Even in the Daluo Immortal Realm, natural treasures such as cold marrow are extremely rare treasures, and it is best not to be seen by outsiders.

Is he just badly injured?

When Yan Ying saw Jiang Lin who was covered in injuries, she couldn't help being stunned. Jiang Lin met Jiuyou Ghost Venerable, how could he still be alive?

"Jiang Xiaoyou, this is some hurting medicine, you can use it. What about the soul of Yang Nu and Jiuyou Ghost Venerable?"

Yan Ying handed Jiang Lin two medicine bottles, and then asked where Gu Mengxue was going.

"Actually, these injuries are not serious."

Although he didn't need other healing medicines, Jiang Lin still accepted Yan Ying's gift, and then he said: "Mengxue's soul should have been taken to the Netherworld, I couldn't keep her, but Jiuyou Ghost Venerable was taken by me. The separation of the main body and the phantom body of the fight should have hurt a lot of vitality."

"You...you dispersed the phantom of the main body of Jiuyou Ghost Zun???"

Yan Ying's voice suddenly raised an octave, Jiang Lin's words surprised him too much.

Even with the help of the villa's magic array, he may not be able to do it. Jiang Lin's cultivation base is lower than him, yet he has such ability.

Yan Ying's first reaction was disbelief, but he also knew that Jiang Lin had absolutely no reason to lie to him.

Not only Yan Ying was surprised, but the people in the villa he brought also started to talk about it.

This is incredible.

The horror of Jiuyou Ghost Venerable, they have heard from their elders, this ghost is only the main body has the strength of the ghost level, not to mention the two ghost-level phantom bodies, far more than the average ghost. powerful.

Now Jiang Lin actually said that he had separated the main body of Jiuyou Ghost Venerable from the phantom body.

It's simply a fantasy.

"How did you do it?"

"Just a fluke."

Jiang Lin shook his head and didn't tell Yan Ying the specific situation before.

The fact that he has an immortal artifact cannot be leaked out, even if Yan Ying is the same as Master Yixiu.

Defenses can not do without.

Yan Ying didn't ask any more questions after hearing what Jiang Lin said.

"Unfortunately, I still didn't support the village owners to come, otherwise, Mengxue wouldn't be taken away."

Jiang Lin blamed himself a little. Facing Jiuyou Ghost Venerable, he couldn't even delay for a while.

Otherwise, with the help of Yan Ying and the others, not to mention repelling Jiuyou Ghost Venerable, at least protecting the safety of Gu Mengxue's soul should be no problem.


Yan Ying's ellipsis, if it wasn't for the fake expression on Jiang Lin's face, he even suspected that Jiang Lin was showing off in disguise.

A little cultivator who had not yet completed his pills met Jiuyou Ghost Venerable. Not only did he not die, but he also seriously injured him. At this moment, he actually blamed himself for not holding Jiuyou Ghost Venerable.

Is it so unbearable to co-author Ghost Zun in your eyes?

Are ghosts shameless?

"After all, Jiuyou Ghost Venerable is not an ordinary ghost. If you dissipate his main body, it will be a good result."

Yan Ying pouted, she could only comfort Jiang Lin like this.

"Master Yan, the most important thing right now is to immediately go to the underworld to rescue Mengxue's soul, and you have to rely on you, the master. Jiang's practice is special. Let me handle the matter of the soul of the male female."

"Yes, since Jiuyou Ghost Venerable has been wounded, it is best to take this opportunity to save Yang Nu's soul."

Yan Ying nodded, if he didn't act immediately, once Jiuyou Ghost Venerable absorbed the yang energy in the Yang Nv's soul, the situation would be even more unfavorable.

Therefore, Jiang Lin, Yan Ying and others rushed back to Gujian Villa, ready to rescue Gu Mengxue.

And because Qing'er had some relationship with Jiang Lin and reported to Gujian Villa, Yan Ying didn't embarrass her anymore and agreed to let her go to the villa.

In the Chasing Sun Hall, according to what Yan Ying said, Jiang Lin cut a strand of hair and nails from Gu Mengxue's body and put them in a jade box.

Even if the passage of the Netherworld is opened with a secret method and Jiang Lin is sent in, it will not fall into the ghost realm occupied by the Nine Nether Ghosts. The Netherworld does not know how big it is, so it needs to be searched with Gu Mengxue's hair and skin.

Yan Ying pulled the red rope from the Tongyou runner and tied it to Jiang Lin's neck, and said, "Although the time between the underworld and the sun is different, it won't be too long, you need to find the soul of Yangnv before dawn. , and then pull the red-headed rope, and I will cast a spell to lead you up. Remember, the longer the time, the tighter the red-headed rope will be, and once it breaks, you will never be able to come back."

"I see. The village master, you can cast the spell."

Jiang Lin nodded slightly, even if he had to take a big risk this time, he couldn't back down.

Not to mention that in order to obtain the Ring of Seizing the Sun and the Dafa, he needs to deal with Jiuyou Ghost Venerable. Just because Gu Mengxue has a relationship with his two wives, or is closer than his siblings, he can't let Gu Mengxue have an accident. .

Second uncle, whoever loves to be a tauren should go, he is absolutely inappropriate.

"Young Master Jiang, Qing'er doesn't understand the minds and ideals of you righteous people. Qing'er doesn't quite understand what saves the common people and eliminates ghosts. Qing'er only knows that she wants to see Master Jiang, you come back safely."

Qing'er walked to Jiang Lin and gave him a safety sachet embroidered with the word "Qing'er", wishing Jiang Lin a safe journey.

She is a goblin, and she has no position to persuade Jiang Lin not to take risks. The only thing she can do is to pray that nothing will happen to Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin smiled lightly, and said, "I'm lucky, and I'll be fine. Even if I don't care about myself, I still have to care about my wife. If you say it, I'll take it as her."

Slick tongue.

Qing'er's pretty face blushed, she stabbed Jiang Lin and stepped aside shyly.

"Heaven is Lingling, Earth is Lingling, the four signs are wonderfully combined and strong, the fetus's yin and yang are connected to the five elements, the sun and the moon are divided into two fields, and the barriers are opened to the nether!"

Yan Ying chanted a spell in front of the altar and danced his spirit sword. He pointed at the sword, and the floor in front of Jiang Lin collapsed with a bang, leaving a dark void.

Jiang Lin narrowed his eyes and jumped in.

Is this the underworld?

It's very similar to the underworld in Middle-earth.

Going down to the Netherworld, Jiang Lin glanced around. The Netherworld was indeed very vast, and it also had a strong aura of yin and death, very similar to the underworld.

The only difference is that there is some light here, just like when the world is about to dawn.

Glancing around, Jiang Lin stopped investigating the surrounding environment, took out the jade box containing Gu Mengxue's hair and nails, and sensed the direction of Gu Mengxue's soul.

Chapter [*]: Climbing into the ghost town

Jiang Lin controlled his body to land down.

The last time he shuttled to the Daluo Immortal Realm, he suffered a loss, so this time, he took a precaution and let himself fall to the ground first and walk for a while.

It's rough down here, the terrain is very strange, and a little use of cover is enough to get him off the landing site.

Sure enough, after Jiang Lin slipped out a distance, some ghosts came to investigate where he had appeared before.

After running for about ten minutes, Jiang Lin released the Japanese Golden Wheel in his body. At the same time, he did not hesitate to use the Huayuan Escape Technique to speed up and fly in the direction indicated by the jade box.

Full speed ahead.

Now time is very important to him, even if he does this will disturb some unknown powerful ghosts, he can't care.

Even if he disturbed some ghosts, those things couldn't just chase him out of curiosity.

Even if he wanted to find out what was going on, he couldn't see him.

Within an hour, Jiang Lin had directly escaped two or three thousand miles.

He was really anxious.

This speed is already the highest speed his body can explode.

After Jiang Lin ran for nearly [*] miles, Jiang Lin encountered a blockade.

In front of him is an incomparably huge ghost town, and the city walls on both sides of the ghost town do not know how far they extend.

Moreover, there is an enchantment above the city wall, which can prevent all the spiritual bodies in the sky from staying in the air.

In desperation, Jiang Lin could only choose to enter the ghost town through the open city gate and pass through it.


"Who are you to dare to trespass into the Netherworld!"

Jiang Lin approached the city gate, but was stopped by the sneaky guards.

"I have an urgent matter, and I need to find a person's soul. Please make it easy for a few big brothers."

Jiang Lin lowered his posture. This ghost city seemed to be a place like the underworld and the underworld. He didn't want to make things bigger, or else there would be more trouble ahead.

At the same time, he also took some medicinal materials from the forbidden underworld of Middle-earth from his arms and sent them over.

For him, problems that can be solved with things outside him are not problems.

"Yo, these things, baby!"

The black-faced ghost in the lead looked at the medicinal materials in the package, and there was a look of joy on his face.

After that, it nodded to Jiang Lin and said, "Go in."

Just as Jiang Lin was about to take a step, the situation turned upside down again.

"Why did you go in? We brothers are not enough for this little thing, so you want to go in?"

The white-faced ghost next to the black-faced ghost snorted coldly and stopped at the door.

Since Jiang Lin is so good at talking, he is ready to reap some benefits.

"Step aside."

Jiang Lin's face suddenly turned cold. In the face of these little devils, he has lowered his posture and sent benefits.

As a result, the other party put it here to see Bao's interest.

"It's starting to cross? Brothers, imprison him!"

The white-faced ghost greeted the sneaky guards around and prepared to trap Jiang Lin with the utensils.

"You, courting death!"

Jiang Lin let out a low roar, and the yang flames all over his body erupted instantly, spreading more than ten meters all over his body.

For the past [*] years, he had only been sneaking around in the city, and was directly killed by Jiang Lin. He didn't even make a scream, and he became completely ashes.

The black-faced ghost was also destroyed.

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