Jiuyou Ghost Venerable's eyes were blood red, and it was a dignified ghost Venerable, but it was planted in the hands of a little monk who couldn't even connect the Dan.

And every time it was planted not lightly, all of them were bleeding.

Absolutely a great shame, a great shame!

Looking at Jiang Lin and Gu Mengxue who had already left, Jiuyou Ghost Zun clenched his teeth.

The more you think, the more you get angry, the more you think about it, the more you get angry.

In the end, Jiuyou Ghost Venerable was really unable to press the anger in his patience, he did not hesitate to squeeze more than half of his own cultivation, directly compressing his own essence, forming a qi arrow that shot out from his mouth.

Jiang Lin just saw Jiuyou Ghost Venerable opening his mouth below, and immediately turned his body instinctively.

Then his heart was pierced by the air arrow, leaving only a hole the size of the mouth of a bowl.

Even if his heart was not pierced vertically by an air arrow, Jiang Lin's entire heart only had some valves left.

It was also thanks to him that he turned to his side in advance, otherwise the entire organ of the heart would be lost.


Jiang Lin covered his mouth and coughed, and some of the visceral minced meat was snapped out by him.

"Young Master Jiang!"

Gu Mengxue was frightened, and then tears welled up in her eyes. If Jiang Lin hadn't turned her body to the side and moved her position, then she would have been pierced through her heart.

In other words, Jiang Lin should have been able to escape this blow just now, but in order to protect her, he was hit.

At this moment, the red rope around Jiang Lin's neck tightened, and he and Gu Mengxue were dragged back to Gujian Villa.

"Jiang Xiaoyou!"

"Young Master Jiang!"

When Jiang Lin appeared in the Zuri Church, he fell straight down, Yan Ying and Qing'er screamed in unison when they saw the big hole in his heart.

Especially Qing'er, desperately knelt down beside Jiang Lin, hugged him and cried bitterly.

"It's all your fault, you return my son Jiang, woohoo~"

Qing'er cried bitterly and complained about Gu Mengxue. If it wasn't for Gu Mengxue, Jiang Lin wouldn't have been hurt like this. He would have done it alone.

"I'm fine, send me to the room, I have my own way of recovery. Zhuang Yan, let Mengxue's soul return to her body."

Jiang Lin endured the severe pain, so that Qing'er didn't have to worry about him, and let Yan Ying resurrect Gu Mengxue.

Qing'er wiped away her tears, and said with a taste of eating on her face: "You just protect her. What about saving the common people and destroying the ghosts? How can your own life be important! You're going to lose your life, and you still want to save her."

"Jiang Xiaoyou, don't worry, just leave it to me. Come on, send Jiang Xiaoyou down for treatment!"

Yan Ying checked Jiang Lin's injury and sighed in her heart. Such an injury is a cultivator at the level of forming an elixir. Without a panacea, he probably wouldn't be able to survive.

Therefore, he felt that what Jiang Lin said before was just not wanting to make Qing'er sad.

However, Yan Ying still asked the servants to take out the best medicinal materials in the villa to heal Jiang Lin.

If nothing else, Jiang Lin saved Gu Mengxue's soul, which was equivalent to helping them Gujian Villa.

Even if there is no hope, he still has to try his best to give Jiang Lin treatment.

Chapter [*] You are really fierce!

After Qing'er and her servants carried Jiang Lin away on a stretcher, Yan Ying started to bring Gu Mengxue back to life.

Seeing that Gu Mengxue was crying all the time, he said, "Girl Gu, if you don't return to your physical body, once the day dawns, you'll have failed Jiang Xiaoyou's heart in vain."

"Then I will trouble the villa master. If something goes wrong with Young Master Jiang, I will keep him alive for three years."

Gu Mengxue wiped away her tears and reluctantly looked at Jiang Lin lying on the stretcher. After that, she flew to the stone platform and made her soul and body overlap.

While Yan Ying was working on resurrecting Gu Mengxue, the servants had already sent Jiang Lin to the guest room where he lived.

Jiang Lin was indeed seriously injured this time. Although he has absolute self-healing ability, it was only aimed at the injuries of his head, body and heart, so he couldn't use the corpse ability to deal with it.

Jiang Lin directly put his body into a semi-dormant state, and then let the corpse poison in the bones enter the flesh and blood. His corpse level has reached the level of stiff hair, and his vitality is very strong.

Even if it is not possible to be reborn, the damage to the viscera is not a problem to maintain the vitality.

However, he was unable to make the heart grow again for the time being.

All he can do is to use his own corpse poison and corpse qi to form a fake heart in the heart, and then squeeze the Qilin blood and dragon essence in his body to slowly repair the heart.

Fortunately, he poured a lot of cold marrow on his back before, and also took a lot of it and accumulated in his abdomen.

Jiang Lin slowly let the medicinal power of these cold marrow converge towards the heart.

Moreover, Yan Ying also had people give him a lot of good elixir. After three days, Jiang Lin gradually regained consciousness.

In the past few days, Yan Ying has visited Jiang Lin twice because she wants to preside over the villa's guarding formation to prevent Jiuyou Ghosts from attacking. The rest of the nursing work is done by Qing'er and the resurrected Gu Mengxue. to do it.

"It's a miracle, a miracle!"

On this day, the doctor from the villa came to check on Jiang Lin's condition again, and found that Jiang Lin's breath and pulse had improved. He was also greatly surprised.

Since he started his medical career, he has treated both mortals and monks. Jiang Lin's situation before can be said to be hopeless.

But now, instead of dying, Jiang Lin has the possibility of surviving.

It really opened his eyes.

Most of the heart is gone, how can I still live here?

Fierce man!

"Doctor, Young Master Jiang's condition has improved?"

"Really? Thank God!"

Qing'er and Gu Mengxue on the side were overjoyed when they heard what the doctor said.

"It's true, I'm going to report to the villa master."

The doctor nodded and left Jiang Lin's room.

"Great, Young Master Jiang is saved!"

"Fortunately, there is help. If there is no help, I won't be able to spare you, Confidence!"

Qing'er glared at Gu Mengxue, but Gu Mengxue didn't argue with her.

After all, Jiang Lin became like this because he went to the Netherworld to save her.

And now that Jiang Lin needs to rest, it is even less possible for her to quarrel with Qing'er here.

"Let me go."

Seeing that Gu Mengxue was going to change Jiang Lin's medicine, Qing'er pushed her aside.

"I said Qing'er, if you stop for a while and bully people again, I will be angry."

At this time, Jiang Lin opened his eyes and sat up with his arms propped up on the bed.

He was really helpless. Bai Miner, Xiaoqian and Fu Qingfeng who had passed the door at home would not complain about each other even if they encountered the same situation.

But Qing'er and Gu Mengxue had never been through the door, which made it a little difficult for him.

"Young Master Jiang!"

"Young Master Jiang, you... you actually woke up?"

Qing'er and Gu Mengxue were both stunned, and they were able to put eggs in their mouths.

Although the doctor said just now that Jiang Lin's condition had improved, but after a while, Jiang Lin actually woke up and was able to sit up.

Is this body made of black iron?

"If I don't wake up again, don't you two have to quarrel?"

Jiang Lin looked at Qing'er and Gu Mengxue, what's so quarrelsome, from now on you two are mine, you have to go home with me!

"How long have I been in a coma? Has Jiuyou Ghost Venerable been here?"

"Young Master Jiang, you've only been in a coma for three days, and Jiuyou Ghost Venerable didn't come."

Qing'er was stunned for a while before answering Jiang Lin's question.

"Jiang... Xiaoyou Jiang?!"

At this time, Yan Ying also came, and when he saw Jiang Lin who had already got out of bed, he even suspected that he had seen a ghost.

Not only him, but also the doctor who came with him kept shaving his eyes.

Mom, is this a scam?

"Master Yan, why are you so surprised to see Jiang Mou? Didn't Jiang Mou say before that he has his own way of recovery?" Jiang Lin smiled and said again, "By the way, it is best for the villa to take precautions, Jiuyou Ghost. I have razed the venerable Old Nest Youwang Palace to the ground, and I have scattered a lot of the congenital essence in its body, if that fellow has cultivated for a while, he will definitely seek revenge at all costs.”

"You...you leveled the Palace of King You? And scattered the innate essence of Jiuyou Ghost Venerable?"

Yan Ying held her head and was stunned again.

Can it be any more outrageous?

I'm going big!

First, the main body of Jiuyou Ghost Zun was separated from the phantom body, and then the palace of the King of You was leveled, and why did he break up the innate essence of Jiuyou Ghost Zun? ? ?

At this moment, Yan Ying even felt that he, Gujian Mountain Villa and even his ancestors were his mother's pustules.

Compared with Jiang Lin, it was a pustule that could no longer be pus.

The key point is that Jiang Lin's cultivation is not as good as him.

"What? Master Yan doesn't know at all?"

Jiang Lin looked at Gu Mengxue, and Gu Mengxue told him that she had been taking care of him for the past few days, and she hadn't had time to tell Yan Ying about things in the Netherworld.

"Jiang Xiaoyou, this time you have a good time to tell me what's going on. How can we say that we have to deal with Jiuyou Ghost Venerable together now. I don't know your strength at all, and I'm not very good at deploying work."

This time, Yan Ying felt that she had to ask. Last time, Jiang Lin said that the separation of the main body and the phantom body of Jiuyou Guizun was luck. Could it be that it was also luck that razed the palace of the King of You and disbanded the innate essence of Guizun?

Only fools believe it!

Jiang Lin basically told Yan Ying about his descent into the Netherworld, including breaking into the ghost town, escaping from the siege of the Ghost Emperor, and taking over the Palace of the King of You.

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