Kazuo Yamamoto was hunted down by Yuming Thirteen Man Japan. He never thought that Yuming Thirteen was much stronger than the Ma family, and he almost caused fatal injuries to him several times.

However, Kazuo Yamamoto is also a descendant of a generation of officials, and he used to be an officer, and he has a very good ability in judging the situation and planning strategies.

Therefore, even though Yuming Thirteen had been chasing and killing Kazuo Yamamoto, he could not suppress him with an overwhelming advantage.

Chapter [*]: Kazuo Yamamoto and Imperial Order Thirteen (Part [*])

"Yu Ming Thirteen, your current cultivation level has surpassed that of any mana monk in Ligaoye within a hundred years. Is your vision only so short-sighted? I am immortal and have the ability to transform the world. I already have a grand plan, as long as you and I join forces, let alone Japan, it is the whole world, and He Chou can't hold it in his hands."

When the war was temporarily stopped, Kazuo Yamamoto proposed cooperation intentions to Imperial Life Thirteen.

As a descendant of a general, his power is almost inexhaustible, and Yuming Thirteen is actually just a parasitic body of Rahu, and currently he can't have inexhaustible spiritual power.

So after a stalemate for a period of time, Kazuo Yamamoto has gradually regained the disadvantage and even gained the upper hand.

But he didn't plan to counter-kill Yuming Thirteen. If Yuming Thirteen died, he would have to be hunted down by the entire Rigaoye.

In that case, his dormant plan would be aborted.

"Oh? What plan?"

Yuming Thirteen narrowed his eyes, wanting to hear what Kazuo Yamamoto had in mind, but now he really doesn't have the ability to fight Kazuo Yamamoto's idea of ​​immortality.

Because he was worried that he would be found by the underworld, he had not dared to absorb spiritual and evil powers openly and honestly over the years, resulting in his own cultivation being much worse than when he was at his peak.

If you want to continue to fight Kazuo Yamamoto's idea, you have to make other plans.

However, now that Kazuo Yamamoto wants to cooperate with him and seek skin from the tiger, this is a great opportunity.

"Yoming XIII, do you know Damus' prophecy about the end of the world? My plan is to change the whole world and make it a world of zombies. At that time, I will be the only God of the world, and you, if you want, Cooperate with me, at that time, one person is below ten thousand people, wouldn’t it be fun?”

Kazuo Yamamoto talked about his lofty ambitions to Yuming Thirteen. Now, he has a plan. As long as Yuming Thirteen is willing to agree to cooperate, then if anyone wants to deal with him in the future, Yuming Thirteen can be those people. 's reminder.

"Your ability is indeed very strong, but if you want to occupy the world, I'm afraid there will be a lot of resistance. I will cooperate with you. If it is successful, it will be fine. If it fails, won't I be cleaned up by Li Gaoye or even the entire monastic world?"

"Since I have such ambitions, how can I not think of these, if there is resistance, just get rid of it, whether it is on the surface or in the dark, in the middle earth, there is a master with the name of Miaoshan, she every other time. In thirty-three years, I will become attached to thirty-three people and answer three questions for her. And if I spare no effort to find her, even if there is resistance, I believe it will be solved. "

Kazuo Yamamoto folded his arms, although he was preparing to dormant, but in the process of preparing the plan, he would inevitably find out the forces that would hinder his grand plan, and even find a way to hoe.

Seeing that Yuming Thirteen was somewhat moved, Kazuo Yamamoto continued to describe his grand plan.

He wanted Yuming Thirteen to pretend to die of illness and leave a notebook of experience dealing with him.

After Yuming XIII "died", he left a will and let his body and manuscripts be placed in the center of the earth in Ligaoye.

This Yamamoto Kazuo is thoughtful and thoughtful, and for the time being, it is not a good idea.

After listening to Kazuo Yamamoto's remarks, Yuming Thirteen had a position in his heart.

This guy is a brave and resourceful hero who makes plans and then moves.

In particular, Kazuo Yamamoto asked him to feign death in the center of the earth in the middle of the high field. In the future, if anyone wants to deal with Kazuo Yamamoto, he may come to get his code, and at that time, he will become a reminder.

July [*]?

Yu Ming Thirteen deduced it in his mind, and unexpectedly discovered that that time period was a good time for the once-in-a-lifetime funeral.

Feign death is really a good way to escape.

Yuming Thirteen was really moved. He always knew that the underworld was looking for him, the Rahu parasite, but if he was "dead", it would be too difficult for the underworld to find him.

"Since you have such a grand plan, and I am actually an aspiring person, then cooperate with each other."

Yuming Thirteen considered for a moment, and then agreed to Kazuo Yamamoto's request. In fact, he also had his own considerations.

Even if he has taken Kazuo Yamamoto's immortality now, if the underworld finds him, all his efforts will be in vain.

It's better to wait until the date of the funeral month is approaching, at that time, the matter of capturing the immortal body and completely restoring the mana will be completed in one go.

Before that, he had suspended his death underground to avoid the underworld's search.

"very good!"

Kazuo Yamamoto was very happy and reached an agreement with Yuming Thirteen. At the same time, he also released some of his original blood essence into a small bottle and left it to Yuming Thirteen.

In the future, as long as he is not beaten to death, he can be resurrected again with the help of this original blood essence.

After reaching an agreement, Yuming Shisan went directly back to Ligaoye, pretended to be seriously ill, and told a group of monks about the battle between him and Yamamoto Kazuo, and left a copy of "Thirteen Notes" for the monks in Ligaoye to It and its own "remains" remain in the last layer of the geocentric tomb.

In addition, he also asked the monks in Ligaoye not to deal with Kazuo Yamamoto if they were not sure. Even the "Thirteen Notes" needed someone to break through the layers of defenses of the earth core to hand it over to him. other people.

Lest someone give their life in vain.

The monks in Ligaoye really thought that Yuming Shisan had died of illness, so they left his body and handwritten notes in the center of the earth according to his will.

As for Kazuo Yamamoto, he realized that his strength was not enough, and he had no good generals, so he went to find someone who was suitable for his subordinates.

Ordinary people, he doesn't like it at all, what he is looking for is someone who has special abilities before his death.

In this case, once he is converted into a zombie, his strength will be much stronger than that of his daughter and Domoto Shingo.

At this time, Jiang Lin had already arrived in Japan, and he would sit on the back of the colorful tiger king every day for walks. Since he had obtained a lot of benefits from Judge Lu, he was not a person who only took things and did nothing.

When he came to Japan this time, he was going to take a carpet search and take a zigzag route.

On mountain roads he rides tigers, and on water roads he rides snakes.

Although it will take a long time, Jiang Lin is not in a hurry. Whether it is on the back of a tiger or a snake, he can read the scriptures that record the method of quick escape and study.

In addition to the quick escape method, he is still researching some formations with special functions, such as the teleportation formation, which he scraped from Baoyi.

As for the distribution of newspapers, Jiang Lin put it on hold for the time being. He still has to stay in this land, and when he leaves, he will let the dwarfs in this land vomit blood.

The first thousand three hundred and eighty-nine chapters is another descendant of the general?

In the blink of an eye, four months have passed, and Jiang Lin has traveled all over Japan, but his search has still not made any progress.

To say that he didn't find it before, it's okay, after all, at that time, he didn't search so carefully.

But this time, he searched all over the place, and the compass in his hand still didn't respond at all.

Jiang Lin didn't know that even if he searched carefully, it would be impossible to find it.

Yuming Thirteen went underground and died in a fake death, and, in order to avoid being discovered, he also hid his breath, almost no different from a corpse.

If Jiang Lin had been looking for it at another time, he would have found it long ago.

But it was such a coincidence that he came to Yuming Thirteen, but Yuming Thirteen met Kazuo Yamamoto first.

Then he ran down to a place of [*] meters and faked his death.

After more than three months, Jiang Lin thoroughly went through the entire Japanese country, but still there was no clue about the parasite of Rahu.

He was no longer going to put it here to continue wasting time, and let Xiaobai spit out the newspaper in his belly.

For more than half a year, these newspapers have been collected alternately by Xiaobai and Banlan Tiger King, and they have never been distributed.

Jiang Lin, like before, suspended himself to a height of [*] meters, and threw stacks of newspapers into the air.

This time is similar to the last time, and many people were so angry that they vomited blood.

How can Theo!It's not over yet!

Because of the Sino-Japanese War, the Japanese side was defeated, so Japan's national spirit was greatly affected. Now that a few years have passed, it has finally improved, and those newspapers that print their glorious history are flying all over the sky again.

"Yu Ming Thirteen, why did you die so badly!"

"Get up, the spirit of our Yamato nation needs to be saved by you!"

On the same day, many magicians and monks went to Ligaoye and wept loudly on the tomb of Yuming XIII.

As soon as Yuming Thirteen died, no one in their cultivating world could see them anymore.

When Jiang Lin crossed east for the first time, he wiped out many of the talented seedlings here.

Therefore, there is now a talent gap in the entire oriental monastic world.

It's a pity that no matter how much they cry, no one will get up from the grave.

"Boss, that Daoist Li Yang should be here again."

On the same day, Domoto Shingo told Kazuo Yamamoto about the outside world.

He wished Jiang Lin had come earlier. When the Imperial Order Thirteen was chasing Kazuo Yamamoto, he prayed for Kazuo Yamamoto to die sooner.

Who knew that the "short-lived ghost" of Yuming Thirteen would just burp.

However, now there is another capable person who can threaten Kazuo Yamamoto, so he immediately informed Kazuo Yamamoto.

"I didn't expect him to come so soon. Did you find out his whereabouts?"

"Near Beiman Mountain in Hokkaido."

"If that's the case, I'll go meet him and see how capable the ceiling of the monastic world in Middle Earth is."

Kazuo Yamamoto put down the wine glass filled with blood and slowly stood up. In the past, because he still had a wife and daughter, he used animal blood for food. Therefore, the potential in his body has never been developed.

Even when he was chased and killed by Yuming Thirteen, he didn't drink human blood for a long time. Now he eats fresh human blood every day, and his strength has increased a lot. Even the ability that he had never mastered before, now he also Can be used proficiently.

Therefore, he is looking forward to playing against Jiang Lin. If he tries to find out what level of Jiang Lin's ability is, he will be able to make a better deployment plan in the future.

"Boss, is that the Daoist Li Yang who single-handedly suppressed our Dahe Taoist world? I don't think it's great. Those magicians and monks, one by one, are too useless. Just let the subordinates go for the boss. Got him done."

A tall man standing next to him didn't take Jiang Lin seriously, and even volunteered to kill Jiang Lin instead of Kazuo Yamamoto.

The tall man named Hemen used to be a different ninja, but now he is also a yellow-eyed zombie, just like Domoto Shingo.

And beside Hemen, there was a petite girl named Biga. Like Hemen, she was a zombie with the blood of Kazuo Yamamoto in her body.

"He Men, do you need to take action in this matter? I've been under the boss longer than you, and the boss loves me very much. I should share my worries for him. Anyway, I'll go too."

Biga snorted softly, arguing with He Men to deal with Jiang Lin.

Before she became a zombie, she had weird superpowers. After she became a zombie, her strength was much stronger than that of a zombie of the same rank. Even Shingo Domoto and Hemen together were not her opponents.

Therefore, even if she heard about Jiang Lin's name, she would not take it to heart.

"I told you, to do great things, you must first have a correct attitude! Daoist Li Yang, more than ten years ago, was able to kill the same level of middle-earth flying zombie as me, is it a normal role? Or do you think Would I be stupid enough to use an insignificant character as an adversary?"

Kazuo Yamamoto glanced at Bika and Hemen, and immediately made them lower their heads, not even saying that.

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