After that, Kazuo Yamamoto made a move, and the wooden pier not far away flew in front of him. After a while, pieces of wood scattered from the wooden pier suspended in the air.

Eventually, the wooden pier became two wooden masks.

"Tang Ben, you stay here, look at the future, don't let her make trouble, Biga, you come with me."

With a wave of his hand, Kazuo Yamamoto brought a mask to Bi Jia in the air, and asked her to take it on and go to Jiang Lin with him for a while.

Half a day later, Kazuo Yamamoto and Bijia took a car to Mount Beiman in Hokkaido.

And Jiang Lin, who was sitting on the back of the colorful tiger king, also appeared in their sight.

"You just stay here."

After commanding Bi Jia, Kazuo Yamamoto rushed towards Jiang Lin at a very fast speed. When he was more than a mile away from Jiang Lin, his body suddenly disappeared in place, and then appeared directly on top of Jiang Lin's head. .

Short distance shuttle space!

Kazuo Yamamoto fell upside down, stretched out a palm, and took Jiang Lin's Heavenly Spirit.

"court death!"

Jiang Lin's eyes turned cold, and a bone sword instantly appeared in his hand, slashing towards the top of his head.

A powerful sword energy rushed towards Kazuo Yamamoto in the sky.

Kazuo Yamamoto opened his eyes sharply, tossing in the air, dodging the sword qi cut out by Jiang Lin.

He flipped a few times and landed on the open space not far away.

Another descendant of a general?

Jiang Lin looked at Kazuo Yamamoto who was wearing a mask, and wrinkles appeared between his brows.

This time, he actually met the descendants of the generals again. It seems that the other party took the initiative to find him.

And the descendant of the general in front of him, like Xu Fu and the crow, belonged to the descendant of the general.

The green-eyed zombie.

Chapter [*] Come if you want, leave if you want?

Jiang Lin jumped off the tiger's back, looked at Kazuo Yamamoto, and felt that the other party should not be Xu Fu or Crow.

When he was rescuing Ma Danna before, Xu Fu and Crow's expressions were still a little embarrassed when they heard that he reported the name of "Duobao Tianzun".

Therefore, they should have no doubts about his previous identity as "Shuimu Tianzun".

It is impossible to take the initiative to provoke him.

"No matter who you are, if you don't want to disappear, you'd better get out of here."

Jiang Lin pointed his sword at Kazuo Yamamoto. If he was in another place and something evil provokes him, he would definitely not give up.

But looking at the other party's kimono, he guessed that this zombie was already living in Japan.

There is a descendant of a general in Japan, so he doesn't want to move.

Is it bad to keep this product and continue to harm it here?

Kazuo Yamamoto didn't say a word, just looked at Jiang Lin quietly.

He made a surprise attack just now, but he didn't get the slightest effect. Instead, he was almost scratched by Jiang Lin's sword energy. Based on this alone, he could be sure that the Ma Danna he had tested before, and the Celestial Master in front of him, There is no comparison at all.

What's even more outrageous is that after getting in close contact with Jiang Lin, he actually felt a faint sense of oppression, especially when Jiang Lin pointed his sword at him, this sense of oppression became more obvious.

This kind of feeling, even when he faced Yuming Thirteen, never had it.

Biga, who was watching the battle from a tree in the distance, was also surprised. If Kazuo Yamamoto's raid just now was used on her, it would probably kill her in an instant.

It's still too late to react.

It can be seen that Jiang Lin's alertness is very high.

Because of the long distance, she didn't feel the oppression caused by being locked by Jiang Lin. Otherwise, her position on Jiang Lin's strength would have to be raised a lot.

"Aren't you going?"

A chill gradually appeared in Jiang Lin's eyes, and he warned that if he didn't listen, he would have to make this green-eyed zombie pay a price.

The color of his pupils changed, and Jiang Lin planned to see through Kazuo Yamamoto's mask to see the other's face clearly.

With his own strength alone, he still can't deal with the green-eyed zombies that are comparable to the level of flying zombies, but with the equipment he has now, it is still very possible to destroy the green-eyed zombies in front of him.

However, he didn't intend to kill him.

Destroying this green-eyed zombie is equivalent to helping the Japanese in disguise.

What is he doing to help this Japanese country?

In the future, he really lacks anger, so he will come again and destroy the green-eyed zombie to recharge the account.

That's why he wanted to see Kazuo Yamamoto's face clearly.

Easy to find later.


Kazuo Yamamoto noticed that Jiang Lin's eyes were different, he was shocked, and immediately changed his face with his own ability.

One of his face wrinkled quickly, a beard grew again, and his beard and eyebrows turned white.

"Old man?"

Jiang Lin frowned slightly, the other party turned out to be an old zombie.

He was really deceived by Kazuo Yamamoto's disguise ability.

With a "swoosh", Kazuo Yamamoto launched another offensive. He was worried that if he continued to confront him, Jiang Lin would be able to see his original appearance. In that case, it would be detrimental to his future plans.

When he got close to Jiang Lin, Kazuo Yamamoto's body suddenly became illusory, and the surrounding environment began to twist.

Almost instantly, steel plates appeared around Jiang Lin, and these steel plates formed a pupa-like container, trapping him.

"The Middle Earth Celestial Master, the Taishan Beidou in the Taoist world, is nothing but the same."

Kazuo Yamamoto's figure reappeared, he laughed, his body flew towards Jiang Lin in the air, and he pressed his palm to Jiang Lin's face.

Since he wanted to find out Jiang Lin's true level, Kazuo Yamamoto also showed most of his strength. At the same time, he also angered Jiang Lin with his words, and wanted Jiang Lin to show his strength to the greatest extent.

"Ironization? Humph!"

The real sun fire in Jiang Lin's body was instantly released, and the steel plate that trapped him quickly burned to red. After that, with all his strength, he shattered the steel plate and flew around.

At the same time, his eyes shone with strange light, one red and one white beams shot out, and the red lotus karmic fire and the dull corpse aura hit Kazuo Yamamoto's body.

His slow poison technique usually requires his own corpse to be corpse before he can hit it with a surprise attack. Now Kazuo Yamamoto is rushing towards him, just giving him a chance.

Kazuo Yamamoto was submerged in the body by the red lotus karmic fire, and suddenly let out a low roar, the mental pain made him a little unbearable for a while.

Jiang Lin took advantage of this opportunity to burst out the dark light of Yang Yang, and after controlling the bone sword to fly out, he quickly formed a seal with both hands, making the three-legged Golden Crow appear behind him.

"Lei Yan Palm!"

Jiang Lin put his palms together, Yun Yang Yan in one hand, and Lei Fa in the other. After that, only an afterimage was left on his body.

Kazuo Yamamoto's body was still sluggish, and he was hit in the back by Jiang Lin, pinched by the three-legged Golden Crow, and bombed by a big explosion.

After a while, the extremely embarrassed Kazuo Yamamoto flew out of the smoke and galloped into the distance.

When he was bombed, he had already used all his strength to force out the red lotus karmic fire and dull energy in his body.

So strong!

Kazuo Yamamoto clutched the wound on his flank that was cut open by the sword, and felt extremely jealous of Jiang Lin in his heart.

Although these attacks by Jiang Lin didn't hurt him at all or seriously injured him, how long did it take him to fight with Jiang Lin?

Jiang Lin still blushed and didn't breathe.

Now that he has tested Jiang Lin's strength, there is no need to entangle him any more.

"Come if you want, leave if you want? Who do you think you are!"

Jiang Lin saw that Kazuo Yamamoto was about to escape, and his hands turned like wheels. Just now, he had sacrificed several powerful instruments.

This green-eyed zombie, he gave a warning early in the morning, but this guy doesn't take it seriously.

Even if he didn't mean to destroy it, let him know the consequences of provoking him.

Several magical instruments bloomed with rays of light, shrouded Yamamoto Kazuo, and immediately restrained his actions.

Jiang Lin took this opportunity to take out the immortal staff and swung it down.

Smash head.


Biga, who was watching the battle from a distance, had already rushed to the rescue at the fastest speed, but she was stopped by the colorful tiger king.

The battle between Jiang Lin and the green-eyed zombie, it can't get involved, but now it's useful where it is, of course it won't watch it.


Kazuo Yamamoto, who was bound, let out a roar that shook the mountains and forests, and then he used the ability of short-distance space displacement again, regardless of his ability being cooled.

The body appeared beside Beagar, and Kazuo Yamamoto grabbed Beagar's shoulder and disappeared again in place.

If he doesn't walk, he will lose half his life in just this moment.

Before you have a [*]% certainty, you must never provoke this Daoist Li Yang again!

This time, Kazuo Yamamoto raised the danger level of Jiang Lin to the highest level.

It was said to be a temptation, but in fact, it was him who came to be beaten.

He didn't even touch Jiang Lin's hair.

Chapter [*] Yang Feiyun's resurrection

Jiang Lin didn't care about Kazuo Yamamoto's escape, but looked forward to it.

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