"Master, I'm going to cook for you."

"I'll be here in a while. The fresh rice is cooked into white rice. What kind of rice are you cooking? Give me a rest and eat when I wake up."

Jiang Lin kissed Qing'er's cherry lips, carried her to the bed, and went back to his room.

He had to ease his mental fatigue, and just now, a system sound came from his mind.

Now that he has absorbed some of the Sun's essence in the Sun Harvesting Ring, it is enough to support the balance between the corpse and the Tao body, and he can upgrade the body refining technique.

"Hee hee, I haven't worshipped this yet, so take care of me like that."

Qing'er looked at Jiang Lin's back and covered her cheeks, her face filled with happiness.

Since she was born and cultivated, she has never met a man who treats her so well.

Moreover, in the memories that Jiang Lin passed on to her, Bai Miner was regarded as a darling by Jiang Lin. Now that she and Jiang Lin had gone to the bridal chamber first, her treatment from then on would definitely not be worse than Bai Miner.

"Go to sleep."

Jiang Lin smiled at Qing'er, then closed the door, sat cross-legged on the bamboo bed, and called out the system interface.

Jiang Lin (codename zero): the seventeenth generation disciple of Maoshan Chendao School

Physique: Brutal body

Cultivation Realm: Celestial Master

Corpse level: Mao Zong

Soul level: the fourth floor of the Hongqiao realm

Exercise: Yanri Jue (not getting started)

Body Refinement: Hair Stiffness (not getting started), Liangyi Palm (perfect)

Divine Refinement: Daily Dafa (Beginner)

Mysterious Art: Jinwu Shuyang (Introduction), Ruiyang Xuanguang (Introduction), Yang Finger Sword (Completion), Ossification Sword (Fifth Stage - [-]st Layer), Huayuan Escape Technique (Introduction), Escape from Service (Introduction) +

Talismans: Yang Yang Talisman (Perfect), Breathing Talisman (Perfect), Frozen Talisman (Level [-])+

Spells: Secret Poison Slave Mantra (Completion), Six Yang Soul Mantra (Xiaocheng), Sedentary Mantra (Beginner)

Formation/Enchantment: Flying Dragon Seven-Star Formation (Mastered), Seven-Star Xuanji Formation (Mastered), Traceability Formation (Mastered), Immortals and Death Bureau (Unmastered), Ten Absolutes Formation (Unmastered)+

Corpse Ability: Invisibility, Levitation, Short-range Teleport, Limb Extension +

Violence: [-]

"Huh? The main interface has changed."

Jiang Lin looked at the system interface in front of him and was stunned for a moment. The interface displayed now is quite different from the previous one.

The system classifies all the talismans, spells, and spell formations that he has studied.

Even the corpse's ability has been moved to the main interface.

I rely on!

Immortal Bureau?Ten bests?

Jiang Lin's eyes widened suddenly, and then he immediately pointed to him.

These two formations, in terms of the power of killing, are not much worse than the flying dragon seven-star formation.

If it is supplemented by the system, then his means will be able to make a qualitative leap.

"The system reminds that, to open the upgrade block, you need to consume [-] Violent Qi."

However, the prompt given by the system made Jiang Lin feel as if a basin of cold water had been thrown on his head.

These are not upgradeable!

If you want to upgrade, you have to open the upgrade column, and spend... a huge amount of money.

Jiang Lin pouted, it's too expensive!

Just to open the upgrade permission, it costs [-] for a single, which is not counting the cost of subsequent upgrades.

But after thinking about it, Jiang Lin felt that he was a bit greedy. Even in the era of monks in Middle-earth, the formations such as the Immortals Bureau and the Shijue Formation were ranked high among the formations.

It's not that easy to get it.

In addition to the Immortals Bureau and the Ten Absolutes Array, other new formations and spells that appear on the system interface basically cannot be upgraded directly.

"If you don't go up, you won't go up. I'll figure it out for myself."

Jiang Lin directly dismissed his thoughts, his current balance of anger value is not much, not enough for him to spend freely.

Don’t look at nearly [-], but when he leaves, he will take Baoyi Qing’er and Gu Mengxue with him, which will cost [-] points. Apart from them, Gu Mengxue’s other phantoms don’t know how many , he had to keep some spares.

In this way, there is not much arrogance to support him.

"Bone sword, upgrade!"

Jiang Lin clicked on the ossified sword in the Xuanshu catalogue, and raised the skeleton sword by two levels.

It has been more than ten years since he last upgraded the Zhengbone Sword. In the Da Luo Immortal Realm, the spiritual energy is strong, and it also has a nourishing effect on the Zhengbone Sword. It is still possible to upgrade to two levels.

After that, Jiang Lin looked at the Heavenly Corpse Transformation in the Body Refinement Technique. Now that he could level up, he planned to order as much as he could.

After going through the battle with Jiuyou Ghost Venerable, Jiang Lin found that the help provided by his vitality was higher than some of his tyrannical methods.

Although he can perform corpse transformation, he can also gain powerful vitality, but if he performs some Taoist arts, he cannot enjoy the bonus brought by the corpse.

For example, in the process of casting the Golden Crow's Yang Yang, if he is headed by a sword, then he will basically be a gg.

Therefore, before the corpse and the Tao body are not completely compatible, he has to keep the body refining technique.

If it was in Middle-earth, Jiang Lin might consider upgrading others first, but in Daluo Immortal Realm, he must think of the worst and plan for the worst.


Jiang Lin directly turned on the touch screen connection mode.

It's so expensive.

Jiang Lin's heart was dripping with blood. The first level of hair stiffness required [-] points of suffocation, and each level increased by [-] points.

This time, he directly raised Mao Zongzi to level five, and he lost [-] in one go.

It is estimated that after breaking the boundary, it will take so much to upgrade the Yanri Art.

"The long-lost sourness, the long-lost taste."

Jiang Lin twitched the corner of his mouth, his corpse poison automatically entered his flesh and blood, and corpse hairs grew out of his body, and then these hairs retracted into his skin and flesh like steel needles.

Nearly [-] pores on his body were like this, and this severe pain made him paralyzed in the end.

Even more outrageous, after these corpse hairs entered the flesh and blood, they began to fork and took root in Jianglin's flesh and blood and even their internal organs.

After being tortured for a full two hours, Jiang Lin lay on his side on the bamboo bed.

Jiang Lin moved his fingers and opened the skin on his arm. In his flesh and blood, dense silver-white lines appeared. As soon as the wound appeared, those lines shimmered, and then his wound was visible to the naked eye. The speed gradually recovered until it was the same as before.

In addition to flesh and blood, Jiang Lin could also clearly perceive that the false heart that he was recovering was also growing rapidly.

Fortunately, the sin was not in vain.

Seeing the self-healing ability of his body, Jiang Lin laughed. If his body had such resilience and vitality, then his corpse ability could be hidden and used as a backstop.

If he encounters Old Ancestor Black Bear again, even if the other party is not blind, he estimates that he will be able to hold on to Old Ancestor Black Bear for a short period of time, and he might even make that guy fall into a more ruthless somersault than blindness.

Chapter [-] Only children make choices

When he was no longer tired, Jiang Lin left the room, and seeing Qing'er sleeping in his own room, he left the bamboo house directly.

In a couple of days, he will leave for Jiangliu County, and he will stay in Jiangliu County for half a year.So, he decided to go to the town to buy a map.

When he was in Gujian Villa, Yan Ying didn't ask much about his origins, but he was going to apprentice, where he was from, and the situation at home, he would definitely be asked again.

And if it is really targeted by Heavenly Court in the future, Heavenly Court will definitely go to investigate.

It was with this in mind that Jiang Lin planned to go to the other direction of Jiangliu County first, find a relatively secluded town or village to stay for a while, and settle the issue of his household registration.

If the Heavenly Court really investigates it in the future, he will only be confused by his tricks and tricks, and he will not be able to find it here.

In addition to this consideration, Jiang Lin also needed a map to find the location of the rest of Gu Mengxue's phantom bodies.

As long as Gu Mengxue's side went well, the portraits would be able to mark their locations directly on the map.

By the way, let's see how Mengxue is doing.

Jiang Lin took the way to the land of Shengyang where Gu Mengxue was located.

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