The strength of this Jiuyou Ghost Venerable is much stronger than that of Fei Zong of the year, and it can recharge a lot of strength for him.


Now, where does Jiuyou Ghost Venerable dare to have the slightest revenge, and just run away.

However, the protective barrier of Gujian Mountain Villa has been sealed long ago, and there are backers arranged by Jiang Lin, so it has nowhere to escape.

Even if there is a sky like the sun, but it has lost two lives in a row, the sky can't save it.

After Jiuyou Guizun was ravaged by Baoyi and vented his anger, Jiang Lin directly slammed the real fire of the sun and dissipated the smoke of Jiuyou Guizun's burning.

"Pop! Kill the ghost and get [*] points of anger."

In Jiang Lin's mind came the system's prompt sound, Jiuyou Ghost Zun, a powerful ghost Zun, was completely wiped out by Jiang Lin.

Chapter [*] What does wife mean?

Three hundred and forty thousand?

He is so fat.

Jiang Lin was quite surprised that the suffocation value obtained by killing Jiuyou Ghost Venerable was actually higher than the Fei Zong it killed back then.

"Destroyed! Jiuyou Ghost Venerable is finally destroyed!"

Yan Ying roared loudly. After so many twists and turns, Jiuyou Ghost Zun was completely wiped out.

Three times, three kills.

This time, in Gujian Villa, the guards whose emotions were suppressed also burst out with strange screams that were almost insane.

It's so hard, it's so hard.

After several twists and turns, they finally won, and they didn't have to be beheaded by Jiuyou Ghost Venerable.

"How's it going? Ben Xian... This girl is going to go out and do both."

Baoyi clapped the ghostly energy on his hands and came to Jiang Lin's side to show off to him.

"You have locked me up for so long, and you have to pay for my mental damage."

"You are all fat again, and I will give you a pig."

Jiang Lin rolled his eyes, and then while Baoyi was not paying attention, he pointed at her forehead.

Let me in again.

"Damn, what are you doing to me?"

After Baoyi was put into the ancient mirror, she shouted loudly.

It's too much, let her out when she has work, and stuff her back when she's done.

"Who made you look so handsome?"

Jiang Lin shrugged. He wasn't going to let Bao Yi come out until he completely entered the core urban area of ​​the human beings in this world.

"Smelly Jianglin, damn fat man! You super bastard!"

"Be quiet!"

Jiang Lin pointed directly on the ancient mirror, blocking Baoyi's voice.

"Friend Jiang, this time is really thanks to you."

At this time, Yan Ying came to Jiang Lin and bowed deeply to Jiang Lin. Now, his name for Jiang Lin has changed.

If Jiang Lin hadn't played a major role this time, I'm afraid their Gujian Villa would have been wiped out.

Jiang Lin smiled and said, "Everyone is prosperous, and one is lost."

"Fellow Daoist, you should rest for the past few days. When your injury heals, our Gujian Villa will hold a grand banquet to celebrate you, fellow Daoist."

Yan Ying didn't say much, no matter how fierce Jiang Lin was, the wound on his body was not for display, so he let Jiang Lin feel at ease to heal his wounds.

As for the Sunshine Ring and Daily Dafa that Jiang Lin needed, he also promised to deliver it as promised.

Jiang Lin nodded, and now he really can't hold it anymore. There is a bucket-sized blood hole in his abdomen. He has been able to support it to the limit now.

"Jiang Gongzi, has Jiuyou Ghost Venerable been destroyed? Why are you injured so badly?"

Qing'er rushed out when she heard Jiang Lin's footsteps. Seeing Jiang Lin's blood stained body, she was heartbroken to death.

She had never known the situation of the battle in the open space of the villa. After all, Jiang Lin was working hard on the front line. If she distracted Jiang Lin in the past, it might put Jiang Lin's life in danger.

Gu Mengxue also walked out of the room, also frowning.

Even if she didn't have any feelings for Jiang Lin, she still felt distressed.

Jiang Lin provoked Jiuyou Ghost Venerable, mostly because of her.

"Fortunately. The fellow of Jiuyou Ghost Zun has been destroyed, and the price is not a loss. You two, take care of me while I am recovering."

Jiang Lin was not polite to Qing’er and Gu Mengxue, Qing’er already had feelings for him, and as for Gu Mengxue, he owed his kindness.

For the next seven or eight days, Jiang Lin was recuperating in Gujian Mountain Villa. During this period of time, he suffered heavy losses one after another. Even if his vitality was strong, he could not bear it.

"Young Master Jiang, is your injury okay?"

On this day, Gu Mengxue walked into Jiang Lin's room with a medicine bowl, and she was relieved to see that Jiang Lin had woken up.

"Young Master, Mengxue will keep your great kindness and virtue in mind."

Putting the medicine bowl aside, Gu Mengxue will bend her knees to kneel to Jiang Lin. She can completely get rid of the clutches of Jiuyou Ghost Venerable, all relying on Jiang Lin.

During this time, she also learned about the situation at the time from the guards of the villa, and the safety of the villa and her was exchanged by Jiang Lin.

However, before Gu Mengxue knelt down, Jiang Lin lifted her hand up.

Unless it's something that should kneel, Jiang Lin generally doesn't have the liking for people to kneel for him.

"I don't know if Master Yan told you that you used to be a Sunshine Yangnv and had a relationship with Jiuyou Ghost Venerable. Later, in order to escape from the devil, Yangnv differentiated herself into many individuals, and you are the main body of Yangnv. Now that Jiuyou Ghost Venerable has been destroyed, I need your cooperation to find Yangnv's other phantom bodies."

"I don't know about this Mengxue yet, but since Mengxue was rescued by Young Master Jiang, what needs to be done by Young Master Jiang is what Young Master Jiang ordered."

Gu Mengxue's eyes dimmed, it turned out that Jiang Lin had other plans to save her.

It may be the same as Jiuyou Ghost Venerable's intention.

However, her thoughts were only fleeting. Since Jiang Lin was willing to put his life and death aside in order to save her, it was reasonable to have a plan.

She received Jiang Lin's great favor, so naturally she would not disobey.

Jiang Lin didn't tell Gu Mengxue that Yang Nv's two phantoms were his wife. Gu Mengxue would naturally know in the future, and he could give her a surprise at that time.

"Young Master Jiang, Meng Xue has always had doubts. In front of the Palace of King You, you said that Jiuyou Ghost Zun robbed your wife. What does your wife mean?"

"Cough cough..."

Jiang Linyin almost choked out the decoction and coughed twice, he forgot what he said.

However, it seems that there is no word "wife" in Da Luo Xianjie.

What does wife mean?

Jiang Lin rolled his eyes and said, "Wife, it means friend. It's a slang term from my hometown, referring to a female friend. You are my wife."

Since Gu Mengxue didn't know what it meant, Jiang Lin clearly took advantage of Gu Mengxue.

Gu Mengxue blinked her eyes and looked at Jiang Lin, her face gradually flushed, she said, "Young Master, you coax people. Wife... Wife seems to mean Madam."

I go!You know what it means, and you came over and asked me on purpose?

Jiang Lin looked at Gu Mengxue with a shy face, and was a little lost for a while.

He really misses his wife.

After moving his footsteps, Jiang Lin wanted to take Gu Mengxue into his arms.

Gu Mengxue's face turned even redder, she quickly stepped back, and said, "Young Master Jiang, can't call someone like that, you're a big girl."

After saying this, Gu Mengxue found a reason and ran out like a deer.

"If you don't call it now, you will have to call it later."

Jiang Lin smiled, since Gu Mengxue had such a young daughter attitude, then the title of "wife", Gu Mengxue definitely didn't run away.

The first thousand four hundred and twenty-four chapters go to the underworld

Seeing that it was still early, Jiang Lin planned to go to the Netherworld again to find Zhong Kui. Now that his injury has healed, and the sun had been overcast before, he said that the calamity should come soon, and he could continue to set off. .

But before that, I have to see Zhong Kui. Zhong Kui said last time that he had something to do with him.

"Young Master Jiang, what are you laughing at?"

At this time, Qing'er entered the room with the food table, and looked at Jiang Lin with her small mouth.

She had met Gu Mengxue with a blushing face outside just now, but now Jiang Lin is laughing here again, maybe she is flirting with Gu Mengxue.

"Because I know you're coming, Qing'er, I'm not smiling, am I still worried?"


Qing'er's cheeks flushed red, and she angered Jiang Lin.

"Qing'er, I will go to the Netherworld again. I have some personal matters. I guess I will be back before the evening. If the owner of Yanzhuang asks, you can explain it to him."

"You still want to go to the Netherworld?"

Qing'er frowned immediately. The last time Jiang Lin went to the Netherworld, he almost lost his life. This injury is just right, and he has to go again.

"Don't worry, I need to go to the ghost town to check some things, and I won't encounter any danger."

Jiang Lin gave Qing'er a reassuring look, and then took out the Netherworld token.

"Don't go yet. Eat something. I've been stewing for a long time. If I know you'll wake up today, I'll cook more."

"Okay, I was in a coma before, I didn't compare Qing'er with your wife's craftsmanship."

Since Qing'er had cooked the love meal, Jiang Lin didn't leave immediately.

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