The blue-eyed fox demon's eyes dimmed, Jiang Lin rescued her, and she couldn't let Jiang Lin remember her name.

"You don't have a name? Just call Qing'er."

Jiang Lin smiled. He originally wanted to name this blue-eyed fox demon based on Bai Min'er's name, but he didn't think of a good name for a while. Since his Min'er surname was Bai, he chose a name for this fox demon." "Qing" as the surname, the first name is called Qing'er.

"Qing'er? Qing'er! I have a name!"

Qing'er's face was full of joy, and her gratitude to Jiang Lin increased a lot.

"Young Master Jiang, it's getting dark now. If you don't think I'm simple here, and you don't think I'm a monster, you might as well stay overnight."

When Qing'er saw that Jiang Lin was really going to leave, she spoke out to keep him. Gujian Villa had long since closed, and there was almost no one around. If Jiang Lin left, he would also be sleeping in the wilderness.


Jiang Lin nodded. He had also slept in the open for a long time, and now it would be nice to have a bamboo hut.

"By the way, Young Master Jiang, you said that Qing'er looks like someone you know, who is it? Is it really similar?"

"It's my wife, you and her are carved out of the same mold."


Qing'er blushed, and immediately pouted, thinking that Jiang Lin was taking advantage of the opportunity to make her cheap.

Chapter [-]: Meeting My Wife in Another Country (Part [-])

"I thought you were a decent gentleman, but as soon as I left you, you showed your true colors."

Because of Jiang Lin's words, Qing'er became wary of him again.

Since Jiang Lin can be calm in front of her big monster, it means that Jiang Lin's cultivation is at least one level higher than hers.

If Jiang Lin really had other thoughts about her, she really wouldn't.

These days, there are monsters who forcibly rob women to be Mrs. Dong, and there are monks who hunt some monsters to warm the bed.

Jiang Lin shrugged and didn't explain anything. He went to the corner of the bamboo house and sat down. He lay on the bamboo wall and closed his eyes and fell asleep.

He felt that Qing'er wouldn't do anything harmful to him. Even if he did, there was still a magic spirit guarding him in his shadow, so he wouldn't be in any danger.

These days, Jiang Lin has been in a cautious and careful state, and his nerves are tense.

With this place to live, it made him feel exhausted.

Therefore, Jiang Lin slept against the wall, and slept very deadly.

In fact, there is another reason why Jiang Lin can be so relaxed, and that is that Qing'er and Bai Min'er look exactly the same, just like his wife is here, which makes him feel the illusion of returning home.

As for Qing'er, she didn't rest immediately, she was still observing Jiang Lin.

Feeling Jiang Lin's gentle breathing, she breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that she was thinking too much.

If Jiang Lin really did something malicious, he could have used force on her beforehand.

It seems that he is not trying to take advantage of me or make a joke, but if not, is it possible that I really look exactly like his wife?

Doesn't that mean that he looks at me like he looks at his wife?

Thinking of this, Qing'er's face lit up with red clouds.

Gently patted her cheek, Qing'er closed the bamboo door with a gesture, and she also rested.

That night, she had a dream. In the dream, she put on a phoenix crown and a robe, married someone, and the one who lifted her hijab was Jiang Lin.

Moreover, in the dream, she and Jiang Lin were married.

The next morning, when Qing'er woke up, she panicked. She hurriedly checked her clothes and ran to the mirror to see if her hair was messy.

Looking at Jiang Lin who was still sleeping, Qing'er's anxious heart was relieved.

"I... how could I have such a dream? It's all his fault, saying that I was carved out of the same mold as his wife."

Qing'er was so ashamed that she didn't know what to do. In fact, she had only heard from her elders about men and women before, but this time, she actually had a dream of getting married by herself.

After a while, Jiang Lin also opened his eyes and stretched.

Seeing Qing'er's complaining eyes, Jiang Lin was a little confused.

"you you……"

"what happened?"

"No... nothing."

Qing'er originally wanted to ask Jiang Lin if she had touched her at night, but she couldn't say that.

"It's dawn, I should go too. By the way, there is still plenty of spiritual power here. If you want to practice, you can find a secluded place to convert the demon power on your body into spiritual power. Otherwise, if it is still like before , With your cultivation, there will be an accident sooner or later."

Jiang Lin persuaded Qing'er, then left the bamboo house and rode to Gujian Villa.

"Does he care about me because of me or because of his wife?"

Qing'er looked at Jiang Lin's back, and such a sentence came out of her mouth.

Hey, he didn't take the healing medicine bottle with him.

Qing'er turned her face and saw the small medicine bottle on the dressing table.

Holding the medicine bottle in her hand, she hesitated for a moment, but left the bamboo house and went to find Jiang Lin.

Ahead, not long after, Jiang Lin arrived at Gujian Villa.

He explained his intentions and asked the servants in the village to report.

Jiang Lin said that he came to Gujian Villa to trade some things.

He intends to use some of the treasures on his body to trade the Dafa of Gujian Villa.

At present, he can only go this way.

After arriving at the Daluo Immortal Realm, Jiang Lin has already provoked monsters. If he obtains the Dafa by dark means, he will offend Gujian Villa. In that case, he may be hunted down by the combination of good and evil.

Therefore, even if it is possible to reveal that he is pregnant with a baby, Jiang Lin has no better way.

It didn't take long for the servants to return to the door and lead Jiang Lin into the villa.

At this time, the owner of the villa, Yan Ying, was arranging staff in the hall of the villa, Zuri Church.

Gujia Village, which is dozens of miles away, has come to them for help. Jiuyou Guizun used the lives of the entire village of Gujia Village to be evil and asked them to sacrifice a girl in the village and marry him into the underworld.

Therefore, their Gujian Villa can't be left alone.

The servants led Jiang Lin to Zuri Church, and went over to notify Yan Ying.

"Sorry to him, there is something in Zhuang Nei, let him wait a moment."

Yan Ying glanced at Jiang Lin and nodded.

What's so special about this? ? ?

When Jiang Lin saw Yan Ying's face, he was stunned again.

The owner of Gujian Villa, Yan Ying, actually looks the same as Master Yixiu.

Did you meet your wife and then your husband? ? ?

Jiang Lin felt that his brain was not enough.

What is the situation in this Daluo Immortal Realm?

If it's a coincidence that Qing'er looks the same as his wife Bai Min'er, then what happened to this Yan Ying?

Not to mention that Yan Ying still has children, she is still a woman and has the same face as Jingjing.

Could it be that there are people around who are exactly the same as the four-eyed Taoist priest, and they are also friends with Yan Ying?

For a time, Jiang Lin felt that his mind was a little confused.

"It doesn't matter, Guizhuang is busy in advance."

After the servant came to inform, Jiang Lin expressed his willingness to wait.

At this juncture, it is indeed not suitable for him to bring up the matter of trading Dafa Day by Day.

If Yan Ying didn't have time to think about it, he might have rejected him directly.

"Now we are attacking from the village, and the first task is to rescue the ancient village, but since everyone in the village has been dispatched, let's hoe the blue-eyed fox demon by the way. You go first, I pray to the ancestors."

Yan Ying directed everyone in an orderly manner, but Jiang Lin, who was waiting by the side, frowned. The blue-eyed fox demon mentioned by the former should be referring to Qing'er.

After everyone in the village left Zuri Hall, Yan Ying looked at Jiang Lin carefully.

What a masculine spirit!

Before, Yan Ying just glanced at Jiang Lin, but now he measured Jiang Lin carefully, and found that the spiritual power faintly exuding around Jiang Lin could be called the most radiant.

At this time, Jiang Lin also briefly inspected Yan Ying's cultivation level, the level of formation, but it should be in the early stage.

"In Xiajiang Forest, I didn't know anything about Guizhuang, so I took the liberty to pay homage to the villa, and asked the owner of the villa, Haihan."

Jiang Lin bowed to Yan Ying, Yan Ying smiled slightly, and replied, "There are guests who come to visit, and I can't make time to receive them. It should be Yan Ying's rudeness. Jiang Xiaoyou, now there is something in the village, why don't you stay in the guest room in the village first? , wait for Yan Ying to finish things, and then entertain the little friends."

Chapter [-]: Meeting a Wife in Another Country (Part [-])

"Nothing is impossible. However, I would like to join everyone in the villa to see the world. I don't know if the owner of the villa will agree."

Because Gujian Villa wanted to deal with Qing'er, Jiang Lin wanted to go along with him. If he sensed Qing'er's existence, he would use sound transmission to notify her and save her life.

No matter what, Qing'er looked exactly like his Min'er, and Jiang Lin didn't want her to die like this.

Moreover, Qing'er is not the kind of monster that harms people indiscriminately, even in Middle Earth, he will not necessarily destroy such a monster.

"Of course, butler, take Jiang Xiaoyou to the guest room first, and I'll find him later."

Yan Ying asked the housekeeper to take Jiang Lin down. He was going to perform a prayer ceremony in a while, so it was inconvenient for outsiders to be present.

Jiang Lin followed the housekeeper away from Zuri Hall, and not long after he left, Qing'er, who had already stolen a Gujian Villa uniform and changed into it, slipped into Zuri Hall.

She just missed Jiang Lin.

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