In the end, Jiang Lin had no choice but to stuff Baoyi into his ancient mirror and cover Baoyi's immortal power with a magic talisman.

After going around for more than a month, Jiang Lin and the others were completely out of danger.

"Jiang Lin, why didn't you let me out?"

When Jiang Lin was on his way, Bao Yi's voice came from his arms. During this time, he basically didn't let Bao Yi come out to breathe.

"What are you doing by letting you out? You are a scumbag. If you let you out, I don't know if it will bring harm to the country and the people, but it will definitely harm me."

Jiang Lin pouted. He brought Baoyi here to solve some unexpected troubles for himself, but now, Baoyi has become his fuel bottle.

This girl is so beautiful, and she is also a fairy in distress, which makes her a sweet pastry, and everyone wants to take a bite.

Not to mention the powerful demons and ghosts, just some cultivators, as long as they have enough cultivation, they will be unsure.

This is also the reason why Jiang Lin does not let his treasures come out.

Although they are far away from the demon realm, they have not really entered the area where humans live. Although there are some people here, there are also many reclusive monks.

If you just leave the wolf's den and provoke the tiger again, it will be very bad.

Jiang Lin not only did not let Baoyi come out, but he also chose to travel at night for the next rush.

As soon as he entered the Daluo Immortal Realm, such a thing happened, and Jiang Lin had to be cautious.

In Middle-earth, he is the master of Maoshan, the peak celestial master, and he can hardly find any opponents, but when he reaches the place where there are so many monsters as dogs and cultivators walk all over the place, he can't help but be careless.

A month later, Jiang Lin traveled more than [*] miles and finally reached the urban border of human beings.

After asking someone for a while, Jiang Lin knew where the Gujian Villa he was looking for was.

Although there are many people living in this area for thousands of miles, it is still far from the core city of human beings, so some evil spirits will still appear.

Gujian Villa exists only to protect the safety of this place.

In addition, Jiang Lin also learned that the owner of Gujian Villa was named Yan Ying, an old man with a warm heart.

When Jiang Lin went to Gujian Villa, the people of Gujian Villa were hunting in the direction Jianglin was heading.

Recently, a blue-eyed fox demon has appeared around, and it often kills adult men, so they dispatched a human search to hunt and kill the fox demon.

However, the owner of the village, Yan Ying, did not go. What he is worried about now is not the fox demon, but the Jiuyou Ghost Venerable.

In addition to protecting the safety of the residents around the villa, their ancient sword villa has another task, which is to eliminate Jiuyou Ghost Zun.

It's a pity that their villa is gradually falling, and the ancestral daily Dafa has several generations who can't fully grasp it, and can't deal with Jiuyou Ghost Venerable.

Besides, the sun-catching ring handed down from the villa has also been lost. It would be too difficult to kill Jiuyou Ghost Venerable.

"Now Jiuyou Ghost Venerable has appeared again, and the world is about to set off a bloody storm again."

Yan Ying shook her head slightly, and now there was news of Jiuyou Guizun's calamity outside, which gave him a very headache.

If Jiuyou Ghost Zun knew that no one in their Ancient Sword Villa had passed on the Dafa of the Sun, and they lost the Sunlight Ring, then maybe they would kill them directly.

That's why he didn't leave the villa.

At this time, dozens of miles away, the blue-eyed fox demonized into a young girl, ready to slaughter a man who was following her.

When she knocked down the man and sucked the man's blood with a bamboo tube, the people from Gujian Villa arrived.

For a while, arrows flew and shot at her.

These arrows are the unique sun-seeing arrows of Gujian Mountain Villa, and their speed is much faster than that of ordinary feather arrows.

Although he tried his best to resist, he was still shot in the shoulder by the Sun Arrow.

In desperation, she could only turn herself into her body and escape in the mountains and forests.

Coincidentally, the direction of her escape was on the way Jiang Lin rode his horse forward.

"Hey, there is a demon in front of you, it should be some little demons."

Jiang Lin marched into the wilderness, seeing that it was getting late, even if he had been on his way to Gujian Villa, he would not be bothered at night.

And in front of him, he sensed some demonic energy, so he planned to take a look.

It is not far from Gujian Villa, Jiang Lin is going to find a few little demons to search for their souls, and then collect some information about Gujian Villa.

Chapter [*]: Meeting a Wife in Another Country (Part [*])

Before walking far, Jiang Lin saw a bamboo hut on the edge of the forest with candlelight inside.

"anyone there?"

Jiang Lin hid his breath and called the glottis. He entered as an ordinary person. If the monsters inside were harmful to his mind, he would simply search for his soul and kill him directly.

Seeing that there was no response inside, Jiang Lin went straight in.

In the bamboo house, a woman in a green skirt was combing her hair in the mirror, but Jiang Lin didn't see her profile.

It turned out to be a fox demon at the level of a big demon.

Jiang Lin only glanced at it and saw the body of the blue-eyed fox demon.

The clothing style of Daluo Xianjie is similar to that of the Tang and Song Dynasties, so women's clothing is basically skirts.

Just looking at the clothes, this fox-shaped woman should have a good appearance.

At this time, the blue-eyed fox demon turned his face to Jiang Lin, and this turned his face completely stunned Jiang Lin.


Jiang Lin was stunned, really stunned, he came to Daluo Immortal Realm, and actually met his wife Bai Min'er.

Everyone else is a stranger in a foreign land, and he is a wife in a foreign land.

However, after being stunned for a moment, Jiang Lin realized that he was definitely not Bai Min'er.

Not to mention that Bai Min'er couldn't come to Daluo Immortal Realm at all, she wasn't a fox demon at all.

The fox demon in the bamboo house is just the same as Bai Min'er.

Jiang Lin looked at the fox demon's face carefully again, and was more certain that it was no different from his wife's appearance.

snort!Another ill-intentioned person.

It looks like a human being, but I didn't expect it to be a beast!

The blue-eyed fox demon snorted inwardly, the man who came here could not wait to eat her.

Look at the face from the feet, and then look at the waist from the face.

Then don't blame me for gouging out your heart and digging out your eyes!

The blue-eyed fox demon still had a gentle look on his face, but he made up his mind to peel Jiang Lin's cramps.

Jiang Lin saw that the fox demon was exactly the same as Bai Min'er, and he had no idea of ​​searching for his soul, but he was also struggling to walk.

He wanted to find out if this fox demon had anything to do with Bai Min'er, but after thinking about it, he couldn't figure it out either.

And just now he stared at the blue-eyed fox demon, which made the fox demon feel disgusted.

Therefore, for a time, he felt that he was neither staying nor leaving.

Glancing at it, Jiang Lin saw the arrow wound on the shoulder of the blue-eyed fox demon, and said: "Girl, you are injured, it is not an ordinary arrow wound, I will deal with it for you."


The blue-eyed fox demon smiled and asked Jiang Lin to come to her side.

Jiang Lin sat down beside the blue-eyed fox demon, opened her collar, and took a small medicine bottle from her arms.

At this moment, the blue-eyed fox demon took advantage of Jiang Lin's inattention, and slipped out a thin bamboo tube from his sleeve, ready to stab Jiang Lin's heart directly.

"Give me the bamboo tube, if you harm me, I think you will be in danger."

Jiang Lin took the blue-eyed fox demon's bamboo tube with his backhand, used it as a drainage device, and poured the cold marrow onto the fox demon's wound.

After helping the fox demon to deal with the wound, Jiang Lin said: "The medicinal liquid used to heal the wound is very effective, and it is estimated that you will be healed tomorrow. You hurt my heart, and I will not pursue it. After all, I have been looking at you before. It's also quite rude. How should I put it, you look a lot like someone I know."

After a pause, Jiang Lin said again: "I don't care if you have harmed people before. But if you want to achieve a positive result, you should try not to murder human beings. Otherwise, if you break through the calamity in the future, the thunder calamity will be difficult."

What Jiang Lin said was indeed what he had in mind. If it were in Middle Earth, he would raise his hand and destroy the monsters that hurt a lot of people.

But now that he has arrived at Daluo Immortal Realm, here and there are not the same world, and here, he will not be the messenger of justice.

Moreover, the environment of Da Luo Xianjie is not a good measure of his value in Middle Earth.

"You know I'm a monster? It's good that I've killed a lot of people, but they're the kind of people who are jealous or do a lot of evil. Also, people who kill and hunt our species. They want to kill us, then I can't watch it either. Since you can see that I am a monster, it should be a monk. You are different from other people, and you want to kill me if you don't see me."

The blue-eyed fox demon re-examined Jiang Lin, and the situation was beyond her expectations. Jiang Lin had no ill will towards her, and he really healed her.

Most importantly, Jiang Lin was a cultivator, and he didn't even want to kill her.

"There is a law of survival here."

Jiang Lin didn't say much. In the Daluo Immortal Realm, let alone demons killing people, even the cultivators did all evil things for the sake of cultivation. There were also many cultivators who murdered and seized treasures and seized opportunities.

Even if he wanted to take care of it, it was really impossible for him, an outsider who had passed through, to take care of him.

"Girl, I'm going to the nearby Gujian Villa, do you know anything about it?"

Jiang Lin asked the blue-eyed fox demon about Gujian Villa. He did not plan to stay in the bamboo house any more. This fox demon should be a blue-eyed fox born and raised in the Daluo Immortal Realm. It is estimated that it has nothing to do with his wife Bai Min'er.

Even if he has any ideas, he will not act now. At most, when he is about to leave after the breakthrough, ask Qingyanhu if he is willing to go with him.

After all, the fox demon in front of him looks exactly like Bai Min'er, but he has a mental cleanliness.

The thought of someone who has the same face as his wife might be with other men in the future makes him feel at odds.

But at the moment, he is not allowed to take the initiative to develop anything with this fox demon, and his current cultivation is not enough to support his other thoughts.

Break through quickly.

The blue-eyed fox demon told Jiang Lin the information he knew, including the information that Gujian Mountain Villa had long lost.

Lost the Sunlight Ring? ?

Jiang Lin frowned, it was troublesome now.

"Girl, your injury is no longer a serious problem, and Jiang Lin won't stay any longer."

"Your name is Jiang Lin? If only I had a name, you don't need to call me that girl."

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