But at this moment, the sky outside Zuri Church suddenly darkened.

"Hey, why is the sky getting darker? It's still early before sunset."

Yan Ying felt a little strange. Today was originally a cloudless sunny day. Even if the weather changed drastically and dark clouds appeared, it would not be so dark.

"It's not that the sky is darkening, it should be a natural phenomenon."

Jiang Lin immediately felt something was wrong. There was a lot of evil power in the shadows outside Zuri Hall, and he sensed it.

"This is the overcast sun, a harbinger of an impending catastrophe!"

Yan Ying ran outside the hall, looking at the solar eclipse in mid-air, her face suddenly sank.

The sun was overcast, and the demons danced wildly. If Jiuyou Ghost Zunxuan raided their ancient sword villa at this time, I am afraid the situation would be in trouble.

As soon as Yan Ying's thought of worry appeared, a roaring wind appeared outside Gujian Villa, like countless lonely and wild ghosts howling together.

"Villager, it's not good! Jiuyou Ghost Venerable tore the cracks in the space outside the villa, bringing out thousands of Specter, and they have already surrounded the villa."

At this time, the guards around the villa rushed into the Zuri Hall to report the situation outside to Yan Ying.

Jiuyou Guizun was silent for about ten days, and finally began to move. He brought thousands of ghosts and souls under his command to kill Gujian Villa.

"Defend! Activate the protection barrier immediately!"

Yan Ying gave the guard a death order, and now he and Jiang Lin still need to work on the matter of invoking the power of Seizing the Sun, and it must not be interrupted.

Is this phenomenon overcast?Or is it an omen of catastrophe?

The system seems to be quite reliable.

Jiang Lin nodded slightly, but immediately, his eyebrows began to twitch.

The current situation, because of the sudden changes in the weather, has become unfavorable for them.

The sun is overcast, the sky is dark, and a lot of evil spirits emerge, which can make ghosts in the underworld appear in the daytime. To what extent does this kind of vision increase?

Chapter [*] I have never seen such a brazen ghost

"Jiang Xiaoyou, the situation has changed now, and the weather is not here with us, so we have to run in a few more times. Only by exerting the power of the Sunshine Ring to a greater extent can we regain the disadvantage. If it can go as smoothly as before, I believe it may not be difficult to kill Jiuyou Ghost Venerable."

"I know, go ahead."

Jiang Lin nodded. Although he has the immortal artifact and the precious intentions that have not appeared yet, if he is inclined first today, he will have no bottom in his heart.

Therefore, even if Yan Ying doesn't say anything, Jiang Lin will take the initiative to make a run-in.

Not long after, the next person came to report again, and the situation was not optimistic.

"You just need to keep it! Now is the juncture of our Gujian Villa's life and death. Under the nest, no one has finished the egg! Give me all my work! There is no need to report again!"

Yan Ying directly yelled at the next person, and now he is also anxious, but at this moment, he cannot bear to be anxious.

Now, the entire Gujian Villa's hands are on the outer wall, holding bows and arrows and shooting at the attacking ghosts.

Although there is a protective barrier around the villa, there is a Jiuyou Ghost Venerable on the opposite side. The Jiuyou Ghost Venerable cannot destroy the barrier in a short period of time, but it can bombard it with all its strength, causing cracks in the barrier and allowing all the ghosts under his command to get in. Chance.

Many guards in the villa were torn to pieces by the ghosts that broke in.

The battle was very brutal.

"Okay, once the opportunity is seized, it should make Jiuyou Ghost Venerable suffer a huge loss, Jiang Xiaoyou, let's hurry over."

Two hours later, Yan Ying was sweating profusely, and quickly got up and asked Jiang Lin to go to the front line with him.

After many times of running in, he and Jiang Lin have been able to cooperate to mobilize most of the power in the Sun-Winning Ring.


Jiang Lin did not delay at all, and ran to the inner perimeter of the villa with Yan Ying.

"Young Master Jiang!"

"Qing'er? Why did you come out? Go back to my room and stay there!"

Jiang Lin's face changed when he saw Qing'er who was dealing with ghosts. No matter what he said, this girl said that she would not leave, and if she didn't leave, she would not leave. Now she has taken the initiative to come to the front line.

"Qing'er also has some means, and can help the son a little."

Qing'er pouted and said that she couldn't help at all against Jiuyou Ghostly Venerable, but now that Jiuyou Ghostly Venerable hadn't come in yet, she was not afraid to deal with some ferocious ghosts and even ghost generals.

"Go back! If you don't go back, I'll take you now."

Jiang Lin put on a cold face, if something happened to Qing'er, it wasn't enough for him to feel distressed.

Seeing Jiang Lin's resolute attitude, Qing'er stuck out her tongue and backed away.

"Master Yan, let's do it together, I'll be in charge of the east, and the west will be left to you."

After Qing'er left, Jiang Lin rushed out first. He didn't use any Yang Finger Qi or Sword Qi at all. He directly released the Yang Yan in his body and turned himself into a fireball.

Directly hitting someone with the ball, no, it should be hitting a ghost.

This can also avoid accidentally hurting the guards who are fighting with many ghosts.

The ghosts that got in, no matter if they were serious ghost generals or a small number of ghost kings, as long as they were targeted by Jiang Lin, they would basically inevitably end up in disarray.

Not only is the soul flying away, but it is also flying very fast.

Jiang Lin is just like dungeon racing, there is no extra operation at all.

Up is the second strange.

"I'll drop a darling!"

Yan Ying, who was killing ghosts in the west, saw Jiang Lin's violent behavior, and her eyes were about to fall out.

He knew that the spiritual power in Jiang Lin's body had the characteristic of reaching the sun, but he didn't know that there was flame in Jiang Lin's body.

Jiang Lin killed ghosts much faster than him.

For a while, the morale of Gujian Villa was boosted by the addition of Jiang Lin.

They worked hard to defend, and they were able to resist the offensive of those ghosts. As a result, when Jiang Lin arrived, he cleaned up most of the ghosts.

For the guards, these guys are not ordinary, their bodies are erratic, their attacks always fail, and they are also stolen.

But Jiang Lin didn't give these ghosts a chance to dodge.

"Miscellaneous! I want you to cramp and skin, make your head a wine barrel, and light an oil lamp with your soul! All my followers, give me a desperate charge!"

Jianglin became the most eye-catching sight in the villa, of course, was discovered by Jiuyou Ghost Zun outside the villa.

Seeing Jiang Lin, Jiuyou Ghost Zun was trembling and angry as if he saw the enemy who killed his father.

It will never forget that in one day, the little cultivator Jiang Lin got three consecutive plantations.

He couldn't forget that the female bride he had captured was snatched away by Jiang Lin.

"Yo, it turns out that you are a ghost dog, what's wrong? The nest in the underworld is gone, and you want to rob someone else's nest?"

Jiang Lin hovered in mid-air, looking at Jiuyou Ghost Venerable across the air, he showed no mercy at all.

In fact, this is also his intention to anger Jiuyou Ghost Venerable. The enchantment of Gujian Villa can't completely block Jiuyou Ghost Venerable and so many ghosts, but in a short time, Jiuyou Ghost Venerable can't get in at this level.

But if time drags on, with these thousands of ghost helpers, the barrier will be broken sooner or later.

Instead of letting those ghosts exert their power, it is better to let Jiuyou Ghost Zun consume himself and break in desperately.

It's no use dragging it hard.

This is Jiang Lin's consideration.

Sure enough, as soon as Jiang Lin exposed Jiuyou Ghost Venerable's scar, he made it jump completely.

"Little bastard, today this deity will not let you shatter your bones, and this deity will have no face to stand in the underworld!"

"It's like you really have a face."

Jiang Lin's face was full of disgust and contempt, and then he said to the people in the villa behind: "Do you know? I have never seen such a shameless ghost in my life! It's really shameless! It was flattened by a small character like me, and the bride was also robbed by me, and now the deity is still there, it is really shameless!"

"Ha ha……"

"I'm going, so I'm really shameless, haha..."

"The bereaved ghost dog, my fucking stomach hurts from laughing!"

"I have never seen such a brazen ghost. The nest is gone, the bride is robbed, the top of her head is already green, and she is still there."

After Jiang Lin showed off his taunting skills, Gujian Villa burst into laughter, and many people added fuel to it.

The group mocked Jiuyou Ghost Venerable.

They are already enemies of life and death, and those who have a habit of poisonous tongues will of course have a good time.


Jiuyou Ghost Zun burst out with a sharp ghost whistling that he had never seen before, and his entire ghost body was completely deformed.

"You still have Jiuyou Ghost Venerable, you are really shameless, your home was stolen by me, and the bride was taken back to the room by me, why didn't you settle the account with me? Now barking here, is it useful? Incompetent and furious, Is it useful! If I were you, I would burn myself to death. Hurry up and kill myself, and see you, a shameless old thief, and you will smear my eyes!"

Jiang Lin waved his hand, learning how Zhuge scolded Wang Lang in the TV series, and tried his best to disgust Jiuyou Guizun.


The voice of Jiuyou Guizun Guixiao was deformed, and the phantom body he finally merged with was separated again.

This time, it was not attacked by any means, but was actually angered like this.

The first thousand four hundred and nineteenth chapter

"Jiuyou ghost dog, this incompetence is a lifetime thing, and the bride has to sleep with others."

Jiang Lin continued to engage in the mentality of Jiuyou Guizun, and at the same time transmitted the sound to Yan Ying to prepare him.

Now Jiuyou Ghost Zun is furious to the extreme. Once this guy smashes the barrier, Yan Ying quickly repairs the barrier and locks Jiuyou Ghost Zun.

Now Jiang Lin doesn't have to protect Gu Mengxue, he believes that even if he takes all the hatred of Jiuyou Ghost Venerable on himself, he can still walk the dog to delay the time.

As long as Yan Ying's deployment is completed, Jiuyou Ghost Zun will be shut down by him, Yan Ying and others to beat the dog.

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