Jiang Lin laughed dryly, he really didn't report any of the seven aunts and eight aunts indiscriminately.


There are at most ten people in a family, but what about your family of thirty or forty?

Zhong Kui's face was smeared with ashes from the bottom of the pot.

None of the names in Jianglin News are relatives, they are all family members!

Knowing that Jiang Lin had so many wives, he would not have agreed.

But now that he agreed, Zhong Kui could only pinch his nose to admit it.

"Okay, Director Jiang, if there is a result, I will inform you in the form of a dream, and we will not meet for the time being. If you are targeted by Heaven in the future, it will not be a big problem. At that time, someone will help you secretly, if you see him, there is no need to be too surprised."

"Okay, since that's the case, then Jiang will leave first."

Jiang Lin bowed his hands to Zhong Kui and left the Nether Hall.

After returning to Daluo Immortal Realm, Jiang Lin paced the room.

This time, he is going to pretend to be an ordinary person and worship an executioner as his teacher.

This is also quite bizarre.

Bye bye.

Jiang Lin shook his head with a smile. What Zhong Kui said, he also had an elder relationship with him, but they didn't go to each other's ancestors.

According to Zhong Kui, the executioner of Jiangliu County, Yuan Detai, was a friend of Zhong Kui in his previous life and helped Zhong Kui when he occupied the underworld.

In addition to taking care of Zhong Kui's confidants, even Yuan Detai was also punished. In this life, Yuan Detai has become a man who killed a lot of crimes. Such a person will have nothing to do after death.

This time, Zhong Kui not only wanted the Eight Immortals to escape the control of Heaven, but also asked Jiang Lin to help Yuan Detai.

Since Yuan Detai and Zhong Kui had such a relationship, Jiang Lin felt that it was okay for him to worship Yuan Detai as his teacher, and he was not really a teacher.

"However, before that, you have to stay behind. Be careful to sail the ship for ten thousand years."

Jiang Lin murmured, he was going to arrange a few teleportation circles in the secret place of Da Luo Xianjie.

In the past, he had such a plan. Once he encountered a powerful monk or evil spirit with evil intentions, he could instantly escape from the dangerous area.

It's just that Jiang Lin has always been on the periphery of the human city circle, and it is not suitable for setting up a teleportation circle.

Now, he is about to take a risk, so he must learn about rabbits and come to a cunning rabbit.

Not only to protect himself, but Qing'er and Gu Mengxue, he would also take them there and hide them.

He will take these two stunning twins home in the future. If he is implicated because of him, he will be really distressed to the point of madness.

That night, Yan Ying held a grand banquet in the villa to celebrate Jiang Lin.

After the banquet was over, Yan Ying presented Jiang Lin with the sun-catching ring of the villa and his hands of Dafa.

Jiang Lin bled and sweated for their Gujian Villa, and almost lost his life several times. Now that Jiuyou Ghost Zun has been destroyed, the inheritance of the villa has no meaning. Yan Ying simply sent it out as a thank you gift. .

The next day, Jiang Lin said goodbye to Yan Ying and everyone in the villa and left Gujian Villa.

As for Qing'er and Gu Mengxue, they also followed him on the road.

Jiang Lin had greeted Gu Mengxue long ago, while Qing'er followed him voluntarily.

"Qing'er, Mengxue, take these pills and take them every three days."

After leaving Gujian Villa, Jiang Lin took two cloth bags. The main ingredients of the pills were cold marrow, corpse poison and some forbidden medicinal materials.

This is a medicinal pill refined by Jiang Lin's method from the system, which has the effect of concealing his own existence.

From now on, he has to start hiding himself and Qing'er and the others.

More than half a month later, Jiang Lin and the others arrived at a hidden fog mountain.

It's a perfect hiding place.

Jiang Lin built a bamboo hut with green bamboo on the mountainside, and then began to dig rocks and dig the mountain and set up a teleportation circle.

It took seven or eight days for Jiang Lin to finally complete the arrangement of the teleportation formation.

"Young Master Jiang, what are these arrays for?"

In a sunny place in Yinwu Mountain, Gu Mengxue looked at Jiang Lin who was arranging the formation and asked the doubts in his heart.

She is an ordinary woman who doesn't know much about Xuanmen thaumaturgy.

During this time, Jiang Lin was busy in addition to his daily work and rest. It was not a problem after setting up the magic circle in the mountains, and now he is busy again.

"The magic circle set up before has a teleportation function. I may need to experience some dangers in the future. With the teleportation circle, once I encounter any danger, I can get out of trouble. As for the current arrangement, it is used to find your phantom body. ."

Jiang Lin explained it to Gu Mengxue, then took out a picture, handed it over, and let Gu Mengxue enter the formation: "You go inside, gather your spirit, gather your thoughts on the picture, part of the origin of your body. The yang qi will be attached to the portrait under the action of the magic circle. In the future, I can use the portrait to find those phantoms of you."

Gu Mengxue snorted and unfolded the portrait. The picture on it was her smiling face, which was vivid, almost like the photo.

"Young Master Jiang, you..."

Looking at the extremely realistic portrait in his hand, Gu Mengxue's face seemed to be smeared with rouge.

Jiang Lin painted the portrait so realistically, and he hadn't been staring at her before, didn't that mean that her whole person was deeply branded in Jiang Lin's mind?

Thinking of this, Gu Mengxue felt that her heart was beating so fast.

In her opinion, the portrait Jiang Lin gave her already showed Jiang Lin's heart for her.

"What am I?"

Jiang Lin smiled and looked at Gu Mengxue.

"You are so talented."

Gu Mengxue walked into the formation with a blushing face.

However, she couldn't calm down at all now. Jiang Lin took a portrait of her to express herself and made her concentrate. It's not obvious.

"You...you don't want to be here, I can't concentrate."

Gu Mengxue could only let Jiang Lin out of her sight, otherwise, she could only sit in the magic circle.


Jiang Lin nodded. During this time, he was busy leaving behind his own hands, and he had not read the daily Dafa that Yan Ying gave him.

Taking advantage of the time now, he plans to practice a bit. If he can improve his mental strength, it will also be helpful for the next journey.

Chapter [*]: Dafa Day by Day

After leaving the charm on his body to protect Gu Mengxue, Jiang Lin returned to the bamboo house.

"It seems that this daily Dafa must be thoroughly mastered in a short period of time."

Jiang Lin opened the scriptures and checked the contents of the daily practice. According to the above description, the main function of the daily practice is to invoke the essence of the great sun in the sun-catching ring, and the training of the practitioner's mental strength is only a secondary function.

The essence of the Great Sun contained in the Sun Seizing Ring is different from ordinary energy. If any spiritual power comes into contact with it, it will be smelted into nothingness. Only with spiritual thoughts can it be mobilized.

This great sun essence is like a very special kind of radiant energy.

Since Jiang Lin knew the classification of the soul level, there was such a guess.

If you practice spiritual thoughts, you will build seven rainbow bridges, which are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, and purple, and then build the Niwan Palace. The palace is also known as the Purple Palace.

And the seven colors of the rainbow bridge are the color light formed by the scattering of sunlight.

Therefore, based on the scientific knowledge he had learned, Jiang Lin guessed that what was captured by the sun ring should be a very special light wave energy.

Ordinary power can't sway this energy.

However, these are not important, the important thing is that he must fully understand the Dafa of the day as soon as possible.

"Young Master Jiang, are you really leaving in a few days?"

At this time, Qing'er, who went to the town outside the mountain to buy ingredients, came back. Jiang Lin would be leaving in a few days, so she wanted to improve the food for Jiang Lin, so she didn't have to eat wild fruits in the mountains all day.

"I'm leaving, but it shouldn't be long before I come back, maybe a year or two."

"A year or two long?"

Qing'er pouted and asked her to wait so long to meet her lover again, but she would have to experience the pain of longing.

"Then tell me about the affair between you and that lady, is she really exactly the same as me?"

Qing'er never doubted what Jiang Lin said, but now that she wanted to identify with Jiang Lin, she was a little worried, worried that she would be deceived as soon as she became emotional.

"Can I still lie to you?"

Jiang Lin walked to Qing'er's side, bent down and pressed his forehead against Qing'er's head.

A few days ago, when he was sorting out the dead body meridians in his body, he tried to open up a few branches. At that time, he obtained the same ability as Xuan Kui - thinking representation.

This ability can not only display their thoughts and memories in the form of images, but also directly transmit them to others through physical contact.

Jiang Lin sent into Qing'er's mind the memory of himself and Bai Min'er getting to know each other and finally getting together.

It's exactly the same as me, Young Master Jiang, he didn't lie.

After Qing'er got these memories, she finally breathed a sigh of relief. From the beginning, Jiang Lin never lied to her, and what she said was true.

Thinking of his encounter with Jiang Lin, Qing'er's face showed shyness. Jiang Lin had been honest with her since the first time he met her.

"Sister Min'er, she came together with you, Young Master Jiang. Qing'er has the same face as her and met you. This is... it's destiny. Actually... Qing'er met you that night. , I had a dream, in the dream, Qing'er got married, and the one who lifted Qing'er's hijab was... it was you."

After saying this, Qing'er turned into an extra-large red apple and looked at Jiang Lin eagerly.

After that, she looked around, waved her hands to close the doors and windows, and untied the tie around her waist.

Since Jiang Lin didn't lie to her, and she looked exactly like Mrs. Jiang Lin, then it would be a matter of course, and she didn't have to worry about what happened to Jiang Lin and Gu Mengxue.

Jiang Lin took Qing'er into his arms.

The breeze blowing outside the bamboo house, the green leaves swaying, is a scene full of spring.

"Xianggong, tomorrow you go to buy a red candle wedding dress and a phoenix crown, you need to have a name."

"Then go to church tomorrow."

Jiang Lin stroked Qing'er's messy hair, kissed her forehead, then left the bamboo house and closed the door.

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