Before Yang Feiyun opened the door to the demon world, it was from the upper part of this space.

After checking for a long time, Jiang Lin didn't find any way to open the gate of the devil world, so he decided to force it open.

With the Immortal Staff, the Promise Magnetic Mountain, and a bunch of magical tools, he felt that he should still have the ability to break the world.

Jiang Lin worked his way up and poured the remaining spiritual power in his body into the fairy weapons and instruments, causing them to explode with the strongest power.

With a sound of "Boom", a crack was blasted out of the boundary of this space. Jiang Lin immediately protected himself with the Wuji Magnetic Mountain and rushed out.

After he saw the sun again, the cracks under his feet gradually closed.

"Master, just now I found out that the connection between the life soul and you was suddenly cut off, but the mouse boy was frightened."

At this time, the Flying Rat King had manifested his body and was waiting in front of Yang Feiyun's castle.

It is a demon king, and it is no problem to deal with some demons and monsters in the castle.

Mao Xiaofang and Zhong Bang were also there, and Yu Dahai's family was also here, and they were also arrested by Yang Feiyun and locked up.

"Fellow Daoist, where is the devil Yang Feiyun?"

"It has been eliminated by me. This guy is really a little bit, and he dragged me to the demon world."

Jiang Lin briefly told Mao Xiaofang about his dealings with Yang Feiyun in the demon world. After Mao Xiaofang heard this, he was relieved.

Fortunately, Jiang Lin's strength is strong and there is no danger. If Jiang Lin has three strengths and two weaknesses, he doesn't know how to explain to his apprentice Axiu.

Until now, Mao Xiaofang still thinks that Yang Feiyun became a demon and all the things he did have his reasons.

"Alas! Since Yang Feiyun has been eliminated, I will be leaving Hong Kong soon. During this time, I have also done a lot of things, which can be regarded as atonement for my ignorance. Besides, Abang has been able to leave the apprenticeship completely, come back. Gantian Town, I am going to pass the position of the head of the Tiandao Sect to him."

Mao Xiaofang told Jiang Lin about his plans. His visit to Xugang this time brought him too many bad memories.

It happened that Zhong Bang had also learned something, so he was going to take Zhong Bang back to Gantian Town, and take Ma Fan's ashes back by the way.

"Fellow Daoist, my condolences, Ah Fan is also considered to have this fate. But if you want to go back, it is estimated that you have to wait. I will travel far in the next few years, and I will ask you to take care of the mountain. ."

Jiang Lin didn't let Mao Xiaofang leave immediately. If there was anything wrong with Huixing Mountain, Mao Xiaofang's ability could indeed help.

Now that Jiang Lin spoke up, Mao Xiaofang had nothing to refuse, so he postponed the plan to leave.

The first thousand three hundred and ninety-six chapters set off


At this moment, Yu Dahai suddenly clutched his stomach and cried out, and Mao Xiaofang also let out a groan.

"The corpse worm has attacked again, it's over!"

Yu Dahai wailed and rolled on the ground.

"Uncle Master, Master and Yu Dahai were threatened by Yang Feiyun and had to swallow the corpse worms to keep us safe. Those corpse worms have penetrated into their stomach and intestines. Even if I use the Maoshan extraction method, I can't remove the corpse. To clean up the bugs, I have to rely on your uncle for a favor."

Zhong Bang told Jiang Lin about the situation of Mao Xiaofang and Yu Dahai. In order to torture Mao Xiaofang and Yu Dahai, Yang Feiyun forced them to swallow many corpses. The chaos caused by the corpses made Mao Xiaofang and Yu Dahai miserable.

"Mr. Jiang, I beg you to save my father. Although he has done evil things in the past, he has been punished by the law, and now he has changed his mind."

Seeing her father foaming at the mouth tormented by the corpse worm, Yu Bixin hurriedly knelt down to Jiang Lin and begged him to rescue him.

"If...if you need any remuneration, I will go to work and I will definitely pay you the remuneration."

Yu Bixin was afraid that Jiang Lin would not give Yu Dahai treatment, and expressed her willingness to pay Jiang Lin to help.

This time their family was able to get out of trouble, thanks to Jiang Lin. She now wants Jiang Lin to save her father. Even if Jiang Lin charges extra, she thinks it is reasonable.

As long as Jiang Lin is willing to come to the rescue.

"Stop kneeling, and I won't charge you more, five thousand Hong Kong dollars."

Jiang Lin asked Yu Bixin to get up. Although he didn't like Yu Dahai very much, Yu Bixin also had a filial piety, so for Yu Bixin's sake, he didn't open his mouth.

After that, Jiang Lin went to check on Mao Xiaofang and Yu Dahai's situation. The corpse under Yang Feiyun was difficult for Mao Xiaofang and Zhong Bang to deal with, but for him, it was a hands-on thing.

He cut a hole in the abdomen of the two with his sword, and wrapped Lan Xinyan with yin fire and sent it into the body of the two.

Not long after, he pulled out one after another of the corpse worms that had been frozen into worm sticks.

"Fellow Daoist, I owe you another favor."

Mao Xiaofang gave a wry smile, he owed Jiang Lin too much in his life.

"Mr. Jiang, thank you for your kindness and virtue. In the future, I will do all kinds of good deeds to make up for past mistakes."

Yu Dahai also bowed to Jiang Lin to thank him.

Jiang Lin nodded, then jumped on the back of the rat and said goodbye to Mao Xiaofang and Zhong Bang.

Although Yang Feiyun was wiped out, this guy summoned a lot of monsters and monsters this time, and they were all making trouble outside.

He has to go and cook those trash fish.

"Thank you, Mr. Jiang!"

Yu Bixin ran out and shouted at Jianglin.

"It's all my fault that I did too many bad things in the past and delayed my daughter."

Yu Dahai sighed again and again, he could see that his daughter had an admiration for Jiang Lin, but it was a pity that because of his previous actions, Jiang Lin did not plan to associate with their Yu family at all.

At the end of the day, Jiang Lin walked around the port of Xu, and took care of all the evil spirits summoned by Yang Feiyun.

Whether they were instructed or deliberately attacked the mountain, these evil spirits have harassed Huixing Mountain, so Jiang Lin did not leave any of them, but wiped them all out.

"The system reminds that there are new abilities generated, it is recommended to check."

When Jiang Lin greeted Bishop and came out of the police station, a system prompt sounded in his mind.

Just go back and see what kind of power it is.

Jiang Lin is quite looking forward to the newly generated abilities of the system. Tomorrow or the day after, he should go to another world, and the more his own abilities, the better.

Back at Li Yangju, Jiang Lin went to the training room and summoned the system interface.

The main interface was the same as before, displaying information integration, Jiang Lin directly clicked on the ability bar.

To his disappointment, the newly generated ability was not an ability used in battle, but a soul-searching memory.

"It seems that it should belong to Xuan Kui's ability to read other people's memories."

Jiang Lin muttered to himself, although he was a little disappointed, he still chose to exchange this ability.

When he arrives at the Da Luo Immortal Realm, he needs to know the information of that area immediately. With this kind of ability, he can be very convenient.

[-] is not too expensive.

Now Jiang Lin has accumulated [-] anger points, even if the system needs to spend [-] million to open the otherworld channel, he will consume another [-] with Baoyi, so there is still a lot left.

Therefore, Jiang Lin has nothing to worry about.

After leaving the training room, Jiang Lin went to Baoyi's place and told her that he would take her to the Daluo Immortal Realm with her.

"What? Let this fairy go with you to Daluo Immortal Realm? What are you doing there? I won't go."

Baoyi took a bite of the fruit in his hand, shaking his head like a rattle.

If there was no Huixing Mountain, she would have thought about it, but now that the food is delicious in the Huixing Mountain, and the environment in the mountain is not worse than the environment of hundreds of thousands of years, she is not prepared to go to other places to restore her cultivation.

"Don't go?"

Jiang Lin snorted, and with a gesture, he snatched the Yiguo that Baoyi had brought to his mouth and put it in his mouth.

Even if this fruit was bitten by Bao Yi, he wouldn't mind.

What Baoyi eats is not an ordinary fruit, it is of the highest quality, and he is reluctant to use this fruit to feed cats and mice.

Baoyi pouted and said, "That's what I've eaten, it's mine!"

"What's yours, what's yours here? If you don't come with me, you can sleep on the overpass for me. I also took off my clothes, shoes and socks. You go outside to make a quilt and a bed."

Jiang Lin didn't give Baoyi a good face. He raised this idle fairy just to borrow power. Now Baoyi can't say it, and if he doesn't go, he will have to be swept out of the house.

"You... I'll go!"

Bao Yi was so angry that her chest went up and down, and she decided that when she arrived at Daluo Immortal Realm, she would find Cai Bao to reunite with Sanhua, and when she came back, she would use Jianglin as a boy in the cave.

After settling Baoyi, Jiang Lin called Chen Yu and Ren Tingting to the back garden, and told them that they would leave for Daluo Xianjie tomorrow.

But where can a group of wives be willing to follow, their men have been away for more than half a year, and they have to travel far when they come back. I don't know if they can come back in three or five years.

In the end, Jiang Lin had no choice but to postpone the departure day by one day and reunite with his wives.

A day later, Jiang Lin separated from Ren Tingting and the others, and explained the three demon queens, and he and Baoyi went to a place where yin and yang were mutually exclusive.

After burying some materials on the ground as the coordinates for the return journey, Jiang Lin communicated with the system with his mind.

With a bang, the surrounding air began to shake violently, and a dark passage appeared in front of the two after a while.

Jiang Lin sacrificed Wuji Magnetic Mountain, covered himself and Baoyi, and then stepped out into the passage.

"Come in for me!"

Seeing that Baoyi was still standing, Jiang Lin stretched out his arms, wrapped around Baoyi's waist, and dragged her in too.

Chapter [-] Airborne Demon Ancestor's Nest

"You're taking advantage of me again!"

Baoyi kept slapping Jiang Lin's long arms on his slender waist with both hands. Jiang Lin had already kissed her two days ago, and now he is still touching her waist.

"If I don't drag you in, you fat woman still thinks about harming my mountain."

Jiang Lin rolled his eyes, looked at the closed passageway behind him, and closed his arms.

"Fatty Jiang, I warn you, call this fairy fat lady again, this fairy is anxious for you!"

Baoyi punched Jiang Lin's chest with a pink fist, calling her fat woman every day. Her figure was even better than Jiang Lin's wives. Why didn't Jiang Lin call them fat mother?

But what Baoyi didn't expect was that as soon as his fist touched Jiang Lin's body, it was bounced out.

Jiang Lin is not only covered by the Promise Magnetic Mountain, but also systematically protected. In the process of traveling through space, he will be firmly protected.

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