This green-eyed zombie was hit hard by him, so it must be a big deal. Anyway, it was these wolves who suffered.

Just as he thought, after Kazuo Yamamoto fled back to his old nest, he madly sucked blood to heal his wounds.

"Boss, you are so injured. Didn't you say you were just going to test the strength of that Daoist Li Yang?"

Hemen was very surprised when he saw Kazuo Yamamoto being seriously injured. If it was said that Kazuo Yamamoto went to fight Jiang Lin for real, it was possible that he would be injured.

But just to test it out, is it true that both sides have tried it out?

Still can't kill him!

Domoto Shingo also had an expression similar to that of Hemen, but he was extremely disappointed in his heart.

Daoist Li Yang also failed to kill his enemy.

"I did go to test it, but that Daoist Li Yang is too cruel. Anyone who provokes him will have to pay the price."

Kazuo Yamamoto's face was very ugly. At that time, he had lost several layers of skin from the bombing, and decided to retreat, but Jiang Lin didn't even let him go.

"In the future, the three of you, none of you are allowed to cause trouble for me, especially don't provoke cultivators."

Kazuo Yamamoto warned Domoto Zhenwu to them, and now that he has discovered the depths of those that may become obstructive forces, the next thing is to keep a low profile.

When the plan was not full-fledged, accidents were the most taboo, so he warned his subordinates severely.

Even not long ago, when he was testing Ma Danna's strength, if he used all his strength, he could have killed Ma Danna, but he didn't do that.

It doesn't make much sense.

Since then, Kazuo Yamamoto has started to prepare his own plan, and has been accumulating wealth as a businessman. With the protection of money, he can prevent his team from exposing the identity of zombies.

As for Jiang Lin, who made Kazuo Yamamoto extremely jealous, he also left Japan and went to sea.

After staying on the sea for more than ten days, Jiang Lin did not encounter the water monkeys and sea scorpions before, and he did not wait any longer, and returned to the port by sea.

"Husband, something has happened."

As soon as Jiang Lin got home, Axiu rushed out with a worried look on his face.

"What's the matter? Something happened at home?"

Jiang Lin's heart thumped, Axiu rarely had such a situation.

"It's not at home, it's my master. Yang Feiyun has been resurrected, and he has become a phantom demon at the level of a demon king. Master and the others have been locked up, and Yang Feiyun has also summoned many demons and ghosts. Now Xugang is rampant with demons. Husband, are you here? Didn't you see me on the way?"

"Yang Feiyun has been resurrected? He has become a demon? I landed on Hong Kong Island directly by sea. I didn't come from the urban area, so I don't know the situation in the urban area."

Jiang Lin felt a little unbelievable, this Yang Feiyun was dead, but he was still dead and not stiff, and now he has become a powerful phantom man and demon.

"Yes, he also devoured the cultivation base of a wolf demon, and now it has reached the level of a thousand-year-old zombie king."

Axiu told Jiang Lin what happened after Yang Feiyun's resurrection.

These things were all told to her when Zhong Jun came to Li Yangju to look for Jiang Lin.

After Yang Feiyun became a demon, he absorbed a lot of corpse qi. Because of a conflict with Mao Xiaofang, Zhong Jun returned to the country. As a result, he happened to meet Yang Feiyun who was sucking corpse qi in the Yizhuang. Yang Feiyun arrested her and sent her to Yuelang. The Demon King's lair even killed the Wolf King by scheming, absorbing his cultivation.

The two subordinates of the wolf demon were also accepted by him.

Zhong Jun took the opportunity to escape and returned. She told Zhong Bang and Fang Tu that Yang Feiyun was resurrected, but Zhong Bang and the others thought she was still losing her temper and did not believe her.

As a result, Yang Feiyun killed Xiangdao Daotang with his hind legs, killing a lot of people, even Fang Tu and Ma Fan died in his hands.

"Even Fang Tu and A Fan were killed? Is there any problem at home?"

Jiang Lin asked about the situation of Huixing Mountain again. Since Yang Feiyun was resurrected from the dead and became a demon king, he sought revenge from Mao Xiaofang, so it is estimated that Huixing Mountain would also become his target.

"Yang Feiyun did let those sneaky and evil spirits harass him, but with Baoyi and Miaoshan, they are safe in the mountains. Husband, go and save my master, Yang Feiyun can't do anything about our family, he will definitely vent his anger on him. On my body. My sisters are holding me back again to keep me from going out."

Axiu shook Jiang Lin's arm. Mao Xiaofang was like a father to her. Now that something went wrong, she was very worried.

"Okay, I'll go in a while. If Chili and the others pull you, I'll beat them."

Jiang Lin nodded, but before that, he wanted to meet Miaoshan and Baoyi.

During the time he was away, Baoyi and Miaoshan were guarding Huixing Mountain. As the master, since he came back, he had to express his gratitude.

When he walked to the door of Baoyi's room, Jiang Lin suddenly smelled a fragrance.

Isn't this my fairy flower wine?

Wait, why is this smell so strong?

This fat woman!

Jiang Lin rushed directly into Baoyi's room.

"What are you doing? Knock on the door if you don't understand? They are about to take a nap!"

After Jiang Lin opened the door with a "bang", Bao Yi, who had a drunk face, frowned and shouted, and squeezed into the bed at the same time.

"Fat woman, you're getting fat again. Every time I'm not here, do you really think this is your own home?"

Jiang Lin looked at the dishes and jugs piled up on the table in the room, and his face was full of blue veins. This is how many good things he ate and drank. A fairy is so drunk!

Originally, Jiang Lin wanted to say thank you to Baoyi, but now, don't say thank you, he wanted to flatter Baoyi.

This fat woman must not eat and drink like this for a day or two.

"People... People have been protecting the mountains for you for so long, so I just ate and drank some, and didn't hide more of yours."

Because Baoyi was drinking too much, she didn't notice that she missed her mouth all of a sudden, and when she reacted a little, she immediately covered her mouth.

Didn't you take mine and hide it?

The blue veins on Jiang Lin's forehead became more obvious. If it wasn't for this treasure drinking too much, he really wouldn't have heard the words of three hundred taels of silver in this place.

Moving his nose, Jiang Lin walked to Baoyi's bedside.

"You... don't come here, I only wear a bellyband inside."

Bao Yi kept squeezing towards the wall, but Jiang Lin didn't care about her, so he bent over and lifted the quilt in the corner.

Wine jar!

"It's all mine! I guarded the mountains for the Jiang family, sweated for your family, and was called a fat woman every day by you. These are all mental losses!"

Bao Yi pulled the quilt by the horn and covered the wine jar by the wall.

Chapter [*] In front of me, you dare to call it invincible?

"I think you don't fight for three days, and you go to the house to uncover the tiles."

Jiang Lin pulled the quilt over with force with both arms, but Bao Yi also grabbed the quilt tightly, so he was driven by the pulling force, and threw himself on Jiang Lin at once.

She put a pair of lotus arms on Jiang Lin's shoulders, and her cherry lips pressed against Jiang Lin's mouth.

Kiss right.

It was also because she was too drunk to react slowly, and because she didn't use her immortal power, she directly hit people with the quilt.

Baoyi raised his head and looked at Jiang Lin blankly.

" hide my immortal brew, I will compensate for this first kiss."

Jiang Lin helped Baoyi, who had a blank mind, and grabbed a few wine jars in his hands, and then left Baoyi's room.

After leaving Baoyi's room, he blocked his ears with spiritual power.

"Jiang Lin, you've returned my innocence!"

It didn't take long for Baoyi to get dressed and chased out, her face full of anger and grievance.

"If you keep yelling, everyone in the Jiang family will know that you kissed me."

After taking out the immortal staff, Jiang Lin continued, "If you didn't hide my wine, there would be no such thing."

"Okay, it's over like this. I still have something to do now. If you want to drink Xianhua Brew, I'll just give you a pot."

Looking at Bao Yi, who was clenching his teeth tightly, Jiang Lin also let out his breath and threw a pot of immortal wine over.

If he really fights with Baoyi, it won't take much advantage.

And after taking care of the resurrected Yang Feiyun, he had to take Baoyi with him.

Therefore, there is no need for him to have a quarrel with Baoyi, not to mention that he has already taken Baoyi's kiss, and he has taken everything back, so he is not at a loss.

You give me wait, wait!

This fairy's first kiss...

Baoyi knew that she was wrong, so she put up with it for the time being, and just wanted to wait until she regained her immortal power in the future, and then settle the account with Jiang Lin.

Seeing that Baoyi didn't have any more attacks, Jiang Lin went to Miaoshan. After saying a few words of thanks, he took the mouse boy and went directly to the city.

"Listen to all the citizens, I'm the Demon King Yang Feiyun. The poison gas incident on Zhongxing Street just now was planned by me. However, today is just a small test. The real disaster will come at [*] noon tomorrow. At that time, Everyone dies, only monsters and monsters can survive. Tomorrow, it will be the real end of the world!"

When he arrived in the city, Jiang Lin heard Yang Feiyun's speech on the radio.

The street has been completely chaotic, and a large number of citizens are running towards the pier with their luggage.

There were a lot of corpses on display on the ground, and it was unknown whether they died from being trampled on or because of the poisonous gas thing Yang Feiyun said.

This Yang Feiyun can really do things.

Jiang Lin shook his head, and then went directly to the Yau Ma Tei police station to find Bishop. He had to ask where Yang Feiyun's lair was.

"Brother Jiang, my god, you are finally back!"

When Bishop saw Jiang Lin, he almost knelt down for him.

"My brother, my god, I beg you not to leave Xugang in the future, okay? You are the patron saint of Xugang. As long as you're not around, things will happen to Xugang. It's not a normal thing."

Bishop really wanted to cry. Since Yang Feiyun's resurrection, a large number of monsters, ghosts, and zombies have been summoned. In just a few days, tens of thousands of people died. In addition, Yang Feiyun conducted some poisonous gas experiments, and he was on the street again. Too many people have been killed by poisoning.

"I don't leave if I have nothing to do, can I still leave if I have something? I won't charge this time. I have to leave after a while, at least one or two years, at most three or four years. What happened this time Yang Feiyun, I can It's done for you, but my request is that you have to apply to the top and send a self-defense team to guard around my hill until I come back."

Jiang Lin changed a condition this time. This time, Yang Feiyun's death and resurrection made him a little worried about the safety of his family after he went to another world.

Although there is wonderful goodness, but one more protection is always good.

"Send the Self-Defense Force to guard the mountain for you?"

"What? Is it difficult? Why don't you take care of Yang Feiyun's affairs yourself?"

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