Baoyi also knew that she would be captured by the black bear ancestor who was behind in a short while, so she would rather be burned by the sun with no ash left, rather than be caught by a monster to warm her old nest.

"No need, you run away first and let me stop him."

Jiang Lin shook his head. Now he has encountered such a situation as soon as he arrived at the Daluo Immortal Realm. If there is no Baoyi, the road behind him may not be easy to go.

The lips are dead and the teeth are cold.

He and Baoyi are now at a loss.

If you want to escape, you have to escape together. If you want to die, that is absolutely not allowed by him.

"You block him? Why do you block him? Give me the real fire of the sun, or if I can't even set myself on fire, I will hate you for ten thousand years!"

"Don't give me nonsense, let you run away!"

Jiang Lin roared at Baoyi, making Baoyi stunned for a moment.

" have to be careful."

Although Jiang Lin yelled at him, Bao Yi didn't lose her fairy temper again.

She knew that Jiang Lin cherished his life more than herself. After all, there were so many wives waiting for him in Huixing Mountain.

After that, Baoyi was no longer hypocritical, and regardless of the consumption of immortal power, he flew forward.

After Baoyi escaped, Jiang Lin gradually lowered his speed. When the black bear ancestor caught up, he suddenly turned around and burst into the strongest light.

This time, he didn't care about keeping the spiritual power in his body, so the mysterious light of the Yang Yang that bloomed from his body was many times more radiant than before.

After releasing Li Yang Xuanguang, Jiang Lin continued to drive the Rijin Wheel to the front to escape.

However, what surprised him was that the black bear ancestor behind him was not affected by Xuanguang at all.

The body of this product is a black bear, that is, a blind bear, and his eyelids are much fatter than ordinary beasts, so he needs to use his claws to expose his eyelids frequently.

When Jiang Lin released Xuanguang, it was the moment when the black bear ancestor's eyelids drooped down.

Because of this, Jiang Lin's blinding skill failed this time.

"Boy, I didn't expect you to have this skill. If it weren't for my wise old ancestor, I would have been tricked."

The ancestor of the black bear turned into its original appearance, and suddenly rushed to the front of Jiang Lin to stop Jiang Lin.

He stuck out his tongue and licked his mouth, a fierce smile on his face.

Jiang Lin made him almost stop talking, so he wasn't in a hurry to chase Baoyi anymore.

First chew the previous boy and swallow it.

Jiang Lin's heart sank violently when he saw the drooping eyelids of the ancestor of the black bear. He was able to assist the attack and escape of Ruoyang Xuanguang, but this time he didn't get any effect.

"Little guy, seeing that you're still strong, you can honestly serve as a snack for my ancestors."

Old Ancestor Black Bear grinned, and his body instantly rushed towards Jiang Lin.

Before Jiang Lin could react, he was bullied by Old Ancestor Black Bear, and his arms were wrapped around his arms.

For a time, Jiang Lin could hear the sound of his arms cracking.

The first thousand three hundred and ninety-nine chapters are worthy of the name of the blind bear

Jiang Lin worked hard to earn money, but with his physical strength, he couldn't shake the paw of the black bear ancestor at all.

The levels are too far apart.

Moreover, the ancestor of the black bear is a black bear, and his power is not lost to a tiger at all.

Even if Jiang Lin's body is relatively strong and his strength is strong, it is still relatively speaking.

After thinking for a while, Jiang Lin didn't choose to corpse. Even if he turned into a corpse and entered a war pattern state, it probably wouldn't change the result.

Now, Old Ancestor Black Bear regards him as a duck to the mouth, so he has the opportunity to steal it.

Before the shuttle came, Jiang Lin had already painted a hidden rune on himself, so even if the ancestor of the black bear was a demon ancestor, and he was so close to Jiang Lin, he did not find that there was still something under Jiang Lin's Dao body. Has corpses.

Not only did Jiang Lin not turn into a corpse, but he also did not release his own Sun Fire and other Yang flames.

Totally pointless and useless.

Even if he could break free from the hold of the Black Bear Ancestor, it would have no practical significance at all.

Still get caught.

"Hey, the strength is not small, it's very good, the meat is really strong, and it's just right for my ancestor's appetite."

The corners of Old Ancestor Black Bear's mouth were drooling, and the blood food in his mouth looked chewy and crunchy.

There was a desperate expression on Jiang Lin's face, making Ancestor Black Bear even happier.

But at this moment, Jiang Lin's bone sword suddenly flew out from his back and stabbed the black bear ancestor in the eyes with lightning speed.

Jiang Lin's surprise attack was like a wasp's tail needle, not only ruthless, but also poisonous.

Take the eyes of the black bear ancestor directly.

This demon ancestor was covered in armor and had thick skin. Jiang Lin decided that his zhengbone sword could not break the defense at all, so he stared into the eyes of the black bear ancestor.

This is also the weakest point of the black bear ancestor.

Once the black bear ancestor was stabbed blind in one eye, he would have a chance to escape again.

It is a pity that Old Ancestor Black Bear is a demon ancestor after all. When the Zhengbone Sword was about to stab his bear in the eye, he retracted the bear's paw and directly clamped the Zhengbone Sword between his two claws.

The tip of the Zhengbone Sword was only an inch away from the eyes of Old Ancestor Black Bear.


Seeing that the raid was ineffective, Jiang Lin felt as if a bucket of concentrated sulfuric acid had been poured into his heart.

"Boy, you're not too brave. In front of the ancestors, you actually dare to think carefully. The ancestors, I will take out your courage alone and make it tonight's supper!"

There was a fierce light in the eyes of the black bear ancestor. If he hadn't reacted quickly, he would have been planted in the hands of this trash fish cultivator.

It would be the shame of his life if he went blind in one eye from hunting a small trash fish.


Jiang Lin was like incompetent rage, spitting at the black bear ancestor, but unfortunately, this can only be incompetent rage.

Any celestial master or cultivator at the foundation-building level would have no hope of surviving in this situation.

Not a trace.

However, Jiang Lin is not a simple Celestial Master, he still has a trump card.

While Old Ancestor Black Bear sneered and avoided the saliva, the golden wheel of the sun at the foot of Jiang Lin suddenly flew out and attacked again at a speed that could not cover his ears.

However, this time, it was not the Black Bear Ancestor that the Japanese Golden Wheel attacked, but Jiang Lin.

As soon as the golden wheel passed, Jiang Lin's head flew out, and the blood from his neck spurted into the sky like a fountain.


Bao Yi, who had fled all the way, happened to look back to investigate Jiang Lin's situation, and as a result, she saw this scene.

"You bastard! Bring me here, and you'll be dead if you don't tell me how to get back, bastard! bastard!"

At this moment, Baoyi almost screamed, and bloodshot appeared in his eyes.

Seeing the scene of Jiang Lin's death, Bao Yi felt the same as Jiang Lin before, as if he had been splashed with sulfuric acid.

"I won't accept you as a boy in the cave, you will bring me back to life!"

Baoyi shouted, and even his voice broke.

If Jiang Lin didn't want to block Old Ancestor Black Bear, but escaped separately from her, at least he would have a chance to survive, but Jiang Lin left her the chance to escape.

Now, Baoyi's whole body seems to be drained, and his mind is blank.

While Baoyi's mind was blank, the black bear ancestor in the distance also fell into a state of confusion.

What's the situation?

If you are eaten by me, you will die. Why do you need to take off your pants and fart?

Could it be that my head fell off and I stopped eating?

Want to keep a whole body?

To be honest, Rao is the black bear ancestor who has a lot of knowledge, and this time he didn't understand what was going on.

If it's a woman, that's fine, it's normal to rather die than be humiliated.

But Jiang Lin is a man, so he doesn't have to worry about losing his body or anything, why would he commit suicide?

Ancestor Black Bear never thought that Jiang Lin would commit suicide by this one hand, just to escape for his life.

When Ancestor Black Bear was stunned, Jiang Lin's head was already accumulating power in midair.

This time, Jiang Lin really came up with his own means of really pressing the bottom of the box.

Absolutely self-healing.

This is the ability that he exchanged from the system a long time ago, absolutely self-healing, lost his head, and then put it back, nothing happened.

But it is only the corpse poison corpse gas in the body that consumes some.

For so many years, Jiang Lin had never really used this life-saving ability.

At most, when he first crossed east, when he was attacked by the magician, his head was turned [*] degrees.

In mid-air, Jiang Lin's pupils shone with strong light, and then the two real fires of the sun were like lightning, and the electricity shot into the eyes of the black bear ancestor.

It was also the unlucky ancestor of the black bear. When he was stunned, his attention was not on Jiang Linfei's head.

Jiang Lin's move was a real gamble.

Totally a gamble.

Once he fails, he really doesn't even have any scum left.

Fortunately, the god of luck was on his side.

The two real fires of the sun shot out from Jiang Lin's pupils at the speed of lightning, and pierced straight into the eyes of Old Ancestor Black Bear.

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