Since Jiang Lin decided to kill him, he would definitely not leave anything alive.

After that, Jiang Lin rushed into the ghost town without delaying for a second, and continued to escape at full speed.

It is estimated that it will not be long before the situation of the city gate will be discovered, and now he can shorten the remaining distance a little bit.

Could it be that this is really the place where Da Luo Xianjie is responsible for reincarnation?

Jiang Lin glanced at the surrounding buildings while speeding.

The layout here is very similar to the underworld in Middle-earth.

However, he didn't think much about it. Now that the city gate should have discovered the situation, he still needs to distance himself as soon as possible.

Sure enough, it was not what he expected. After about a quarter of an hour, a warning horn sounded behind him.


Jiang Lin frowned, this ghost town is very large, and there is still some distance ahead, but now, he estimates that it will take a lot of effort to pass.

Before long, Jiang Lin was surrounded by some ghosts.

At this point, he didn't hold back at all, and directly released Yang Xuanguang and Yang Yan, like a huge ball of light and fire, advancing rapidly over the ghost town.

His Yang Yan and Fierce Yang Xuanguang are not what ordinary ghosts are willing to touch, even if it is a ghost, if you want to get close to his body, you have to peel off the skin.

However, Jiang Lin's speed was still forced to slow down. Several Ghost Emperors and a Ghost Venerable chased in front of him, trying to stop him by bombarding him.

"Give me death!"

A mad look appeared on Jiang Lin's face. He used more than half of his spiritual power to run the Five Thunders, and the rest was used to cast the Golden Crow Yang.

For a time, a Thunder and Lightning Golden Crow made a clear chirping and rushed towards the Ghost Emperor and Ghost Venerable in front of him.

"Oh my God!"

"Run, run!"

"This is going to kill people!"

None of the Ghost Emperors and Ghost Venerables did not have their eyelids beating wildly. Not only did their eyelids twitch, they all felt that their hearts were starting to beat again.

Jiang Lin's cultivation level is not too high, yet he can burst out such terrifying attack power.


An extremely strong super-large explosion occurred in mid-air, and its power was much stronger than Jiang Lin's simple use of Jinwu Yangyang.

Those Ghost Emperors and Ghost Venerables had already withdrawn a short distance, but they were still affected, flying backwards one by two.

Jiang Lin didn't stop, changed to another escape technique, and then flew away.

There were horrific blast injuries to his entire back and hind legs.

The evasion technique was taken from the reptile gecko, a reptile for the purpose of evasion. The gecko escaped by breaking its tail, and Jiang Lin fought his own damage and used the whole behind him as a jet device in exchange for lightning-like speed.

Now the corpse poison in his body has almost been consumed, and he can no longer consume it, otherwise even if he finds Gu Mengxue, he will not be able to take it away.

Chapter [*] Zhong Kui

After Jiang Lin escaped, the three-eyed ghosts who blocked him let several ghost emperors deal with the turmoil caused by the big explosion, and continued to chase after Jiang Lin.

"A little cultivator dares to venture into the Netherworld by himself, and has two different advanced escape techniques. Are the current low-level cultivators so good?"

Three-eyed Ghost Zun was really puzzled. Although the intruder was a small cultivator, his mother's cards were huge.

The Golden Crow explosion that erupted before, even if it was him, if he ate it, he would have lost half his life.

Just fucking outrageous.

"I want to see who you are, when the Netherworld is your backyard?"

With a spit, the Three-eyed Ghost Venerable accelerated his pursuit.

Even if Jiang Lin used the evasion technique, he was not as fast as the Three-Eyed Ghost Venerable in this underworld where ghosts could be like a duck to water.

"I'll let you chase after me."

Jiang Lin noticed that the Three-eyed Ghost Zun was chasing after him, so he took out a large flaming talisman from his arms and threw it back.

I don't know if there are hundreds or thousands of them.

With a loud bang, the Three-eyed Ghost Venerable behind was directly scolded by the explosion.

These thousands of heavy blasts made him lose his skin.

After throwing out the explosive flame talisman, Jiang Lin drew one after another spiritual talisman on his palm and hit him back.

He has already entered the realm of talisman and can form a talisman in the void. As long as there is spiritual power in his body, he can draw as much as he wants.

Although the Three-Eyed Ghost Zun flew fast, he couldn't bear to collide with him one after another.

In the end, this guy couldn't take it anymore, so he simply took out the Netherworld Conch and blew it hard.

Faluo's voice spread directly over the ghost town.

"Quicker, faster!"

Jiang Lin frowned, he was almost on the edge of the ghost town.

But at this moment, a giant in a red official robe suddenly appeared in front of him, standing in front of the back wall of the ghost town.

Then, the space around Jiang Lin was instantly blocked, and he himself was imprisoned in place, unable to even look up.

Just when Jiang Lin was expending his own source to get out of trouble, a voice sounded in his heart: "Don't move, I have no ill intentions towards you."

"Three eyes, just leave it to me."

After the giant instructed the Three-eyed Ghost Venerable, he raised his arm to Jiang Lin and sent him into a nearby hall.

And he also shrank his body and strode into the hall.

"Director Jiang, why did you appear in the Da Luo Immortal Realm?"

When Jiang Lin heard the voice behind him, he realized that the restraint around him had been lifted, and then he turned around in disbelief.

This Netherworld capable person who imprisoned him actually knew him.

Seeing the face of the person opposite, Jiang Lin widened his eyes and said in surprise, "Master Yan?"

"Master Yan? You're talking about Yan Ying? He's an illusory body of this sentence, Chief Jiang, have you heard of Zhong Kui?"

Zhong Kui shook his head, then looked at Jiang Lin with a smile.

You wait.

Jiang Lin felt a little confused in his mind.

The middle-aged Ghost Zun, who has the same face as Yan Ying and is wearing a judge's costume, is Zhong Kui, a civil and military judge in the underworld of Middle-earth?

Zhong Kui appeared in the underworld of Da Luo Xianjie?

Is Yan Ying the phantom body of Zhong Kui again?

After a while, Jiang Lin straightened his thinking and asked, "Are you the Judge Zhong Kui? Are you cultivating three thousand phantom bodies?"

Jiang Lin remembered that Yan Ying once said that if the three thousand phantom bodies are cultivated to perfection, they can travel between all walks of life, which can explain why Zhong Kui was originally the underworld secretary of the Middle-earth world, but appeared in the Daluo Xianjie.

"Of course. You also know the three thousand phantom bodies? Also, why did you appear in the Daluo Immortal Realm?"

"Jiang has a special physique and needs to go to this world to make a breakthrough when the sun calamity arrives. As for how he got here, he was instructed by the drought."

Jiang Lin used the drought again as an excuse, and then he changed the subject and asked, "Why, is this Netherworld also under the jurisdiction of the Underworld?"

"It doesn't count as being affiliated with the underworld. Today's Netherworld and all matters of soul reincarnation are managed by me. This time, the dragon king's temple is really flooded. Director Jiang, you are really capable. When you come to the Netherworld, you can do it for me. There's been such a big fight."

"Jiang Mou is going to Jiuyou Ghost Zun's site to rescue the soul of the female protagonist of Yaoriyang. This time, it is also a last resort. Judge Zhong, why don't I come down another day and tell the judge in detail. Learn about the Netherworld, the situation is really urgent now."

Jiang Lin's face showed some apology, he really couldn't waste time in this ghost town.

He can ask Zhong Kui for advice in the future.

"Jiuyou Ghost Venerable? I wanted to get rid of that guy early in the morning, but I've been stumped by things all the time. Since you're in a hurry, I won't leave you anymore. When your side is over, come down again, I really have it now. I need your help. By the way, don't mention my situation to Yan Ying."

Zhong Kui gave Jiang Lin a ghost token and did not keep him.

With the token, it is very convenient for Jiang Lin to enter and exit the Netherworld.

As for whether Jiang Lin needed help, he didn't ask. Since Jiang Lin was able to get out of trouble surrounded by the Three-eyed Ghost Lord and a few ghost emperors, it meant that Jiang Lin had his own means.

After Jiang Lin took the Netherworld token, he bowed to Zhong Kui, then left the hall and went to rescue Gu Mengxue.

After Jiang Lin left, Zhong Kui sat on the chair in the hall and murmured, "I didn't expect someone from the outside world to come here, and he is also an official in the underworld like me. It seems that the problem of the underworld will be solved easily. It's time to come, hey, the guy above, the abacus is empty this time."

"It's a coincidence, it's a wonderful thing!"

With a plan in his heart, Zhong Kui gradually began to laugh.

"I didn't expect that Zhong Kui was actually in charge of the Netherworld under the Daluo Immortal Realm, and he was also in charge of the reincarnation of the creatures in the Daluo Immortal Realm."

On the way to fly away, Jiang Lin still felt a little weird, but he was also thankful that the manager of the Netherworld knew him, otherwise something would really go wrong this time.

In this way, Master Yixiu should also be Zhong Kui's phantom body.

Thinking of this episode, the expression on Jiang Lin's face became a little more exciting. If he were to compare his seniority, Zhong Kui could be regarded as his old husband?

Shaking his head, Jiang Lin threw these thoughts out of his head. He could solve these doubts in the future, including the fact that Qing'er and Bai Min'er looked the same, and he could ask Zhong Kui in the future.

However, that's all for the future, and now he has to think about how to save Gu Mengxue from Jiuyou Ghost Venerable.

Chapter [*] Rob my wife and take your nest!

Jiang Lin took a jar of cold marrow from the ancient mirror and poured it into the collar of the back of his neck. After that, he endured the severe pain in his back and accelerated again.

Wherever he flew, bits and pieces of minced meat fell off.

After another hour, Jiang Lin finally saw a huge palace made of skeletons.

At this time, at the entrance of King You's Palace, there are many sneaky formations of honor guards, waiting to welcome the sedan car team coming from a distance.

And sitting in the sedan chair is Gu Mengxue.

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