Except for some inconvenient disclosure, Jiang Lin basically did not hide it.

After all, what Yan Ying said made some sense, and now he and Gujian Villa are both at a loss, and it's okay to reveal some strength.

"Jiang Xiaoyou, you...you are really fierce!"

Yan Ying held back this sentence for a long time.

I rely on!

The ghost town was the place where Daluo Immortal Realm was reincarnated. Jiang Lin actually forced his way through it and made a big noise.

This is even fiercer than the palace of the King of You, which leveled the Jiuyou Ghost Venerable.

It's like slamming his mother to open the door - slamming home!

Such violent behavior, Yan Ying was sure that she dared not even think about it.

But Jiang Lin, a little cultivator with a lower cultivation base than him, did it.

However, the most violent thing was that Jiang Lin's heart was gone, and the second uncle's was alive after three days of sleep.

"Young Master Jiang, you are really fierce!"

Qing'er also agreed, looking at Jiang Lin with a pair of beautiful eyes.

Like a little fangirl.

For her, Jiang Lin didn't even dare to think about what Jiang Lin did.

Chapter [-]: Divine Soul Level

"Young Master Jiang, have you entered a ghost town?"

Gu Mengxue clutched her cherry mouth. If Jiang Lin hadn't mentioned this, she would not have known that Jiang Lin had experienced such dangers before arriving at the Palace of King You.

Although Jiuyou Guizun is the overlord of the Netherworld, it is still incomparable compared to the Netherworld Ghost City.

Jiang Lin spread his hands and said, "You can't do it if you don't break in. How about trying to save you?"


Qing'er pursed her lips. When Jiang Lin found Gu Mengxue's soul before, she said that it was to make Gu Mengxue return to the sun, and she really believed it.

Now, in order to save Gu Mengxue, Jiang Lin doesn't even take her life seriously. She doesn't believe it if she wants to save the common people.

Jiang Lin was fascinated by Gu Mengxue.

A blush appeared on Gu Mengxue's face, what Qing'er could think of, she could also think of.

She and Jiang Lin had no interaction before, and now Jiang Lin is trying so desperately to save her, it is probably because of her.

"Cough, Jiang Xiaoyou, let's study how to deal with the next situation. Now that you have woken up, you need to say what kind of recovery strength you need, such as elixir."

Yan Ying didn't let Jiang Lin, Qing'er and Gu Mengxue stage an emotional drama. Now that Jiuyou Ghost Zun has planted such a big somersault in Jiang Lin's hands, he will definitely retaliate against everything.

What's more, Gu Mengxue, the female protagonist, is still in Gujian Mountain Villa. If you think about it with your toes, you can know that it will not take long, and there will definitely be a bloody storm.

"Then Jiang is welcome, I need some elixir containing extremely yin energy."

Jiang Lin really wasn't polite to Yan Ying. He asked for a lot of elixir. There will be a tough battle next, and the battle will definitely not be too long. and corpse poison.

As for the injury on the Taoist body, he has cold marrow and many medicinal materials, so he does not need to ask Yan Ying for it.

Yan Ying heard that all Jiang Lin wanted were some sectarian elixir, but he frowned slightly, but he didn't care, Jiang Lin's masculine spiritual power was definitely not someone who practiced evil arts and walked the evil way. Yin complements Yang.

"I'll let the servants bring it to you, Jiang Xiaoyou. Next, you should cultivate well. As for the defense deployment of the villa, I still need to watch it and strengthen it. If Jiang Xiaoyou has almost recovered, you can go to Zuri Temple. , since you have the means to make Jiuyou Ghost Venerable suffer a loss, we need to work together to deal with that fellow, Yan Ying also ignores the lessons of his ancestors, and will hand over the means of taking advantage of the sun to you."

Leaving this sentence, Yan Ying went to Zuri Hall, and handed Zuri Dafa and Sunrise Ring to outsiders, which violated the ancestral teaching. Even if he was the owner of Gujian Villa, he still needed to gather everyone in the village to hold a meeting to discuss.

When the servants brought the medicinal materials, Jiang Lin let Qing'er and Gu Mengxue leave, and began to concentrate on repairing his wounds and restoring his spiritual power.

If Jiuyou Ghost Venerable came, but he was not in the peak state, then his trip to the Netherworld might be in vain.

Gu Mengxue would still be captured if he couldn't stop Jiuyou Guizun's words.

After another six or seven days, Jiang Lin's injury was completely healed. On the same day, he went to Zuri Temple. Now it is estimated that almost three months have passed in the Netherworld. Although Jiuyou Ghost Zun was severely injured, it took so long. In the past, it must have recovered a lot, and if there is no accident, it should be committed in a day or two.

"Jiang Xiaoyou, your ability to recover really makes Yan Ying ashamed."

When Yan Ying saw Jiang Lin's mental outlook, she really felt ashamed.

Iron body!

"Thanks to Guizhuang's elixir."

Jiang Lin laughed, and then asked, "Master Yan, what's the plan? If you can't kill Jiuyou Ghost Venerable in one fell swoop, the situation will be very unfavorable."

"During this period of time, I was also negotiating countermeasures with everyone in the villa. At present, it is difficult. In fact, I am not afraid of Jiang Xiaoyou's joke. Although our Gujian Villa has taken back the Sunrise Ring, the daily Dafa supporting the Sunrise Ring has been broken. After several generations of inheritance, it is difficult to invoke the power in the Sun-Captured Ring."

Yan Ying shook her head, sighed, and continued: "Although I persuaded the elders of the villa to hand over the Dafa to outsiders, I am afraid that you will not be able to cultivate successfully in a short period of time. The only way now is to use me As a guide, you are the medium, and with the help of the spiritual power of the most just and the sun in your body, forcibly mobilize the power of taking the sun ring as the biggest killing move. However, in this case, if Jiang Xiaoyou's spiritual level is not high , it may cause some damage to your body and spirit, little friend."

"Soul level?"

Jiang Lin frowned slightly. According to Yan Ying's point of view, the level of the soul should be a ruler representing the strength of spiritual thoughts, but he didn't know how to measure it.

"What? Jiang Xiaoyou doesn't know what the soul level is?"

"I really don't know much about this. Jiang's inheritance is mainly the method of spiritual power and physical body."

Jiang Lin deliberately showed a slightly embarrassed expression on his face, but Yan Ying didn't think much about it, and explained to Jiang Lin: "Spirit is the spiritual idea of ​​our cultivator, and it is stored in our spiritual platform, which is the Niwan Palace. This extremely mysterious and ethereal power is divided into four levels: False God, Rainbow Bridge, Palace Building, and Shrine according to the level of strength. Usually, this power is spread throughout the body of a person. The focus is to let it go back to the Niwan Palace, but this process is difficult, so it is necessary to form the spirit of the whole body into a virtual god and build a Hongqiao, in order to truly return to the Niwan Palace, so that we have the ability to use this power. After the spiritual thoughts return to the Niwan Palace, the next step is to rebuild the palace, and finally make the Niwan Palace an immortal shrine. At that time, as long as the thought moves, the golden body can be formed."

"Been taught a lesson."

Jiang Lin nodded. He didn't have the information. Even if he stayed in the monk era, he had never seen such descriptions in ancient books.

However, what Yan Ying said, it is not difficult for him to understand. The False God that Yan Ying said should be the Yin God of the so-called Yin God and Yang God in Middle-earth. As for the shrine, it is estimated that it may be related to the Yang God.

The first thousand four hundred and seventeenth chapters

"It doesn't matter, despite the deployment of the owner, no matter what the level of Jiang's soul, I can still pay the price."

Jiang Lin has no reason not to agree to Yan Ying. Now he has a deadly feud with Jiuyou Ghost Zun. It's not that Jiuyou Ghost Zun died, or that he didn't have a good life.

Therefore, at this moment, even if he paid some price, he had to kill Jiuyou Ghost Venerable.

If you don't solve this guy, there will be risks for him to make breakthroughs in the future.

Jiuyou Ghost Zun is different from the black bear ancestor he had offended, who did not dare to blatantly enter the area inhabited by humans, but Jiuyou Ghost Zun is different.

This thing can hide in the Netherworld, and the obstacles above can't stop it at all.

Moreover, Jiang Lin still has concerns, that is Gu Mengxue, so the current situation does not allow him not to agree.

"Okay! The mission of our Gujian Villa is to kill Jiuyou Ghost Zun. Since Jiang Xiaoyou is willing to agree, then no matter what the result is, Sunlight Ring and Zuri Dafa Yan Ying will lend you to you. It's not a bad idea to give Jiang Xiaoyou these two inherited things from the villa!"

Yan Ying was very happy, but he did not expect Jiang Lin to agree so readily.

"Then little friend Jiang, try to motivate your mind. Let me see what stage your soul level is in. I'm currently on the fourth level of the seventh-level Hongqiao realm. If the gap can be as small as possible, the success rate will be higher."


Jiang Lin squinted his eyes and released his thoughts. This was only the thoughts of his Taoist body. If he was corpse, the strength of the thoughts would be even stronger.

"I drop an ancestor!"

As soon as Yan Ying felt the strength of Jiang Lin's thoughts, he jumped up from the chair.

"You... Although you are still in the False God stage, the density and intensity of your thoughts are comparable to those of the cultivators who are at the second floor of Hongqiao at the level of the soul."

Now Yan Ying really doesn't know what to say, Jiang Lin was a little cultivator in his eyes.

If you don't form alchemy and set foot on the golden elixir avenue, you are not considered a true cultivator.

But it was such a little cultivator who repeatedly shocked him. Not to mention some of Jiang Lin's actions before, just saying that Jiang Lin's soul level was comparable to the second floor of the Hongqiao Realm was enough to shock him.

He has the inheritance of the Ancient Sword Villa, and after cultivating for decades, he has only reached the fourth floor of the Hongqiao Realm.

In his knowledge, Jiang Lin had never exercised his soul.

Is it comparable to the second floor of Hongqiao?

Jiang Lin raised his eyebrows. He knew that his mental strength should not be weak. After all, he had eaten a lot of blood orchid and other spiritual treasures, but he did not expect it to be so strong.

"That's great, little friend Jiang, now as long as you have someone to guide you and guide your spirit to go back to the Niwan Palace and build the Hongqiao, once your soul level reaches the Hongqiao realm, then we will have a much higher success rate against Jiuyou Ghost Venerable."

After the shock, Yan Ying's face showed an ecstatic expression again. This time, God really helped him Gujian Villa.

"That's going to trouble Master Yan."

Jiang Lin nodded, since Yan Ying wanted to help him improve his soul, he was naturally happy.

Yan Ying immediately asked Jiang Lin to sit down on the side, sitting opposite him, and instructing him to sort out his thoughts.

Jiang Lin's mental strength is not weak, but it has always been equivalent to a free-range state. Now, with Yan Ying's guidance, his spiritual thoughts soon formed a false god, and he built it near the Niwan Palace. There are two red and orange rainbow bridges.

For a time, Jiang Lin could even intuitively feel his thoughts, which were much stronger than before.

Afterwards, Yan Ying also struck while the iron was hot, and practiced with Jiang Lin to capture the essence of the great sun in the sun ring.


With the cooperation of the two, the Sun Duo ring suddenly hummed and burst into a strong red light.

Is this the essence of the day?

Jiang Lin felt the essence of sunlight blooming in Duo Sun Ring, and was shocked. When Duo Sun Ring released this essence, the spiritual power in his body almost went out of control, and he almost had to take the initiative to absorb it.

But Yan Ying is still here, Jiang Lin must suppress the impulse of spiritual power in his body.

Once Yan Ying finds out that he intends to use the Sun Capture Ring to capture the origin of the Great Sun in this world, Yan Ying will not give it to him no matter what.

Although Yan Ying is Zhong Kui's phantom body, she is now an independent individual with her own thoughts. Besides, Zhong Kui has also said that he is not allowed to tell Yan Ying.

Therefore, Jiang Lin would rather wait for the completion of the matter, and then make plans after obtaining the Sunshine Ring.

He will never do anything that is too small.

"It really works!"

Yan Ying was very excited, and things went much smoother than he expected.

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