However, this is also equivalent to breaking the cauldron and sinking the boat. If Jiuyou Guizun can't get out, he can only live with them forever.

Today, between them and Jiuyou Ghost Venerable, there is a situation where you die or I die.

"Get out! Get out of here with me!"

Jiuyou Ghost Venerable's mentality was completely blown up. He didn't let the ghosts under his command break through the enchantment.

"Open for me! Open! Open!"

Jiuyou Ghost Zun, whose mentality collapsed, did not spare his strength at all, and frantically bombarded the protective barrier of Gujian Mountain Villa.

Now that the sun is overcast, I don't know how long it will last, anyway, at least the day will not end the next day.

Therefore, Jiuyou Guizun is not worried about the Sunlight Ring owned by Gujian Mountain Villa. Without the supply of sunlight, it does not need to be too afraid.

The only thing it wants to do now is to completely destroy the little bastard Jiang Lin.

After half an hour of blasting, Jiuyou Ghost Zun shattered the enchantment.

"Chopsticks, give me your life!"

After smashing the barrier, Jiuyou Ghost Venerable stared at Jiang Lin with a very vicious look, wishing to chew Jiang Lin into pieces.

"I accept you Amu!"

Jiang Lin's body suddenly appeared behind Jiuyou Ghost Venerable, holding an immortal staff in both hands, and rammed a stick on Jiuyou Ghost Venerable's forehead.

As early as when Jiuyou Ghost Venerable's attention was on the enchantment, Jiang Lin was ready.

Or the ever-changing and stealthy plus telekinetic incarnation.


Jiang Lin went down with this stick, and directly swept the eyes of Jiuyou Ghost Zun into Venus.

"Shameless ghost dog, what do you call? The bride was taken away by me, what are you doing here?"

After ramming the Jiuyou Ghost Zun with a stick, Jiang Lin came again with a poisonous tongue.

However, Jiang Lin's backhand was not as simple as a venomous tongue. A three-legged golden crow suddenly appeared behind him, spreading his wings to gather the Nine Nether Ghosts in the middle.

After trapping Jiuyou Ghost Zun with three-legged golden crows, Jiang Lin took Wuji Magnetic Mountain out to protect his body. When he was in the Netherworld, he suffered from Jiuyou Ghost Zun, and now he has to guard against it. .

As for revealing the immortal artifact he owns, Jiang Lin is not too worried, Yan Ying is also the transformation of Zhong Kui's phantom body, so he will not be interested in seeing the treasure.

After taking precautions, Jiang Lin took advantage of this short period of time to have a piling output.

Twist and you're done.

Jiuyou Ghost Zun's head was like a wooden fish, and was slapped hard by Jiang Lin with a stick.

"Jiuyou Ghost Zun, you shameless, good cow 13."

While knocking on the wooden fish, Jiang Lin extended his arm and slapped Jiuyou Ghost Zun on the face.

"Good cow 13 Oh you!"

While slapping Jiuyou Guizun's grimace, Jiang Lin was still frantic.

I drop an ancestor!

Yan Ying and the people at Gujian Villa all stared at each other like a calf.

This Jiuyou Ghost Zun is the life and death enemy of their ancient sword villa, and now he has just broken through the protection barrier of the villa, and was smashed by Jiang Lin in the head and his face.

So fucking dreamy!

Not to mention Gujian Villa, the ghosts that haven't come in from outside are all stunned.

"Don't waste time! I'm pulling this fellow's hatred now, please fix the barrier!"

Jiang Lin's voice sounded in Yan Ying's heart, which made Yan Ying recover from the daze, and then he quickly started to repair the protective barrier of the villa.

"My name is Nima Maipi!"

Jiuyou Guizun's mentality had already collapsed, and this was ridiculed by Jiang Lin's face-to-face output, which was a collapse on top of collapse.


A loud noise came out, and Jiuyou Ghost Zun broke through the Golden Crow's cage and directly opened his mouth to bite Jiang Lin.

Now he only had one thought, and he tore Jiang Lin with his teeth.

Although Jiuyou Ghost Venerable's speed was very fast, Jiang Lin had been prepared for a long time. As soon as the cage was broken, he flew away with the Huayuan Escape Technique.

"Dog, dog, you are a real dog, you will bite."

Jiang Lin escaped ten meters away, and came back with another hand, and slapped Jiuyou Ghost Zun's face with a slap.

After taking out this hand, Jiang Lin will no longer wave.

Now that Jiuyou Ghost Venerable's hatred value has been pulled to the top by him, he has to defend with all his strength.

Jiuyou Guizun screamed, his eyes were filled with blood, and he continued to pursue Jiang Lin.

But although Jiang Lin is not the opponent of Jiuyou Ghost Venerable, but now he is at a low altitude, which gives him a place to take advantage of. He can still do it like a dog for a while.

Teleportation, stealth, ever-changing, plus the Huayuan escape technique and the evasion escape technique, Jianglin is more slippery than loach and catfish.

If Jiuyou Ghost Venerable can keep a calm mind, it would be better to catch him, but now, Jiuyou Ghost Venerable has completely fallen into a rampant state, and if he wants to catch Jiang Lin in a short time, there is no way.

While Jianglin was attracting firepower, Yan Ying also let the villa guards desperately kill the swarms of ghosts, while she went to the side to use her whole body's spiritual power to repair the enchantment of the villa.

If Jiang Lin hadn't completely attracted Jiuyou Ghost Venerable's attention, I'm afraid he would have been discovered once he made such a move.

In a full quarter of an hour, Yan Yingcai repaired the enchantment, and then he took down the sunbow on his back and spared no effort to kill those ghosts.

The protective barrier has been shattered once, and even if Yan Ying has repaired it, it will not be as good as before.

So now he wants to eliminate these minions as much as possible, and make Jiuyou Ghost Zun become a bare commander.


Jiang Lin, who was frantically chased and killed by Jiuyou Ghost Zun, spat out a mouthful of blood. After all, he couldn't even reach the Dan, and walking the Jiuyou Ghost Zun like a dog for so long was already his maximum limit.

In the previous process of avoiding the flash, sometimes he had to take the attack of Jiuyou Ghost Venerable. Even with the protection of Wuji Magnetic Mountain, he was seriously injured.

Jiang Lin flashed to the empty courtyard wall, and then when he was trying to grab Jiuyou Ghost Zun's palm, he stomped on Jiuyou Ghost Zun's abdomen and teleported again.

Jiuyou Ghost Zun continued to pursue, seeing that he was about to catch up, but Jiang Lin stomped his foot on the courtyard wall, and the whole person disappeared.

Jiuyou Guizun still doesn't know that Yan Ying has repaired the enchantment of protecting the villa and completely locked him in the villa.

"Did I go to you!"

Jiang Lin used his strength to teleport behind Jiuyou Ghost Venerable, and hit him with another stick.

Still knocking on Jiuyou Ghost Zun's forehead.

Jiuyou Ghost Venerable was rammed to the ground, knocking the ground into a big hole.

It climbed up and looked around, and its face suddenly became gloomy. Now, in this situation, it has become a turtle in a urn.


Jiang Lin wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood. This time, it's up to them and Jiuyou Ghost Venerable, who can have the last laugh.

The first thousand four hundred and twenty chapters kill the ghost! (superior)

"Chopsticks, you are bashing me!"

Jiuyou Ghost Zun's grimace is as cold as ten thousand years of ice, which was originally a good situation, but now there are only three or two big cats and kittens left under his subordinates.

The protective barrier of the village has also been repaired, and it takes a lot of effort to get it out.

"What about you, Yin? Are you biting me?"

Jiang Lin sneered, this Nine Nether Ghost Venerable is also a faceless ghost in the Netherworld, but today he was walked like a dog again, and he was also caught in his trap.

There was nothing left of the face.

"Do you think you can get the deity in this way?"

"It's not up to you to decide if you can. Zhuang Yan, Jiang asked himself if he still has some means, so let's create opportunities for you to attack."

Jiang Lin turned his head and said to Yan Ying, and then let the spiritual power in his body work, causing the whole body to emit profound light.

Now he needs to confront Jiuyou Ghost Venerable head-on, in exchange for the opportunity to allow Yan Ying to attack from a distance. He has Wuji Magnetic Mountain to protect him. If Jiuyou Ghost Venerable wants to hurt him, he must pay a price.

"Idiot, since you don't run away anymore, the deity will make you smashed to pieces!"

Looking at Jiang Lin rushing towards him, a sneer appeared on Jiuyou Ghost Venerable's face. If Jiang Lin continued to jump and slip, he might live a little longer. Now, he dares to face it head-on.

act recklessly!

"Jiang Xiaoyou, Yan Ying will not hold you back!"

When Yan Ying saw Jiang Lin took the initiative to confront Jiuyou Ghost Venerable, his admiration for Jiang Lin became even stronger.

"There is no limit to the world, only the mind is the only spirit!"

Yan Ying casts eighteen arrows to fly in the air. He had already discovered Jiang Lin's shortcomings before. Jiang Lin has a big weakness in the air, and if he can't take advantage of it, he can easily become a target.

The arrows he shot were for Jiang Lin's help.

The villa guards who eliminated the ghosts also lined up in the open space, drawing their bows in unison, aiming at Jiuyou Ghost Venerable.

Jiang Lin stepped on the sun-golden wheel, the Promise Magnetic Mountain above his head, holding a fairy staff in one hand, a thunder pestle in the other, and the bone sword was still flying behind him, ready to harass Jiuyou Ghost Venerable.

What he has to do now is to be a tank tank and an excellent support teammate.

Jiuyou Ghost Zun stepped back more than ten feet, squinted his eyes, and glanced at Jiang Lin and the Yan Ying people below.

After thinking about it for a while, it still absolutely must deal with Yan Ying and the others first, otherwise it will suffer a big loss if it is not careful.

Although Jiang Lin gave it a yin, it still didn't take Jiang Lin seriously. Compared with Jiang Lin, Yan Ying and others threatened it more.

"What are you thinking about?"

Jiang Lin sneered, bit his index finger and drew a magic talisman in the palm of his hand, and then put it out.

As soon as the spiritual power spewed out, one after another radiant amulet quickly spread out, surrounding him and Jiuyou Ghost Venerable in the center.

As soon as these light and shadow talismans went out, the spiritual power in Jiang Lin's body dropped by half. He took out a jar from his arms and gulped down the cold marrow to replenish his spiritual power.

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