"She... what's her name? Is she also a fox demon?"

Qing'er held her chin and looked at Jiang Lin. She wanted to know the name of Jiang Lin's lady who looked exactly like her, and also wanted to know if she was the same as her.

If it is also a fox demon, it may be her long-lost sister.

"Her name is Bai Min'er. She is a human being. You should meet in the future. I found her a twin sister."

Jiang Lin blinked at Qing'er and hinted at what he meant.

"Who... Who is going to meet her? People are just curious."

Qing'er was embarrassed by Jiang Lin's hint, and quickly said that she was going to the back kitchen to help, and slipped out with a blushing face.

I really have to ask Zhong Kui what is going on here.

Jiang Lin recalled the doubts in his heart again, could Qing'er and Bai Min'er really be twins?

Shaking his head, he used the token to open up the Netherworld passage and descend into the Netherworld Realm.

This time, Jiang Lin landed directly in front of the city wall of the ghost city, and showed his token. The sneaky guard of the city stopped making trouble and took him in directly.

Although Jiang Lin made a lot of noise in the ghost town last time, and also killed a lot of sneaky guards, but since Zhong Kui knew Jiang Lin, it was a very simple matter to settle down.

Moreover, Zhong Kui has also ordered that any underworld officials should not embarrass Jiang Lin any more. Once Jiang Lin comes to find him, he will directly take him to his judge's hall.

Led by the sneak, Jiang Lin soon arrived at Zhong Kui's Nether Hall.

Zhong Kui retreated from the surrounding men, and said to Jiang Lin with a smile: "Jiang Zhang, don't come here, I can hear some of Jiuyou Guizun's minions say that the servant has been killed. It's alright. Luo Xianjie, Jiang Zhangsi, you are still so fierce. In the past, with the cultivation of the Celestial Master level, you could smash the dead and seal the demon, and you will directly kill the ghost when you get here. It is gold, and it will shine wherever it goes."

"Judge Zhong's words are serious, it's just luck. You can be the boss in the reincarnation place of Da Luo Xianjie, even like Judge Zhong."

Jiang Lin and Zhong Kui came to a wave of business exchanges.

Zhong Kui bragged about Jiang Lin, that was because his next plan needed to be implemented by Jiang Lin.

In addition to this purpose, Jiang Lin's own abilities are indeed worthy of his praise.

Knowing Jiang Lin's past deeds, even if Zhong Kui is one of the four civil and military judges, he is not easy to take it.

After all, Jiang Lin was someone who even the Ksitigarbha King had to personally come forward to help clear the siege.

And Jiang Lin blows Zhong Kui, that also has his own ideas.

He came to the Daluo Immortal Realm. Apart from Baoyi, he could be said to have no relatives. If there is no one who knows him, with his cultivation realm, he wants to go smoothly in this world, it will be a little difficult.

Since Zhong Kui, the "compatriot", is here, if he doesn't make friends, he will not be able to do things.

"Okay, we all know the bottom line, so don't brag about each other."

Zhong Kui shook his head with a smile, and directly explained his intention to Jiang Lin: "To be honest, I asked you to come down again because I had something to help you, and you are the best candidate. Let's open the skylight and speak up. ."

"Judge Zhong, please tell me, you and I are both fellow villagers and colleagues. If you need any help from me, as long as Jiang can do his best, he will not refuse."

If it was in Middle-earth, facing Judge Lu or other judges, Jiang Lin would definitely not agree so readily.

With his character, if he doesn't get any benefits, or asks the reason clearly, it's not possible for him to agree directly.

But in Daluo Immortal Realm, he doesn't engage in so many moths.

Zhong Kui's status in the underworld is not low. If he is like the past, it will be a little inappropriate.

"Okay, Director Jiang is also a cheerful person. Then I'll say it straight, I need you to supervise eight people in a county town and let them die. After they die, they will inevitably cause trouble. At that time, it's you. When it comes into play, you have to use the means of concealing the sky and crossing the sea to smash the souls of the eight of them. But it is not really to make them smashed, the purpose is to eliminate their karma. "

Zhong Kui told Jiang Lin what he asked Jiang Lin to do.

"Please also ask Judge Zhong to elaborate."

Jiang Lin was a little strange. If he really wanted to eliminate his karma, he could just find someone, there was no need to find him at all.

Looking at what Zhong Kui meant, it seemed that if he handed this matter over to others, he would not be relieved enough.

Zhong Kui took a sip of tea and pondered for a while before explaining: "It's a long story to talk about in detail. Chief Jiang, you probably don't know that there is still a heaven in the Daluo Immortal Realm?"

"Heavenly Court? Da Luo Immortal Realm actually has a Heavenly Court?"

Jiang Lin's eyes widened, he really didn't know the information Zhong Kui said.

If there is a Heavenly Court in Daluo Immortal Realm, doesn't that mean that there are still Heavenly Immortals?So does the Heavenly Court here have anything to do with the Upper Realm of Middle-earth?

For a time, Jiang Lin thought a lot.

He couldn't help but think about it. He was a man who carried the fairy to the bed and warmed the bed. If Heavenly Court knew of his existence, he would not have to think about the consequences.

In addition to Chi Xiaoyu who warmed his bed, Baoyi, the fairy, was also used by him as a personal bodyguard.

Headache, Headache!

Jiang Lin felt that he was a big head and two big ones, so he got rid of a demon ancestor and killed a ghost master. At this moment, Zhong Kui told him that there is a heaven in the Daluo Immortal Realm.

What the hell is this!

Chapter [-] This risk is a bit big

"Actually, it's not a real heaven, it's just that there are no tigers in the mountains, and monkeys are just kings. Daluo Xianjie was originally a corner of the upper realm on our side. Later, the gods were beaten and separated, forming today's Daluo Immortal world. Many years ago, an immortal named Wutian gathered the immortals of this world and forcibly pulled out the celestial spirit energy from the Daluo Immortal Realm and gathered it in the sky above this world, forming a cloud palace. Because the Daluo Immortal Realm has long since left In our world, there is no heaven to establish its own heaven, to formulate the heavenly rules, and to govern the Daluo Immortal Realm."

"It turned out to be an independent heaven."

Hearing this, Jiang Lin breathed a sigh of relief. The Heavenly Court of Daluo Immortal Realm is not the same as the Upper Realm of Middle Earth World.

Zhong Kui continued: "Hundreds of years ago, I received a mission from the Ksitigarbha King to travel through all walks of life to find the Daluo Immortal Realm, and occupied the Netherworld to manage the reincarnation of the living beings in the Daluo Immortal Realm. But this is only the first step, in the end The purpose is to seize the power of heaven."

Seeing the look of doubt on Jiang Lin's face, Zhong Kui explained: "I think Zhang Zhang, you should have heard from the judge that there will be a catastrophe in the world. We seized this heavenly court to prevent the catastrophe from taking the Daluo Immortal Realm as the cause. Springboard, for our side."

Afterwards, Zhong Kui told Jiang Lin that the eight people he mentioned earlier were originally his confidants and had already entered the heavenly court. Let them never turn around again.

Zhong Kui has no better way to deal with this kind of thing. After all, with the power of the Netherworld, he can't confront Heavenly Court head-on.

Even if you want to intervene, you can't avoid the eyes and ears of the heaven.

And Jiang Lin, an outsider who broke the world, can perfectly solve this problem.

Not only is Jiang Lin not from the Da Luo Immortal Realm, but he is also a corpse, so it is difficult to check with the eyes of the sky.

Once Jiang Lin takes action and destroys the karma on those eight people, they will be able to break free from the restraints of the heavenly court, enter the Netherworld, and become the helpers of the Netherworld Ghost City.

It's a bit of a risk.

Jiang Lin pinched his chin and thought carefully. If he agreed to Zhong Kui's help, then the risk he took would not be small.

Now the ghost city of the nether world and the heavenly court of the Daluo immortal world are in an open and secret battle. This is a vortex of power. If he participates in it, if he is noticed by the heavenly court, he will be burned.

"Director Jiang, this matter will indeed take a lot of risk for you. If you need Zhong Kui's help, just say it."

Jiang Lin was indecisive, but Zhong Kui could understand. For Jiang Lin, his request was no longer as simple as contributing, and he would also bear the risk of being targeted by Heaven.

If it is simply to contribute, he believes that Jiang Lin will definitely agree, but if it is to take the risk of becoming the enemy of the heavenly court, let alone Jiang Lin, even himself, he has to think twice.

"Judge Zhong, I don't know if you have heard of Danhuo Tianjun?"

Jiang Lin did not immediately agree, but asked Zhong Kui if he knew Danhuo Tianjun who had the wishful jewel.

"I do know this. He was an immortal who only cultivated a hundred years ago and entered the heavenly court. What are you asking about this?"

"Is it an angel?"

Jiang Lin pursed his lips. Although he had guessed that Tianjun Danhuo might not be an ordinary cultivator, he did not expect that the other party was actually an immortal.

Then he wants to get the wishful jewel from the other party's hand, and the difficulty can be imagined.

"In this way, Judge Zhong, Jiang can agree to your request, but I need to get the wishful pearl in the hands of Danhuo Tianjun, look..."

Jiang Lin smiled, if Zhong Kui could help him get the wishful jewel, he would agree to what Zhong Kui mentioned.

Originally, he went to Daluo Immortal Realm to make a breakthrough, and he should avoid getting involved in any struggle vortex, but now he can't get the objects needed to break through by himself, then he just doesn't want to be involved in the vortex, and it's no better. 's choice.

"Well... that's ok. I remember that more than [-] years ago, Tianjun Danhuo was angry with Wutian because he married a woman in the mortal world, causing his wife to die in a catastrophe. I'm afraid Tianjun Danhuo treated Wutian early. If he is dissatisfied, I should be able to convince him to hand over the wish-fulfilling jewel."

After thinking for a moment, Zhong Kui agreed to Jiang Lin's request, which should not be difficult for him.

"The eight people who were demoted are now in Jiangliu County. They have been demoted by Heavenly Court into villains who have done a lot of evil. They are called the Eight Ghosts by the locals. Eternal fall into the animal realm. Even if I am in charge of the reincarnation of the sentient beings in Daluo Immortal Realm, I cannot force their fate. It is estimated that there will be less than half a year before they are robbed. You can go to Jiangliu County first, so as to avoid the sudden appearance. , was noticed by Heavenly Court."

Zhong Kui suggested that Jiang Lin would leave soon, and serve as an apprentice to the executioner Yuan Detai of Jiangliu County as his teacher.

"No problem, I'll go over when this is over."

Jiang Lin nodded, since he agreed to Zhong Kui, he naturally had no objection to Zhong Kui's suggestion.

"By the way, Judge Zhong, I've always had doubts, the Daluo Immortal Realm should have been completely separated from our world, why are there other people who look exactly the same as those who have cultivated three thousand phantom bodies? Also has the same face as my wife."

After the business was over, Jiang Lin asked about the doubts in his heart, about Qing'er and Bai Min'er.

"Daluo Immortal Realm does have people who look just like us. When Daluo Immortal Realm was beaten and separated, many people died. When Da Luo Immortal Realm was involved in the gap between time and space, some corpses also followed. After these corpses absorbed the spirit of the fairy, they were resurrected from the dead, but their souls were condensed by the spirit of the fairy. And their original souls were reincarnated because they left the body and went to the underworld. Therefore, there are exactly the same people in the two worlds. ."

Zhong Kui answered Jiang Lin's doubts. The people on both sides who looked exactly the same were all separated from the corpse and soul. The corpse was nourished by the spirit of the immortal spirit in the Daluo Immortal Realm, and the soul was revived, while the original soul was in the Middle-earth world. The underworld was reincarnated as a human.

And such a thing?

Only then did Jiang Lin clear the doubts in his heart.

Chapter [-]: Carefully sail the ship for ten thousand years

"Ahem, Judge Zhong, I have another request. You can check with me if my other wives have any counterparts in Daluo Immortal Realm."

"Small things, tell me their names."

Zhong Kui agreed directly, and to check if a few people had counterparts in the Daluo Immortal Realm, for him, it only took a little effort.

Jiang Lin has already promised to help him, and he still doesn't care about this trivial matter.

"Chen Yu, Ren Tingting, Ren Zhuzhu, Li Jingjing, Li Yingqi..."


Zhong Kui listened to Jiang Lin's cross talk, the smile on his face gradually solidified, then the smile disappeared completely, and finally his face was blackened.

"I said Director Jiang, you just need to mention the people close to you. How many of them are younger brothers and sisters? Just tell me their names, don't ask me to check them out."

Zhong Kui was really convinced, and let him check it out no problem. Second uncle, Jiang Lin reported more than [-] names in one breath, and he even had a foreign name. He had to check it out in the year of the monkey and the month of the horse?

"Uh...they're all my wives."

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