The last time Jiang Lin attacked with the bone sword, Ancestor Black Bear escaped, but this time, he really couldn't escape.

Jiang Lin wiped his neck by himself. If he couldn't disturb the thinking of Black Bear Ancestor, his blood would be splattered in vain.


The eyes were drilled into by the real fire of the sun, and after two muffled bubbles, it was the tragic scream of the black bear ancestor.

The real fire of the sun not only made his eyeballs burst, but also nothing in the sockets of his burned eyes.

Not only that, the real fire of the sun is still burning his meninges.

The true fire of the sun in Jianglin is even more powerful than the true fire of the monk's samadhi. Not to mention the ancestor of the black bear is a demon ancestor, even if it is a demon saint, if it is burned like this, the eyes will be gone.

Ancestor Black Bear, the old demon of the blind bear, has become a veritable blind bear today.

Two eyes, none left.

Even if the ancestors of the black bear were nursed back to life with treasures from heaven and earth and changed their eyes in the future, it would be of no use.

Jianglin's true sun fire completely destroyed all the organizations that the Ancestor Black Bear had in contact with his eyes.

In the future, the ancestor of the black bear is a blind bear demon, the ancestor of the blind bear.

Chapter [*] New tasks

While Old Ancestor Black Bear covered his eyes and hugged his head, he screamed hoarsely, Jiang Lin's headless body took the opportunity to extend his arms, grabbed his head in mid-air and set it back.

Then Jiang Lin did not delay at all, and immediately recalled the Zhenggujian and the Japanese Golden Wheel, and flew in the direction of Baoyi's escape at all costs.

Fortunately, I met Ren Tiantang back then.

In the process of flying away, Jiang Lin was also grateful that his wife Ren Zhuzhu's grandfather Ren Tiantang was given biochemical drugs by scientists and turned into a zombie with various abilities.

Jiang Lin's absolute self-healing ability was taken from Ren Tiantang.

If it weren't for this ability, if he wanted to get out of trouble today, it could be said that he was completely dreaming.

"You...are you alive again?"

When Jiang Lin caught up, Bao Yi still hadn't recovered from his dazed state.

Jiang Lin's head was flying before, but he didn't die, and he had to have all his tails.

What's even more outrageous is that Jiang Lin actually escaped from the hand of the black bear ancestor, and it seems that the bear suffered a big loss.

Baoyi still can't believe this is the truth.

It's true that Jiang Lin has created many miracles. You can rely on foreign objects or external forces, but this time, it didn't.

Some of the magic tools that Jiang Lin carried, even if they were immortal tools, would not be able to deal with a demon ancestor without a chance.

But this time Jiang Lin actually created another miracle.

"What a daze! If you don't run away, the eyes of the blind bear have been blinded by me, and he can't recover at all. Even if there are other monsters around, he will not let go of revenge at all. Maybe he will contact other monsters to set it up. The net of heaven and earth will tear us to pieces."

As Jiang Lin spoke, he held Baoyi's wrist and led her to escape quickly.

Old Ancestor Black Bear was blinded by such a small character as him, so the anger of this guy can definitely break through the sky.

Jiang Lin reckoned that Ancestor Black Bear would completely destroy him and Baoyi at any cost.

" blinded that stinky bear? Oh my God!"

Baoyi's remaining plain hand covered her cherry mouth, because the distance was a little far, she didn't quite know how the black bear ancestor suffered.

Hearing what Jiang Lin said now, she really felt that it was too far-fetched.

"Fly by yourself! Hurry up!"

Jiang Lin ignored Baoyi's question. It was the most important thing to escape from the sphere of influence of the black bear ancestor.

Baoyi pouted when Jiang Lin drank it like this, but she didn't lose her temper, and used the immortal power in her body to speed up.

The truth was just as Jiang Lin thought, the Black Bear Ancestor hated Jiang Lin and Bao Yi to the extreme after mourning for a long time.

He let out a deafening roar, and asked his bear son, Xiongsun Wanli, to hunt down Jiang Lin and Baoyi. At the same time, he also asked his commander to contact the monster friends around him, and let them avenge him together.

Half a month later, Jiang Lin and Baoyi stayed in a hunter's home temporarily to recuperate.

For the past half month, they have been fleeing, and the black bear ancestor issued a bounty order to let the monsters within a radius of tens of thousands of miles hunt them down.

Even if Jiang Lin brought a lot of cold marrow and material treasures, he couldn't stand the constant consumption, so he and Baoyi could only hide while fleeing.

Fortunately, they have now escaped to the edge of this area. As long as they have a good life and recuperate, they will enter the human world soon.

During this time, Jiang Lin searched the memories of some little demons through the ability of searching soul and reading memories, and learned the general situation of Daluo Immortal Realm. In addition, he asked farmers and couples for some information. Also have some understanding.

Daluo Immortal Realm is vast, with hundreds of thousands of miles in length and breadth. The place where they landed was basically an area where monsters gathered. Within tens of thousands of miles, there were almost no people.

"Put this on."

Jiang Lin took the farmer's aunt's clothes to Baoyi's room and asked her to put them on.

This is what Jiang Lin traded for the farmer and his wife. When they fled and were hunted down by some powerful monsters, Fairy Baoyi's identity had been exposed, and many demon emperors and ancestors wanted to capture her and go back to their warm nests.

Therefore, Jiang Lin asked Baoyi to change her outfit. Baoyi's fluttering outfit was too dazzling.

"Why do you let me wear this sackcloth?"

"Not only wearing these, you have to make me look ugly, how did you find out before, don't you know?"

Jiang Lin rolled his eyes, this treasure has not yet counted 13. When escaping, as long as it is exposed, it will be her fault.

"Huh, it's not enough to dare to love other people's beauty."

Bao Yi pursed her lips, but still obediently took the clothes from Jiang Lin's hands.

The big deal is that she can change back after leaving this demonic area.

"The system reminds that enough information about Da Luo Xianjie has been collected, and a new task has appeared."

At this time, a system prompt sounded in Jiang Lin's mind.

New mission?

Jiang Lin frowned. At this juncture, the system gave him some stupid tasks. Going to a safe place earlier to break through and improve his strength is the kingly way.

"You go out, maybe you have to see me change my clothes."

Bao felt that Jiang Lin was standing still, so he pushed him.

"Who cares about your fat woman."

Jiang Lin gave Baoyi another glare, and then left Baoyi's room and went to his temporary guest room.

After closing the doors and windows, Jiang Lin sat cross-legged on the bed, called out the system, and checked what tasks the system had given him.

The content of the task made Jiang Lin heave a sigh of relief, the system did not want him to pluck the hair on the tiger's head.

Instead, let him prepare for the breakthrough. In addition, the system needs him to find some objects.

According to the display on the system, although he can break through when there is a sun calamity in the Daluo Immortal Realm, and avoid the occurrence of punishment, but the location of the breakthrough needs to be in the imperial city.

To be more precise, it was with the help of the Temple of Heaven of the Subaru in the imperial city to seize the origin of the great sun during the calamity of the sun.

Only in this way can the golden core he knot become the Yanri golden core.

It is for this reason that the system will let him look for related artifacts, and this is the task he has to do.

What he was looking for was a sun-chaser ring, a sun-chaser Dafa, and finally a wish-fulfilling jewel.

The Sunshine Ring is used to capture the source of the Great Japan, and the Great Law of the Sun can transform the essence into his golden elixir. As for the Wishful Orb, it is a treasure in the Daluo Immortal Realm, which can be given to him at no cost. Make a wish, make a wish.

This is also the same magic weapon that can deceive the sky.

Chapter [*] Gujian Villa

[Note: After checking the plot of the movie, I found that I remembered incorrectly. The "Sunday Ring" in the previous chapter should be "Sunday Ring", which has been modified and does not affect reading very much. 】

This is not easy to find.

Jiang Lin stretched out his fingers and pressed his eyebrows. Daluo Xianjie was so big that it would not be easy for him to find these three objects.

After thinking about it for a while, Jiang Lin decided to directly ask where the three artifacts of the system were. With a destination, he could go straight to it.

Otherwise, just relying on him to ask around, I don't know how long it will take to find clues.

After consuming a part of the suffocation value, Jiang Lin obtained the location of these three artifacts from the system. The Sunlight Ring and the Daily Dafa are both in a place called Gujian Villa, and the wishful jewel is in a rather far away place. in the town of Danhuo.

"You have to hurry as soon as possible."

Jiang Lin frowned slightly. According to the system's answer, Seizing the Sun and Zuri Dafa are the inheritance of Gujian Villa. If he wants to get it, it will take a lot of twists and turns, and the wishful jewel is in Danhuo Town. In the hands of the Danhuo Tianjun.

Although he didn't know much about this Danhuo Tianjun, Jiang Lin felt that since the other party took the name Tianjun, it was estimated that he was a monk with a high level of cultivation. It would not be easy for him to obtain the Wishful Orb.

Therefore, he can no longer delay time. If he misses the opportunity of the sun robbery, then he will be in vain this time.

After receiving the system, Jiang Lin left the room, just as Baoyi changed her clothes and walked out.

"Make you look ugly, that's all?"

"I'm the same as a village girl, what do you want from me?"

Baoyi put her hands on her hips and glared at Jiang Lin. She was wearing the same clothes as Auntie, with a headscarf tied around her head. Jiang Lin was not satisfied.

"You don't rely on clothes, what's the use of what you wear?"

Jiang Lin touched the dry soil on the earth wall with one hand, moistened it with spiritual power, then stepped forward and smeared the soil on Bao Yi's pretty face.

"It's almost the same. If you are so beautiful every day, who will you show the beauty to?"

Without waiting for Bao Yi to attack, Jiang Lin added: "If you don't like it, don't follow me. If you don't have Cai Bao to replenish your immortal power, you can just wait to be caught."

Bao was so angry that he had no choice but to stomp his feet in silent protest.

After that, Jiang Lin greeted the farmer and his wife, and left the temporary hiding place with Baoyi.

Although Jiang Lin humiliated Baoyi, the two encountered obstacles on their way.

The immortal power in Baoyi's body will resonate with the surrounding spiritual power, and when the spiritual power is strong, it can trigger some visions.

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