"Don't, don't, Brother Jiang, don't do this, I'll contact the superior."

When Bishop heard that Jiang Lin asked them to deal with the demon king Yang Feiyun by themselves, he immediately fainted and hurriedly called his boss.

"Brother Jiang, as long as you can quickly solve the current problem, your request is not difficult."

After a while, Bishop gave Jiang Lin an answer.

"Okay, where is that guy Yang Feiyun staying? I'll hoe him now."

"In the old castle in the northern suburbs, Yang Feiyun and those monsters and ghosts call it the Devil's Castle."

"The Castle of the Demon King? It's just a demon, and he really considers himself the king of demons."

Jiang Lin sneered, and after leaving the police station, he went to the place Bishop said.

"Who is so daring to come to the Demon King's castle!"

After Jiang Lin arrived at the Demon King Castle, two little monsters outside the castle stepped forward to stop him.

"Let Yang Feiyun come out and die. I used to kill him and lose my worth. Now, he can barely let me do it."

"Bold! How disrespectful to the great and invincible Demon King!"


With a wave of Jiang Lin's hand, he killed the talkative little demon.

The other little demon screamed and rushed into the castle.

After instructing the mouse boy to find and rescue Mao Xiaofang and others, Jiang Lin held his arms and waited for Yang Feiyun to come out.

Not long after, Yang Feiyun, dressed in a dress and cape, flew out of the castle.

"Jiang Lin! I was looking for you, but I didn't expect you to find your own way. Mao Xiaofang is against me, and now he has become my prisoner. You are not going to end well if you are called by me like a dog!"

Seeing Jiang Lin, Yang Feiyun's face instantly became extremely hideous. He hated Mao Xiaofang, but he hated Jiang Lin even more.

If Jiang Lin hadn't resurrected Li Xihe, he wouldn't have ended up with nothing, and there was no need to sacrifice his life.

Jiang Lin glanced at Yang Feiyun, only to realize that the latter had the devilish energy on the magic sword and Sakai's ghostly energy, so he knew how Yang Feiyun became a devil.

"But I was careless. You used to have Sakai's magic sword, which had demonic energy and Rakshasa ghost energy on it. I didn't expect you to take advantage of this to turn yourself into a phantom human demon. However, it's no wonder that you used to be. , I don't even have the qualifications to let me see it."

"Not qualified? Haha..."

Yang Feiyun laughed in anger, gritted his teeth and said: "I can't think of it, thirty years Hedong, thirty years Hexi, you didn't look at me in the past, but now I have become a demon king, the invincible demon king in the world! Even with Zhang Tianshi! No one with the same physique is my opponent! Today, this Demon King wants you to be worse than Mao Xiaofang, digging out your eyes and stepping on grapes!"

"Invincible in the world?"

Jiang Lin sneered, and then he teleported out.

He grabbed Yang Feiyun's face like a basketball with one hand and pressed it to the ground.

"In front of me, you dare to call yourself invincible?"

A ball of light appeared in his palm, and Jiang Lin slammed Yang Feiyun's upper body into the ground.

This Yang Feiyun is nothing but a phantom man and a demon, and it's not like he hasn't been slaughtered by Jiang Lin, and now Yang Feiyun is actually boasting invincibility in front of him.

Also invincible in the world.

After winning Zhong Bang, who has five generations of strange people, he will be left invincible there?

In terms of bragging, Yang Feiyun's kung fu may be regarded as invincible.

The first thousand three hundred and ninety-three chapters fierce battle with Yang Feiyun

Jiang Lin's one-handed tortoise wave blasted a big hole in the ground, and Yang Feiyun, almost like an upside down onion, was stuck in the big hole.

However, with his ability in this way, it will not make Yang Feiyun lose his combat effectiveness.

Jiang Lin also knew about this section, so he didn't delay, immediately condensed Yang Yan and Corpse Poison into his eyes, and directly injected the Red Lotus Karmic Fire and dull Corpse Qi into Yang Feiyun's body.


The body was penetrated by the red lotus karmic fire, and Yang Feiyun suddenly burst into screams.

His entire body was instantly atomized, and the violent ghost energy and corpse energy suddenly exploded, blasting Jiang Lin out.

At the same time, he also separated the parts of his body that were eroded by the red lotus karmic fire and those contaminated by the dull corpse aura.

At the cost of his own vitality, Yang Feiyun finally separated the karmic fire and corpse energy injected by Jiang Lin into his body.

Good guy, really decisive enough.

Jiang Lin could not have imagined that Yang Feiyun would be so ruthless, even if he hurt himself, he had to settle the chaos in his body.

"Is this the invincible you, the invincible demon king Yang Feiyun?"

With a smile on the corner of Jiang Lin's mouth, he mocked Yang Feiyun.

In fact, he was playing with Yang Feiyun's mentality.

Unlike other evil spirits, Yang Feiyun should know a lot about him.

After all, Yang Feiyun used to be friends with Mao Xiaofang. In the past, when Mao Xiaofang had no precautions, it was very likely that he would reveal the information of his peak heavenly master.

And judging from Yang Feiyun's previous performance, although this guy is extremely arrogant, he is not the kind of brainless.

Therefore, Jiang Lin did not expect to end Yang Feiyun with an overwhelming advantage.

That's not realistic, even if he has a lot of magic weapons, he doesn't want to blow up at the beginning.

It is impossible for someone like Yang Feiyun to be so forbearing.

Once he finds that the situation is unfavorable, Yang Feiyun will definitely run.

Therefore, Jiang Lin wanted to take advantage of Yang Feiyun's hatred for him and drive him crazy. When Yang Feiyun's mentality collapsed and his brain was out of whack, he would stop working.

Including the fact that he pressed Yang Feiyun's face before and made him fall down, all because of this consideration.

"I'll make you regret what you've done!"

Sure enough, Yang Feiyun was really angry after being so provoked by Jiang Lin.

Even if he lost some vitality, he didn't mind and charged directly to Jiang Lin.

Yang Feiyun opened his mouth and turned into a huge skull, opening his mouth to swallow Jiang Lin.

"Dare to swallow me? I don't know if your stomach is made of titanium alloy."

Jiang Lin snorted coldly, the spiritual energy of his body surged to the surface of his body, and he raised his sword to meet him.


Jiang Lin has a body guard with the suffocating Yang spirit power and a body guard with Yang Yan, and he passed directly through the back of the huge skull.

Just after wearing it, his body was wrapped in countless silk-like threads.

"Haha, do you think I don't know that you have a Yang Yan bodyguard? These silk flakes are made by countless pregnant women's purple river cars, which have a strong erosive effect on cultivators. Without mana, I see what you can do with it. fight me."

Yang Feiyun laughed loudly, how to say, he also followed Mao Xiaofang to learn Taoism for a period of time, and naturally knew what Taoists were most taboo about.

The silk that wrapped Jiang Lin was condensed from the placenta of the baby in the womb of some pregnant women and the menstruation of women, which could break the law.

Jiang Lin frowned at this time, he didn't expect Yang Feiyun to deal with him in a way that broke the law.

Although the spiritual power in his body is much more powerful than that of ordinary Taoist priests, some of the spiritual power just used for body protection has been contaminated and cannot be recovered, let alone invoked.


Jiang Lin gave a loud drink, broke free from the pupa-like silk flock, and used the Yang flame in his body to resist the residual filthy power on the surface.

"That's it? That's it??"

After that, Jiang Lin completely released his aura, and then looked at Yang Feiyun with a mocking expression: "How many times can you use this method? When you are alive, you will use some tricks and come back to life. It's just this dirty trick. This is invincible? I almost laughed out loud."


Yang Feiyun was looked down upon by Jiang Lin again and again, and the anger that had accumulated in his heart could no longer be suppressed.

"If you want to see invincibility, I'll let you really see what real invincibility is!"

Yang Feiyun's fangs were exposed, and he made a very harsh sound.

After that, his body suddenly became illusory and divided into four.

Corpses, Demons, Ghosts, and Taoism.

The reason why Yang Feiyun is much stronger than the average phantom man and demon is not only because of his own resentment, but also because he cultivated the Dao before his death.

The four clones surrounded Jiang Lin in the center and launched a violent attack on him.

It seems that this guy, the self-proclaimed Demon King, is really not just boasting.

Jiang Lin glanced around, except for Yang Feiyun's weak Dao body, his corpse demon body and Dao body were extraordinary.

This time, he is equivalent to dealing with the thousand-year-old zombie king, the peak ghost king, and monsters similar to the blood demon clone at the same time.

Moreover, Yang Feiyun's Taoist body is assisted by the side, which can reduce the power of his Taoism.

Jiang Lin held a bone sword and fought fiercely with Yang Feiyun's clones.

Because these clones are all from Yang Feiyun, they are extremely tacit in terms of cooperation.

Even though Jiang Lin's strength has grown a lot more than before, he did not cause much damage to Yang Feiyun for a while.

However, he also has his own considerations. Yang Feiyun is a good guy. As long as he sees him fighting hard, he will definitely get carried away. He is waiting for that kind of opportunity.

Sure enough, Yang Feiyun's four avatars began to feel proud when they saw Jiang Lin was completely besieged by him.

"Jiang Lin, don't you look down on me? Don't you think that you are high above? What? Now you are high above."

"I, Yang Feiyun, can't be rich and noble, and I will dominate one side when I die, and be the devil among the devils!"

"From now on, I will be the invincible zombie king, the invincible ghost king, and the invincible devil king!"

Yang Feiyun felt that he had taken control of the situation and had already delivered his victory speech there.

"Your ability to get carried away, that's quite invincible."

When Yang Feiyun's avatars were laughing up to the sky, Jiang Lin was about to start Wang Bang.

He first burst into strong light all over his body, and then he quickly turned into a corpse to launch a mental shock around him.

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