Seeing this, Jiang Lin breathed a long sigh of relief, but fortunately he caught up.

Otherwise, Gu Mengxue would lose her chastity.

In fact, it is also fortunate that Jiang Lin broke up the main body and the phantom body of Jiuyou Ghost Zun, which caused Jiuyou Ghost Zun to return to the Palace of King You and immediately deal with the matter of the main body and the phantom body being one.

If this is not the case, he will not be able to catch up even if he speeds up.

Like the Middle-earth world, there is a time difference between the Netherworld and the Daluo Immortal World, and the time flow below is faster than the above.

In addition, Jiang Lin also delayed a bit of time on it. Under normal circumstances, Jiuyou Ghost Zun would have spoken to Gu Mengxue long ago.

This situation also happened to Xiao Qian at the beginning.

Jiang Lin looked at the situation in front of him, and suddenly remembered his ghost wife, Xiaoqian. Back then, Xiaoqian was also taken into the underworld by the old demon from Montenegro and carried by a sedan car.

Now Gu Mengxue has also encountered the same situation.

Seeing that the distance was getting closer and closer, Jiang Lin ignored his own situation and used the ability of invisibility to force his action.

"Fuck me to death!"

After approaching the sedan chair, Jiang Lin immediately released the Yang Finger Sword with both arms, and a powerful strangulation came directly.

The guard of honor and the sneaky sound of the sedan chair were wiped out by him in one fell swoop.

"Young Master Jiang!"

Gu Mengxue, who was sitting in the sedan chair, was stunned for a while, but Jiang Lin actually appeared in the Netherworld.

"come out faster."

Before Gu Mengxue recovered, Jiang Lin lifted the gauze of the sedan chair and pulled Gu Mengxue out.

Holding Gu Mengxue's waist in one hand, Jiang Lin jumped up and landed on the flying golden wheel.

"Damn, grab my wife and I'll take your nest!"

Jiang Lin let Gu Mengxue's arms wrap around his waist, and then put his palms together, condensing the whole body's spiritual power.

Damn, I'll give you a [*]-fold Big Bang Turtle Qigong!


A pillar of spiritual fire with a diameter of more than three meters was sprayed out and blasted directly through the gate of the Palace of King You. Wherever the pillar of fire passed, everything almost became dust.

After blasting out, Jiang Lin used all his strength to twist his waist.

He directly used his super-large turtle qigong to swept thousands of troops.

The entire huge palace of the King of You was razed to the ground.

Jiuyou Guizun's old nest was just taken over by Jiang Lin.

None of the ghosts who were originally staying in the Palace of the King of You did not burst out screaming, and they all turned into ashes.

And Jiang Lin, with the help of the recoil generated by the eruption of the fire column, took Gu Mengxue and shot away in the direction away from the Palace of King You.

Not only that, Jiang Lin, in the process of flying back at an extreme speed, kept seals with his hands and released three large golden crows in a row.

Three hundred-meter-tall three-legged golden crows pounced on the ruins of the Skeleton Hall, and made a few more knives.

What a swollen fat West! ! !

At this time, Jiuyou Ghost Zun was completely stunned.

It was originally sitting cross-legged in the Palace of King You, preparing to make the main body and the phantom body become one, but at a critical moment, the big movement and the strong shock wave generated by the explosion directly made him fall short.


After Jiuyou Guizun was stunned, his two phantom bodies separated again, and each sprayed a blood mist that was half green and half red.

This time, it not only failed to integrate, but also completely damaged the root.

This unfortunate Jiuyou Ghost Venerable did not think that not only did he fail to achieve his happy event, but also failed to get together, and even his old nest was almost destroyed in an instant.

"It was there."

Jiang Lin felt the ghost energy of Jiuyou Guizun in the ruins, so he took a thunder pestle and a lightning stone from his arms.

These things were all slaughtered by Jiang Lin from Judge Lu before he came to the Daluo Immortal Realm, and they were extremely powerful.

He sensed that there should be something wrong with Jiuyou Ghost Venerable at this moment, and the ghost qi became fluctuating, so he planned to take advantage of its illness to kill it.

Struggling to smash the lightning stone to the location of Jiuyou Ghost Venerable, Jiang Lin quickly cast the spell.

Suddenly, in the ruins, dozens of thunders appeared in the sky above Jiuyou Ghost Venerable, slashing down wildly.

Jiuyou Guizun was originally attacked by the fusion of the main body and illusion, but now he was struck by this thunder, and immediately issued a very sharp ghost howl.

After stealing a hand, Jiang Lin also temporarily stopped. Now, with his ability, he has not been able to destroy Jiuyou Ghost Venerable. Now he is only weakening the strength of this ghost Venerable.

When he returned to Gujian Villa and gathered the strength of Yan Ying and Gujian Villa, he would fight to the death with this Jiuyou Ghost Venerable.

This is also the reason why Jiang Lin did not release Baoyi.

When he really fights with Jiuyou Ghost Venerable, he will use this trump card again, making Jiuyou Ghost Venerable suffer a huge loss.

"you again!!!"


The main body and two phantom bodies of Jiuyou Ghost Venerable were violently slashed by the thunder, and they had to spend the source to disperse the thunder source gathered in the sky. They flew into the air, and seeing that the culprit of all this was actually Jiang Lin, a little cultivator, All exploded.

The ghosts in their bodies kept making explosive noises around them.

This little cultivator, who prevented them from capturing Gu Mengxue before, has now come to their doorstep.

They also took over their old nest, Youwang Palace, and directly destroyed the home.

What made them even more furious was that Jiang Lin also kidnapped Gu Mengxue.

Put them on the doorstep and grab the bride!

Under the extreme anger, the main body and the phantom body of Jiuyou Ghost Venerable ignored the damage, forcibly merged, merged into one, and slaughtered Jianglin at the speed of lightning.

"Hurry up!"

Jiang Lin said to Gu Mengxue, and then pulled the red rope around his neck with all his might to signal Yan Ying to take him and Gu Mengxue back to the Daluo Immortal Realm.

With Yan Ying casting spells on it, Jiang Lin and Gu Mengxue's speed increased a lot, and shot towards the sky above the Netherworld.

However, Jiuyou Ghost Venerable is faster.

This time, Jiuyou Ghostly Venerable completely moved the idea of ​​making Jiang Lin disappear, and one after another fierce ghost-qi arc blades slashed towards Jiang Lin.

These ghostly arc blades seem to be real but empty. Even if Jiang Lin resisted it with all his strength, he was still hit. The violent shock in the arc blades not only caused his flesh and blood to be wounded and rolled, but even his bones were broken by the shock.

Moreover, he had to protect Gu Mengxue, so it didn't take long for him to be bruised again.

One thousand four hundred and fourteen chapters three consecutive plantings

"Did I say you!"

Jiang Lin was also fired by Jiuyou Ghost Venerable. He directly separated the dripping blood from his body, and endured the pain of marrow extraction, differentiated his own marrow, and performed a kind of evil secret technique.

After the blood and bone marrow were mixed, a blood body was formed through Jiang Lin's incantation.

Where the twelve blood bodies passed through, the Yin Sha Qi seemed to be corroded and quickly melted away.

With this blood-corrupting technique that Jiang Lin used, even if a ghost emperor is stained, the reborn innate essence will be corroded away, and finally the soul will be scattered.

It's just that the cost of this sorcery is huge, even greater than the cost of the Huayuan Escape Technique and the Evasion Escape Technique. If it wasn't for a desperate situation, Jiang Lin wouldn't use it.

Now Jiuyou Guizun is pressing each other step by step, if he is stopped by him, he may not be able to escape, so Jiang Lin no longer thinks about it, and directly uses it.

"Young Master Jiang, you..."

Gu Mengxue was also startled when she saw that Jiang Lin was skinny in an instant.

At this time, Jiang Lin was not only thin, but the skin on his body was as white as paper, and his blood was almost gone.

Jiang Lin stood on the golden wheel, and was a little shaky. Even if he was at his peak, he would have to pay a huge price to perform the Blood Erosion Dafa, not to mention that he is far from the peak now.

"Young Master Jiang!"

Gu Mengxue quickly hugged Jiang Lin and stabilized his body.

Now, no matter what, she can't let Jiang Lin have an accident.

In order to save her, Jiang Lin was dying.

She really couldn't figure out why Jiang Lin, a stranger, was willing to sacrifice his life in order to save her.

"I am fine."

Jiang Lin stood firm, and immediately took a bottle of cold marrow from his arms and poured it directly into his mouth.

Now he and Gu Mengxue haven't completely escaped the predicament, and they still need to take precautions.

The Jiuyou Ghost Venerable below saw the twelve blood bodies released by Jiang Lin, and his eyes suddenly opened.

He is two levels higher than the little cultivator above, but this little cultivator has repeatedly shown extraordinary skills.

Even the means that can endanger it.

This is simply unbelievable.

At this moment, Jiuyou Ghost Venerable didn't dare to take it big. After all, it was severely injured twice in one day. Now that the ghost body is weak, it is not a wise move to carry it hard.

However, even if Jiuyou Ghost Venerable is not ready to carry it hard, the blood-corrupting Dafa performed by Jiang Lin is not easy to hide.

Twelve blood bodies rushed towards Jiuyou Ghost Venerable at a rapid speed together. Once a blood body did not rush, it quickly went behind the other blood bodies and exploded directly, and a large amount of pus and blood scattered around.

Not only that, the other blood bodies were hit by the blasting force, and they accelerated towards Jiuyou Ghost Venerable.

Twelve times in a row, Jiuyou Ghost Zun was still hit by a bloody body, and the whole body was covered with pus and blood. The pus and blood that was many times more corrosive than aqua regia directly disfigured Jiuyou Ghost Zun.

Even the innate essence in Jiuyou Ghost Venerable's body has been corroded a lot.

He was planted again.

Plant three times a day!

"Small chops! Small chops!!!"

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