going to the other world to break through, but he said that it was Han Xiao who told him about some things that could not be disclosed, such as the method of entering the Daluo Immortal Realm.

Chi Xiaoyu originally wanted to persuade Jiang Lin not to go, but after hearing Jiang Lin's words, she couldn't say what to say.

Having been a husband and wife with Jiang Lin for so many years, she also knew that Jiang Lin was not a person who persistently pursued power, let alone any power or wealth. What he cared about was his own home and family.

As family members, if they want to stay by Jiang Lin's side for a long time, they also need Jiang Lin to improve their strength.

Chi Xiaoyu rubbed hard in Jianglin, and then said, "Did you come back after breaking through when you got there?"

"I think so too, but at least one or two years, as many as three or four years are possible."

Jiang Lin shook his head. If he came back after a day or two in Daluo Immortal Realm, he wouldn't have to prepare so many things.

Jiang Lin also asked the system about the time when the Sun Tribulation would appear in the Da Luo Immortal Realm.

He is passing now because he has arrived at the Da Luo Immortal Realm, and he still needs to do some preparatory work there.

"Then tell me what you brought, and I'll show you what else to prepare."

Since Jiang Lin needs to stay in Daluo Immortal Realm for a while, in order to ensure his safety, Chi Xiaoyu will definitely check on Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin told her all the items he brought.

"Husband, you can't do this. The seven-star treasure clothes and battle armors you bring are only to save your life in battle. If these are useless, you have to run. There are few ways to escape, I won't allow it. You go."

Chi Xiaoyu hugged Jiang Lin tightly. Jiang Lin went to the Daluo Immortal Realm, not to say that he would come back after breaking through there. He went to the Daluo Immortal Realm. Jiang Lin had to wait for the Sun Tribulation to arrive before he could make a breakthrough.

This time is not short, Jiang Lin has to be careful every step of the way when he gets there.

It is not impossible to encounter any danger.

"The way to escape..."

After Chi Xiaoyu mentioned this point, Jiang Lin suddenly realized, no wonder he always felt that something was missing.

What is lacking is an effective escape method, or an escape technique.

For a long time, the quick escape ability he relied on was the teleportation ability, and at most a stealth ability.This kind of ability, in China and even abroad, is a brilliant method, but once you change the environment, it is not enough to see.

How can this be good?

Jiang Lin suddenly had a headache. There are only a few spells such as escape that exist in the world.

Why didn't I think of it earlier.

Jiang Lin pressed his eyebrows, blaming himself for thinking of this when he was approaching.

In fact, this is also related to his upbringing environment. Since he cultivated Taoism, he has rarely escaped for his life.

Even in the monk era, Jiang Lin stayed in Emei for two hundred years. Later, he directly married Li Yingqi. Li Yingqi's cultivation base was not low at that time, so he never encountered any danger.

At this moment, Jiang Lin's Yin Commander lit up, and Judge Lu had an important matter for him to ask him to deal with and let him go to the underworld.

Yo, what is really missing.

Jiang Lin raised his brows, there is no clever way to escape in the world, but there are in the underworld.

"Don't worry, I'll go down to the underworld right now and kill that Lu beard. No matter who is upright or crooked, I will give him a few copies."

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