Jiang Lin put the female corpse on the stage, and put aside the wedding dress and the black and white phoenix crown.

"Master Yan, this time Jiang is here because he actually wants to make a deal with Guizhuang. He wants to trade Guizhuang's Sunshine Ring and Daily Dafa. If Guizhuang is not willing to give up his love, he will allow Jiang to borrow it for a period of time. also may."

After handing the ring to Yan Ying, Jiang Lin revealed the purpose of his trip.

He had already shown his sincerity when he got the Sun-Winning Ring and sent it back voluntarily, it just depends on how Yan Ying considers it.

"Trading to gain the halo and Dafa?"

Yan Ying's face changed, if someone else said that, he would shoot them out without saying a word.

Seizing the Sunshine Ring and Zuri Dafa are the foundation of their Gujian Villa, how can they be traded.

But now, he can't bombard people. Jiang Lin got the Sun-Captured Ring and sent it over on his own initiative.

If Jiang Lin had been hiding it, their Gujian Villa's sun-catching ring would not be able to return.

"Huh? Black and white phoenix crown?"

When Yan Ying was thinking about it, she suddenly saw the black and white phoenix crown on Chen Wutai, and her expression changed suddenly.

"Master, what is the origin of this phoenix crown?"

Seeing Yan Ying's expression, Jiang Lin was puzzled and asked.

He originally thought that the phoenix crown that the woman married was not red, because the customs of Daluo Xianjie were different from those of Middle-earth.

Now, that doesn't seem to be the case.

Yan Ying didn't immediately answer Jiang Lin's question, but looked at the Sun-Double Ring and the Black and White Phoenix Crown in her hands, and then looked at Jiang Lin.

This little friend Jiang has the spiritual power of the most radiant sun, and he has found the ring to capture the sun, and he has also met a girl wearing a black and white phoenix crown. Could it be God's will?

Thinking of Jiang Lin's intention to obtain the Sun Ring and Daily Dafa, Yan Ying felt that Jiang Lin's appearance in their Gujian Villa might really be destined.

"I do know the origin of the black and white phoenix crown. It has something to do with the massacre of Jiuyou Ghost Zun in Gujia Village. The connection between them is a long story. Jiang Xiaoyou, please take a seat."

Yan Ying sat on the Taishi chair in the hall and asked Jiang Lin to sit down.

Because he felt that Jiang Lin's arrival might be destined to help them in Gujian Villa, Yan Ying also planned to tell Jiang Lin about Jiuyou Ghost Zun in detail.

"Jiuyou Ghost Zun was originally a ghost from the underworld who was about to enter the ghost fairy level, but an ambitious ghost hero who endangered the world everywhere. Later, I don't know what chance it got, and found a copy of the fairy family to practice. The method of the three thousand phantom bodies, with great strength, can become a ghost immortal in just one step. However, if a ghost like it wants to break through, it will inevitably experience an insurmountable catastrophe. Therefore, Jiuyou Ghost Venerable will do everything possible. Let the ghosts under your command find a woman with extremely strong yang qi, that is, the sun yang girl. As long as it is combined with the yang girl, it can absorb the yang energy from the yang girl, so as to resist the catastrophe. Not only that, once it succeeds, it will be He can't even use the magic that is the most radiant in the world. I don't know how many years I have been looking for it, and finally, Sunshine Yang Nu was really found by Jiuyou Ghost Venerable."

Yan Ying took a sip of the tea cup and continued: "However, the Nine Nether Ghost Zun is still a success. When he found Yang Nv, he was in retreat and comprehend three thousand phantom bodies. Just when the Nine Nether Ghost Zun was about to be completed, Yang Nv In order to save his life, he broke into its retreat, which led to its failure. It was counterattacked by the method of cultivation. When she was attacked, she stole the cultivation method of [*] phantom bodies. In order to escape the clutches of Jiuyou Ghost Venerable and his minions, Yang Nv could only choose to cultivate [*] phantom bodies, and then disassemble her body into phantom bodies and hide them one by one. , has since disappeared."

Chapter [*] Gu Mengxue


Could it be that Xiaoqian still has Qingfeng, and this girl in Daluo Xianjie is the relationship between the main body and the phantom body?

No, Xiaoqian and Qingfeng should not be male female bodies.

Jiang Lin thought about it for a while. He, Xiaoqian and Qingfeng have been married for decades. If there is anything special about their physique, he can't be unaware.

However, as soon as this idea came up, Jiang Lin felt something was wrong.

If the girl who drowned, Xiaoqian and Qingfeng had this kind of relationship, then what happened to Qinger and Bai Miner?

After thinking about it, Jiang Lin decided to explore the information about the three thousand phantom bodies from Yan Ying: "Three thousand phantom bodies, I seem to have heard of this method of cultivation somewhere, it seems that after cultivating, the phantom body can travel between all walks of life. "

Yan Ying raised her brows and said, "Huh? Little friend has some knowledge. This method of cultivation is also called heaven defying. It is suspected to be left by a Bodhisattva. You can travel freely. Each phantom body can become an independent individual. If you cultivate at the same time, the phantom body will become one in the end, and you won’t even be afraid of immortals and Buddhas.”

I say you yo!

Could it be that the wife who has slept in the same bed with me for so many years is really just an illusion?

Hearing Yan Ying's words, Jiang Lin's expression was a bit splendid. Xiaoqian and Fu Qingfeng in his family could really be individuals transformed from the phantoms of the past.

Yan Ying didn't notice Jiang Lin's expression, and continued: "This black and white phoenix crown was prepared by Jiuyou Guizun for Yangnv. Now this girl wears a black and white phoenix crown, which means that she should be the main body of Yangnv. Without the rest of Yangnv's phantom body, if Jiuyou Guizun gets her, he will definitely increase his strength. At that time, I'm afraid that that fellow will be more difficult to deal with. Although Yangnv's main body is dead, but the soul still exists, take it away Half of the yang qi is gone, for today's plan, we can only find the girl's soul as soon as possible and rescue her, neither the soul nor the body can be obtained by Jiuyou Ghost Venerable."

After that, Yan Ying told Jiang Lin about the grievances between Gujian Villa and Jiuyou Guizun.

Back then, in order to kill Jiuyou Ghost Zun, the ancestors of the Yan family founded Gujian Villa, Sunlight Ring and Daily Dafa, which were also aimed at Jiuyou Ghost Zun.

It's just that the Jiuyou Ghost Zun has already differentiated into an illusory body, and the ancestors of the Yan family failed to completely kill the Jiuyou Ghost Zun. Now the main body of the Jiuyou Ghost Zun has been restored, and it has merged with the two ghost emperor-level phantom bodies. , Reappearing in the world, it will definitely start with Gujian Villa.

"Since Jiuyou Ghost Venerable is such a big scourge, haven't your Gujian Villa thought about joining other monks to deal with it together?"

Jiang Lin was a little puzzled. Even in the monk era in Middle-earth, there were cultivators like Mount Wutai and Mount Emei who dealt with demons and monsters.

Daluo Immortal Realm shouldn't allow a scourge like Jiuyou Ghost Venerable to be a calamity in a place where humans gather.

How can you ask such a question?

Yan Ying glanced at Jiang Lin and felt that Jiang Lin's question was a little naive.

However, he still explained to Jiang Lin: "The cultivators here are basically busy on the road of cultivation. I don't know how many are unprofitable and early. They just want to unite, but they can't find anyone."

It turned out to be the case.

Jiang Lin nodded, knowing a little bit about the environment and atmosphere of Da Luo Xianjie.

"Zhuang Zhuang, this time to save the girl, I will not refuse if there is anything that needs help from Jiang. As for dealing with Jiuyou Ghost Venerable, there is a place where I need my help, as long as you say something, Zhuang Zhuang. However, Jiang has a request, the owner needs to give an answer about the transaction."

Since the drowned girl might have something to do with his wife, Jiang Lin couldn't watch what happened next.

And if you want to save the girl's soul and protect it, it will definitely provoke Jiuyou Ghost Venerable.

However, even so, Jiang Lin did not regret it.

"it is good."

Yan Ying nodded, Jiang Lin had already said so, and he had already sent back the ring to capture the sun. If he refused again, it would be too impersonal.

What's more, Jiuyou Guizun is now in the world, and it was when he hired people in Gujian Villa. Although Jiang Lin's cultivation base was a little low, his spiritual power had a masculine attribute and would help them a lot.

"Jiang Xiaoyou, it's getting late, why don't you go to rest first. I'll make some arrangements in the hall. Tomorrow morning, she should be able to summon her soul. If she has already returned to the Nether, she can go down and rescue her."

"I'd better stay here. If there is any help, the owner of the village can order it."

Jiang Lin planned to stay in the Chasing Sun Hall. Since there is a possibility that the girl's body might be taken away, he still had to stay there.

Yan Ying didn't say much. Anyway, arranging the work of conjuring souls is not a secret technique, and she doesn't mind being watched by outsiders.

Hope her soul is okay.

Jiang Lin was quite anxious, and wanted to go directly to the Netherworld to retrieve the soul of the female protagonist.

However, although he was anxious, he couldn't do anything about it. Except for the attack type, the rest of his Dao techniques didn't seem to be very useful here.

Moreover, he didn't know much about the Netherworld that Yan Ying said, so he could only wait.

Jiang Lin didn't ask Yan Ying what the netherworld had to do with the underworld and the underworld. When he asked the question just now, Yan Ying looked at him a little puzzled. If he asked again, he would have to expose his roots. .

After nightfall, Jiang Lin leaned against the wall and closed his eyes to sleep.

He misses his Xiaoqian and Qingfeng. His two wives are not related by blood, but they look like twins. If they wear the same clothes, even his husband can't tell who they are. Who.

Now Jiang Lin felt that he should find out why they were so similar.

If the two wives in the family are just phantoms, Jiang Lin really wants to find all the other phantoms of Yangnv and bring them back.

If Xiaoqian and Fu Qingfeng knew about this, they probably hoped to reunite with other phantom bodies.

Before long, Jiang Lin fell asleep.

In the dream, he came to the lake before and heard the sound of playing the lute.

"Young master, Meng Xue, thank you son for taking the corpse for the slave family, so as to prevent the body from being eaten away by fish and shrimp."

A water pavilion appeared on the shore of the lake, and Gu Mengxue was sitting beside the stone fence plucking the strings of the pipa.

"Mengxue? Your name is Gu Mengxue?"

Jiang Lin looked around and knew that it was Gu Mengxue who was dreaming for him.

"Your soul should be in the lake, but why was there no response when I summoned your soul?"

"After the slave family threw themselves into the lake, I was worried that the ghost king would not let go, and the soul hid in the grotto at the bottom of the lake. At that time, I didn't know whether the son was the ghost king's minion, so I didn't dare to show up. Later, I was informed by the little fish in the lake. , only then did I know that the young master is not a villain, so I fell into a dream and thanked me."

Gu Mengxue gave Jiang Lin a gentle smile, so bright and beautiful.

Chapter [*] The palms of the hands and the backs of the hands are full of meat

However, when talking about Xiao Yujing, a red glow appeared on Gu Mengxue's face. What she knew was not only about Jiang Lin's conjuring her soul, but also about Jiang Lin's mouth-to-mouth pouring liquid medicine for her. She knew it all.

"I'll go to the lake again. You are in danger now. Your body is in Gujian Mountain Villa. If your soul comes over, you should be able to resurrect."

"Young Master Cheng of the slave family is satisfied with the corpse. Now that he is dead, why bother to revive him. And even if he is alive, his parents and neighbors have disappeared from the world, so what's the point? Meng Xue accepted his fate. ."

Gu Mengxue shook her head, even if she was reborn, she would be left alone, and she didn't know how to live.

"Why do you accept your fate? Your whole family will be slaughtered, and you will be forced to marry by ghosts, so just accept it? Are you sure you won't have this kind of fate in your next life? If I were you, it would be fine. Live, live for life."

Jiang Lin smiled and continued: "You said that you thanked me for taking your body, then I will make a request now and let you live. It is not sincere to say thank you verbally. Show it with actions."

"Young master doesn't seem to want the slave family to die like this, why is that?"

Gu Mengxue looked at Jiang Lin, she didn't understand, she had already said that she didn't want to be resurrected, but this young master didn't want to.

"You may know in the future, but now you just need to know that I don't want you to die."

After speaking, Jiang Lin ended his sleep.

When he woke up, there was no one in Zuri Church.

After Yan Ying finished setting up the spirit formation, he went back to rest. He still needed to recharge his batteries. In Da Luo Xianjie, it was not so easy to summon spirits.

Seeing that Jiang Lin had fallen asleep, Yan Ying did not wake him up.

After Jiang Lin left the charming spirit in the shadow to guard Gu Mengxue's body, he led his horse out of Gujian Villa and galloped all the way to Gujia Village.

When he got to the lake, he saw Gu Mengxue standing on the shore.

The water pavilions in the previous dream were all illusions created by Gu Mengxue's dream.

"You'll be fine."

Jiang Lin dismounted, looked at Gu Mengxue, and smiled slightly. As long as Gu Mengxue's soul was still there, he would be able to make him return to the sun.

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