"Then Young Master Jiang, you must be careful, but don't let anything happen."

Qing'er blinked her eyes. She is now at the level of a big demon. Even if she wants to help, her ability is limited. If she goes there, it will probably only drag Jiang Lin's back.

Just when Qing'er was about to say goodbye to Jiang Lin, an angry wind suddenly appeared in the forest, and a sharp ghost howl broke out, and the source of the sound was approaching Jiang Lin and the others at a very fast speed.

"Ghost King! The Ghost King is here!"

As soon as Gu Mengxue heard the whistling sound, her face turned pale.

Although she is the main body of the female protagonist, she has always been a mortal before, and does not know the classification of ghosts. In the eyes of ordinary people, as long as it is a powerful ghost, it will be called the ghost king.

Jiuyou Ghost Zun!

Feeling the surging power around him, Jiang Lin's face became extremely solemn.

Now, if he wants to deal with the Ghost Emperor, with his own Yang Yan and Xuanguang, he still has the power to fight, but facing the Ghost Venerable, the situation is very unfavorable.

Even if he has a lot of powerful magic tools and two fairy weapons, he can't be used as a powerful weight.

Although he used the Wuji Magnetic Mountain and the Immortal Staff to beat up Lan Dali and the others, it was because the three were stupid and they were afraid of the title of Tianzun.

Under normal circumstances, Jiang Lin would not be able to achieve such an effect.

"Come in!"

Jiang Lin didn't think about it at all, and pointed at Gu Mengxue's forehead, wanting to put it in the ancient mirror in his arms.

Let’s talk about it first. If we go back to Gujian Villa, with the support of Yan Ying, the people in the villa, and the great formation of protecting the villa, it is still possible to repel Jiuyou Ghost Venerable.

But unfortunately, Gu Mengxue has not been taken back into the ancient mirror, she has been imprisoned.

In the thick ghost aura in the distance, a huge Senluo ghost hand protruded, and Gu Mengxue was captured from the air.

"Young Master Jiang!"

The huge ghost hand formed by ghost qi burst out with a powerful attraction, taking Gu Mengxue into the air.

"Golden Crow Yang!"

Jiang Lin's hands quickly formed a seal, and behind him a three-legged golden crow with a size of [*] meters appeared. Snow chased.

At the same time, he also took off his long gown and threw it to Qing'er, and said to him: "Qing'er, go to Gujian Villa and inform the owner of the villa, Yan Ying, that Jiuyou Ghost Venerable has appeared, if he embarrassed you, Just show him my clothes."

Chapter [*]: Go to the Netherworld ([*])

"I'm going right now!"

Qing'er also felt the horror of Jiuyou Ghost Venerable, which was much stronger than Jiang Lin's feeling to her, so after taking Jiang Lin's gown, she jumped on the horse and galloped in the direction of Gujian Villa.

While rushing towards Gu Mengxue, Jiang Lin also informed Qing'er about Jiuyou Ghost Zun and Gujian Villa with the power of sound transmission, preventing Yan Ying from disbelieving Qing'er and disadvantaged him.

With a "Boom", the three-legged Golden Crow exploded in ghostly energy, and the Nine Nether Ghosts inside let out a harsh roar.

Jiang Lin's big move really hurt him.

"Crappie, court death!"

Jiuyou Ghost Venerable roared loudly, causing the ghost energy around him to form spiral thorns that shot towards Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin rode the golden wheel of the sun, dodging the rain-like ghostly thrusts in mid-air while chasing it.

He can only dodge. Once he uses the magic weapon to defend, he will be pulled away. In that case, it is almost impossible to catch up with Gu Mengxue.

However, Jiang Lin, after all, did not have much experience in flying imperial weapons before, and was stabbed by many ghostly stabs.

Even if he had the Flood Dragon Battle Armor on him, he couldn't completely resist these stabbing attacks.

His Soaring Sea Flood Dragon Battle Armor has a high physical defense, but it is a lot worse in resisting the attacks of evil qi and spiritual power.

It didn't take long for Jiang Lin's shirt to be stained red with blood.

"Young Master Jiang, don't save Mengxue. If you continue like this, you will die!"

Gu Mengxue couldn't bear to see the blood pouring from Jiang Lin's body. She and Jiang Lin never knew each other, but now Jiang Lin almost gave up her life in order to save her.

Because of her escape from marriage, she hurt the ghost king, causing her village, family and neighbors to be destroyed. If Jiang Lin was killed because of her again, she really felt that she was guilty.


Jiang Lin didn't care what Gu Mengxue said, let the corpse poison in his bones enter his flesh and blood, and completely corpse.

He suddenly exerted strength under his feet, using the golden wheel of the sun as a leverage point, and teleported forward. After his body appeared, he used the ghost stab as a force to teleport forcibly.

After a while, he approached the restrained Gu Mengxue.

With one arm extended, Jiang Lin ordered his long arms to wrap around Gu Mengxue's waist, pulling him towards him.

At the same time, he also took out the immortal staff with his other hand and stabbed it straight at Jiuyou Ghost Venerable.

Fuck you good, hit my wife's idea!

Jiang Lin didn't hold back at all, and wished he could smash Jiuyou Ghost Zun to death with a stick.

Jiuyou Guizun did not expect that a little cultivator in Jianglin could break through the volley of the ghost stab, and he did not expect that he would have such a powerful magic weapon in his hand.

Jiang Lin's blow had already used all his strength to pierce Jiuyou Ghostly Venerable's heart.

The spiritual power of the immortal staff broke out, and immediately caused Jiuyou Ghost Zun to let out a scream of ghosts and wolves.

At the same time, the ghost energy on Jiuyou Guizun suddenly became illusory, and two phantom bodies, one black and one white, were separated.

Jiang Lin stabbed the main body of Jiuyou Ghost Venerable and the two phantom bodies, forcing them to separate.

"Little bastard, you are courting death!"

The ghost energy in Jiuyou Ghost Venerable's body spurted out, and it took an unknown amount of time to make the two ghost emperor-level phantom bodies merge with the main body.

But now, they were all separated by a blow from a little cultivator.

One Ghost Zun, two Ghost Emperors, the main body of Jiuyou Ghost Zun and the two phantom bodies all looked at Jiang Lin with extremely angry eyes.


Before Jiang Lin could call out Baoyi, the three ghosts suddenly accelerated in mid-air, so fast that he couldn't even react.

Three ghost blades formed by ghost qi slashed past him.


Jiang Lin's body exploded violently as if it was stuffed with lit firecrackers.


Jiang Lin sprayed out a blood mist, and the blood mist was also mixed with some internal organs.

After that, Jiang Lin, like a kite with a broken string, let go of Gu Mengxue and fell from the air.

If it weren't for the support of his corpse, I'm afraid this time, he would be directly helpless.

Is this the true strength of Ghost Emperor and Ghost Zun?

Even after killing a ghost emperor like Kanxue Ghost King, Jiang Lin never thought that in the Da Luo Immortal Realm, the ghost emperor's strength would be so fierce.

Although Jiang Lin had been in the Daluo Immortal Realm for some time, he had also encountered the blocking of monsters, but at that time, he and Baoyi mainly focused on getting out of trouble, and rarely confronted those monsters head-on.

Therefore, he still does not have a clear understanding of the demon cultivators and ghost cultivators in Daluo Immortal Realm.

This is also the main reason for his fall.

The environment is different, resulting in the overall gap between the evil spirits of the Da Luo Xianjie and the Middle-earth world is not small.

In Middle-earth, Jiang Lin can be said to have experienced a hundred battles, but his evil opponents, in comparison, still lack experience in battles.

This also caused Jiang Lin's experience in killing monsters to be inflated.

"Young Master Jiang!"

Gu Mengxue shouted from the sky, her tears seemed to burst.

Jiang Lin died here in order to save her.

Jiuyou Ghost Venerable exuded a ghostly aura, caught Gu Mengxue and took him away.

As for Jiang Lin, Jiuyou Ghost Venerable didn't pay any attention. It now needs to return to the Netherworld as soon as possible, so that the main body and the phantom body can be united again.


In the process of falling, Jiang Lin revoked the blockade of the corpse poison of the generals in the corpse pill, and he gathered his own true sun fire and the rest of the yin fire and yang flames in one place, and recklessly refined the corpse poison that belonged to the generals. .

A large amount of corpse poison essence was refined and flowed all over the Jianglin's internal organs. Taking advantage of the improvement of the injuries in his body, he did not hesitate to consume most of his corpse poison and used the Huayuan Escape Technique.

Jiang Lin chased after him again like a gallop.

Just when Gu Mengxue was led into a dark empty door, Jiang Lin finally arrived and grabbed Gu Mengxue's wrist with one hand.

His other hand was facing the empty door, and his spiritual power was gushing frantically like a rocket launcher.

But in the end, he let go.

It's not that his spiritual power is exhausted, but if he pulls like this again, Gu Mengxue's soul will split.

Just as he was about to rush into the cavity, Jiang Lin was hit by a ghostly energy and flew back, and the cavity quickly began to close.

"Wait for me, regardless of Huangquan Youming, I will rescue you!"

Jiang Lin's eyes were wide open, even if Gu Mengxue was taken by Jiuyou Guizun to the sea of ​​​​daoshan and fire, he must chase after him.

Chapter [*]: Go to the Netherworld (Part [*])

After recalling the Japanese Golden Wheel, Jiang Lin landed in a place with a slightly better field of vision. He took cold marrow to heal his injuries and restore his spiritual power.

It didn't take long for Qing'er, Yan Ying, and the people of the villa to ride horses to the original mountain forest. Jiang Lin saw them and flew over.

"Young Master Jiang, why did you get hurt so badly?"

Qing'er looked at Jiang Lin, who had almost become a blood man, and felt distressed for a while, and quickly took out the cold marrow that Jiang Lin had given her before, and wanted to treat Jiang Lin's injury.

"I'm fine, I've already taken the medicine."

Jiang Lin waved his hand and asked Qing'er to put away the cold marrow.

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