When Yan Ying's prayer was completed, she suddenly found a demonic energy, and also found Qing'er, and one person and one demon fought each other.

"You blue-eyed fox demon, who has harmed countless people, killed innocent people indiscriminately, and dared to come to my Gujian Villa!"

"They are all lecherous and shameless people, and some are the enemies who hunted and killed my ethnic group. How can I kill innocent people! I came here to find my benefactor Jiang Lin, and I have no intention of making trouble with your Gujian Villa."

"Impossible! There are no benefactors here, only your enemies!"

Yan Ying snorted coldly, wanting to kill Qing'er in Zuritang.

However, although Qing'er lacked cultivation, she was a little clever and escaped by taking advantage of Yan Ying's cherishing of the utensils in the hall.

Yan Ying packed up her utensils and immediately chased out, but Qing'er was nowhere to be seen.

"Young Master Jiang!"

When Qing'er was escaping, she happened to see Jiang Lin in the room from the window of the guest room, and jumped in.


"I came to find you, but I'm being chased by Yan Ying."

"come on in."

Jiang Lin tugged at his broad sleeves, and Qing'er manifested her body and got in.

After Jiang Lin covered up Qing'er's demonic aura, Yan Ying arrived.

"Master, are you going to leave?"

"Uh... yes, you go first, I'll be there later."

Yan Ying glanced at Jiang Lin's room and found nothing unusual, so she didn't mention Qing'er.

"What are you doing here? I don't know if you're coming and going here?"

After Yan Ying left, Jiang Lin released Qing'er and asked her with a frown.

"I... I'm here to deliver the healing medicine you left behind."

Although Jiang Lin's attitude was not very good, Qing'er was secretly delighted. It seemed that Jiang Lin was very concerned about her safety.

"The medicinal liquid here is also useful for your cultivation, so I'll leave it to you. Now that there is no one in the villa, you should leave quickly. It's better to hide elsewhere. The people from Gujian Villa have dispatched a lot of people to prepare Hunting and killing you. These talismans can hide your demonic energy, so find a safe place to practice cultivation.”

Jiang Lin didn't keep the cold essence that Qing'er sent back, and gave her some magical charms to restrain her demonic energy, telling her to leave quickly.

"This is a bamboo whistle. In the future, Young Master Jiang, if you remember... If you need Qing'er's help, blow the bamboo whistle around where Qing'er lives, and Qing'er will appear."

Qing'er handed Jiang Lin a summon token. In fact, in her heart, she still wanted to meet Jiang Lin again.

Jiang Lin took the bamboo whistle and looked at Qing'er with a strange look. He has many wives, and of course he is very aware of the girl's strange thoughts.

Qing'er blushed, left the sentence "there will be a period later" and ran away.

Jiang Lin also left the guest room and went to the gate of the villa.

Before, he had agreed with Yan Ying that he would go to Gujia Village to see it together. Although Qing'er is no longer in danger, he is not easy to say anything.

The two of them rode their horses and went to Gujia Village, which was dozens of miles away.

By the time they arrived, everyone in the villa they had gone to had dismounted and stood in front of the village.

To be precise, Gujia Village is no longer a village, but a ruin.

The ruins are full of corpses, and there is no one alive.

"What a catastrophe, a catastrophe! If Jiuyou Guizun is not eliminated in one day, I don't know how many people will suffer."

Yan Ying was furious as she looked at the ruins in front of her.

They were still late, probably because someone in Gujia Village reported the news, so Jiuyou Ghost Zun directly slaughtered the village.

In fact, Gujia Village was slaughtered because the selected girl in the village escaped from marriage, and when Jiuyou Guizun was about to capture her, she was injured by the sun-robbing ring on the girl's body.

This completely angered Jiuyou Ghost Venerable, causing Gujia Village to become a dead village.

When the girl returned to the village, she saw that both her parents and the villagers had been killed, so she had the will to die and threw herself into the lake.

"You bury these corpses alive."

Yan Ying also knew that even if she regenerated her anger, it would be useless, so she asked the village staff to dispose of the villagers' bodies.

"The system reminds that the Sunrise Ring is nearby, it is recommended to look for it."

Just when Jiang Lin wanted to ask Yan Ying about Jiuyou Ghost Zun, the system reminded him.

"Jiang Xiaoyou, go back together?"

"I'll go back with them, and I can help a little here."

Jiang Lin shook his head. Now that the Sunrise Ring is nearby, he must be looking for it.

Since Jiang Lin had such a plan, Yan Ying didn't say much, and returned to Gujian Villa by herself.

He also has to find a way to deal with Jiuyou Ghost Venerable to avoid such a disaster from happening again.

After Jiang Lin helped dispose of some of the remains, he made an excuse to go around to see if there were any survivors.

The people in Gujian Villa didn't think much about it, and Jiang Lin was a guest, and this time he volunteered to help, so they naturally wouldn't say much.

Jiang Lin was far away from Gujia Village, so he searched around with his eyes. He had searched all over the ruins before, and there was no trace of Sunshine.

After walking for about two miles, Jiang Lin arrived at the lake, and there was a trace of yang energy floating up in the lake.

In addition to the strands of yang energy on the lake, Jiang Lin also found clothes, wedding gowns and veils floating on the lake.

There is also a black and white phoenix crown by the lake.

"The sacrificed girl died in the lake?"

Jiang Lin looked at the phoenix crown and the wedding dress, and jumped, a fierce man plunged into the lake.

At the bottom of the lake, he did find a female corpse.

However, he choked his lungs into water because he saw the female body.

Ignoring the severe pain in his lungs, Jiang Lin picked up the female corpse, rushed out of the water, and landed on the shore.

Looking at the face of the corpse in his arms, Jiang Lin felt a colic in his heart.


The dead female corpse in his arms has the same face as his wife Xiaoqian.

This time, Jiang Lin didn't know what was going on.

He first met Qing'er who looked exactly like Bai Min'er, and now he met a girl from Gujia Village who had the same face as Xiaoqian.

Even if he knew that the girl in his arms was not Xiao Qian, Jiang Lin's heart felt as if he had been stabbed by a sharp knife when he saw this girl whose body was already cold.

It was so painful that he could barely hold on.

Many, many times stronger than the pain of the water in his lungs.

The first thousand four hundred and five chapters nine ghosts

For a long time, Jiang Lin had never put his wife in any danger. Now, the corpse of the girl in his arms gave him a trance-like illusion, as if his own Xiaoqian and Fu Qingfeng had died.

This delusion of losing his wife made Jiang Lin feel as if all his strength had been pulled away.

After a long time, Jiang Lin took a talisman from his arms and spread it on the bank, and placed the female corpse in his arms on it.

At this time, he discovered that there was a red bracelet-shaped ring hanging around the girl's waist, which was the sun-catching ring he was looking for.

Jiang Lin has the true fire of the sun in his body, and he is much more sensitive than ordinary people to the things that are the most radiant.

Jiang Lin took off the sun-catching halo, which was also decorated with a small purse embroidered with the word "Mengxue".

"Is your name Mengxue? Gu Mengxue?"

Jiang Lin muttered to himself, and then he arranged a spirit formation around the female corpse, and chewed some corpse mercurial lotus petals mixed with cold marrow into the female corpse's mouth.

The cornea in the girl's eyes has not yet shown signs of clouding, it should be not long after death.

Jiang Lin wanted to rescue him by summoning his soul.

But I don't know if it was because of Da Luo Xianjie. After some spells, Jiang Lin did not recruit the girl's soul.

After several attempts, Jiang Lin had no choice but to give up, put away the wedding dress and hijab in the lake and the black and white phoenix crown on the shore, and whistled to call for the mount.

Holding the female corpse, Jiang Lin rode his horse straight to Gujian Villa.

Although he had obtained the Sunlight Ring, Jiang Lin did not intend to hide it. After all, he still had to obtain the Dafa of the Sun and had to meet Yan Ying.

If by any chance, Yan Ying finds out that he has something inherited from the Ancient Sword Villa, the relationship may be directly frozen.

As for bringing the female corpse, it was because he wanted to ask Yan Ying if there was a way to save her.

Jiang Lin really couldn't bear this girl who looked like Xiao Qian to die like this.

"Jiang Xiaoyou, are you?"

In Zuri Hall, Yan Ying was a little puzzled when she saw Jiang Lin carrying a corpse.

Jiang Lindao: "This girl should be the selected girl from Gujia Village. It is estimated that she drowned herself. I don't hide it from the village owner. She looks like a relative of mine. I want to ask the village owner if there is any way to evoke her soul."


Yan Ying frowned, if he could summon the soul, then he wouldn't have to let everyone in the village bury the bodies of the villagers of Gujia Village.

Moreover, Jiang Lin's words also made him wonder, how could it be so coincidental that this girl from Gujia Village resembled Jiang Lin's relatives?

I'm afraid that because I saw this girl's unparalleled appearance, I have some other thoughts.

"Zhuangzhu, this ring was found on this girl. Do you think it is the sun-winning ring of Guizhuang?"

Jiang Lin smoothed out the ring in his sleeve and gave it to him. He pointed to the mural in Zuri Church, and added, "I think this ring is very similar to the red circle in the picture, so I brought it over to let Zhuang Lord look."

"Take the sun ring!"

As soon as Yan Ying saw the red ring, she immediately screamed, that is the inheritance of their ancient sword villa that had been lost for many years, and took the sun ring.

"Little friend, put the girl's body on the stone platform over there."

Yan Ying just wanted to go up to take the sun ring, only to realize that Jiang Lin was still holding the female corpse horizontally, so he asked him to put the corpse on the display table in the hall.

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