Xu Fu and Crow hurriedly chased after them, and the two of them were put together by Ma Danna. Although they were not seriously injured, one was slapped in the face by the dragon's tail and the other was torn by the dragon's claws, so they were very angry.


When Madonna was about to speed up, Lan Dali suddenly stopped in front of her.

"Unfortunately, the golden dragon in this woman's hands has too much karma. Otherwise, if you catch it, there is no need to work any more."

Lan Dali lit a cigar and muttered to himself.

Ma Danna was stopped by Lan Dali, and Xu Fu and the crow behind her caught up. An energy light ball of the crow slammed directly into Ma Danna's back, causing her to spit out a mouthful of blood.

After that, two green-eyed zombies and Lan Dali surrounded her in the center.


Just when Madonna fell into despair, a hill broke out of the sky and fell in front of Madonna, blocking Lan Dali who besieged her.


Xu Fu coldly looked at the hill in front of Ma Danna. There were three of them, two green-eyed zombies, and a demon emperor. Now someone is actually blocking their way.

This feeling... Big Brother Jiang!

Ma Danna wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth and looked around, just like Jiang Lin had a strange feeling about her, she also had a special feeling for Jiang Lin.

It was the kind of unreasonable disgust, but she was clearly in love with Jiang Lin.

"Poor Dao, Duobao Tianzun."

Jiang Lin's figure suddenly appeared beside Ma Danna, almost like teleportation.

In the past few days, his research on the speed escape method has had a little effect, but it is only a little effect, and now he is just trying it a little.

Duobao Tianzun?

Ma Danna looked at Jiang Lin's back, wondering when Jiang Lin changed lanes.

Although Jiang Lin is still disguising, Madonna can still recognize him.

At this time, Jiang Lin put on a cloak and hat, and even changed his voice.

If he hadn't found out that it was Lan Dali and the others who were chasing Ma Danna, he wouldn't have made a disguise. The reason why he concealed his identity was because Lan Dali and the others were all working for the generals.

Now Jiang Lin doesn't want to cause more troubles and provoke officials.

With his current methods, it is not difficult at all to deceive these three idiots.

Hearing Jiang Lin's different voice, Ma Danna felt quite uncomfortable. She thought that Jiang Lin did this on purpose not to let her recognize it.

Is it because you know I'm going to kill you that you refuse to see me with your true colors?

But you still came to save me once or twice.

Ma Danna looked at Jiang Lin and felt more bitterness in her heart. Ten years later, her feelings for Jiang Lin not only did not diminish, but instead became stronger.

"Duobao Tianzun?"

"Another Heavenly Venerate?"

When Ma Danna was thinking about it, Xu Fu and Crow shivered involuntarily. The previous Shuimu Tianzun cast a great shadow on their hearts.

Chapter [-]: Rescue Ma Danna (Part [-])

"This senior, I don't know what the woman over there has to do with you, senior?"

Lan Dali was also frightened by the title of Tianzun, so even if he was offended, he put on a good attitude first.

After all, there had been a Shuimu Tianzun before, which made them fall into a rut.

However, although the people in front of them had a low cultivation level, Lan Dali and the others didn't think about Jiang Lin at the time to the former Shuimu Tianzun.

After all, that Shuimu Tianzun has already scared them, and if he has established his identity as Tianzun, there is no reason to pretend in front of them.

"Entrusted by someone to save her life."

Jiang Lin responded lightly, if Lan Dali and the others were acquainted with each other, then it would be fine. If not, he, the "Duobao Tianzun", didn't mind taking these three idiots as experiments to verify their power.

"Mr. Lan, isn't this Tianzun real?"

Xu Fu approached Lan Dali and asked in a low voice, because something happened to Jiang Lin before, and it turned around, so now he doesn't dare to doubt it.

"It can't be true. There is already a Shuimu Tianzun. How can it be so coincidental that another one appears."

The crow also walked to Lan Dali's side and analyzed whether the Duobao Tianzun in front of him was true or false.

"The injustice is the head of the village and the owner. That woman provoked me and made all our hard work in vain. What can I say?"

After listening to Xu Fu and Crow's words, Lan Dali became even more suspicious, so this time, he didn't even add the word "senior" in his words.

Jiang Lin sneered and said, "How do you say it? Humph, if you three have never touched human life, you are qualified to be judged by this Heavenly Venerate, but now, she won't provoke you, she will just chase and kill you all. , that's just right. Get out early, otherwise don't blame this Tianzun for being rude."

"I don't even dare to show my true face, and I'm still pretending to be there. I want to see where you are, where you are!"

Lan Dali threw the cigar in his hand and stepped on it.

Jiang Lin's attitude directly shattered the last trace of hesitation in his heart.

"With such a low level of cultivation, you dare to call yourself a Heavenly Venerate, you really don't know whether to live or die."

"Fuck him!"

Now that Lan Dali had spoken out, Xu Fu and Crow no longer hesitated, and immediately pulled up their stance, preparing to obliterate Jiang Lin and Ma Danna together.

"I don't know who is dead or alive."

Jiang Lin took out the immortal staff from his arms and smashed it down with one stick. The immortal staff, which was originally as short as a crutch, instantly became twenty or thirty meters long. The capital of the stick was more than two meters thick. The smashed head went straight to Venus.

too fast.

Lan Dali and the others never thought that the Duobao Tianzun on the opposite side would have such a means.

Taking advantage of this gap, Jiang Lin let the corpse poison in his body enter his flesh and blood, and used his ever-changing abilities.

He directly imitated the aura of a high-level monk. Without the immortal power of the two immortal weapons, it would be difficult for him to deceive the evil spirits of Lan Dali and Xu Fu.

But with two immortal artifacts in hand, Jiang Lin absorbed part of the immortal power inside, so it was different.

Lan Dali and the three of them just recovered from dizziness, and they were immediately dumbfounded. On the opposite side, they were replaced!

It was replaced by a capable person with an extremely high cultivation base.

"Mr. Lan, what kind of world is this, how come one or two Heavenly Venerates like to pretend to be pigs and eat tigers!"

"We just hit the Heavenly Venerate and committed evil with the Heavenly Venerate!"

Xu Fu and Crow screamed strangely, they really wanted to scold their mother.

I met a Shuimu Tianzun before, which was the case, but now I have encountered a Duobao Tianzun.

Moreover, it is even more terrifying than the original Shuimu Tianzun.

"Let you get out early, you don't get out, right now, this Tianzun has itchy hands and wants to find someone to move his muscles and bones."

Jiang Lin chuckled lightly, and directly raised the Wuji Magnetic Mountain, making it cover the top of Lan Dali and the others.

Then, he took out one magic weapon after another from his arms and sacrificed it.

Judge Lu is quite reliable in his work. The magic tools he finds for him are all quite powerful, and some of them are not even inferior to the Emei Three Treasures he owns.

"Duobao Tianzun, it turns out to be Duobao Tianzun!"

When the three idiots saw Jiang Lin throwing out a piece of magic weapon at them, they almost wanted to die.

This baby is so fucking much!

Next, screams broke out in the entire forest.

With the Wuji Magnetic Mountain shrouded and the immortal staff watching, Jiang Lin sacrificed various instruments in time. Even if Xu Fu, Crow and Lan Dali were together, they couldn't break through the confinement.

The power of each magical weapon can make them lose a layer of skin.

Is he really just a celestial master?

Ma Danna saw that Jiang Lin couldn't resist the suppression of two green-eyed zombies and a demon emperor, so she doubted Jiang Lin's true cultivation.

She had only fought against these three evil spirits before and knew their horror.

"Heavenly Venerable, spare your life, spare your life!"

"Grandpa Tianzun!"

"Junior has no eyes!"

The three idiots begged Jiang Lin for mercy, and now they already knew that Jiang Lin did not destroy their minds.

Otherwise, these instruments will be crushed together, and no matter how thick their skin is, they will not be able to hold it.

Jiang Lin did not kill Lan Dali and the others, these three idiots, he would definitely kill him as a wild monster to give himself a rage, but not now.

These three goods are for the generals and ministers, and now he does not want to have any entanglement with the generals and ministers.


After taking the magic weapon back, Jiang Lin asked Lan Dali and the others to go where they should go.

The three idiots are like being granted amnesty, how dare they stay there any longer, and they all run away like lame people.

As for Madonna's idea, they didn't dare to fight at all.

Power is pretty good.

After experimenting with Lan Dali and the others, Jiang Lin felt quite satisfied.

He hadn't fully activated these instruments yet, but if he really activated them, quite a few should be able to kill Mao Zong directly, and even make Fei Zong level evil spirits lose half their lives.

"I said that you are a girl. I really don't know how to write dead words. I doubt whether your ancestors are really related to you by blood."

Jiang Lin looked at Ma Danna, who had collapsed to the ground because of the injuries on her back, and couldn't stop shaking her head.

Even the green-eyed zombies can't deal with them, and they also expect to deal with generals.

Isn't that how many children and grandchildren have hiccups?

After helping Madonna deal with the corpse aura behind her, Jiang Lin picked her up and left the place.

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