Tomorrow he will go to church with Qing'er, and since that's the case, then Gu Mengxue's marriage, he plans to do it together.

Now Gu Mengxue already knows his intentions, and in the future, he will definitely take Gu Mengxue along with him.

Since you have to go through the process sooner or later, it is better to have a double happiness.

Jiang Lin felt that as long as he opened his mouth to mention it, Gu Mengxue [*]% would be half-pushed.

As for whether he would like to marry Qing'er, Jiang Lin would not consider it.

If he wants to, he will, if he doesn't want to, he will be the overlord.

"Master Jiang, I think it should be a success. Before, I felt a feeling of being stripped from my body, and then a halo appeared on this portrait."

Seeing Jiang Lin's arrival, Gu Mengxue got up and gave him the portrait.

Jiang Lin confirmed the method and put the portrait away. This method did have an effect.

"Mengxue, I'm leaving the day after tomorrow, and it's estimated that I won't be back in a year and a half. Will you marry me? We'll get married tomorrow."

Jiang Lin grabbed Gu Mengxue's wrist. This was the first time he took the initiative to propose marriage.

"Ah? Young Master Jiang, you... I..."

Gu Mengxue was a little caught off guard, but Jiang Lin actually proposed to her.

A pair of bright eyes looked at Jiang Lin's face, and after a long time, Gu Mengxue nodded slightly.

She was rescued by Jiang Lin, and now she has no relatives, and she doesn't know how to live alone. Now that a man wants to give her a home and take care of her for the rest of her life, she has nothing against it.

The most important thing is that this man is the benefactor who saved her from the yoke and let her escape from the clutches regardless of his life.

Jiang Lin took Gu Mengxue into his arms, and then took her to the town.

Gu Mengxue was like a dream all the way, and he didn't notice that the wedding dress and phoenix crown that Jiang Lin bought were double copies.

At dusk, Qing'er woke up. She saw Jiang Lin busy in the kitchen. Just as she was about to go over to act like a spoiled child, she found that Jiang Lin and Gu Mengxue were flirting with each other.

"Jiang Lin, I hate you!"

Qing'er cried and ran out.

"I'm going out."

Jiang Lin explained to Gu Mengxue and went out to chase Qing'er.

"Heartless man, you only want someone else, and when you turn around, you flirt with other women."

Qing'er was pulled by Jiang Lin and struggled indiscriminately, but she still couldn't resist Jiang Lin and was pulled into his arms by Jiang Lin.

"Okay, don't make trouble."

Jiang Lin was bitten on the shoulder by Qing'er, and when Qing'er was finished, Jiang Lin patted her on the back.

"I won't go with you, I'll go with her, you choose one! Otherwise, if I go, even if I'm pregnant with your flesh and blood, I'll tell him that he has no father."

Qing'er looked at Jiang Lin stubbornly, she would never have another man in the future, and if she had a child, she would not let the child recognize Jiang Lin as his father.

"Children make choices. I don't choose. I want both of you."

As he said that, Jiang Lin pasted his forehead and sent another piece of his memory.

It's about Xiaoqian and Fu Qingfeng.

"You look exactly like my wife, and so does Meng Xue."


Qing'er was dumbfounded, but Gu Mengxue actually had the same face as Jiang Lin's wife.

"This is impossible."

Qing'er looked at Jiang Lin suspiciously, how could there be such a thing, when you meet a beautiful woman, you are the same as your wife?

"If you don't believe me, I swear to the sky, if this is fake, I will be smashed by Jiuxiao Thunder..."


Qing'er quickly covered Jiang Lin's mouth to prevent him from swearing.

"But why didn't you tell me before? What did you hide from me? People... they gave you everything."

"I said it, and you don't believe it. No one would believe this kind of thing. Otherwise, why would I take my life to save Mengxue? No matter how beautiful a woman is, no matter how beautiful a woman is, no matter how beautiful she is, no matter how much she falls in love at first sight. Maybe it's less than a day after we meet, so don't even die for it."

Jiang Lin spread his hands, how many would believe such a thing?


Qing'er wanted to refute, but she found that there was nothing wrong with what Jiang Lin said.

If Jiang Lin told her that Gu Mengxue was exactly the same as his wife, then she would definitely think Jiang Lin was bluffing.

Even her own situation will be denied by her, and she will alienate Jiang Lin, the "nonsense basket".

"I originally planned to tell you when I was going to the church, but I'm not actually from the Daluo Immortal Realm..."

Jiang Lin told Qing'er about his origins. He already had a relationship with Qing'er. Sooner or later, these things would have to be explained to Qing'er.

Besides, he also told Qinger about Gu Mengxue, Xiaoqian and Fu Qingfeng.

"You said that Sister Min'er and I were a long time ago. One was the body and the other was the reincarnation of the soul? Meng Xue is the main body of Yang Nu, and your other two ladies are Yang Nu phantoms?"

It took a while for Qing'er to straighten out these seemingly unreal things.

Jiang Lin is not a person from the Da Luo Immortal Realm, he came here to break through the realm.

And between the two worlds, there are similar people, and they happen to be Jiang Lin's wife.

What a coincidence that his mother opened the door for Qiao - Qiao arrived home.

"Yes, so now, both of you, I want both, how do you want me to choose?"

"That's all it takes."

After a while, Qing'er pouted, and now she can't let Jiang Lin choose.

Although she herself is the same as Bai Min'er, Gu Mengxue also has the same situation.

Chapter [*] Continuing the Brotherhood of Teachers (Part [*])

"I hate you. At the beginning of the co-authoring, you had such an idea. are still watching people compete with Mengxue to get jealous."

Qing'er lightly beat Jiang Lin's heart, she felt ashamed when she thought that she had been fighting with Gu Mengxue in the mountain forest when she was jealous.

Jiang Lin must have been watching their jokes at that time.

"Okay, don't make trouble, my little Qinger."

Jiang Lin picked Qing'er up in his arms and went all the way back to the bamboo house.

"Mengxue doesn't know these things yet, I didn't tell her, I'm going to take her back later and give her a surprise. You guys are waiting for me here, don't make any conflicts, your sister Miner and Xiaoqian Qingfeng are two sisters. There has never been any friction. After the worship, the two of you have to be peaceful."

"Xianggong, people listen to you, can't you just not play your temper?"

With a distressed look on her face, Qing'er took a small medicine bottle containing cold marrow from her arms and smeared the medicine on the bite wound on Jiang Lin's shoulder.

The next day, Jiang Lin set up the bamboo house. The entire bamboo house was decorated with lights inside and outside. Although it was only Jiang Lin and the three of them, there was not a lot of festive atmosphere.

After Gu Mengxue knew that Qing'er was going to worship together, she didn't reject her too much. After all, she was just a child of an ordinary family, and she had no special requirements in this regard.

Daluo Xianjie is like the ancient times of Middle-earth, and it is very common for a man to have more than one partner.

"Qing'er, Mengxue, there are all the daily necessities in here. If you have nothing to do, don't go out, so as not to make me anxious."

Early the next morning, Jiang Lin took Qing’er and Gu Mengxue to the mountain with the teleportation formation, explaining that they must protect themselves, and left the charm spirit in the ancient mirror to guard them.

Under the tears of the two daughters, Jiang Lin went out of the cave and wiped out all the traces of people around him. After that, he rode the Rijin Wheel to the north of Jiangliu County.

More than ten days later, Jiang Lin stayed in a small town called Cang'er Town for half a month to get acquainted with the local customs. After that, Jiang Lin spent a few days exploring the surrounding scenic spots. After Qian Cai got the household registration, he went straight to Jiangliu County.

"Have you heard that the Ghost Eight Immortals seem to have come to our Jiangliu County."

"Is that the Eight Immortals who murdered like numb?"

"What are you afraid of? As long as you are caught, you will never escape Jin Dao Yuan's law enforcement Jin Dao. Once they are taken to the court, there is no reason for them to live."

"Twenty-five, aren't you going to worship the golden sword Yuan as your teacher? You have a lot of physical strength in your hands. That golden sword Yuan is about to kill thousands of people. If you can inherit his mantle, maybe his beautiful girl Qiaoyin is also yours."

Jiang Lin was walking on the mountain road, and in front of him, a group of four were talking about the Eight Immortals.

Huh?Why is there a familiar voice?

Jiang Lin was quite familiar with the voice of a young man among the four in front. It happened that he also wanted to know the specific situation of Jiangliu County and Yuan Detai, so he stepped up to catch up.

"Several brothers, are you all from Jiangliu County?"

Jiang Lin called out, and the four of them turned around when he heard the sound. Jiang Lin was stunned for a moment when he saw the person who sounded familiar to him.

Met an acquaintance again.

The young man who was called [*] by his companions was actually when Qiu Sheng was young.

"We are all from Jiangliu County, listen to your accent, don't look like the locals."

Twenty-five rushed to Jiang Lin and cupped his hands, and glanced at Jiang Lin.

"I'm from Cang'er Town in the north. I wounded someone with the wrong hand, and I was afraid of being caught by the government, so I escaped. Now I have no relatives, and I want to find an errand. I just heard a few people say that Jin Dao Yuan is looking for someone to inherit the mantle, and also wants to try his luck, is that Jin Dao Yuan a martial artist?"

After being surprised for a while, Jiang Lin also greeted Erwu and the others, and talked about his origins. At the same time, he also wanted to confirm whether the golden sword Yuan they were talking about was the executioner Yuan Detai.

"You have been caught by the government for injuring people with the wrong hand. It seems that your strength is not weak. Jin Dao Yuan is not a martial artist, but a torturer who beheaded people in the execution ground. But if you want to worship Jin Dao Yuan as your teacher, that arm With the strength, you must be able to pull a thousand-pound bow."

Erwu smiled, and lit up his biceps at Jiang Lin: "If you can't beat me, then you don't have to think about worshipping Yuan as your teacher. It's more realistic to find a brick factory to move bricks."

Does this have a relationship with me as a teacher and brother?

I'm sorry, Qiusheng was thrown away by me, and you probably have the same fate.

Jiang Lin laughed in his heart, he was going to worship Yuan Detai as his teacher, and this [*] actually went too.

Then he can only go ahead and be embarrassed.

It is estimated that what happened after the second or fifth year was not as good as the previous Qiusheng.

At any rate, his cultivation base was low in the past. At that time, although Qiu Sheng was not up to his expectations, the gap had not yet reached the point where it could not be measured.

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