Jiang Lin felt very relieved. His mission this time needed to destroy the ghosts and eight immortals. Even if it didn't really make them disappear, it would be almost the same.

Moreover, Yuan Detai asked him to behead Yu Canhua's head.

After killing his parents-in-law, do you still have to kill his wife?

The first thousand four hundred and thirty-five chapters kill each other before falling in love

This is not right!

Jiang Lin's thoughts were blocked. Yu Canhua used to work under Zhong Kui's hands, and he asked Zhong Kui to check if his wife had a counterpart in Daluo Immortal Realm.

He also reported the names of Xiaoqian and Fu Qingfeng.

Since Zhong Kui had checked it out, he shouldn't have known that Jade Remnant Flower is also a phantom body of a masculine girl.

Jiang Lin couldn't understand why Zhong Kui didn't inform him of this situation in advance.

Now not only Xiaoqian and Fu Qingfeng, but even Gu Mengxue, the protagonist of the masculine girl, has become his wife, and he will definitely want all the other phantoms.

Gu Mengxue is the main body of Yang Nv, and her will represents Yang Nv's choice. Since she has become Jiang Lin's woman, other phantom bodies have to be willing if they don't want to.

If they don't want to, they can't do it. If they don't want to, that is to make Jiang Lin a tauren.

Second uncle's, Zhong Kui didn't tell me, so I was mentally prepared.

Someone who loves my wife so much, let me kill my fiancee now?

Jiang Lin greeted Zhong Kui with all his might.

In fact, Zhong Kui was also quite wronged. He had never seen Yangnv on the Sun. Even when he went to help Jiang Lin to check, he just used the information to check. He had never seen what Xiaoqian and Fu Qingfeng looked like.

Not to mention that Yu Canhua has a relationship with Jiang Lin's wife.

When Jiang Lin was stunned, on the other side, Yu Canhua glanced at him with resentment in his eyes.

Before, when Yuan Detai beheaded her three righteous brothers, she was watching from a distance upstairs.

Therefore, she felt very resentful towards Jiang Lin and Erwu.

As soon as her delicate body turned, Yu Canhua kicked the prison cart under her feet and threw out a dart.

Immediately, many of the officials around were either dead or disabled.

Many darts shot at Erwu and Jiang Lin.

Nima is outrageous!

Jiang Lin flashed over, feeling even more tired.

I finally saw the phantom body of my wife, but they killed each other before they fell in love with each other.

And what made him a little unacceptable was that Yu Canhua was a very bad girl.

I don't know how much blood was on my hands.

However, Jiang Lin felt better when he thought that Yu Canhua and the other Seven Immortals became such people because their destiny was controlled by Heavenly Court.

In order to make them pigs and dogs in the next life, Heavenly Court made them treacherous people in this life.

But even so, Jiang Lin had enough headaches.

In the past, none of his wives were not good enough.

But this time I met Yu Canhua, who was still a villain, and was regarded as an enemy by others.

What's going on here?

To influence her with love?

Probation is so useless, I have to cut off her beautiful head.

If you don't do it, Jade Remnant Flower will not be able to liberate, and will enter the animal realm in the next life.

After struggling for a while, Jiang Lin rushed forward to stop Yu Canhua from saving Zhu Qi.

Kill your future wife.

Otherwise, Zhu Qi might have escaped.

This guy is like a white mouse, rolling in the cage, driving the cage to roll over the officials.


In the faint light, Yu Canhua's eyes shone with cold light, and greeted all parts of Jianglin with a long sword.

I am your future husband.

Jiang Lin's expression was quite ugly. Yucun was trying to kill him with tricks and tricks, and he was very poisonous, wanting him to be a eunuch.

Do you do this, is Meng Xue willing?Is Xiaoqian willing?Qingfeng willing?

After Jiang Lin stopped Yu Canhua, Zhao Zhaotou and Erwu went to control Zhu Qi.

"Eighth sister, it's enough if you have the heart, let's go, you can't save me! When my brother is killed, it's up to you to avenge us!"

Seeing that Jiang Lin was defenseless enough to entangle Yu Canhua without falling behind, Zhu Qi knew that Yu Canhua was unable to save him this time, so he simply let Yu Canhua leave, so as not to be caught together.

"Get out of here!"

Yu Canhua snorted and attacked Jiang Lin with all her strength.

Jiang Lin did not intend to hurt Yu Canhua, nor did he intend to capture her, but he did not retreat, and kept preventing her from approaching the prison car.

Jiang Lin really couldn't bear it, but the main reason was that he didn't want to be too special.

You must know that the information he shows to others is that he has basically never learned kung fu before.

It would be unreasonable if he could capture Jade Remnant Flower with a weapon in his hand after learning the boxing skills for half a year in the Yuan family.

At this moment, he only needs to hibernate steadily in the Yuan family.

In the end, Yu Canhua saw that Zhu Qi's cage had been reloaded into the prison cart, and other officials were approaching, so she could only give up this rescue plan.

"I will remember you. In the future, I will swear by Yu Canhua that I will make you cramp and peel!"

Before Yu Canhua left, she left a message to Jiang Lin in an angry, hoarse voice.

"Jiang Lin, it's really yours, if you hadn't stopped Yu Canhua, I'm afraid Zhu Qi would have been rescued by her. I didn't expect you to come to Jiangliu County and learn the skills from Big Brother Jin Dao Yuan for half a year. With a bit of his presence."

Zhao Zhaotou came to Jiang Lin and praised him for his achievements this time. After that, he sighed again and said, "It's just a pity that the time has turned from dusk to night, and we have not been able to see what this female devil looks like. Yes, otherwise, as soon as the wanted notice is sent out, it will be rectified soon."

Jiang Lin didn't listen to Zhao Zhaotou very much, and now he wanted to ask Zhong Kui if there was another way to cut off the karma from Yu Canhua's body, which was controlled by Heavenly Court.

He really couldn't bear to let him slash the jade flower with a knife.

At the beginning, when he met Gu Mengxue who was exactly like Xiao Qian and Fu Qingfeng in the lake, his heartache was unbearable.

What's more, now, he wants to behead Yu Canhua himself.

Although Yu Canhua has become a villain, this is not her original intention, because she is controlled by the heaven.

"Zhao Zhaotou, let's deal with the endgame and escort Zhu Qi to the county town as soon as possible."

Because Erwu didn't play a big role, he wanted Zhao Zhaotou to send Zhu Qi back to Jiangliu County as soon as possible.

He is going to behead Zhu Qi, and if he is beheaded as soon as possible, he will be able to straighten up at the Yuan family as soon as possible.

At that time, he will be able to propose a kiss to Yuan Detai with full anger.

Zhao Zhaotou nodded, deployed immediately, and continued on his way.

The next morning, the group returned to Jiangliu County.

Chapter [*] Can it be any more outrageous?

After Zhao Zhaotou ordered his subordinates to guard Zhu Qiyan, he went to Yuan's house with Jiang Lin and Erwu.

After seeing Yuan Detai, Zhao Zhaotou praised Jiang Lin again.

"Twenty-five, you are really throwing material. Look at Jiang Lin, Zhu Qi is in the cage, he can kick your ass out. Jiang Lin is still playing such a big role in the face of a jade remnant with a weapon in his hand."

Qiaoyin, who was on the side, listened to Zhao Zhaotou's remarks and scolded Twenty-five.

In fact, she was a little scared, but as long as Twenty-five was useful, there was no need to let Jiang Lin resist Yu Canhua alone.

Fortunately, Jiang Lin was not injured, otherwise, she would have scolded Erwu bloody.

"Spend more effort every day, learn from Jiang Lin, and practice when you have time."

Yuan Detai also criticized Erwu's performance this time. Usually this Erwu would not be so unbearable this time if he used his thoughts on his daughter to learn skills.

"I...I...Master, I will never let you down again about beheading Zhu Qi."

The embarrassment on Erwuyi's face, he can only hope that he will perform well at noon and regain some face.

"Master, I've been busy all day and night, so I'll go back to my room to rest first."

Jiang Lin didn't intend to listen to Yuan Detai's praise, and now he is anxious to ask Zhong Kui if there is a solution.

"Well, go and rest for a while. When it's noon, you and Erwu will go to the execution ground together. Since Yu Canhua dares to hijack the prisoner's carriage, maybe she will dare to rob the court. I will give the golden sword to the two of you. Don't ruin my reputation."


Jiang Lin nodded and went back to his room to sleep.

"Director Jiang, why are you looking for me in such a hurry?"

In the dream, Jiang Lin summoned Zhong Kui. As soon as Zhong Kui appeared, he complained to Jiang Lin. At this moment, even in the Dream Sky Realm, he should not meet Jiang Lin.

In case of being noticed by Heavenly Court, it will be in vain.

"What are you looking for? That Jade Remnant Flower, one of the Eight Immortals, is where Yang Nv's phantom body transformed, why didn't you tell me? After I break through, I want to find all Yang Nv's phantom body in this world and bring it back. , are you telling me to kill my wife with my own hands?"

Jiang Lin scolded Zhong Kui angrily, and he thought that Zhong Kui was deliberately deceiving him.

"What? Yu Canhua is the phantom body of Yang Nv? Haha... how is it so coincidental?"

Zhong Kui was stunned for a moment, and then smiled unkindly.

Jiang Lin's sentence of killing his wife really touched his laughter.

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