Jiang Lin touched Chi Xiaoyu's hair, telling her not to worry.

He is a celestial master, and he can transform into a corpse. He can learn both the righteous way and the evil magic.

Now that Judge Lu has something to do with him, he can go over with a butchering knife.

"In this case, husband, you slaughter him a few more pounds of meat, and let that Lu beard get you some powerful magic weapons. I'm afraid that the ones you bring are not enough."

Chi Xiaoyu also agreed to let Jiang Lin kill the pig. As long as his man could ensure his own safety, what would happen to the pig.

"Ah sneeze..."

In the underworld, Judge Lu kept sneezing in the judge point. For some unknown reason, he always felt that something was wrong.

Painful feeling.

Chapter [*]: Rescue Ma Danna (Part [*])

"Xiaoyu, go and tell Chili and the others about this, I'll go to the underworld."

Jiang Lin left Chi Xiaoyu's room and went to the training room. After opening the ghost gate, he went directly to the underworld.

"Judge Lu, what's the matter with me? I don't have time to deal with the forbidden area right now."

"It's not a big deal, I'm just looking for you to cross east again, go there and find the parasitic body of Rahu."

Judge Lu smiled. He hadn't asked Jiang Lin to do business for a long time. This time, it was easy to give Jiang Lin a job search.

"Why let me find it again?"

Jiang Lin frowned immediately. Over the years, he has been tired of looking for things.

"You really can't do it if you don't go. This time, King Ksitigarbha spent a lot of money to figure out where the parasitic body of Rahu was hiding. He named him to let you go there. I said, Brother Jiang, you haven't done anything for so many years. Now, it's not difficult for you to go to the East this time. Don't embarrass me, I took care of you and your prospective family last time."

Judge Lu told Jiang Lin not to make it difficult for him, and also brought up the previous affairs of Jiang Lin and Anna.

"Ksitigarbha asked me to go by name? It's more than I have the ability to go. Since you are worried that Rahu will cause trouble, you can take care of it as soon as possible."

Jiang Lin didn't understand. King Ksitigarbha spent a lot of money to find the hiding area of ​​the parasitic body of Rahu. For Mao, he asked him to go there to find it. He directly pulled a few capable people over and hoeed the parasitic body of Rahu. Well, it's not enough.

"There are people who are more capable than you, of course, but it is up to you. The parasite of Rahu is sheltered by the sky, and other people can't touch it when they go. And you, you are not under the control of destiny, and you have great luck on your body. , you have to go, if you can't even find it, then we don't need to be busy anymore."

Judge Lu patiently explained it to Jiang Lin again. This time, the parasitic body of Rahu appeared again, and it came into being. Even if the Ksitigarbha King went in person, his eyes would probably have been darkened. Only Jiang Lin would have been able to find it. .

Once found, they will destroy it at all costs.

"As you say, I still have to go to this matter? Okay, but I have a small request."

Since this time, he can only do it by himself, so Jiang Lin can swing the butcher knife with peace of mind.

"You said."

"I don't need anything else, it's just..."

Jiang Lin gave him a meal, and asked Judge Lu to give him the method of escaping and magic weapons with powerful or magical effects.


Judge Lu's beard began to tremble again, Jiang Lin's words almost made him angry.

Not only did he ask for a lot of things, but he also had to give it first.

Give it to work again.

"This is a small request? You really have the face to say it!"

"Look at what you said, it's such a big deal! I'm going to Dongyang, and I won't be able to come back for a while. I can't see my eldest wife, I can't touch my second wife, and my third wife can't sleep..."

"Stop, stop, stop!"

Judge Lu was so angry that his nostrils and ear holes were the same as the vent valve of a pressure cooker. The beeping sounded. He interrupted Jiang Lin directly. If he continued to let Jiang Lin continue, this guy would be able to stroke over [*] wives at home. .

"Wait, I'll apply for you!"

The qi returned to the qi, Judge Lu still had nothing to do, this matter could only be effective if Jiang Lin went.

After most of the day, Judge Lu returned to the Judge's Hall and took out the instruments and scriptures contained in his wine gourd.

"Not bad, is that all?"

Jiang Lin roughly flipped through the scriptures and found that the escape techniques recorded in them were quite magical.

"Go away, go away, right away, right away!"

Judge Lu was so angry that his nose was crooked, and he pointed at the gate of the palace to make Jiang Lin disappear immediately.

Jiang Lin didn't touch Judge Lu's bad head again, he packed up the items on the table and left the judge's hall.

Just after the eastward crossing, I am looking for and learning.

Jiang Lin was quite satisfied. The several quick escape methods that Judge Lu found for him was enough for him to eat for a while.

After leaving the training room, Jiang Lin planned to contact Miaoshan, but Chen Yu told him that Miaoshan had arrived at Liyangju and was waiting in the front yard when he left.

"Chili, don't worry, your husband is blessed, and nothing will happen."

Seeing the sad look on Chen Yu's face, Jiang Lin took her in his arms and caressed her hair.

Chen Yu leaned on Jiang Lin's chest and choked: "Husband, what little sister Xiaoyu said is that the immortal world is dangerous and dangerous, you can't have an accident, if you have troubles, my sisters and I will not be alive, and even our souls will burn themselves. , we don't want any reincarnation."

"Don't worry, I'll be fine, I'm not leaving now."

Jiang Lin kissed Chen Yu's forehead and went to the front yard.

Since Miaoshan is here and he has to go east again, he should discuss it with Miaoshan.

"Fellow Daoist, what's the matter, tell me."

In the front yard, Jiang Lin poured a cup of tea for Miao Shan, and wanted to hear what happened to her this time.

As long as Miaoshan's request this time is not excessive, he will not refuse.

"Ma Danna is in trouble."

Miao Shan said very briefly, she came to Jiang Lin, and asked Jiang Lin to rescue Ma Danna.

"Don't say she went to find a general again."

Jiang Lin had blue veins on his forehead. According to Han Yan, the general had already opened his mind, and the potential in his body had been developed, making it more difficult to deal with than before.

If Madonna's catastrophe refers to the generals, then he would not consider the past at all.

Jiang Lin was also very curious as to why Ma Danna and the Ma family were always having trouble with the generals.

Although the general is a corpse ancestor, he has not caused trouble everywhere since he appeared in the world. Such a terrifying existence does not do anything, so why does he have to die to provoke him?

Miao Shan shook his head and said, "She did not encounter a general, but was targeted by the descendants of the general."

"Isn't it a general?"

Jiang Lin pondered for a moment, then said: "Okay, I'll go there, but I also have a request. Soon, I'll make a long trip. I need you to stay in Huixing Mountain and take care of me until I come back. ."

Since he was not a general, but a descendant of a general, Jiang Lin was not too scruples.

After all, he now has the Immortal Staff and the Promise Magnetic Mountain on his body. If he just rescues Madonna, he still has a lot of confidence.

And the magic weapon he got from Judge Lu, he just happened to be able to try the power geometry.

Chapter [*]: Rescue Ma Danna (Part [*])

"No problem, the Daoist's dojo is a blessed place on earth, and Miaoshan also very much hopes to live here for a while."

Miaoshan smiled, the air in Huixing Mountain was full of mysterious yellow energy, which was of great benefit to herself. Now that Jiang Lin asked her to stay in Huixing Mountain, she would naturally not refuse.

"Where is the location?"

"Hidden Dragon Mountain in Central Yunnan."

"Then Pindao will not greet fellow Daoists today. If fellow Daoists want to stay now, talk to my butler to change it."

Jiang Lin didn't delay, he took the colorful tiger king and headed north. After returning to the Middle Earth, he headed west all the way to the central Yunnan area.

After handling the things entrusted by Miaoshan, he can cross eastward, and he will have time to practice those quick escape methods.

"I said Mr. Lan, if you don't listen to me, the things that the true ancestors told me will still not be settled. It's all that stinky woman who ruined our affairs. If you don't kill her, maybe she will have bad things."

At the same time, near the Hidden Dragon Mountain, Xu Fu had his hands on his hips, and he was very angry. He, Crow and Lan Dali came to the hometown of colorful clouds, looking for the hidden dragon in the cloud, but a while ago, they had already discovered the shadow of the dragon in the cloud, but They were disrupted by the sudden appearance of Madonna, causing them to miss the opportunity to hunt the dragon.

"Mr. Lan, I also think what Xu Fu said makes sense. It doesn't take much effort to kill the woman first. Otherwise, even if we hunt the hidden dragon, we may not be able to bring it back. If someone destroys and flies, then we mustn't get angry."

The crows on the side also agreed with Xu Fu's statement. Since someone was harassing them, why not obliterate them, so as not to keep bothering them like flies.

In fact, there is another reason for the two of them to make such a suggestion, that is, after they met Ma Danna, they instinctively became hostile, and they wanted to kill them and then hurry up.

"But the true ancestor clearly explained that we should not cause trouble. The primordial spirit of the mother of the earth has become weaker and weaker because of the thinness of the spiritual energy in the world, and needs the nourishment of dragon energy. If the true ancestor knows that we are messing up again, he will get angry. "

Lan Dali touched his bald head. In the past, the generals and ministers only explained some things to them, and they would not control their actions, but now it involves the guarded soul. If the generals and officials know that they are not interested, then they will have no good fruit to eat. .

Especially after the entrance to the dragon veins in Middle-earth was sealed, the generals and ministers paid more attention to the progress of their search for dragon energy.

"We're not causing trouble, don't we have the right to pacify it if someone makes trouble?"

"Yes, we are here to better complete the things that the true ancestor explained."

"Okay, just as you said, go find that woman."

After a little consideration, Lan Dali agreed with Xu Fu and Crow, and went with them to find Ma Danna, who was repelled by them a few days ago.

Two days later, Madonna clutched her left arm and fled in the forest.

Lan Dali and the others were determined to kill her, even if she released the dragon to fight, it wouldn't have much effect.

How can the descendants of the generals at the level of flying stiff be so powerful?Brother Jiang was able to kill a Flying Zombie more than ten years ago, why is it that I have broken through the border, and with the help of Shenlong, I can't even hit a green-eyed zombie.

Ma Danna was very unwilling. She was also a Celestial Master, but she was so much worse than Jiang Lin.

Now let alone dealing with the generals, even the descendants of the generals are enough for her to drink a pot.

"I still want to run!"

"His uncle's, scratching me hurts!"

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