"Haha... Do you think I don't know you have the ability to cause blindness?"

In a bright light, Yang Feiyun made the clones into one, reducing the wounded area, and his laughter was full of ridicule.

Jiang Lin's methods, he already knew.

At this time, his eye sockets were blocked by the thick corpse aura, which blocked the irradiation of profound light.

However, before the voice of these words fell, Yang Feiyun screamed.

The mental shock emanating from Jiang Lin was not so pleasant.

All Yang Feiyun knew was Jiang Lin's Taoist techniques, but Jiang Lin still had the ability to transform into a corpse.

These are things Yang Feiyun never knew.

After all, even Mao Xiaofang didn't know that Jiang Lin could turn into a zombie.

Chapter [*] Trapped in the Demon World

Jiang Lin took advantage of Yang Feiyun's speech, and immediately acted. He first threw the Wuji Magnetic Mountain out and pressed it down to Yang Feiyun, and then held the immortal staff in one hand, and kept sacrificing the magic weapon in the ancient mirror in his arms with the other.


Jiang Lin was waiting for this opportunity.

This is no better than the underground world of Shu, because the space is too vast, Yang Feiyun really wants to escape, he can't stay.

Therefore, early in the morning, Jiang Lin was ready to finish his work in one battle.

In one fell swoop, Yang Feiyun, the demon king, was wiped out.

However, this time, he miscalculated.

Yang Feiyun is much more cunning than he imagined.

Under normal circumstances, Jiang Lin used so many magical tools to have a king bombing. No matter how strong Yang Feiyun's strength is, it will become ashes.

But he has a foreign object under the guise, and so does Yang Feiyun.

Flying Dragon Seven Star Array.

Yang Feiyun has an alternative method to drive the seven-star array, and he doesn't need to gather all the materials for the array to activate this large array.

After he was resurrected from the dead, he summoned many demons and ghosts, and on the one hand, they caused chaos, and on the other hand, he also gave orders to those evil spirits to help him find some rare materials.

After collecting the materials, Yang Feiyun arranged the seven-star array and used his magic power to swallow the entire array, including the materials and the foundation.

Now that he encountered a crisis of life and death, he spit out the magic circle in his body and activated it.

It was this magic circle that allowed him to survive Jiang Lin's bombardment.

Yes, Wang Zhuang was topped by five twos!

Jiang Lin was really tired and crooked. The situation that he was bound to win was ruined by the flying dragon seven-star formation.

"You actually have so many magic weapons!"

Yang Feiyun, who was charred all over, saw the magical instruments one after another in the sky, and his face instantly turned gloomy.

At this moment, he wanted to escape.

Jiang Lin himself has a profound Taoism, and with the help of these magical tools, he is no longer able to deal with it.

However, the idea of ​​fleeing was just a flash, and Yang Feiyun did not choose to flee.

Now, he has proclaimed himself the invincible Demon King. If he escapes again, he will become a loner again, and all the monsters and monsters under his command will be wiped out by Jiang Lin one by one.

"Originally, in addition to the flying dragon seven-star formation, I still have the means to protect myself, but now, I no longer hide my clumsiness. Today, I, Yang Feiyun, must destroy you!"

An extremely crazy expression appeared on Yang Feiyun's face, and after that, the devilish energy in his body gathered in his chest.

With a roar from his back, Yang Feiyun's body rose into the sky, shook the Wuji Magnetic Mountain above his head, and flew out.

In mid-air, Yang Feiyun's body attracted a huge amount of magic power, and his body grew at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally became a giant ten feet tall.

"The door to the devil, open it for me!"

Yang Feiyun let out a demonic howl, and the huge soles pressed down on Jiang Lin.

The air around Jiang Lin became pitch-black, forming a vortex of magical energy, which almost turned into substance. These magical energy blocked his way out, and even if he used his teleportation ability, he could not get out.

In desperation, Jiang Lin could only choose to corpse, strengthen the defense of his limbs and torso, and use his palms to hold the sky to block the soles of Yang Feiyun's pressed feet.


When Jiang Lin caught Yang Feiyun's big foot, the ground around him cracked like an earthquake.

The ground beneath Jiang Lin's feet collapsed and kept falling.

When the ground under his feet landed, Jiang Lin had already appeared in a space he had never seen before.

There is almost no light in this space, and the surrounding is filled with extremely rich magical energy.

"This...is actually the Demon World!"

Sensing the extremely strong magic and magical energy around him, Jiang Lin realized that the space he was in at the moment was the devil world.

Yang Feiyun actually has the ability to open the door to the demon world!

"Haha...Jiang Lin, don't you have magic tools? In this demon world, I will see how powerful your magic tools can be, and how long they can resist the erosion of magic energy!"

Yang Feiyun fell from the air with a very proud expression.

"Dao eliminates the devil, now in this demon world, you are suppressed, and I can unscrupulously absorb the supply of devil energy here, today is the day you die in Jianglin!"

While laughing wildly, Yang Feiyun guided the surrounding demonic energy, forming a Daoist training or magic wind knife, and attacked Jianglin.

At the same time, he also burst out with a loud demonic sound, summoning the demons in the demon world.

It didn't take long for one monster after another to make an eardrum tickling whistle, concentrating on Yang Feiyun and Jiang Lin's side.

The demonic energy here is everywhere, and the formed demonic energy is extremely sharp, and even Jiang Lin's body was cut open a few times.

After the wound appeared on his body, the surrounding demonic energy eroded into Jiang Lin's wound as if he had found a breakthrough.

This is trouble.

Jiang Lin frowned. As Yang Feiyun said, he is here, the Tao body is suppressed, and the spiritual power will be consumed little by little. Even if he is converted into a corpse, he can avoid being attacked by demonic energy, but he must kill Yang Feiyun. , it is a little more difficult.

To deal with Yang Feiyun, who is one of corpses, ghosts and demons, he has to rely on Taoism and magical weapons to subdue demons and subdue demons.

Seeing all kinds of monsters rushing towards him, Jiang Lin did not hesitate to let out all the Yang Yan in his body, so that those monsters could not get close.

At the same time, he was constantly dodging the wind blade attack made by Yang Feiyun.

He still has to keep his own spiritual power for the purpose of breaking the world, and he cannot be consumed by these monsters.

"Jiang Lin, today is your day of death. Immortals are here, but they can't save you! I don't need to do anything now, you will be consumed to death in this demon world."

When Yang Feiyun saw Jiang Lin, he didn't go to deal with those monsters, but used Yang Yan to protect himself.

As long as he waits patiently, Jiang Lin will run out of fuel sooner or later, and at that time, he will kill or cut, all depends on his mood.

"It seems that if you want to go out, you have to take a lot of twists and turns."

Jiang Lin narrowed his eyes and muttered to himself.

At present, if he wants to get out of trouble, he has to kill Yang Feiyun first.

Otherwise, with this guy interfering on the side, he can only waste his efforts.

Chapter [*] What are you laughing at?What are you laughing at!

Yang Feiyun thought that Jiang Lin had absolutely no way to survive, so he didn't bother, just floated in mid-air, admiring Jiang Lin's gradual desperation.

In the past, Jiang Lin was the kind of person he didn't dare to provoke to him, but now, he can watch Jiang Lin's struggle in a desperate situation with an aloof attitude.


Jiang Lin didn't care about Yang Feiyun's arrogant face at all, and now he was thinking of ways to get out of trouble.

Still gotta get killed.

After thinking about it for a while, Jiang Lin felt that he still had to follow the original strategy. Now that the geographical advantage is not with him, if he spends time with Yang Feiyun, he will definitely not be able to take advantage of it.

snort!After dragging me into the demon world, do you feel like you can sit back and relax?

After he made up his mind, Jiang Lin laughed.

In the current situation, it is true that the Dao and the devil grow well, but unfortunately, in him, the devil is one foot tall, and the Tao is one zhang tall.

After that, Jiang Lin maintained Yang Yan while letting the corpse poison in his body enter his flesh and blood.

What he had to do was to turn against Yang Feiyun's army.

After the corpse aura in his body was ready, Jiang Lin used his ever-changing power.

Since Yang Feiyun wanted to see him struggling in a desperate situation, he let Yang Feiyun take a good look.

Yang Feiyun wanted to be happy, so he just let him be happy.

But after the joy, it is a great tragedy.

When Yang Feiyun is alone, he has to be extremely happy and sad.

With a large amount of Yang Yan outside, the surrounding demonic energy was scorched by the high temperature and made a crackling sound. At the same time, because of such a high temperature, the light was a little distorted.

Therefore, Yang Feiyun couldn't see the specific situation of Jiang Lin in the flames very clearly.

However, he didn't mind at all. When Jiang Lin's spiritual energy was exhausted, those Yang Yan would naturally disappear.

However, Yang Feiyun never imagined that Jiang Lin would actually use the distortion of his sight to make a fuss.

At this time, Jiang Lin was indeed implementing his plan.

The fight is blurred vision.

After the ever-changing ability is used, the screen switches back and forth between frowning or squinting.

After dazzling people with his gaze, Jiang Lin started to fight back.

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