There was a dilapidated bamboo house on the way, and Jiang Lin sent her there.

After that, he dealt with Madonna's injuries, helped her with some medicine, took off the cloak from his body, and put it on Madonna's body.

Chapter [*]: Kazuo Yamamoto and Imperial Order Thirteen (Part [*])

The corpse poison was cleaned up, and the wound was bandaged. Soon after, Madonna woke up.

my back...

Realizing that the wound had been treated and bandaged, and seeing the cloak she was wearing, Madonna's pretty face immediately turned red.

It was Jiang Lin who dealt with her injuries again.

"This Nether Realm silk armor is left here, even if it is Mao Zong or even Fei Zong's attack, it can resist. And this keel sword, which is the fleshy body of the green-eyed zombie, does not dare to attack it directly."

Jiang Lin took a soft silk armor and a sharp sword from his arms and placed them beside Ma Danna.

Miao Shan didn't interfere with Ma Danna's choice, and he wouldn't discourage him, but in the future, he didn't want to be a bodyguard frequently.

With this soft silk armor and keel sword, the possibility of Madonna's life in danger in the future is much reduced.

"Your injury is no longer serious."

Leaving this sentence behind, Jiang Lin was ready to go back to Japan.

"You don't go yet!"

Ma Danna got up from the wooden bed and tore off Jiang Lin's hat.

"Jiang Da... Master Jiang, thank you for saving me again."

Seeing Jiang Lin's true face, Ma Danna breathed a sigh of relief. Even if she was rescued, she would not want to be touched by a strange man.

"Just being entrusted."

Jiang Lin retrieved the bamboo hat and put it back on, and then walked out of the bamboo house.

After blowing a whistle, Jiang Lin sat on the colorful tiger king who was rushing to the east, all the way east.

In the bamboo hut, Ma Danna picked up the edge of the cloak and rubbed her face lightly. Seeing the soft silk armor and the keel sword beside the bed, she sighed again: "It's better not to send it, if I encounter danger in the future, See him again."

Last time Jiang Lin rescued her and left her with a lot of magic talismans. Although she was reluctant to use the magic talismans, those magic tools did help her a lot and helped her solve several difficulties.

This time, Jiang Lin rescued her again, and gave her such a precious body protection weapon and spirit sword.

However, with this protective soft armor and keel sword, it is estimated that even if she encounters any danger in the future, she will be able to deal with it by herself. In that case, it is estimated that she will never see Jiang Lin again.

In fact, it was indeed the case. Meeting Jiang Lin this time was the last time she saw Jiang Lin in her life.

If she hadn't tore off Jiang Lin's bamboo hat before he left, then her memory of Jiang Lin would have stayed ten years ago.

The soft silk armor and keel sword given to her by Jiang Lin also played a big role soon after.

"Boss, I don't understand. Since you are going to investigate the cultivation level of powerful cultivators, why do you want to go far? The only people who can threaten us are Li Gaoye's Yuming Thirteen, Li Yangdao who is currently in Xugang. For Nanmao and Beima in Changhe Middle Earth, Ligaoye is in our hometown, and in the case of Xugang, it takes only one day to walk by water. Why does the boss want to go to Middle Earth and go north to find the Ma family of Nanmao Beima?"

At Shanghai Wharf, a young man in a Chinese tunic suit respectfully asked the man in a suit in front of him.

The man in the suit did not immediately answer the young man's words. He looked around at the pier and sighed: "Ten years later, I have come to Middle Earth again. I didn't expect that our Great Japan would be defeated. The emperor's lofty ideals are also in this land. shattered."

Ten years ago, this man in a suit was still a major in the Japanese army. Now, he no longer has the identity of a soldier and has become a businessman.

Back then, his name was Kazuo Yamamoto, but now, he has changed his name to Ryuichi Yamamoto.

And behind Kazuo Yamamoto, the young man who asked the question just now was called Domoto Shingo.

The two of them now look like people, but in fact, they are two zombies.

Descendants of two generals.

"Tangben, haven't I told you how many times? To achieve great things, you must have a long-term vision."

"Boss, my subordinates are listening to your teachings."

Domoto Shingo immediately lowered his head and stopped uttering a word.

"There are still many zombies in this world, and there are not a few with original wisdom. Do you think that before us, are there any zombies who want to rule the world like us?"

"This should be there."

"Then why until now, human technology has developed to this point, but those ambitious zombies have not succeeded?"

Kazuo Yamamoto didn't wait for Tang Benzhenwu to speak, and continued: "Because they don't know the general trend, because they don't know the fate of the human race is not exhausted, because they don't know how to wait in dormancy. If we want to succeed, we must know how to forbear and plan for the long term. Now, Ligaoye, our hometown, has become a holy place for cultivating Taoism. If I measure the strength of Yuming Thirteen, our identities will be exposed. At that time, all cultivators in the whole country will be enemies with us. The reason to provoke Yuming Shisan and Li Takano."

Kazuo Yamamoto put his hands behind his waist and took a step like a wise man.

"As for that Daoist Li Yang, I will naturally test how high his cultivation is, but I won't take the initiative to find him. Judging from so many data, this person is the kind of 'people don't offend me, I don't Prisoner, if someone offends me, I will kill you stubborn scumbag. Once I go to him, I will offend him, and he will definitely be with me forever. Therefore, even if I have plans, I will not go to him directly. Home, his territory. When he goes to Japan, I will take action at that time. Tang Ben, don’t you know that Daoist Li Yang is a person who does things very well. After he went east, he went east again many years later Du, when our whole country was celebrating together, there was a humiliating snowstorm, and newspapers were flying all over the sky. Therefore, I just need to wait for him to go."

Kazuo Yamamoto's eyes shone with wisdom. He can live forever now, and the most important thing is time.

Just wait until Jiang Lin goes to Japan.

"However, we can't just wait, we have to prepare now, so we must also know who can prevent us from achieving our ideals, and what their ability level is. I won't look for Yu Ming Thirteen, and I won't provoke Daoist Li Yang. , Mao Xiaofang, who is in Nanmao and Beima, is also in Xugang now, so he can only find the Beima family. According to uncertain news, the contemporary head of the Ma family has also become a celestial master, the strongest Daoist Li Yang. He is also a Celestial Master, and with the people of the Ma family as a reference, I should be able to understand a general idea."

"In July [*], the catastrophe star will drop from the sky, resurrecting King Angulin, and the god of war will be rampant."

"When the angel blows the fifth trumpet, it will be the limit of mankind. At that time, two-thirds of the world's people will die, and one-third of the people will become monsters. Don Ben, you said that the monsters recorded in the Bible, what is it then?"

Chapter [*]: Kazuo Yamamoto and Imperial Order Thirteen (middle)

Kazuo Yamamoto made two prophecies, one is Damm's prophecy about the end of the world, and the other is the record in the Bible.

What he has to do now is to know himself and his opponent, and then he has been dormant. When the day of Damas' prophecy comes, it will be the day when he achieves his great ideal.

However, before going dormant, he also had to know how strong the forces that would eventually obstruct him were, which also determined how much strength he needed to be able to deal with unexpected situations without being too conspicuous.

"Boss, I think it should be a zombie."

Domoto Zhenwu responded with a smile on the surface, but he was very shocked in his heart. He knew that Kazuo Yamamoto had become completely crazy after losing his wife, but he really didn't expect that the latter would be so crazy.

Delusions turn people all over the world into zombies and create a world of zombies.

This is how to do?My revenge, the revenge of my parents, the revenge of the future, how should I avenge it?

Domoto Shingo was very anxious, he was supposed to be Yamamoto Kazuo's son-in-law, but now everything has changed.It was because Kazuo Yamamoto bit his daughter Yamamoto Miku into a zombie, and he and his family were also killed by the irrational Yamamoto Miku.It was only that Kazuo Yamamoto gave him a drop of zombie blood in order not to make his daughter sad, so that he could be resurrected again.

But the price is that he has also become a zombie that can only survive by sucking blood.

Of course, Domoto Shingo would not blame the uncontrollable Yamamoto Miku, so he put this hatred on Yamamoto Kazuo.

He kept the secret from everyone, tried his hardest, and followed Kazuo Yamamoto, just for revenge.

But Kazuo Yamamoto's scheming is too heavy, he has never found a chance, and he doesn't know how long he will continue to go undercover.

After that, Kazuo Yamamoto and Mako Tomoto went directly north to find Ma Danna of the Ma family.

Ma Danna recovered completely from her injuries, and she had the utensils left by Jiang Lin. When facing Kazuo Yamamoto, she suffered a small loss.

However, Kazuo Yamamoto didn't do his best, he just wanted to touch the bottom of Nan Mao Bei Ma.

"It seems that it is best not to go to war easily until the time comes."

Kazuo Yamamoto looked at the injury on his arm, and his face became gloomy. This time the test was completely beyond his expectations.

If the strength of the Ma family can cause him harm, then Mao Xiaofang and Yuming Thirteen should be able to do it too. As for Jiang Lin, they might even kill him.

Because this time Kazuo Yamamoto suffered a loss in Ma Danna's hands, so that he would not touch the descendants of the Ma family for many years to come.

It was not until a few decades later, when Jiang Lin was no longer in Xugang, and the end of the world was approaching, that Kazuo Yamamoto dared to test the strength of the Ma family again.

And because Ma Danna dealt with the descendants of the generals one after another, she often warned her younger generation in the future that if she was not sure, she must not easily deal with the generals and their descendants.

Jiang Lin didn't know that Ma Danna was found by Kazuo Yamamoto. After he returned to Li Yangju, he stopped for a few days.

Xiaobai just broke through to the level of the demon king during this time, and he needs to guard.

"Master, it's hard to change shape."

Xiaobai was placed on Jiang Lin's shoulder and shook his head. Originally, he thought that if he became a demon king, he would be able to transform into a beautiful big girl, but the fact is that his head is a little more like a pair of doubles. It's just a bony bulge like a horn.

"You can be content, eating so many treasures from heaven and earth, plus you have a thin dragon bloodline, it will naturally take a later transformation. If you do it forcefully, you may end up on the head, and the body below the chin is full of snakes. Stand up, Lollipop."

"Don't! It's ugly! People want a beautiful appearance, a swan neck, a small waist, a face that is better than an angel, and a figure with a golden ratio. Don't turn into a lollipop!"

Xiaobai's little head shook like a rattle, and Jiang Lin actually joked about its desire to transform.

After watching my transformation, if I don't fascinate my master, I will even lose, hum!

"Okay, put these newspapers in your abdominal space, little greedy snake."

Jiang Lin pointed to the piles of newspapers lying on the ground. Since he was going to Japan, it was necessary to disperse the newspapers.

What he said in Japan before, it must be fulfilled. Those Japanese donkeys are only worthy of being nailed to the pillar of shame forever.

In the past few days, he asked Shu Ning and Zhang Xiaochuan to print a lot of such newspapers and added a lot of materials.

Now his two journalist wives open a newspaper office at home, but they don't report any news anymore, and they start a newspaper.

Therefore, Jiang Lin, at his own expense, printed the glorious deeds of those wolves and donkeys, so that those 13 cubs would remember this supreme honor.

The glory of the century that even the emperor's donkey face can be slapped wildly.

Xiaobai opened his mouth and put stacks of newspapers into the abdominal space.

After advancing into a demon king, the demon power space in its abdomen is larger than the two demon kings, the colorful tiger king and the flying rat king combined.

Snakes don't bark for nothing.

This is also one of the reasons why Jiang Lin is going to take it eastward. Another reason is that Jiang Lin now holds a fairy weapon and has a bunch of magic tools, and he plans to see if he can meet the water ape or sea scorpion he met before.

If he encounters it, he will destroy it and recharge the system with more balance.

When Jiang Lin set off, Kazuo Yamamoto and the others had already returned to Japan. Kazuo Yamamoto didn't plan to go to Yuming Thirteen, but Yuming Thirteen came to him.

Back then, Lan Dali and the others awakened Yuming Thirteen's memory and helped him cover up his own aura.

But Yuming Thirteen is not stupid, how could he go to the generals before his strength is restored.

However, although the generals cannot be found, he can find the descendants of the generals, but Xu Fu and the others basically appear in a group, and he has no chance.

Therefore, when he learned that another descendant of a general appeared in Japan, he started.

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