Baoyi received a rebound force in the void, and his body flew to the edge of the passage.


Seeing the space crack at the edge of the passage, Bao Yi let out a scream. Don't look at her as a fairy, if she was sucked in by this space crack, she would be more fortunate than her.

Now that she has no more top three flowers, and her immortal power is far inferior to the peak, if she is added to this kind of tearing power, she will be disabled even if she is not dead.

Baoyi immediately retreated with both palms to one side, expelling two immortal forces, and using the recoil force to stay away from the space crack.

"Fatty Jiang, look at Bi Gan, save me!"

Seeing that the recoil of his Xian Li training was not enough, Bao Yi became anxious and shouted to Jiang Lin.

"Who is Fatty Jiang? I don't know him."

"You! You bastard! I don't even count as fat, so you call me fat woman, what's wrong with me calling you Fatty Jiang!"

Bao Yi was so angry that he was going crazy. At this moment, Jiang Lin was still pretending to be confused.

Jiang Lin pouted, but he didn't let Baoyi continue to go crazy. He stretched out his arms, wrapped around Baoyi's waist, and pulled it back.

However, because the suction force of the space crack is relatively large, Jiang Lin's pulling force is not small, and he suddenly pulled Bao Yi and collided with him.

Baoyi has experienced danger and has lingering fears, hugging Jiang Lin tightly like a life-saving straw.

After a while, she realized that she was in close contact with Jiang Lin again, and she gently pushed Jiang Lin away with a blushing face.

Jiang Lin also retracted his arms and stared straight ahead.

Forcibly opening the space tunnel for traversal is not a joke.

Even with a system and a poleless magnetic mountain, he has to be very careful.

Fortunately, he and Baoyi did not encounter any danger during this journey.

"Going out."

Jiang Lin looked at the light in front of him, and a yin fire whip appeared in his palm, linking himself and Baoyi together to prevent each other from being separated when they left the space passage.

He came here with Baoyi just to have someone to take care of him. If he was lost, he would have spent [*] anger in vain.

Baoyi involuntarily moved closer to Jiang Lin, but she didn't realize that when she encountered some special circumstances, she would give up the position of the backbone to Jiang Lin.

Although Jiang Lin said that he could not even connect to a pill in terms of pure cultivation, but some of the miracles he created might not even be possible for some cultivators at the level of Nascent Soul Transformation.

Although Jiang Lin basically relied on luck and foreign objects to accomplish those deeds, this kind of thing would not work if it were another person.

Other than that, when Jiang Lin faced the wrath of the sky, few people possessed that kind of ruthless heart.

A man who is not even afraid of Tianwei can shine with a different kind of light wherever he goes.

Therefore, even though Baoyi used to be a fairy, he had a vague sense of dependence on Jiang Lin.

Not long after, Jiang Lin and Baoyi flew out of the space channel.

Is this the Daluo Immortal Realm?

Jiang Lin hovered in mid-air and glanced around.

The spiritual power of this world is much richer than that of Middle Earth, even stronger than that of the monks' era more than a thousand years ago in Middle Earth.

It should be the Da Luo Xianjie, but why is the demonic energy here so heavy?

Jiang Lin couldn't help frowning. Although there is a lot of spiritual power here, it is easy to give birth to some powerful demons, but it is impossible for demons to be everywhere.

This rich demonic energy is a bit outrageous.

In fact, Jiang Lin didn't expect that he and Baoyi would be teleported to the monster's nest.

He and Baoyi landed directly on the edge of a demon ancestor's lair.

The system opens up a space channel, and both ports need to be selected in a place with a special terrain. This is where the space tunnel exits.

It just so happens that there is an extremely powerful evil spirit here.

When Jiang Lin frowned, Bao Yi was also looking around, and it was the first time she had come to Daluo Immortal Realm.

Sensing the strong demonic energy below, Baoyi's heart suddenly burst.

There are powerful monsters nearby!

"Get out of here, this is not a good place!"

As soon as Baoyi's words were spoken, the demonic energy below was already surging.

The two were found.

If Jiang Lin and Baoyi just appeared here, they wouldn't disturb the demon ancestors in the monster cave below, but neither of them expected them to appear in the Daluo Immortal Realm, causing a vision in the air.

And this vision happened right above their heads.

Blind area of ​​vision.

It is also Jiang Lin who has no experience in this area, even if he has a system, but he breaks through a world and travels through the past, how can there be no movement.


A violent roar resounded, causing Jiang Lin's eardrums to feel a little painful.


Jiang Lin also sensed the flow of the demonic energy below. He didn't choose to land, and directly sent a push turtle qigong in mid-air, using the powerful recoil force to let himself fly forward.

Bao Yi didn't delay at all, Ling Xu Yukong followed Jiang Lin to the distance.

The monsters hidden below are not comparable to the demon king and the demon emperor. Just like the ghost king level has the ghost emperor, the ghost god, and the ghost fairy, and above the demon king, there are more powerful existences.

Demon Emperor, Demon Ancestor and Demon Sage.

What Jiang Lin and Baoyi bumped into was the Demon Ancestor who was second only to the Demon Sage.

If Baoyi's strength is at the peak, then she doesn't have to run at all. Unfortunately, now that she is in trouble, the phoenix is ​​not as good as the chicken. She can only deal with the peak demon emperor and demon ancestor, and she really has no way to do it.

When Jiang Lin and Baoyi were flying, a wisp of black mist flew out from the hole in the mountain under their original position.

This mass of black mist gathered together and turned into a burly monster with a bear head and a helmet and armor.

Black bear essence.

"What bastard dares to disturb the rest of my black bear ancestor!"

Old Ancestor Black Bear stood in midair, and a pair of bear eyes glanced around.

Seeing Jiang Lin and Baoyi who had already flown far away, he raised his hand and raised his eyelids.

"Haha, this is not long after God knew that my black bear ancestor hibernated, he not only gave me a candied fruit to fill my stomach, but also gave me a little lady to warm the nest."

Ancestor Black Bear burst into laughter, and then roared wildly, chasing in the direction of Jiang Lin and Bao Yi.

Chapter [*] The Great Escape

Hold the day!

Jiang Lin swears wildly as he gallops.

As soon as he came to Da Luo Xianjie, he and Bao Yi encountered danger.

Not even a normal danger.

If it's just a demon emperor and demon king, that's all, it's a fucking smashing into the demon ancestor.

If you really want to compare it, the people who are chasing after him are equivalent to the monks at the Nascent Soul level.

I am afraid that ordinary Yuan Ying cultivators will not be able to take care of the black bear ancestors behind.

"Take out your cinnabar sword. If this is the territory of the ancestor of the black bear, it is estimated that the surrounding area is the territory of monsters. No matter what kind of monsters, they have a strong sense of domain, and this thing should not chase us."

Jiang Lin asked Baoyi to take out the natal magic weapon to speed up his escape. He himself also planned to use the Huayuan escape technique he had studied before to escape.

The one who was chasing wildly behind was a demon ancestor. If he was chased away, he would have nothing.

"It's all your fault for asking me to come here. I was a fairy in distress, and now I'm going to be robbed again."

Bao Yi was furious, she was a fairy, even when she was not enlightened, she never ran away so desperately.

Although he said so, Bao Yi still released his cinnabar sword to increase his escape speed.

Jiang Lin also let the golden wheel in his dantian fly out of the body and land on his feet. At the same time, the spiritual power in his body began to reverse, and the blood was transpired into a blood-colored mist.

This metamorphosis escape technique is to forcibly remove one's own true essence, in exchange for a speed faster than teleportation.

It's just that Jiang Lin uses his own corpse energy as the raw material, so even if he uses this escape technique, it doesn't have much impact on him. He can recover as long as he shines in the moonlight for seven or eight days.


Jiang Lin and Baoyi's speed suddenly skyrocketed, turning into two red light beams that flew forward.


Seeing that Jiang Lin and Baoyi, who were about to catch up with him, suddenly distanced themselves from him, Ancestor Black Bear was stunned for a moment.

"Interesting. It's a pity that the things that I have been eyeing by my ancestors will never escape."

Old Ancestor Black Bear raised his eyelids with his paws again, and a bear face showed a playful smile.

Not to mention that one man and one woman he was hunting had a good strength, even if the human beings had reached the realm of Nascent Soul, he would also catch them.

"See where you can go!"

The ancestor of the black bear manifested the giant bear body, running in mid-air, and the speed was much higher than his previous flight.

"The two babies in front of you, you can't escape, stop obediently and fill the belly for my ancestor to warm the nest."

While chasing, the black bear ancestor also roared loudly, teasing Jiang Lin and Baoyi with the mentality of a hunter chasing prey.

Jiang Lin and Baoyi flew for hundreds of miles again. Jiang Lin gradually found that the distance between himself and Baoyi and the black bear ancestor not only did not widen, but it was getting shorter and shorter.

This time there might be no escape.

Jiang Lin frowned, racking his brains to figure out how to get out of trouble.

Another quarter of an hour later, the black bear ancestor was already a mile or two behind him.

"Jiang Lin, I hate you! I hate you to death! Although I am in trouble, I am still a fairy after all, even if I would rather die than be humiliated by this beast. Give me your true sun, and my fairy body will be destroyed. Burned to ashes and not left behind!"

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